Movie tycoon

Chapter 534 One hand against the sky

Chapter 534
It is said that Chen Xiaotang put one hand in the vest, with the corner of his mouth curled up, he stared at Chen Qitai imposingly, and said defiantly: "Since I recognize you, I will definitely do my best to help you, say, what are the conditions?"

With just this sentence, Chen Qi was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, Chen Qitai felt that he had always underestimated Chen Xiaotang, and only thought that he was a big star with a quick mind. Who would have thought that he would be so terrifying, with his piercing vision, and his words of insight into opportunities, Make you feel in front of him.I was almost naked, without any cover!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Qitai tried his best to activate his thinking, laughed and said: "It's very simple, since it's "Millionaire", then I hope to be able to control the bonus!"

What a big breath!
To control the 100 million bonus, you must know that the current 100 million is enough to buy a huge villa!

"I know you will be very surprised when you hear this, but I want to say that since I am the initiator and host of this show, I must make a commitment to the participating audience. I want to put the 100 million now Put it on the stage so that everyone can see it and understand that as long as you can win, you can take it away!" Chen Qitai said righteously and loudly.

Chen Xiaotang has to admit that this person is very charismatic, at least he has been infected by his passion.

"Okay, you're right!" Chen Xiaotang patted the case and said, "ATV needs people like you, who dare to think and act, and have courage! 100 million, I'll give it to you, I just hope you don't let me and Boss Qiu down. Concentrate on the variety show "Millionaire", defeat TVB's Miss Hong Kong election, and create a new miracle!"

Facing Chen Xiaotang's confession and trust, Chen Qitai also felt hot all over and head.Just ask, who can trust himself so much, directly put 100 million in his hand, and say, go, do it!
For Chen Xiaotang, he even felt an uncontrollable admiration and respect,

"I promise you, Mr. Chen. I will fulfill your wish and let the column "Millionaire" resound throughout Xiangjiang!" At that moment, Chen Qitai was excited, and Chen Xiaotang was also excited, after all, they are about to create the future of entertainment shows !

ATV is in full swing, preparing for the launch plan of "Millionaire".

"Do you want to become a millionaire? Then come and participate in ATV's prize quiz! The highest prize is as high as 100 million Hong Kong dollars! Let you become famous overnight, let you become a millionaire overnight! This is not a dream, this is reality! ATV's new "" The exciting column of "Millionaire" is about to start, and people with lofty ideals are sincerely invited to participate!"

"Do you envy other people who have cars and houses? Do you envy those rich and wealthy people? Are you still worrying about money? Then let me tell you, knowledge is power, knowledge is energy! Come on, join ATV's new program "Millionaire" , let you become a millionaire overnight! Your ideal is not a dream!"

"ATV's "Millionaire", create a new legend of Xiangjiang, create a new miracle! As long as you think you are smart enough, then please stand on this stage!"...

All kinds of provocative slogans have driven all Hong Kong people into a frenzy.

In addition, ATV's "Millionaire" program also used float parades, prime-time TV commercials, big city posters, and word-of-mouth publicity to spread the fame of this program.

People love money!

We are human, we all want to get rich!

Everyone has dreams!

Now, ATV provides them with a chance to make a fortune and realize their dreams. Can you miss it? !

"Is it true or not? You can get 100 million by participating in the quiz? Pick it, it's better than buying Liu~he~ lottery!" People in a betting shop discussed.

"Horse racing is still looking forward to the dark horse coming out of the gate, but this million-dollar quiz can immediately determine the winner, which is great!" People in a certain racecourse discussed.

"One million is waving to us, we don't have to work hard anymore, oh yeah, do it!" The guys at a certain construction site roared.

"We are all elites, if we participate in the quiz, we will definitely be selected! Come on!"...

People are crazy, crazy, perverted!Like the French army liberating the Bastille, they all rushed towards the ATV building.

The people on the ATV side were dumbfounded. They watched the flood of people coming towards the gate, and hurriedly yelled: "Line up, line up! There must be order! Be civilized and polite--damn, who stepped on me feet? I'll hit your lungs!"

Seeing that the gate couldn't stop these foolish people dreaming of getting rich, ATV had no choice but to dispatch water guns to spray these people and gradually reduce the fire!

"Rush, kill, we are the smartest! Ooh!!!"

"Don't get in my way, I'm almost a millionaire!"

"This 100 million is just for me! Who sprayed me?!"...

The water gun was so powerful that it quickly woke up the group of people.

It was only then that everyone realized that this was not about robbing banks by giving out benefits, but to sign up for a quiz with prizes, and they shouldn't be so "impulsive".

To be able to participate in the knowledge quiz shows that everyone is smart and educated. Scholars shouldn't be so barbaric and rude. They have to be graceful and elegant...

