Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 20 Pay attention to details and be an excellent manager

Chapter 20 Pay attention to details and be an excellent manager (5)
Do things to stay behind, so we can meet in the future

Where there are people, there are often problems, differences, and conflicts. Philosophers call it the universality of contradictions in things.However, when encountering such a situation at work, some people are always used to making things absolute, not leaving a way out for themselves and others, and abruptly pushing human relationships and work relationships to the other extreme.If we want to focus on the future of our career, we must be optimistic about the road and direction in front of us, and leave an appropriate way out, which is equivalent to opening an extra window for our own life.

If you leave room, you will be able to advance and retreat freely, which is the art of being a human being; if you don't leave room, it is like two armies confronting each other, and it often ends in a loss for both sides.How can we stay behind in things?

In interpersonal communication, some people like to promise things to be very satisfactory, and they always make a guarantee in advance.However, maybe when you are confident, you have planted a time bomb for yourself.People need to pay attention to skills in dealing with the world, and people who like to "pull the bow" of things are like pushing themselves to the edge of the mountain.Once the promise is not fully fulfilled, I will bear the reputation of dishonesty.Before agreeing to other people's requests, you must think carefully and analyze calmly, and then properly leave a little room for yourself.There is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to guard against the embarrassment caused by the result of things not reaching the expected purpose.

Zhang Qiang is a well-known good guy in the company. When he first joined the company, he was very popular, but after getting along with him, he has fewer and fewer friends. Why is this?

It turned out that Zhang Qiang likes to do things in a big way, and promised things too well in advance.But the plan is not as fast as the change. Many things are not developing towards the expected goal, but there will be some deviations or mistakes.Therefore, the ending of many things is not perfect.For this reason, friends no longer dared to trust Zhang Qiang, so they slowly kept him at a respectful distance.

For example, Xiao Li in the sales department is getting married next month.As newlyweds like to gather together on auspicious days, restaurants are in short supply.When Zhang Qiang heard the news, he patted his chest and said to Xiao Li, "I have a buddy who runs a restaurant, and the wedding banquet there is great, and I'll take care of that."

However, Zhang Qiang's guaranteed ticket was not reliable.It's true that his friend opened a restaurant, but the wedding banquet that day had already been booked out early, and there was no room at all.Knowing this situation, Zhang Qiang panicked immediately, so he hurriedly consulted with Xiao Li.

The wedding date is approaching, but the wedding banquet has not been settled, which makes Xiao Li and Zhang Qiang anxious like ants on a hot pot.Later, with the efforts and coordination of many parties, Xiao Li had to share a wedding banquet restaurant with other newcomers, which made Xiao Li a little depressed, and he would not dare to bother Zhang Qiang, who was not reliable.

Although Zhang Qiang in the story is kind, the result is not ideal.His all-encompassing did not bring convenience to his colleagues. On the contrary, it was a disservice and lost his integrity. It can be described as "losing his wife and losing his army".

The biggest characteristic of Chinese people is to care about face, because the face problem is related to one's own dignity and status.Many people have a competitive side, and they want to stand a little "higher" than others in their hearts.However, if the "high" here is not careful, it will ruin the way back and put oneself in a dilemma.

As the saying goes, "face for face, make good use of face to do things well" is the truth.Learn to be a wise person and properly save face for yourself and others in the world, but you don’t know that this is subtly removing stumbling blocks in the workplace for yourself and paving the way forward.On the contrary, people who like to do things like doing things ruthlessly and ruthlessly deprive others of face are undoubtedly tearing down the stage for themselves and cutting off all their own paths.

To conduct yourself in the world, you must understand the principle of "circle outside and square inside", leaving room for yourself when speaking, and enough face for others when doing things, it is equivalent to building a harmonious interpersonal network for yourself, so that the relationship between yourself and others more harmonious.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow, who will become a crucial figure in your life journey.Therefore, properly using skills in dealing with others is equivalent to leaving a way out for yourself, making good popularity and popularity a cheat for customs clearance in the workplace and life.

Every word is sonorous and powerful, keep one's promise

"Tao Te Ching" says "If there is not enough trust, there is no trust." This sentence expresses the power of integrity.Today's society pays attention to honesty, and honesty is regarded as the most important stepping stone to the workplace.People with strong words and strong promises represent a spiritual realm, a value orientation, and an attitude towards life. Only with these characteristics can they be worthy of the dependence and trust of others.

Keeping one's promises is a culture of respect for others and oneself, which begins in the cradle of civilization.In social activities, a kind smile, a sincere word, and a knowing action are enough to make others feel the truth and beauty of life, and feel the strong and firm power of integrity.

