Scene language skills that college students must know

Chapter 57 Scene 57 Speech by the host

Chapter 57 Scene 57 Speech by the host
Chapter 57 Scene 57 Speech by the Host
When you preside over a meeting (ceremonial or cultural program), you become the "host" yourself.Everyone is familiar with this name

pregnancy.A good host must not only have extensive knowledge of literature, history, art, etc. and a good voice, but also have a good voice.
A strong "mouth work", that is, good oral expression skills.So, how should the moderator chair the meeting (etiquette
or cultural programs)? ?

([-]) Good opening remarks?

From the past to the present, when presiding over a meeting (etiquette), a practice has been formed, that is, all start with "××× meeting, first

Speech by Comrade ×××. "Warmly welcome" Comrade ××× to make a report. "Opening

This kind of old, rigid and stereotyped opening remarks can not really play the role of inspiring, attracting and concentrating the audience.

effect.In order to attract the audience at the beginning, the host should base his speech on the speaker's speech content, characteristics, audience emotions, and the situation of the venue.
etc. are carefully designed.Those with a strong literary quality can adopt the praise style.In the opening remarks of "Zhengda Variety Show", the 199th issue gave
People were particularly impressed.It was the Spring Festival at that time, and on the background of the cheerful "Sound of Spring" waltz, Zhao Zhongxiang and

Yang Lan
In a recitative tone, he enthusiastically praised the just-arriving spring: "Spring is a festival for the growth of all things.
Another booming start!In spring, in the flowing water of the creek, it leaps to the top of willows, and blooms on the buds vying for beauty.

Opened a sweet smile. "Immediately bring the audience into the atmosphere of spring, such an opening is very successful. For some

For conferences and ceremonial occasions, the beginning of the recitation style is out of date, and the "evaluation" style can generally be used.For example, the school science and technology festival held

If you want to host the opening ceremony, then in your opening remarks, you can make a speech on the scientific and technological achievements and inventions of all the students in the school over the past year.

Evaluation, this is the fruitful results to be displayed in this science and technology festival.If it is the opening remarks of the closing ceremony of the campus art festival, then

The artistic achievements displayed by the teachers and students of the whole school during the campus art festival should be evaluated.Of course as an "opening

"Bai" is also responsible for the task of previewing the main content of the event program to arouse the interest of the audience.?
([-]) Use language to skillfully connect the transitions?
One of the facilitator's tasks is to connect the bits and pieces of the event into a whole.Sometimes two conferences in one meeting

between programs; sometimes between two programs of a performance or competition.The basic principle of concatenation is the same, that
It is to find out the inner connection between the two, and then closely link with the theme of the activity. ?
A school invited a successful entrepreneur to the school to give a report to the students.When chairing a meeting, the moderator should
Intersperse some related words to connect the speeches of each speaker organically and skillfully.For example: "Listen to you
Words are better than ten years of reading. After listening to Manager Liu's speech, we deeply feel the hardships of reform and the necessity of reform.Reform is inseparable from people,
Without your and my participation.Below, I would like to ask Manager Wang of ××× Company to talk about how their company has grown in the tide of reform.

Strong 'people management'. "The host of the meeting organized the suffix very cleverly, starting from the connection of "reform"

When it comes to "person", "person" leads to the title of the next speaker, and the content of the previous and subsequent speakers is naturally and without leaving traces.
Linked together, the effect is very good. ?
And at the closing ceremony and awarding party of a campus art festival, after the guest speeches, before the start of the report performance, the series
The words should include thanking the guests for their encouragement, thanking the teachers for their kindness, and using our performances to express our gratitude, etc.
Allow.There is another example. At the singing competition to commemorate the [-]th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascism, a song was China's "You
The Song of the Combatants”; the other is the “Song of the Communist Youth League Members” of the former Soviet Union. How to connect them?find it first

What we have in common - "anti-fascist struggle", and then hang the theme of the conference - "world anti-fascist", so that we can

It can be said: "The anti-fascist struggle is a worldwide people's war, no matter in the green gauze tents in China or in the snow and ice