So the funny side appeared, and I saw countless drowned chickens, shaking the water droplets on the tip of their hair, and signing reports gracefully.

In an instant, a long queue formed at the gate of ATV, with extraordinary momentum.

The launch of ATV's new column greatly affected TVB's publicity for Miss Hong Kong election.In the past, at this time, the news of Miss Hong Kong's election would be talked about in the streets and alleys, but now, everyone in the streets and alleys is talking about what kind of cheating will happen in ATV's "Millionaire". , to make the dog go crazy, and make the mouse die.Guessing the questions has become a puzzle exercise to improve the intelligence of the whole people.

Inside a restaurant in Hong Kong.

"I'll ask you a question first --- A Gang immediately rushed to the hospital to visit him after he learned that his good friend A Ming had been stabbed several times in the street. After arriving at the hospital, A Gang asked A Ming: Who cut you down? A Ming said : Yes... Ma Gong... Excuse me, why did Ma Gong kill A Ming?"

"According to the calculation of Sherlock Holmes' deductive method, coupled with the traditional Chinese customs, I'm sure—Amin ate mapo tofu!"

In an office in Hong Kong.

"Please listen to the question. There are seven monkeys sitting on the tree, Kucha, two fell down, how many monkeys are left? Why..."

"There are seven left, because the 'pants' dropped two!"

At a construction site in Hong Kong.



"Family has family rules, the state has national rules, so what rules are there in the zoo?"

"All levels and levels..." Scratching his forehead, Ding Dong lit up, "Answer——Turtle!"

In short, what everyone is talking about now is intellectual problems, knowledge reserves, a person's profound culture, and a person's knowledge cultivation... As for talking about Miss Hong Kong, pick, you will be despised by people for having no future and vulgar hobbies!

Is there any mistake? At this time, you still have the mind to talk about girls?
A knife on the forehead is the most important thing to get rich!

There are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world, but this 100 million is hard to find!
We must distinguish between urgent and urgent, nine~shallow one~deep! ...

TVB never expected that ATV's counterattack would be so powerful!Even her main event, Miss Hong Kong election, was a bit difficult to parry.But it's okay, after all, there are still many lecherous people in Hong Kong, and there are also many people who want to dream of being a star.Coupled with the audience that TVB has cultivated over the years, for a while, ATV still failed to shake TVB's dominance in variety show entertainment.

But even so, ATV's surprise move made the whole TVB frightened, so that TVB had to hold a temporary meeting to discuss how to deal with ATV's massive attack.

And those who were not optimistic about the cooperation between ATV and Moying Entertainment at the beginning had to admit that Chen Xiaotang was simply a "nightmare" for many TV people.There are endless tricks, and the moves are blood-sealed, making people hard to guard against and impossible to dodge.

At this moment, the sixth aunt, Fang Yihua, is also so regretful that she "mimi hurts". If I knew this Tang Zai was so difficult, I shouldn't be so easy-going and agreed to him to help ATV... What should I do now?I had no choice but to see the tricks and make Miss Hong Kong's momentum bigger, hoping to suppress the gang of jumping clowns from ATV.

It has to be said that Wireless's underestimation of the enemy and their disregard for Chen Xiaotang made them taste the bad results again, and once again saw Chen Xiaotang's ingenious creativity.

As for the mass media, as the driving force behind this TV war, Chen Xiaotang was once again listed as a key interviewee by gossip reporters. How did he turn the world upside down?Why does he want to help ATV rise?Can wireless resist the attack of his legion?As TVB's own son, what role does Chen Xiaotang play in this TV war?
All kinds of questions and inferences put Chen Xiaotang in the tide of public opinion again.

When the bits and pieces about Chen Xiaotang merged, everyone's opinion was unbelievable, but fans and movie fans admired Chen Xiaotang even more. Just imagine, such a talented star is definitely the object of worship of many people.

Faced with such a situation, Chen Xiaotang's friends, such as Liu Dehua, Liang Chaowei, Huang Rihua and others are absolutely envious and jealous, while Fa Ge, Tan Yonglin, Zhang Guorong and others are jealous and envious!

As for the relevant personnel of Moying Entertainment, everyone is very happy. Everyone likes Chen Xiaotang. Seeing his popularity and reputation rising at the same time, they are naturally gratified.

Only one person felt very "dissatisfied", and that was Wang Jing, the fat man.

Pick, I also have my own credit here, why didn't I mention it?Also, I am much more delicate and cute, what is more frustrating than Tang Zai?Why doesn't anyone worship me? !Those beauties are blind!
In the midst of the uproar and unrest in Hong Kong, Chen Xiaotang's first screen kung fu film "The Secret of Fist of Heroes" will be released soon.Before that, Chen Xiaotang was ready to receive a movie friend from Mainland China.

And this friend is absolutely crucial to Moying Entertainment, and to Chen Xiaotang!

(End of this chapter)

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