Super Orchard

Chapter 395 The Grapes Are Ripe

Chapter 395 The Grapes Are Ripe
Chapter 390 Four Ripe Grapes

Grape is one of the oldest fruit tree varieties in the world. Its plant fossils were found in the Tertiary strata, and it has been spread all over the Eurasian continent in ancient times.

Different from the wild grapes in the orchards in the west, the grapes planted in the Baiyun sub-orchard mature later, basically at the end of July and early August, and the fruiting period of the grapes is also longer. Basically, after the first batch of fruits mature, It didn't take long for a second set of fruits to ripen, along with smaller ones, which continued to ripen for nearly a month.

Although there have always been wild grapes for sale in Jinquan Orchard, the planting area of ​​wild grapes is very small, only [-] mu, and half of them are reserved for wine making, so even fewer have entered the market.

However, the grapes in the Baiyun branch garden are different. A total of [-] mu has been planted, accounting for half of the area of ​​the Baiyun branch garden. The grapes are mainly for supplying fruit shops across the country.

These grapes were also planted last year, so this year is also the first time to bear fruit, and the output is not too much, but the total planting area of ​​[-] mu makes the total output not too small.

When the time came to the end of July, the bunches of grapes gradually turned purple-red, which looked very attractive. The bunches of grapes were about the same size as wild grapes, but because the fruit grains were much larger than wild grapes, each bunch of grapes The number of fruit pieces on the string is less, but the overall weight is about the same, about two catties.

Shen Yangguang, the hands-off shopkeeper, once again became the first person to eat grapes. When the grapes were about to ripen, Shen Yangguang would go to the Baiyun sub-garden twice a day, and finally waited until the first bunch of grapes were ripe. Can't wait to pick it off and prepare to taste it.

These grapes have also not been treated with any pesticides, so there are no pesticide residues. You can directly wash off the dust on the outer skins, and then throw the whole grapes into your mouth and eat them directly.

Although some people don't spit out grape skins when they eat grapes, Shen Yangguang has never been used to eating grapes because the grape skins are tough and sour.

Baiyun branch garden is not like those greenhouses in the western orchards. There is no artificially built stream passing by. Only the small river outside the orchard has water sources nearby. With the development of modern society, the water in the river has become increasingly unclean. Shenyang Guang didn't dare to wash grapes in the river at the risk of diarrhea.

Eager to taste the taste of grapes, Shen Yangguang had no choice but to pick off a grape like an ordinary grape he bought, and then peel off the grape skin along the gap in the fruit stem, and immediately a purple-red juice burst out, crystal clear The green pulp appeared in front of my eyes.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Shen Yangguang put the grape pulp into his mouth, and before he started chewing, the strong fruity aroma rushed into his nose, and the extremely sweet taste was also transmitted through the taste buds on his tongue.

Gently bite the elastic pulp, the sweetness is more prominent, and there is a slight sourness in it, which is the unique taste of grapes. This super grape is sweeter and less sour than ordinary grapes , but still retain some, because sweet and sour are the grapes, without this acidity, the grapes will lose their original charm.

One grape is too delicious, Shen Yang simply sat on the ground, put the grape aside, and quickly started to eat the second grape with both hands, not long after, the whole bunch of wine was left with only a single fruit bunches and purple-red grape skins.

Shen Guangguang looked at the fruit bunches on the vines next to him, and couldn't help but want to eat them, but after eating two catties of grapes, he was really full, so he got up and cut off a few bunches of ripe grapes, Ready to take home and savor slowly.

These grapes not only taste great, but also have high nutritional value. The sugar contained in the ripe fruit is as high as 30.00% to [-]%, of which glucose is the main one, and sugar is the main nutrition needed by the human body one of the substances.

In addition to containing a lot of sugar, grapes also contain a variety of fruit acids, which are also part of the sweet and sour taste of grapes. These fruit acids are helpful for digestion. Eating more grapes properly can strengthen the spleen and stomach , promote digestion and absorption.

In addition, grapes also contain a lot of minerals including calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, multivitamins and amino acids needed by the human body. Regular consumption of grapes is of great benefit to neurasthenia and fatigue.

These elements need to be measured with sophisticated instruments. Shen Guangguang can only taste the deliciousness with his mouth, but he has read related reports that grapes are better than aspirin in preventing the formation of blood clots. It can also reduce the serum cholesterol level of the human body, reduce the cohesion of platelets, and have a certain effect on the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Fresh grapes also contain flavonoids, which can clean the blood and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. The purpler and darker the color of the grapes, the more flavonoids they contain. If you eat grapes, mix grape skins with grapes Eat it together with the seeds, which has a better protective effect on the heart.

Shen Yangguang is in good health now, and he doesn't need to think about the long-term, so he only eats the pulp and spits out all the good grape skins and seeds. In the eyes of some elderly people who pay attention to health, this is simply a waste of money. Especially for this kind of super grape that has greatly strengthened the therapeutic effect, the effect of the peel and seeds will be more prominent.

Generally, in addition to food value, it also has high economic value, because many priceless red wines on the market are processed products made of grape-flavored raw materials. Nowadays, wine has become a high-value consumer product. In China, every year Wine consumption is skyrocketing.

In addition to wine, the newly developed grapeseed oil has received great attention abroad, and is used as a high-grade nutritional oil for infants and the elderly, as well as a high-grade health care oil for high-altitude workers and flight personnel.

Compared with other fruits, the variety of products derived from grapes is much richer and has a wide range of uses. Shen Guangguang also thought about launching a series of processing plants to produce a large number of grape products, regardless of his current focus. In terms of fruit, I don't think so much for the time being.

Looking at the purple-red grapes in the garden, Shen Yangguang immediately decided that starting from next year, the wild grapes in the western orchard would no longer be sold to the outside world, but would all be made into wild wine.

After all, in terms of taste alone, grapes are sweeter and less acidic than grapes, and taste better, and the sales of wine are increasing every year. Sooner or later, the production of wild wine must be increased. Now there are five Thousand acres of grapes are used as a substitute, and the "old man" wild grapes of Jinquan Orchard can finally make wild wine with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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