Movie tycoon

Chapter 533: Divine Sculpture "Yin Zhiping"

Chapter 533: Divine Sculpture "Yin Zhiping" ([-] more)
It is said that Chen Xiaotang threw out this "Millionaire" project like a thunderbolt.

After all, everyone in ATV and Moying is not a vegetarian. They worked at full capacity and worked overtime. In less than a day, there was a result.

However, this result somewhat surprised Chen Xiaotang, because the "Millionaire" launch plan that he approved this time was not conceived by Moying Entertainment or ATV executives, but an account manager of ATV. Call - Chen Qitai!
That's right, this gentleman is the host of ATV's "Millionaire" program in his previous life, and he is also one of ATV's four major students, the famous highly educated talent Chen Qitai!

However, Chen Xiaotang knew him not because he had watched this variety show he hosted, but because this gentleman played Yin Zhiping in Gu Tianle's version of "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and gave Xiaolongnu blindfolded to XXOO in the woods. Chen Xiaotang's dick hurts, wishing he could give this guy to the eunuch.

To be honest, Chen Qitai is not the type of handsome guy, and he is not too ugly, but Chen Xiaotang just looks at him awkwardly, especially the way this guy wears glasses, always reminds Chen Xiaotang of a word——"gentleman Beasts!"
But in fact, Chen Qitai is very talented, with a Ph.D. in economics. He used to work at JPMorgan Bank and was a member of the management team.However, he didn't like the rigid nine-to-five life, so he voluntarily resigned from this enviable position, and then participated in the "Rookie Singing Competition" held by ATV, sang English songs throughout, and won the runner-up.

This kind of singing competition mode is also ATV's plagiarism of TVB's "Golden Songs", but it's a pity that the promotion is not as strong as TVB.Therefore, even though he won the runner-up, Chen Qitai was not praised by Yavision, or he was not given a chance to perform.ATV is busy with TV wars, so there is no time to meddle in these nosy things.

Like an expired medal, Chen Qitai was put aside, eating and drinking on ATV, waiting to die.Compared with the treatment I once had at Morgan Bank, my time at ATV was a paradise and a hell.Especially in terms of finances, Chen Qitai, who originally liked to wear famous brands, was even more struggling. In the end, he couldn't even afford cologne.

Chen Qitai began to regret, regretting that he was young and ignorant.However, the rice has become a boat, and the rice has become a cooking pot. I can't blame others for my current situation.

So when he was drinking beer and smoking cigarette butts dejectedly, he realized: life is like rape, since you can't resist, why don't you enjoy it happily? !

So Chen Qitai started to do some miscellaneous work in ATV. Because of his high education and good business, he was soon promoted to the manager of ATV's customer department.

Originally, this time the "Millionaire" launch plan would not involve employees of his level at all, but his immediate boss, Tu Yongxiong, racked his brains and couldn't figure out what to do, so he called him over to brainstorm .

Not to mention, this Chen Qitai is really talented, he planned the entire event plan in just one hour, showing a rare planning talent.

When this plan was handed over to Tu Yongxiong, Chen Qitai, who has always been thoughtful and thoughtful, pretended to be indifferent to fame and fortune, and deliberately said to his boss Tu Yongxiong: "Brother Xiong, it's fine if this case is not selected. , you just say that you made this plan yourself, and don't mention me, so as not to delay your future."

In fact, Chen Qitai wished that Lao Tu could bring himself out, he had been aggrieved in ATV for so long, and he was waiting for this attack!
Being a man requires hardness and strength, doesn't it? !

And he also found out that Tu Yongxiong didn't like to be favored by others, so he dared to perform such a play.

Sure enough, Tu Yongxiong heard what he said.Immediately said angrily, "You were the one who did this plan, and I won't take credit for it!"

Chen Qitai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When numerous "Millionaire" program launch cases were handed in.Chen Xiaotang took half a day to check, and soon, he selected eight that he thought were good, and after deliberation, after sifting out five, they became three.After another round of negotiation, three copies became one, which was the plan submitted by Tu Yongxiong.

In this plan, the author boldly proposes to link this variety show with Hong Kong's politics, economy, and culture.Put forward three central ideas of "informative, interesting and entertaining".

To be specific, knowledge is to spread all aspects of Hong Kong through the column "Millionaire" with many questions, so that everyone can continue to learn and improve while participating and watching, and understand Hong Kong. In the past, understand the present of Hong Kong.

The fun is mainly reflected in the fact that this column will be interspersed with some very interesting links, such as calling for help, voluntarily giving up to accept punishment, and a family going into battle together.A show that connects everyone, family and friends can help you.

The entertainment is reflected in the singing and dancing at the beginning and the intermission period. The TV station will invite some special guests to perform singing and dancing, and even those individuals or families who participate in the wonderful show can show their skills and entertain the public.

Generally speaking, this is not only a variety show that makes millionaires, but also a show that makes stars!There is absolutely no such model in Hong Kong's past variety show entertainment, and the 100 million cash prize makes everyone flock to it!

