Super Orchard

Chapter 325 Super Fertilizer

Chapter 325 Super Fertilizer
In the cherry shed in the eastern orchard, bright red fruits hung all over the branches, and the employees were picking them quickly. Shen Yangguang and Zhou Jianguo were talking while walking in the cherry orchard.

Shen Yangguang picked a bunch of cherries and tasted better than before, but because these cherries only absorbed the light spots emitted by the green balls when they were about to ripen, they didn't get enough nourishment to become super fruits.

Zhou Jianguo also ate a few, couldn't help nodding, and said happily: "I feel that the taste of cherries is better this year, and the output is much more than last year. It seems that this year will make a lot of money again." !"

This kind of big cherry is sold at the price of 50 yuan per catty. According to the cherries that have been picked so far, it can be calculated that the yield per mu this year is about 400 catties per mu, and the total output should be 2 million catties. The total sales It will also reach [-] million yuan!
Shen Yangguang had known for a long time that this year's cherries would taste better, so he was not surprised, and said lightly: "If our cherries are the same as the western orchards, both in terms of taste and therapeutic value, they will be top-notch, and it can be called a super fruit. Cherries, how much do you think they should sell for a catty?"

Thinking of the delicacy of the super fruit produced in the orchard in the west, Zhou Jianguo couldn't help swallowing, and said, "If that's the case, it will cost at least [-] yuan a catty, right?"

Shen Yangguang nodded and continued: "At three hundred yuan per catty, the output of 400 million catties can be sold for 12 billion yuan."

"Yeah, if that's the case, the income of this cherry orchard alone can catch up with half of the income of the western orchard. Unfortunately, there are not such geomantic treasures like the western orchards everywhere. Our cherries taste as good as That's good enough."

Shen Yangguang shook his head and said, "The geomantic treasure land didn't exist from the beginning, and this [-] mu orchard can also become a geomantic treasure land."

Zhou Jianguo was taken aback, and said, "How is this possible? Although the fruit produced here last year was very good, it was far from comparable to that in the orchard in the west. Although the soil here is indeed very good, it is not considered a treasure land of geomantic omen. Bar?"

"So how do you think the taste of cherries this year compares to last year?"

"I feel that it is much more delicious than last year. It can barely be regarded as half a super fruit."

"Do you know why?"

Of course Zhou Jianguo didn't know, and asked, "Why?"

Shen Yangguang didn't bother to explain, and led Zhou Jianguo to the back of the cherry shed, pointing to the compost pools lined up and said, "What do you think this is?"

Of course Zhou Jianguo knew what it was, but he still didn't understand what Shen Yangguang meant.

Shen Yangguang smiled and said: "This is not an ordinary compost pond, and the fermented fertilizer in it is not ordinary fertilizer. Isn't the soil and water source in the western orchard particularly good? I'll let people mix the soil and water there and divide it It’s in bags, and when it’s time to compost here, add some, and it’s going to be pretty much like the West Valley, and then fertilize the fruit trees, which of course can grow super fruit like the orchards of the West.”

The suddenness and water of the western orchards added to these composting pools is the method Shen Yang thought up to cover up the light spots of the green balls, because the fruits produced in this orchard suddenly turned into extremely delicious super fruits. Everyone will feel abnormal.

With this excuse, although it is not perfect, it can also remind people that the fruit trees here have absorbed the same nutrients as the orchard in the west, and it is not surprising that they produce the same super fruits.

As for the amount of soil that needs to be added to these compost ponds, it is also very small. Otherwise, the fertilizer needed for such a large orchard would not dig a big hole in Jinquan Valley?Moreover, Shen Guangguang also stipulated that the fertilizer added to the soil in Jinquan Valley only needs to be applied once a year.

The ridges on both sides of the Jinquan Valley have been contracted by Shen Yangguang, and the slopes outside the ridges have also been written in the contract. There is a lot of soil there that can be made into this "super fertilizer".

Shen Guangguang made a rough estimate, based on the calculation that only a small amount of "super fertilizer" needs to be added to each compost, even if the area of ​​the orchard is enlarged by a hundred times, the soil can be used for hundreds of thousands of years, and there is no need to worry about digging up the hillside. null.

For this kind of "super fertilizer" that is no different from the mixture of ordinary soil and water, Shen Yangguang also set up a new department, with a total of ten people, who are responsible for digging soil, mixing water and thin mud, and then drying it into dried fertilizers. Mud, bagged for use.

Doing so is actually useless, but in order to deceive others, Shen Yangguang had no choice but to do so.

Zhou Jianguo obviously didn't know that this "super fertilizer" was a fake, and suddenly realized: "I said why the cherries this year have become more delicious, so it's because of this reason."

Shen Yangguang smiled and said: "In fact, this kind of super fertilizer is mixed with compost, and the fermented fertilizer only needs to be applied once a year. The nutrients absorbed by these fruit trees will gradually become the same as the fruit trees in the western orchard. Let this change be completed earlier, the eastern orchard and the apple orchard in Zixia Village have been fertilized several times, and I estimate that the fruits they produce this fall should be similar to the superfruits in the western orchard."

Zhou Jianguo immediately became excited and said, "Then if the fruits we mentioned just now become super fruits, the cherries of one thousand mu alone will have an income of more than one billion yuan!"

Now all the fruit trees in the eastern orchard have absorbed the light spots from the green balls, even the newly planted watermelons and cantaloupe are no exception. When these 10-acre fruits mature, I am afraid that the benefits they will bring will be as high as tens of thousands. [-] million yuan!
Zhou Jianguo sighed for a while, and suddenly said with some concern: "Our super fruit is indeed very easy to sell, but because the price is too expensive, the sales volume must be much lower than that of ordinary fruits. Now there is a variety of each fruit in the eastern orchard. Thousands of acres, if all of them become super fruits, our current more than 700 fruit shops can also digest them, but Zixia Branch Garden has a full [-] acres of apples, and the output is ten times that of the fruits here. I'm afraid our fruit shop won't be able to digest it in time."

Zhou Jianguo's worries are not unreasonable. Shen Yangguang has also thought about this issue before, and he has already calculated based on the sales of the previous super apples. It is true that the existing fruit shops cannot digest so many fruits in time, but he has already planned in his heart. , laughed: "Then continue to open fruit shops!"

(End of this chapter)

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