Low-key life, high-profile work

Chapter 13 Look for the goal and go all out for the dream in my heart

Chapter 13 Look for the goal and go all out for the dream in my heart (1)
Everyone is a potential winner and has the quality and ability to become a leader. As long as you can stick to the belief in your heart, you will be able to find your own world and enjoy your own splendor.

accept your own imperfections
Many times, we are all dissatisfied with ourselves in one way or another.We always look at the wonderful people around us, envy their family background, their appearance, and their partners, but we don’t know that our dissatisfaction and loss all come from blind comparison and blind understanding.We always think that other people are luckier than us, but it doesn't have to be.A philosopher once said: I cling to my imperfections, which are the true essence of my life.

A young man often complained about his poverty.

"You have such great wealth, why do you still complain?" asked an old man.

"Where is the wealth?" the young man asked eagerly.

"A pair of your eyes. As long as you can give me one eye, I can give you everything you want."

"No, I can't lose my eyes!" said the youth.

"Okay, then please give me your hands! For this, I will use a bag of gold as compensation."

"No, you can't lose your hands either!"

"Since you have a pair of eyes, you can learn. Since you have hands, you can work. Now you can see how rich you are!" the old man said with a smile.

The youth suddenly realized: Yes, I have no money, but I have health, how lucky I am compared to those physically handicapped people!In the same way, how can you say that you are poor compared to those who have no food to eat and no clothes to cover?Yes, everyone has their own value of existence, and everyone's greatest wealth is themselves.Excessive pursuit of perfection can be counterproductive.

A man has a bow made of sandalwood, with which he can shoot arrows far and accurately, and he cherishes it very much.Once, when the man looked at his bow carefully, he thought: It is still a bit bulky and has no distinctive appearance. It would be nice to ask an artist to carve some pictures on the bow.So he went to the artist and asked the artist to carve a complete hunting picture on the bow.The man's heart is filled with joy as he holds the perfect bow. "You are perfect at last, my dear bow!" he said as he drew the bow.At this time, something unexpected happened, and the bow broke with a "click".It turns out that carving changed the structure of the bow, and the perfect shape made it lose its original function.

Because this person pursued perfection too much, he even lost what he deserved in the end.Everything in the world is not perfect, and there are always shortcomings in life. When you are demanding in everything, the result may only make yourself unhappy due to heavy psychological burden.

Everyone is created because of love. This creation is equal and free. Although there may be some unsatisfactory things mixed in, when we come into the world, we must learn to accept it calmly.You don’t have to cover up your own flaws. If you don’t have a healthy body, you can exercise your strong will; if you don’t have a gorgeous appearance, you can cultivate a beautiful heart;Accept yourself, so that you can see your future path clearly!

With a grateful heart, calmly look at your own shortcomings and strengths, so that you can think about how to choose a path that suits you.Only by accepting your imperfect self can you continue to grow stronger in the process of life. At the moment when you are approaching old age, you will feel grateful that you have gone through a perfect life.

give yourself an accurate positioning
You can work long hours and be creative, smart, talented, and even lucky.However, if you can't position yourself correctly in the creative process and don't know where your direction is, everything will be in vain.So, what you position yourself is what you are, and positioning can change your life.

A beggar was standing on the side of the road selling oranges. A businessman passed by, put a few coins into the paper box in front of the beggar, and hurried on his way.

After a while, the businessman came back to pick up the oranges and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to take the oranges. After all, you and I are both businessmen."

A few years later, the businessman attended a senior reception and met a well-dressed gentleman who toasted him to thank him. The gentleman told the businessman that he was the beggar who sold oranges in the first place, and that the change in his life was entirely due to the businessman's help. That sentence - you and I are both businessmen.

This story tells us: When you position yourself as a beggar, you are a beggar; when you position yourself as a businessman, you are a businessman.Brian Tracy, America's leading authority on personal growth, often says this: It is no exaggeration to say that a powerful and correct self-evaluation is the most suitable preparation for a successful life.Indeed, too high or too low evaluation is not conducive to your future life, and it is particularly important to give yourself an accurate positioning.

A young man full of disappointment came to a monastery from thousands of miles away and said to the abbot Shi Yuan, "I want to learn Danqing wholeheartedly, but so far I haven't found a teacher who can satisfy me." After several years, have you really not been able to find a teacher you are satisfied with?" The young man sighed deeply and said, "Many of them are in vain, I have seen their paintings, and some of them are even worse than mine!" Shi After hearing this, Yuan smiled and said, "Although the old monk doesn't know much about painting, he also likes to collect some fine works of famous artists. Since the painting skills of the benefactor are not inferior to those of those famous artists, please ask the benefactor to leave a painting for the old monk." He said. Then, he ordered a young monk to take a pen, ink, inkstone and a stack of rice paper.Shi Yuan said: "The old monk's biggest hobby is to drink tea, especially those simple and smooth tea sets. Can you draw a teacup and a teapot for me?" The young man listened and said: "It's not easy. !” So ​​I mixed a thick inkstone inkstone, spread rice paper, and with a few strokes, I drew a tilted teapot and an elegantly shaped teacup.The spout of the teapot was slowly spitting out a stream of tea, pouring it into the teacup.The young man asked Shi Yuan, "Are you satisfied with this painting?"