Confucius said: "People don't believe, and they don't know what to do." A great country with a history of 5000 years of civilization advocates "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith" and emphasizes that "the people cannot stand without faith."Therefore, those who want to achieve a great career must pay attention to the principle of Lixin.

During the Warring States period, in order to convince the people to obey his new law, Shang Yang had someone erect a log about 10 meters long at the south gate of the capital, with a notice posted beside it: Who can carry this log to the north gate, I will reward him ten gold.After a while, people stood densely around the wood, but no one believed what the notice said, and no one was willing to try, because the ten gold seemed too easy to come by.

After a while, everyone murmured: "This piece of wood weighs up to [-] catties. It is not difficult to carry it from the south gate to the north gate. Why did you give so much gold? Could it be that some kind of trap has been set?" Shang Yang looked at it. There was no one to carry it, so the reward was increased to fifty gold.As a result, people were even more confused, unable to figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the newly appointed Zuo Shu's long gourd.

At this moment, a thick man pushed aside the crowd, stepped forward and said loudly "I'll try it", then he picked up the wood and left.Many spectators followed curiously until they reached the north gate.

I saw the newly appointed Chief Zuo Shu was waiting in the north gate tower. He praised the big man and said: "Okay, if you can trust and carry out my order, I will fulfill my promise." Then he gave the fifty gold he had prepared to big man.

Shang Yang kept his promises, thus established the government's reputation in the hearts of the people and laid the foundation for the smooth implementation of reforms, so he became an outstanding statesman in Chinese history.

In today's world of economic integration, globalization, and information diversification, the reason why people believe the opinions of some scholars and experts is because they believe in their knowledge and their honesty and trustworthiness.Therefore, for a person, whether he is a high-ranking official or a mediocre pawn, whether he is famous or unknown, he must take honesty as his basic ethics, make every word sonorous and powerful, and keep his promise.

In work and life, you must be honest and trustworthy when interacting with people, because this not only involves personal integrity, but also involves responsibility.Professionals must first be honest with themselves, knowing where their bottom line is and whether they have the ability to handle it well.In addition, you must be honest with your leaders and colleagues, so that you can live in harmony with others and complete your work smoothly.To some extent, a promise is a touchstone and a stepping stone for a person, and integrity is helpful for work communication and communication.A person who is honest, trustworthy, and responsible must have good qualities. He will not be arbitrary in his work, but communicate and communicate with others with an open mind, formulate work plans according to the communication situation, and absorb various aspects during communication. favorable factors to do a good job.

At the end of Qin, there was a man named Ji Bu who always kept his word and had a very high reputation. Many people had established deep friendship with him.At that time, there was even a saying: "It is better to get Jibu Yinuo to get a hundred catties of gold." Later, he offended Han Gaozu Liu Bang and was offered a reward for his arrest.As a result, not only was his old friend not deceived by the huge sum of money, but he also took the risk of exterminating the nine races to protect him, and finally saved him from disaster.

A person who is honest and trustworthy will naturally get a lot of help, and can gain everyone's respect and friendship.Conversely, if you break your trust with your friends for the sake of temporary comfort or cheapness, you may be getting benefits on the surface, but it is really not worth ruining your reputation for this benefit.Therefore, breaking the promise of a friend is tantamount to losing the watermelon and picking up sesame seeds, and the loss outweighs the gain.

In today's society, honesty has become an important criterion for measuring a person's character, and honesty is the basic principle of life that modern people must possess.Keeping promises not only helps to enhance personal charisma, but also establishes a reliable and honest image in front of others, thus winning the love and trust of everyone.Welch is the president of the world-renowned General Electric Company. When others ask him the secret of his success, he always smiles and says: "Over the years, I have kept my promises. It opened the door to business and allowed me to Conquering the battlefield without gunpowder smoke is one of the secrets of my success."

Indeed, a person with powerful words and promises is equivalent to opening a window for his own future. Only by opening this window at all times can the warm sunshine shine in and illuminate the direction of progress.

Confucius said: "People don't have faith, and they don't know what to do." He thinks that if people don't pay attention to credit, they will have no place in society and can't do anything.As a subordinate, you must treat your work with an honest attitude, and you must not cheat or deceive your superiors; as a supervisor, you should treat your subordinates without suspicion; treat your colleagues with sincerity, and you must not be suspicious of each other.Because honesty is two-way, only when you treat your colleagues and friends with sincerity can you get others to reciprocate with sincerity.In this way, the relationship between colleagues will be more harmonious and harmonious, which can greatly improve work efficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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