In addition, there is also a draft promotional draft of "Millionaire" in the plan, and the writing is very good.

"Playing the Stage":
The north wind is blowing, the war drums are beating, who will be afraid of millions of guesses!

There is no permanent victor, let alone a marquis of eternity, and talented people come out from generation to generation!
Amazing talents, pointing out the world, let's look at the millionaires, who is the hero? !

On the stage, the talents are unparalleled and ready to come out; each leader is unique and unique!
Come, come, hero, heroine, beauty, ATV invites you, and let's play the stage! !

After reading this promotional draft, Chen Xiaotang was immediately overwhelmed, thinking that this planning proposal is definitely a masterpiece.

So the butcher bear was called.

Without a doubt, Tu Yongxiong told Chen Xiaotang directly.He did not write the Cege case, but his subordinate Chen Qitai!

Although Chen Xiaotang had already prepared for this plan not to be done by Tu Yongxiong, he never thought that Chen Qitai would be the ghostwriter behind it.

ATV "Millionaire" preparation office.

When Chen Qitai, the man with glasses, saw Chen Xiaotang, Chen Xiaotang was sitting on the boss chair with his back facing him, with a cigarette in his hand, and the smoke was curling up.

Chen Qitai was extremely curious about this young man who was full of legends, from actor to actor, from movie star to singer to entertainment tycoon.

He really didn't understand how this seemingly young young man had such great energy and created miracles one after another.

In the eyes of many people, the young man in front of him is simply a monster!

"You're here." Chen Xiaotang said suddenly.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Chen Qitai didn't know what Chen Xiaotang would do, so he showed a very calm look.

The boss chair turned around, Chen Xiaotang faced him, smiled and threw the plan on the table, and said, "You made this plan?"

Chen Qitai was still very calm, and said: "Yes. Brother Xiong and I did it together, but most of them were Brother Xiong's ideas. I just helped... Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem. The problem is that it is done very well. I have already shown this plan to Boss Qiu. He is very satisfied!"

Chen Qitai was taken aback.

Chen Xiaotang continued: "You must not understand why I want to disclose this news to you. You and I know who Boss Qiu is. Now that you can be seen by him, it proves that you have that strength."

Chen Qitai said indifferently: "Mr. Chen, please don't say that. I just gave him a hand."

"Really? Is that so?" Chen Xiaotang stared at him with a smile, thinking, if it wasn't for the past life knowing that you became famous overnight in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan with "Millionaire", I would have been deceived by your indifferent appearance at the moment up.

Chen Qitai's heart skipped a beat, he couldn't think of anything about himself other than a flaw. "I don't quite understand, what do you mean by that?"

"Hehe!" Chen Xiaotang laughed, "It's not interesting, just asking casually. It must be very hard for a great talent like Mr. Chen to be in the customer service department of ATV, right?"

"No, I'm very easygoing; but to be honest, since I joined ATV, I really hope to have a chance to show my talents... But I also know that sometimes opportunities are not available. Please, so I've been waiting!"

Looking at the eloquent Chen Qitai, Yin Zhiping from "Sculpture of the Gods" suddenly appeared in Chen Xiaotang's mind. Not to mention, although this person is not very good-looking, he has a bookish air of a cultured person, perhaps because he drank foreign ink too much Much sake.

"Hehe, what you said is very good, and I can see your sincerity... So if I tell you now, I hope you can take full responsibility for this variety show program and serve as the host, what do you think?"

Chen Qitai was overjoyed, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said with a calm expression: "This is not good, after all, I am only a customer service manager, and I am suddenly asked to take over such a large project, I am afraid that someone will say something Four……"

Chen Xiaotang smiled, this guy clearly wanted to be a whore, but he still held up the chastity archway and shouted: "Elegant Butterfly"!
"Don't worry, as long as you accept this mission, Boss Qiu and I will fully support you behind the scenes! We will never make things difficult for you, let alone tie your hands and feet, so that nothing can be done!"

When Chen Xiaotang said this, he suddenly smiled, "Actually, you and I are both smart people. Sometimes it's better to be straightforward."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qitai knew that the other party had already seen through his intentions, and it was ridiculous that he was still acting alone.

Coughing twice in embarrassment, Chen Qitai said: "Since Mr. Chen said you want to be more direct, then I won't hide anything anymore. Yes, I value this opportunity very much. I hope to be able to rely on my ability to be like you." I am also outstanding! But I also understand that if I rashly accept this job, there will be many people who will oppose it, and there will be great resistance!"

Chen Xiaotang put one hand in the vest, with the corner of his mouth curled up, he stared at Chen Qitai imposingly, and said defiantly: "Since I recognize you, I will definitely do my best to help you, say, what are the conditions?"

With just this sentence, Chen Qi was stunned for a moment.

Showdown directly and see how you play!
(End of this chapter)

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