Super Orchard

Chapter 281 Anti-Season Chapter Planting

Chapter 281 Off-Season Planting

As one of the largest companies in the industry, Nanfang Fruit Seedlings Co., Ltd. basically has all kinds of fruit tree seedlings, and the quantity is large. After negotiating with Jinquan Orchard, a carload of fruit tree seedlings was sent in within a few days. In the orchard.

In order to prevent these fruit tree saplings from being damaged by freezing, Shen Guangguang also bought a large amount of straw to cover them to keep warm. As soon as the transport convoy entered Northeast Province, ice crystals had already hung on the straw outside.

Shen Yangguang immediately arranged for all the employees to start working, and quickly moved the fruit tree seedlings together with the straw into the greenhouse. After entering this warm environment, the straw wrapped around the fruit tree seedlings will be removed.

The two greenhouses that are going to be used for planting fruit trees have already turned on the heating system, but it is only on the second gear, so the temperature is not very high, about ten degrees Celsius, which is enough for the fruit trees to survive.

As for the two greenhouses on the west side, which were just completed a few days ago, there is no need to plant any fruit trees for the time being, so the warm light is not turned on. It has a strong thermal insulation function, and it can be kept above zero even in the coldest night.

After the truckloads of banana and pineapple trees were transported into the greenhouse, hundreds of employees began to plant them immediately.

In fact, these two kinds of fruit tree seedlings cannot be called "trees", because both bananas and pineapples are perennial herbaceous plants, which means that both are real grasses.

Most herbaceous plants are annuals, meaning they sprout and grow in the spring and die in the fall, but some are perennials and can live for many years.

In addition, herbaceous plants have another characteristic that is obviously different from woody plants, that is, most herbaceous plants can only bloom once in a lifetime, and will wither after blooming, while woody plants can bloom almost every year.

Like an annual herb, it blooms once a year, and it will wither soon after it blooms. It repeats this every year. There is a word called "life like summer flowers" that praises the tenacity of life, which is the most common in nature. Things, even herbaceous perennials, such as bamboo.

Although bamboo can live for many years, it can only bloom once, and it will wither after blooming. This is one of the reasons why the national treasure giant panda is so rare, because almost a large area of ​​bamboo blooms and withers at the same time. The bamboos on the entire mountain range withered together, and it was difficult for giant pandas living here to find food unless they crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to find another bamboo forest.

But everything is not absolute. Bananas and pineapples are perennial herbaceous plants like bamboo, but these two fruit trees will bloom for many years without withering like woody plants. Of course, there are reasons for artificial cultivation. For example, some ornamental pineapples still abide by this rule, and the flowers will wither and die after blooming once.

As one of the most common fruits on the market, bananas and pineapples each have different characteristics.

Banana is a plant belonging to the Musaceae Musa genus, so it is very similar to plantains. It also has wide leaves, like a plantain fan. However, banana trees are not high. The average variety is about two meters, and the tallest is only three to three meters high. The height of five meters is also the reason why Shen Yangguang built the last few super greenhouses relatively short, and each one only costs 4000 million yuan.

If it is to build a super greenhouse like a durian garden, the cost is as high as 400 million yuan, which is [-]% more expensive than this kind of super greenhouse, and neither bananas nor pineapples need such a high height. waste.

Bananas are fragrant and nutritious. They are widely planted in tropical regions all over the world, and they are also highly valued in temperate regions, because bananas are not too demanding on temperature. Basically, there is no problem if the temperature is not lower than five degrees. This is one of the reasons why Shen Guangguang dared to plant bananas in this season.

The appearance of banana fruit is very special. It is not like the fruit segment formed by a dozen bananas closely arranged together in the market, but nearly ten fruit segments are stacked together, like a layer of buildings. It weighs tens of kilograms.

my country is one of the oldest countries in the world for cultivating bananas, and most of the major banana varieties grown around the world today are passed down from my country.

But now the world's most important banana planting area is not our country, but in Central America and the northern part of South America, as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. This is mainly due to the characteristics of tropical fruits of bananas. They are more suitable It grows in the tropics, but in China, only a few provinces in the south are suitable for planting.

Although Jinquan Orchard is almost in the northernmost part of China, growing bananas is not a problem at all because of the high-tech greenhouses and golden air currents.

Planting bananas requires sufficient temperature and water, and Jinquan Orchard can fully satisfy these two points. With the high-tech greenhouse and drip irrigation system, it absorbs spring water for irrigation on the spot, so there is no need to worry about insufficient internal temperature or insufficient water.

In addition, because the root system of bananas is relatively fragile, banana fruit trees also have relatively high requirements for soil.

The soil in Jinquan Valley has not been plowed for countless years, unlike some places where the soil has been "hardened" by plowing and fertilizing back and forth. These are soft and fertile high-quality soils, which are very suitable for the growth of bananas.

In addition, because the banana leaves are very wide, the most feared thing about planting bananas is strong wind. A wind that does not affect other fruit trees may completely tear and destroy the banana leaves. I'm worried, because bananas are all grown in greenhouses, so it's hard to get wind.

Generally, what we often see in the market is that imported bananas are much more expensive than domestic bananas, and they look much better. In fact, most of the imported bananas are "local" bananas that are exported to other places for planting, and then the imported ones are selected domestically, because of taxes and fees. Due to the cost of long-distance transportation, the imported bananas are basically of high quality, otherwise the selling price of imported bananas of average quality is not enough for a series of expenses.

Domestic bananas do not need to be selected, they can be sold regardless of whether they are good-looking or not. Therefore, it seems that imported bananas are much better than domestic ones, but in fact there is not much difference.

In addition, the reason why imported bananas are so much more expensive than domestic bananas is that in addition to being the best quality fruit, the series of costs during the import process are also included in the price, so the price is of course much more expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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