Reborn My 1993

Chapter 1265

Chapter 1265
"Yiming, Dad knows that you are a person who can do great things, and you are more capable than Dad, but Dad hopes you can remember that money is a thing, no matter how much you earn, there is no end. If you set the goal of your life In terms of making money, then Dad will not say anything, but if not, then seriously think about what Dad said just now."

After speaking, Zhang Heshan turned his head and entered the room.

Zhang Yiming stood at the door, his mind blank for a moment.

His father's words hit his heart like a big hammer.

Of course his goal in life is not just to make money, he
Zhang Yiming thought for a while, although he has always known that his goal is not just to make money, and money is only the most direct condition for success in his career, but all the plans he is making now are basically It is measured by money.

What he thinks about is himself, whether his brand can be remembered in history, whether it can change the face of the industry, and whether it can promote the progress of the communication market, but he doesn't think about consumers.

He has never thought about whether the mobile phones he produces can be consumed by ordinary people. If the mobile phones he produces can only be consumed and used by some, then his so-called changing the face of the industry is just wishful thinking.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. The market is like a temple. Products that cannot be considered by consumers are just a flash in the pan. A high-rise building will eventually become a high-level place, and will eventually be replaced by other brands.

Zhang Yiming never expected that his father would teach him such a profound lesson.

After returning to the room, Zhang Yiming lay on the bed, not feeling sleepy for a long time, still thinking about his father's words in his mind.

"Dad, I carefully thought about what you said yesterday, and I also thought about the problem you mentioned. I think what you said is right. We can't just consider the benefits of the company and forget our original intention."

The next morning, just after dawn, Zhang Yiming knocked on his father's door.

"As expected of my son!"

Zhang Heshan was very pleased.

In fact, he also suffered from insomnia last night.

He already knew that the behind-the-scenes boss of Yuanshan Food Factory was his son, and he naturally knew that he had been working for his son all these years. If he asked his son to do something by coercive means, with his son's personality, he would not refuse to do it. , but he doesn't want to.

He has already realized that his son is no longer the kid who can be carried on his shoulders to play with airplanes, or even the boy who can sit on the rear frame of a bicycle and lean against his back. His son has grown up invisibly. It became a towering tree.

What his son has achieved now, he can't even do ten of them.

But it was precisely because of this that he became more and more worried.

The more capable a person is, the harder it is to turn back when he makes a mistake.

He didn't want the person who couldn't turn back to be his son.

Fortunately, his precious son did not disappoint him, and he could understand what he meant.

The father and son smiled at each other, and Zhang Yiming told Zhang Heshan that after the TMX222 was launched, he would make a good plan with Sister Tan to ensure that the products produced by Yuanshan Food Factory are affordable for ordinary people.

After breakfast, Zhang Yiming drove to Shengjing Bank.

This is a major event of this trip, and only after finishing it can I take my parents for a stroll in Shengjing with worry.

Shengjing Bank, when Zhang Yiming arrived, Assistant Yang was already waiting at the door.

Looking at the whole country, there are not many people who can enjoy Zhang Yiming's treatment.

Yang Ping was still the same as before, wearing work clothes, light makeup, and a decent smile on her face, but there was a little more familiarity in the smile than last time.

This time it was not Director Cao who received Zhang Yiming. Yang Ping introduced him.

The procedures were simple and smooth beyond Zhang Yiming's expectations. All the documents were prepared. He just left his personal name and the company's official seal on the documents one by one under the watchful eyes of the vice president.

"President Bao, is this all right?"

"Well, the loan will be transferred to the East Bay Commercial Bank account soon."

Everything is like a dream.

Zhang Yiming hadn't walked out of the gate of Shengjing Bank when a call came from Dongwan Commercial Bank.

Naturally, it is to confirm loan-related matters.

Zhang Yiming knew that if it wasn't for the special relationship, the efficiency of the banking system would never be so high.

"Assistant Yang, you have worked hard during this time, this is a small gift, please accept it."

Yang Ping sent Zhang Yiming out. In a place where there was no surveillance and no employees passed by, Zhang Yiming took out the gift he had prepared in advance from his pocket.

"Assistant Yang, don't refuse, I know you have rules, so the gift I gave is not something valuable, but mainly to express my gratitude."

Yang Ping naturally refused, how brave she was to accept Zhang Yiming's gift.

I don't know what the background of this young man is. Not only was Director Cao very polite to him, and asked her, an assistant who usually doesn't have direct contact with customers, to meet him personally, but this time he also alarmed Vice President Bao. After graduating from university, he entered Shengjing Bank and worked for five years. He has never seen a big customer received by President Bao himself.

Sheng Jing, at the foot of the emperor, in the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, this person might not be the descendant of some big man, she is a little assistant, and she would not dare to accept a gift from him even if she had some guts.

Of course Zhang Yiming knew what Yang Ping was thinking, so he opened the gift.

"The freshwater pearl necklace, which is a specialty of East Bay, can be bought at any specialty store by the sea for a few hundred dollars, but the only special thing is that only the locals of East Bay can buy authentic colored freshwater pearls."

Yang Ping looked at the pearl bracelet in the box. The workmanship was very simple, but the brilliance reflected by the sunlight through the window was very eye-catching. Before Yang Ping could react, Zhang Yiming had already stuffed the box into her hand .

"In the future, I will have to rely more on Assistant Yang's care, see you later!"

After speaking, Zhang Yiming strode away from the bank.

Assistant Yang held the box and felt it was a bit hot at first, but soon put the box in his sleeve.

She looked at the back of Zhang Yiming leaving, and her heart inevitably fluttered a little.

But it was only for a moment, she was very clear about her conditions, it was impossible for Xiao Xiang to have anything to do with the one just now.

Zhang Yiming who walked out of the bank was very excited.

A loan of [-] million yuan will be credited to the account soon, and the communication industry park will start immediately.

Back at the hotel, his parents and grandma were not there. Just as Zhang Yiming was about to make a call, he received a call from Sun Cheng. Sun Cheng told Zhang Yiming that he took a few people to the Temple of Earth and the International Zoo for a walk, so he could handle things with peace of mind. bother.

Zhang Yiming was very moved. The longer he got along, Sun Cheng felt more and more like his own brother, and he handled everything very well.

Originally, Zhang Yiming had no other plans, but now that someone has taken on the responsibility of taking his parents and grandma on a trip for him, he really has something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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