In the middle of the land, the soldiers gathered together to pick up weapons and embark on the journey.Please listen to "Song of the Guerrillas" and "Song of the Communist Youth League Members"

". "?
In order to design conjunctions well, we must first clarify the situation, characteristics, and speech content of each speaker before the meeting, and arrange the speeches precisely.
order, organize each speech into an organic whole, so that the conference will leave a clear and clear center in the hearts of the audience.
impression.Second, adapt to changing circumstances and be flexible in series.Connecting words are often improvised, which requires the host to usually

When reading literary works, accumulate a lot of popular vocabulary, and then you will be able to use it at your fingertips, which is meaningful and attractive. ?
([-]) Adaptive skills?
A good host should be a good helmsman, able to grasp and control the venue.It's cold, let me put a few words on my own, and throw bricks to attract jade;

Digression, quickly lead a few words, back to the topic.Sometimes when unexpected situations happen, you have to be good at "smoothing the field".one
The second time Guangzhou held the "Golden Eagle" Award Ceremony, Yang Lan was the special host.Since the station is new and unfamiliar, she doesn't pay attention

He stepped on the air and fell down.The audience was shocked.It is conceivable that people are worried about breaking the guests.At this time, Yang Lan jumped up
, with a smile on his face, said: "It's true that people have stumbled, and horses have stumbled! I'm not skilled enough in the lion rolling hydrangea just now."

!It seems that the stage of this performance is not so easy!But please rest assured, the program on stage will be even more exciting! "The voice just fell

There was applause.An audience member said loudly: "Welcome to Guangzhou!" Yang Lan's wit is to get rid of embarrassment on the one hand,

Telling the audience: "I'm fine, please don't worry about me!" The fall must have hurt, but in order not to spoil the atmosphere, I improvised
A few self-deprecating words.This is strain, but also love and understanding for the audience.Because of this, she won over the audience. ?
Sometimes at the event site, some guests do not perform well temporarily, and the host has to guide and inspire appropriately, which is also very skillful
.There are often some hosts who are not good at inspiring, and always ask the guests: "How do you feel?"

Just say a few words.Inspiration should be targeted.To inspire the guests' points of interest, he must have something to say. ?
During the event, the host will also encounter embarrassing things such as a fall, which must be saved by quick wit.if the host said

When returning to the backstage after the talk, I tripped over the wires and pulled the microphone to the ground. There was an uproar in the audience with a "bang". What should I do at this time?you must

Don't turn around in a panic, raise the microphone, and then say sorry in trepidation.You can turn around slowly and shout exaggeratedly: "

It's amazing! " Slowly raised the microphone, and said calmly: "Today's show is so exciting, not only the audience, but also the audience.

The microphones are falling for it! "In this way, you will definitely be welcomed by the audience.?
([-]) Conclude with meaningful and concise language?

The ending is very important, and any experienced host will never give up hastily at the end, but make it memorable.

But the conclusion must not be lengthy?wordy.Because at this time everyone already knows that the event is about to end, and they have already relaxed psychologically.

Requirements without the preparation of a highly concentrated mind again.If the host makes a long concluding remark at this time, then not only
If no one pays attention to it, it will make a mess.This will destroy the previous good effect.The conclusion should be meaningful,
Concise and concise.The following conclusion of the celebration party is worth learning from:?
"Someone asked Pele, who played the best ball, and the answer was 'next'; someone asked the famous director Xie Jin, which film was the best.

, the answer is 'next'.It seems that we should also keep in mind "next" and "next part" in the celebration and commendation.Break up the meeting!
This closing quote quotes two famous people, both of which are surprisingly similar to reflect the humility and progress of high achievers.

Take the virtues. "Next" means that he has not created the best result so far.It is most likely to appear arrogant at the celebration party.

Full, a reminder before the end of the meeting is necessary.However, the host can't end with the language of lessons, that's too annoying
Disappointed.Quote other people's words, remind them euphemistically and implicitly, let "next" appear repeatedly, and become epigrams, you can

Make people aftertaste endlessly. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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