final catastrophe

Chapter 62 10. White Hair

Chapter 62 10. Three thousand feet of white hair

There was a faint, inaudible sound from the rustling roof.

Xia Ji looked at the figure flashing past the skylight, and said lightly: "Come down."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was the sound of glass shattering, and a petite figure with bare feet descended from the sky like a cat, with braids flying like a waterfall, which was made of dirty hair glued together.

She stepped on the ground, swayed, tilted her head and stared curiously at the young man in front of her.

This girl turned out to be the green-eyed girl who was previously rescued in the special prison at Ziwei Pass.

Xia Ji narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although he has a good impression of the dark side, it doesn't mean that he will let go of someone who knows his secret.

The girl seemed to have sensed it, and immediately gave a short explanation: "The smell is the same."

Xia Ji smiled softly.

But the girl suddenly seemed to be facing a big enemy. She was like a suppressed wild wolf, crawling on the ground full of hostility, propped up on all fours, and quickly retreated to the door. It also appeared to be stained with blood.

"We are not enemies." The girl said briefly, "I'm hungry."

Xia Ji's smile stopped suddenly, and his figure flashed forward.

But the girl's pupils suddenly turned glossy green, like a wild cat, she was sprinting forward, and her long hair shot out wildly like a hedgehog.

Ding Ding Ding.
The hair was tied on Xia Ji's body, but even the skin couldn't be broken.

The girl was taken aback, but Xia Ji had already grabbed her hair.

However, at this moment, he suddenly changed his mind, restrained his murderous intent, and asked quietly, "What's your name?"

"Three thousand feet of white hair," the girl responded coldly.

"Three thousand feet of white hair?" Xia Ji repeated, nodding in satisfaction, this ant seems to have a fate with him, the attack method is actually hair, it seems that he is also a person who likes to attack indiscriminately, a person who likes to be quiet, but Her hair can't grow longer, which greatly restricts her level of killing.

But the strength is very good, it can be compared to the hidden weapon thrown by the internal force master, and her hair is nearly two meters long, so she can kill people by surprise.

As an ant, it's enough.

Then, since I happen to be short of subordinates at this time, it is also a good choice to recruit them into the sect.

While thinking about it, he grabbed the girl's hair and brought it up in front of him, and then the two stared at each other, and the girl said, "You are so fierce."

"Fierce?" Xia Ji smiled, then stretched out his left hand to the top of his head, pulled off a piece of hair with force, then twirled the hair with his two fingers, and poked it between the girl's dirty hair.

That hair spread rapidly as if spiritually, inserted through the pores on the top of the girl's head, and then turned into a black strand in her hair, mixed among other hairs.

"It doesn't hurt." The girl expressed her feelings expressionlessly.

Xia Ji grabbed her hair and threw it away casually.

The girl quickly completed the balance adjustment in the air, and when she landed, she still landed on all fours. She looked at the boy who had saved her with a blank expression, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Try attacking with hair again." Xia Ji said lightly.

"Huh..." The girl seemed to have discovered something, and let out a cry of surprise, then her hair suddenly raised, and when she stretched out her hands, her long hair burst out like a waterfall.

But the black hair that was intertwined with her hair stretched to tens of meters in an extremely weird way, like an indestructible metal wire, piercing the stone pillar in the center of the knife club.

There are three people hugging the stone pillar, and there are tortoise and crane carvings on it, but the black silk enters directly from the crane's eye, and then passes out from the other side. The hard rock and soft soil of the foundation, this is the end.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then turned her eyes to look at the boy in front of her, and then retracted her hair.

"That's amazing, thank you." She said succinctly.

Xia Ji said lightly: "This will be your home from now on, but you are not allowed to talk on weekdays, only when you are alone with me."

"Oh, good." The girl said succinctly, it's not that difficult to keep silent, after all, it doesn't matter if she didn't speak for a whole year in that prison, speaking is just a skill to her, not a habit .

And for some reason, she naturally felt kind to the smell of the boy in front of her, and she hadn't felt this kind of kindness for a long time.

That's why, after slaughtering everyone in the inn in that small town, she followed his breath and returned all the way.

Otherwise, if ordinary people release her from that prison unintentionally, she will not pay attention, let alone return to say "thank you".

As for who she is, when she was imprisoned in the underground prison, and for what purpose, she has forgotten.

All she could remember was that every once in a while, a person wearing a blue bird mask would climb down the stairs and come to her cage, standing there for a whole day.

She tried to talk to him, but the man didn't answer, just looked at it, and left.

So over time, she got used to it, and even when the man came, she didn't stand up anymore.

After a while, the person wearing the mask didn't come anymore, the prison seemed to be deserted, and no one came again, and she sank into the darkness forever.

Except for the occasional howls from the "slaves" under his control, there is no entertainment.

Later, she just sat still, and when she was bored, she practiced an exercise called "Three Thousand Zhangs of White Hair", which was the only thing she remembered.

Even the name is forgotten, but this exercise has not been forgotten.

Therefore, her name is Baifa Sanqianzhang.

At this time, the boy's voice sounded again.

"Help me solve some troubles in the future, and you can live here. As for the name, the white hair is too long, let me name it for you."

"Okay." The girl said blankly.

"What should I call it?" Xia Ji thought for a while, and said casually, "Let's call it Jiangnanyue."

"Jiangnanyue?" The girl tilted her head and thought for a while, "If you like it, then I will be called Jiangnanyue."

"Okay, now lie down with me and sleep until they wake up." Xia Ji said lightly, "Remember what I said before, if you say a word in front of outsiders, you will die. That hair It can give you strength, or it can send you to hell."

"Okay." Jiang Nanyue nodded, and then fell to the ground together with Xia Ji.

Xia Ji glanced at her and said, "Close your eyes."

"Oh." Jiang Nanyue stopped rolling her eyes. For some reason, she felt a kind of peace of mind that she had never felt before.

This boy, it seems. Dad?

He smells so good.

So, Xia Ji and Jiang Nanyue lay down together until night fell.

The disciples of the knife club who drank the chicken soup woke up one by one, and Xiao Xiang'er woke up too. At this time, they didn't understand that they were drugged.

But soon, they became strange again.

Because the person who gave the medicine didn't do anything, as if it was a prank.

Xia Ji carefully helped Xia Tian go to bed and rested, and ordered Xiao Xiang'er to take the mysterious girl, Jiang Nanyue, to take a bath and change clothes, after all, she was too dirty.

 Thank you Xuan Yexun for your reward!Thank you everyone for your support ;)
(End of this chapter)

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