digital storm

Chapter 288 Chains

Chapter 288 Chains ([-])

Sometimes, there are some advantages that cannot be relied on in numbers...such as now.Norman thought it was a bit of a fuss to bring nearly 40 people to see the Red Witch, but unexpectedly, the Red Witch brought a mecha.

It is still a bit far from the temporary base of the Shadow Demon Troop, but in the Science and Technology Park, it is normal for a truck to deliver a "Mecha Sculpture".The guard inspected it and let it go. In broad daylight, it was hoisted in place with ropes under the eyes of everyone, but it attracted a lot of attention.The cost of such a high-fidelity sculpture is not low now, and several managers of the theme park also came to see it, and even called the production company to praise it.God knows, the mecha sculpture that the production company really made has been thrown into an unknown ravine.

Those who are associated with totalitarian Hefner will not notice such sideshow events.What if I noticed it?Who would have thought that the sculpture hoisted in broad daylight was actually a real mecha, and the driver was already on standby inside?
A Xuan, a pilot from the Shadow Demon Troop, was so angry in the mecha that he had been reading e-books for almost a day.Since the mecha couldn't be started, although the vents were all open, the air flow was still very slow, and the inside of the mecha was a little stuffy.Axuan is one of An Lian's personal guards, and she is also the one with the highest score in the mecha operation of the Shadow Demon Troop: 87 points - which is better than most fighters in the mecha division.In terms of endurance and patience, Ah Xuan is even more outstanding, which is why she was chosen to carry out this part of the task.However, she didn't expect that her favorite author abused the master in the novel, and the stepmother was so powerful after reading these chapters in the mecha today, a little temper was slowly drawn out.It doesn't matter until she gets angry, but now, there is only one Norman who can't be killed, and only one Grace who needs to be protected. The unscrupulous Ah Xuan completely ran away.

She jumped high and jumped straight into the crowd like a super heavyweight bomb.Exaggerated cracks appeared on the concrete floor, radiating in all directions from where she landed.She is not so violent and bloody that she tramples people to death, but it is not much better. In fact, sitting in the mecha often does not understand the color of the things outside, which makes the pilots more resistant to violent scenes. many.

When Axuan pulled out the battle blade and swept away, she didn't think much about it.She didn't think that although the combat blade was called a blade, it didn't actually have a sharpened edge. The slightly sharper side was used to break through the armor of the mecha, and to deal with infantry... It's more appropriate to call this thing a stick.The bloody storm caused by this sweeping away made her also stunned.But it was just for a moment, her nerves were strong enough, she directly pulled out the assault pistol mounted on the side of her leg, and swept towards the enemies near and far.Assault pistols are limited in size, and there is no way to increase the caliber like the assault rifles that pilots usually use. They use small-caliber rifle ammunition from the Federation, double-barreled.This is also the configuration of the Shadow Demon Troop. The mech division has basically canceled the configuration of the assault pistol and replaced it with a grenade launcher with only five rounds of ammunition.But the Shadow Demons did not follow suit. They have their own opinions on this matter: Mecha divisions are foreign combat troops, but Shadow Demons, although they are not purely equipment testing troops, are more likely to carry out anti-terrorist missions. Bigger than the battlefield.Hitting someone with a gun grenade is too immoral.

The dense bullets swept through like a storm, knocking down several enemies.Ah Xuan didn't care about the issue of ammunition stock, and directly emptied the magazine.Seeing that Grace, the Scarlet Witch, had led Norman to retreat in the predetermined direction, she smiled with satisfaction. She grabbed all kinds of things in the theme park and threw them at the positions of people who might pose a threat.This style of play is very joyful and satisfying.

Although Grace is usually suppressed by An Lian and Lin Wenfang, it seems that Hefner is a little nervous when it comes to totalitarianism.But subduing this matter, sometimes cannot be explained in words.When An Lian asked if she could help them lure Norman out, she agreed without much hesitation.for what?Is it worthwhile to show yourself on the side of your new master?In order to drag Norman over and find a way to naturalize with Fosun Group together, so that his betrayal will no longer be alone?Or was it because An Lian and Lin Wenfang treated her very well even after they expressed their surrender?She didn't quite understand, but since she agreed, after thinking about it carefully, she said that she might need to do it herself.

She did it.Norman is indeed the number one among the organization's executive officers, but when he is frightened, it's hard to say how much this number one can be displayed.You can't kill people, but the name Red Witch is not actually because of killing people, but because her methods are a bit bloody in the final analysis.A thin metal tube was inserted into the back of Norman's shoulder, directly into the aorta.Then, she pinched one end of the metal pipe and urged Norman to go ahead.