Shi Yuan smiled and shook his head.Shi Yuan said: "You did a good job in painting, but you misplaced the teapot and teacup. It should be that the teacup is on top and the teapot is on the bottom!" The young man listened and said with a smile, "Master, why are you so confused? How can the teapot go down?" Water is poured into the teacup, and the teacup is on the top and the teapot is on the bottom?"

After hearing this, Shi Yuan smiled slightly and said, "So you know this truth! You long to fill your cup with the fragrant tea from those Danqing masters, but you always put your own cup higher than those teapots. How can tea be poured into your cup? Only by lowering yourself can you absorb the wisdom and experience of others."

If you want to enrich yourself in life, you must first understand yourself correctly.The reason why Jiang Hai can be the king of all rivers is because he knows that he is in a low place, so he is open-minded and does not fight.Similarly, if you want to achieve something, you should first have the same heart and mind as Baichuan.

There is a young man with a dream. He looks at the speeding sports cars on the street, the high-rise buildings in front of him, and the successful people in suits and ties in front of him. He always feels that he will become one of them. "I'll make it," he said to himself day and night.But there is always a gap between dreams and reality. He is a poor kid who has never gone to college. He has no education and no skills. He just has the strength.In order to survive, he was going to work in a big city. The moment he walked out of the backcountry, he boasted to the villagers that he would never look back until he returned home.Looking at their ambitious son, the parents rejoiced in their hearts: Go, go, fly for your dreams!

Young people arrive in their dream cities and want to find a suitable job.But the reality told him: Without academic qualifications and skills, how difficult it is to survive in this talented society.In the end, he could only find a job as a waiter in a restaurant to fill his stomach.But he thinks that being a waiter really wronged him, and he should have a better life.He looks down on the colleagues who work together, doesn't work seriously, and always thinks highly of himself and belittles others... In this way, he keeps changing jobs, from waiter to shopping guide, but he is always dissatisfied.Soon, 5 years passed, and he spent his days in such a daze.Later, his parents lost his voice, and his elderly father had to step into the city to find his son who had been missing for a year.Under an overpass where homeless people gathered, the father found his emaciated son.His father wept bitterly and took him home.The confused son didn't know the meaning of life, and he didn't know why he couldn't live a decent life.The father took his son by the hand and said to him: "Son, I was very happy to see you walking out of the house with confidence, because people with low self-esteem will never succeed, but when you are confident, you forget who you are. If you don’t know what to do, how can you have a career. You haven’t seen your position clearly!” Then the son thought: Yes, why should I pursue a decent life when I look useless!Good thing I'm young enough to start again.So he began to cherish the job he found, and started as a salesperson again, working hard.After a few more years, he became a small manager and lived a comfortable life.He couldn't help feeling: It turns out that it's useless to aim too high, people always have to give themselves an accurate position and start from the first step!
In fact, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts to measure their own status in the hearts of others. up.Therefore, we can believe that "I am born to be useful", but remember not to be overconfident.

A smart person always knows himself very well. He will think about what kind of person he is, and accurately position himself. It is this kind of self-knowledge that makes people not lose their heart in the glitzy world, and act according to their own principles. good every thing.

Catch the faint light in the mist
Many people have beautiful visions for the future, thinking about doing something when they were young and frivolous.But the years are always ruthless. In the baptism of the years, people are like small stones, which are constantly sharpened. They are all people who fought together back then!People will encounter all kinds of tribulations while living in the world. The difference is that some people can catch a ray of starlight in the dark, never abandon it, never give up, and finally keep it until the clouds open to see the moon.

There is such a young man who showed amazing musical talent when he was 3 years old.His mother spent years of savings to buy him a piano. After practicing, he could play the piano well.After graduating from high school, he failed the college entrance examination and had to work as a waiter in a restaurant.In the hard working life, he never forgot his music dream.He spent almost all of his salary on buying music materials, and in his spare time, he kept accumulating his music "capital".Later, the restaurant was equipped with a piano.After changing several luthiers in a row, the boss was not satisfied.Out of his interest in music, he looked at an opportunity when no one was there, and couldn't help but go up and play a song.Unexpectedly, the boss found out about it.The boss asked him to play a piece, but found that the sound of the piano was just to his taste.So, in people's amazed eyes, he became a pianist.He felt that his opportunity was coming, and he threw himself into the performance with great energy.But things backfired, his accompaniment music was very discordant with the singer's singing, and there were boos all over the stage.That time he completely screwed up.He was heartbroken, but not discouraged.Soon, the boss of a company that hired him as an accompanist found that he was very talented in music, so he asked him to write songs full-time.He happily went to the job, only to find that he was a music production assistant.It's a job where you have to do everything except write songs.He stayed without saying a word, because compared with the restaurant, at least there is a music environment here.After a while, the boss finally assigned him an office and asked him to write songs full-time.Finally found a stage where he could let his dreams fly, and his long suppressed desire to create was stimulated, and he created a large number of songs.However, the boss didn't like any of these songs.In the eyes of the boss, his musical talent is very good, but the music is written in a strange way, which is not flattering.A great sense of loss enveloped him, and for a moment he thought of giving up.But soon, he denied this idea, because if he gave up now, it would be tantamount to giving up his dream for many years.For the next seven days, he composed a song every day.Every morning before going to work, the boss can see a new song of his.Finally, the boss was moved and agreed to recommend his songs to the stars.The company recommended his works to the stars several times but was rejected by the other party, but he still refused to give up his music dream.Finally one day, the boss called him and said to him: "If you can write 7 songs in 10 days, I will pick 50 of them and make an album for you!" He felt that he was dreaming, When he realized this was true, he was too excited to speak.This time, he will fight!He got into the creation room headlong, let his passion burst out, and created one song after another.When you are hungry, you can pack instant noodles, and when you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while.After 10 crazy days, he actually created 10 new works!Half a year later, his first album was sold out by fans as soon as it was released.Since then, he has been unstoppable, and he was named "Most Popular Male Singer" in the selection of the eighth global Chinese music list.He is Chinese singer Jay Chou.

