final catastrophe

Chapter 61 9. Yincao, Fengxueshan, Tongdao

Chapter 61 9. Yincao, Fengxueshan, Tongdao

Half a meter away, his hand was about to touch the target's lips.

After previous temptations, the target and all potential dangers have long been fascinated by this ecstasy.

However, this small sword club actually surprised him a little.The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength. His contempt at the beginning made it necessary to make a second shot now.

But, never mind, it's over.

The target will die for "undetectable" reasons.

"Hey hey hey" the man smiled miserably, such a delicate and lovely flower, but he didn't expect it to be the robber, and she was about to wither at this time, so beautiful.

He took a deep breath, feeling the withering of this beauty.


His hand was suddenly grabbed.

"Who?" He turned his head to the side and saw the Yuntiandao Lord, who was looking at him with a sneer.

Seeing that it was him, the grinning man heaved a sigh of relief, and then said with a quiet and miserable smile, "My name is Mou Fang."

Xia Ji nodded, and the black hair on his temples sprang out like a strange long snake. Halfway through the walk, it spread out like a spider web, and instantly penetrated the body of the man in front of him. The concealment ability and the defensive ability of "Cooking Cow Divine Art" are like a thin layer of paper, which has not caused any hindrance at all.

"It's none of my business." Xia Ji sneered, then clawed into the head of the man named Mou Fang with five fingers, and a series of recent memories quickly flooded into his mind.

This is the soul search technique, a not-so-secret technique in the magic way.

It's just that no one dares to practice this method, not because it is too difficult to practice, but because the memory of the target is likely to shock one's nerves. If a person does not have a strong soul and firm belief, he may be caught by a memory that does not belong to him in an instant. To flush silly.

And those demon masters of various sects are only practicing, just in case, they will never be used on weekdays.

But for Xia Ji, using the soul search technique is simply commonplace, and he can use it however he wants.

In an instant, he already understood the identity of the person in front of him.

Mou Fang, one of the seven commanders of the Dragon King's Secret Assassins.He was ordered to come here to create the illusion that "Xia Tian committed suicide".

As for the purpose, he is ignorant.

Killers only need to know the target. If the customer still has needs, they can satisfy them one by one. As for the target itself, they don't care.

Xia Ji let go of his five fingers, and casually pushed the killer named Mou Fang away. After skillfully dismantling the corpse, he sat cross-legged in the dim light of the knife club, with a frightened gleam in his eyes.

He faintly spit out eight words: "The catastrophe will not die, and the catastrophe will not be destroyed."

He had heard these eight words in the Dragon King's Mansion, and also heard it from his cheap sister, so this should be the reason for the assassination.

As for why the illusion of "death by suicide" is created, this is also easy to explain.

That is because of myself.

The Dragon King wanted to recruit himself into his family, so he naturally didn't want to sink into the shadows because of the "sister was assassinated", and if he couldn't think about it, he would directly fall into the devil.

Thinking about it further, maybe the closure of the Ziwei Pass was to prevent him from returning to Lingye City in time, so as to give the assassin named Mou Fang enough time.

If I hadn't pretended to be Guan Wuchang and broke through overnight, this cheap sister would have died, and I would have been left behind.

In addition, Xia Ji also discovered several incidental information.

One is the rumored sanctuary of assassins: Yincao.

The location is unknown, and the leader is unknown. Only the members who have been walking on the rivers and lakes in recent years have proved the existence of this mysterious force. They are treacherous and changeable, their appearance and identity are uncertain, their motives are unknown, and they do not act for money. They only seek customers the most precious thing.

But it seems that this request is only for fun, not a real need.

The reason why this Moufang can achieve this achievement is not only the careful cultivation of the Dragon King, but also a member of Yincao Jianghu Walking named "Niutou" once pointed him out.

He originally used a dagger, but since then he has changed to a strange weapon, an umbrella awl, and his strength has improved greatly since then.

Speaking of Niutou, Xia Ji inexplicably remembered Bai Hurou, the senior sister who was led into the magic way by him before. She seemed to be wearing a horse face mask the last time she appeared.

Shame?Bull head and horse noodles?He thought about it quietly, showing a rather interested smile.

The second is Fengxue Mountain in the extreme north of Longzangzhou.

Xia Ji held the purple pill the size of a sesame seed in his palm, flipping it back and forth gently, and the pill was spinning smoothly.

It is said that this is the opportunity that Moufang obtained from the strange place "Pupil Road" in the snow mountain. It is extremely poisonous, tasteless and colorless, and it melts in the mouth. No difference.

And the entrance of the pupil path is extremely difficult to find, unless someone who is about to die has a chance to come across it, and then once he enters the pupil path, he will be a pupil slave for life. Exhausted and died.

"Yincao? Feng Xueshan, Tongdao?" Xia Ji thought for a while in confusion, why hadn't he heard of it before?Maybe it's these small places, some rural forces that have not been established for a long time?

After staring at the purple pill for a while, he rolled his tongue and swallowed it.

Anyway, taste it first.

After entering the mouth, the pill melted quickly like ice and snow meeting fire. Xia Ji was taken aback, and his mouth full of fangs immediately began to chew.

The expected crispness is not there, on the contrary, it is waxy, with a feeling of slush.

The slush is wrapped around the tip of the tongue, carefully distinguishing it, but it is like countless poisonous snakes offering snake kisses, causing a rather unique stimulation in the mouth.

Maybe ordinary people can't feel it, but for Xia Ji, if he wants, the sensitivity of taste buds can reach the extreme.

At this time, Xia Ji closed his eyes and felt the storm-like feeling in his mouth, compounded by multi-layered taste bud stimulation, and this stimulation continued to the internal organs, until it was digested, it subsided, which was very comfortable.

"Cool." His eyes were shining, wishing he could rush to the Fengxue Mountain now, pretend to be a dying person, find Tongdao, and feast on it.

But now the timing was obviously not right, so he secretly wrote down the name for later exploration.

Then there is the matter of the Dragon King's Mansion.

It didn't take too long at his speed to cross the mountains and ridges overnight, but he just felt a little irritable.

If he hadn't been in Wuxie Dao Club, and there were a few more killers like Mou Fang, how could his cheap sister survive?

What's more, who knows if the Dragon King sent one person or two?
And have other forces arranged killers?
He sat upright in the silent knife club, tapped his fingers on the floor, his eyes flashed with thought, and soon he found the crux of the problem.

He lacks power, and he needs to do it himself to kill and massacre the city.

In the previous life, he was naturally unscrupulous, but in this life, since he has set the rules of the game for himself, how can he break it by himself because of lack of patience?
After all, he fears boredom more than trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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