This is the unique method of the Red Witch.The place she's pierced won't hinder your movement, but it's a metal tube.You dare not make any excessive movements at all, as long as she lets go, loosen the other end of the metal tube, the blood will spurt out like an arrow, that scene is exaggerated.More importantly, in less than 1 minute, you will lose the power to fight back due to blood loss, and in less than 3 minutes, you will die from studying too much.Norman knew the pain of dying from blood loss, and he didn't want to try that.This kind of metal tube, in a place with better medical conditions, can be controlled in less than 10 seconds with a little treatment, and the bleeding will not be much.Since the wound is so small, it's easy to heal and doesn't even feel much pain.God knows how the Scarlet Witch developed such an advanced method...

"Norman caught it too." Grace put on her earphones and said to someone who didn't know on the other end.The operation is progressing very smoothly, with Axuan driving the mecha, no one would have thought of it.It's a crazy idea, but it works.The superiority in numbers and manpower was canceled out in an instant, and even the courage of the enemy melted like ice and snow in the sun because of surprise and fear.This whole operation, she didn't even have to take too many risks, no one was taking risks.This is Lin Wenfang's plan, to make everything happen smoothly, and when people feel surprised, they actually don't have much choice but to die.

Sometimes I think about it, it's not bad to follow such a boss.Although he has very strict control over himself, the support he receives in action is completely different.

"Huh? So fast? How many people has Axuan killed?" Guan Huan was on the other end of the radio.

Thinking of this handsome baby-faced guy, Grace had mixed feelings.Guan Huan's hands are very dark, this is what she has personally learned.But when she expressed complete surrender and cooperation this time, Guan Huan immediately came to apologize, saying that at the beginning each was their master, but now they are in the same camp.Because of the need to maintain combat power, she can't let her vent her anger and go back to the Federation.Grace has never seen such a person, at least in the totalitarian Hefner's organization, such a person cannot survive.This kind of person needs to rely on the protection of others and needs a strong enough boss to cover him. He only needs to follow his own heart and use his best abilities to the limit.This kind of person will have a hard time living in the totalitarian Hefner structure.

"It's almost dead. Ah Xuan's hands are dark." Grace replied.

"Yes, yes, I can't beat her. Violent girl."

"Guan Huan, you bastard, stop talking nonsense, I'll teach you a lesson when I go back to the Federation." Naturally, Ah Xuan could hear their conversation, and Ah Xuan, who had already controlled the situation, couldn't stand being called a violent woman.

Conversations on the radio have gradually become irrelevant to missions.They just need to know that their side of the task is done.Guan Huan was also on standby, looked at the time, and suddenly asked a lot of irrelevant topics: "Where are you?"

"Exit 3, 30 meters away."

"The timing is just right. The car to send another group of people is still 1 minute away from there."

"Tsk tsk, the boss is so awesome. The timing is really accurate." A Xuan shook her head in the mecha, and couldn't help but admire.

"Yeah. Hehe." Guan Huan replied with a smile: "The mecha masters are used to it, but they don't feel much. To the enemy, we are like monsters living in the gap between time and space."

This is an appropriate description, both Grace and Axuan admired it.

After Guan Huan reported the situation to An Lian, An Lian conveyed the situation.Now, there are only two last links left in the operation: the 9903 Research Institute, and——escape.

An Lian slightly adjusted her combat uniform.During this period of time, I lived like a housewife. Although I had a lot of liaison work, it was still too leisurely in general.In addition, the couple they played would not be so real that they needed to act out certain activities together. Putting on the combat uniform again, An Lian obviously felt a little fatter.She activated the Jade Claw, then watched the ranger mech silently for a full minute before activating the mech.Then, without hesitation, she got into her mecha, closed the hatch, and took a deep breath.

"What time will you be back tonight? I cooked beef curry." She sent a text message to Lin Wenfang's cell phone that would never be suspected.

In less than a minute, the cockpit of the ranger mecha lit up.But there was still no one there.Huo Yu came. This time, she did not assist in controlling the mech under Lin Wenfang's control, but operated the mecha independently for the first time, playing the role of Lin Wenfang.No one would doubt it, because even she, An Lian, who controls the world's most powerful technology industry group and holds countless coveted patented technologies, would never have thought of the artificial intelligence in Lin Wenfang's hands. In terms of both rationality and sensibility, it is so strong that it can only be looked up to.

Combat, this is just one of the countless functions of the fire feather.If it weren't for Huo Yu, today's entire situation, such a complicated situation, would not be able to be hinged together like a chain, so mature and elegant, so relaxed and comfortable.However, fighting requires experience.Since when did Huo Yu, who can make Lin Wenfang trust in this aspect, start to fight with Lin Wenfang?from the beginning? ...

 How far was the last time it was three o'clock?Is it forever so far?

  Seeking encouragement~~ All kinds of encouragement~~
(End of this chapter)

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