Looking back on the road that Jay Chou has traveled, we can't help but sigh, when the god of luck has not yet come, he did not give up and waited patiently. He believed that the time had not yet come, and he worked hard for a long time for the day of success.Compared with Jay Chou, our starting point may not be worse than him.However, not everyone can achieve the success of Jay Chou, not only because of his unique talent in music, but also because of his tenacity of never giving up and persevering in the face of setbacks and failures.

When the future is in turmoil, don't doubt your hopes and dreams. Even if there is only a faint starlight in front of you, as long as you grasp the belief in your heart and keep working hard, you will eventually see the blue sky through the clouds.

learn more about yourself
Some people always think that they are ordinary, envy other people's smart minds, envy others' dexterous hands, envy others' sharp articulation... These envy can easily lead to inferiority complex, many people will lose themselves in envy, and some even blindly To imitate, but it is this failed imitation that makes you lose yourself and forget the special talents hidden in your body.Sometimes, what we lack is not talent, but the eyes to discover our own strengths.

There is a young man who has been unemployed for a long time. Because he has nothing to do, he has been unable to find a job, and his life is very embarrassing.On this day, he came to Paris and found a friend of his father, hoping that he could help him find a job to earn a living.After meeting his father's friend, the young man never imagined that the other party would detail his good points and regain his confidence.This experience became an important starting point for him to achieve his career. The following is the conversation between him and his father's friend that afternoon:

"How well do you master math? Are you proficient?" asked my father's friend.

The young man shook his head, looking very embarrassed.

"What about history? Do you understand?" the other party asked again.

The young man still shook his head embarrassedly.

"What about the law? Do you understand something?" The hope in the other party's tone remained undiminished.

The boy's answer was no.

After asking seven or eight "how" and "do you understand" in succession, my father's friends all received the same negative answer.

"Then tell me what are your strengths." The father's friend may feel that it is meaningless to ask this question any more, so he changed the way of talking.But the young man still shook his head and said shyly, "I don't have any good points."

"Oh," my father's friend sighed helplessly, "then you can write down your address, and I will notify you when I find a suitable job."

The young man began to write his address carefully, and handed the note to the other party after writing.Seeing the note, a light flashed in the eyes of the father's friend, he grabbed the young man and said, "Oh, you still said that you have no merits, your handwriting is beautiful!"

"Is this considered an advantage?" The young man asked suspiciously, but soon he got an affirmative answer from the other party's eyes.

"Well, of course! How can you be content with just looking for a job?" said my father's friend earnestly. "If you can write so beautifully, you can write beautifully; since you If you can write beautifully, you can write books; if you can write books, you can..."

Following the guidance of his father's friend, the young man's mind suddenly opened up, and he magnified his own advantages little by little.

Many years later, this "nothing good" young man really showed his ambitions. He went from writing to writing articles, and finally wrote a world-renowned classic.He is the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas.

This story tells us that the key to success lies in discovering and constantly amplifying one's own strengths, because only by exploiting one's own strengths can life increase in value; otherwise, it will only depreciate.Even a small merit can become the cornerstone of your successful career.Therefore, it is meaningless to only know that it is meaningless to envy others' strengths, and learning to magnify one's own strengths is the way to become a talent.

Beta is a mouse that everyone shouts and beats, for which it has always been very inferior.One day, it came out of the hole, looked at the radiant sun and said, "Grandpa Sun, you are so great! It would be great if I could be as powerful as you!"

The sun looked down at it and said, "Who says I'm great? The dark clouds are much stronger than me." After a while, a dark cloud floated over and covered the sun.So Beta said enviously to Wu Yun again: "Sister Wu Yun, you are really amazing, you can cover such a big sun."

"Little mouse, you are wrong, the wind is great. Without its help, I can't move a single step!" Wu Yun said.

(End of this chapter)

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