Super Orchard

Chapter 165 Avocado

Chapter 165 Avocado

After working for several days, more than 1000 custard apples were planted. Shen Guangguang, who was exhausted and half dead, just recovered. Seeing that a new greenhouse was about to be built, he started to buy avocado saplings again.

Because this fruit looks like a pear and has a rough skin like a crocodile's head, people also call it avocado, or butternut.

Avocado is a rare fruit in tropical regions. Avocado, belonging to the family Angiosperm, is an evergreen tree. The shape of the fruit tree is also very distinctive.

The bark is grey-green with longitudinal fissures, the leaves are alternately elliptical, pointed at the front, wedge-shaped at the tail, green above, usually slightly pale below, with short pubescent hairs.

The nutritional value of avocado is very high, rich in a variety of vitamins, rich in fat and protein, and also high in sodium, potassium, calcium, etc.

In addition to eating raw, this kind of fruit can also be used to make dishes and cans. The seeds of the fruit are also very valuable. The nuts contain fatty oil, which is non-drying oil and has a mild aroma. It can be used for food and is also a medicine and an important raw material for the cosmetic industry.

Avocados are native to Central America and are grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, but are most grown in the southern United States, Guatemala, Mexico, and Cuba.

There are also some places in the southern part of the country where it is planted, such as Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan, Yunnan and Guizhou, etc., but the planting area is very small and has not formed a scale.

For this reason, avocado is not a common fruit in the domestic fruit market. Like custard apple, Shen Yangguang once ate it when he was in college in the provincial capital, but not many times.

To this day, Shen Guangguang still has a deep memory of the unique flavor of avocado. Its pulp is very soft, like cheese, so it is also called butternut.

Shen Yangguang bought the avocados and ate them raw. The taste is very good, similar to the belly of salmon and tuna, very soft and tender.

After falling in love with this fruit, Shen Yangguang checked other ways to eat avocado on the Internet when he was free and found that it is delicious to make fruit salad or vegetable salad with avocado. You can also chop the avocado pulp and eat it with sugar .

In addition to delicious taste, avocado also has a strong beauty value, which contains rich vitamins, protein and precious vegetable oil "oleic acid", which can achieve a strong deep moisturizing effect.

In addition, avocado can also exfoliate, nourish hair, improve eye puffiness and eye bags, whiten and anti-aging, etc., which can be called the fruit of beauty.

When it comes to how to eat avocados, Shen Yangguang can speak clearly and logically, but when it comes to how to plant them, Shen Yangguang is not clear. So, after a brief communication with the Southern Fruit Tree Seedling Company, he called Zhao Chunqiu, a graduate student in the provincial capital.

"Uncle Zhao, we planted custard apples in our orchard a few days ago, and now I am planning to plant avocados. Just now I have a brief discussion with the Southern Fruit Seedling Company. Now I have a question about the planting density, that is, avocado trees are better than durian, jackfruit, mangosteen, etc. It is half as short, but the planting density mentioned by the Southern Fruit Seedling Company is not as good as these kinds of fruits. About 120 acres of land can only plant two to three thousand fruit trees, while the same area of ​​durian and other fruits are planted with [-] trees, so I would like to ask the specifics What is the planting density like?"

Although there are not many avocados planted in China, especially in the north, Zhao Chunqiu still has a good understanding of this kind of fruit trees. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Although avocados are much shorter than the several fruit trees you just mentioned, But because the canopy is relatively large, the planting density is comparable to that of those kinds of fruits. The South Fruit Seedling Company said that only two to three thousand trees can be planted in more than 100 mu of land. It is estimated that considering the planting environment of avocados, according to the conditions of your orchard It is indeed a bit wasteful, you can plant according to the number of [-] trees."

After hearing Zhao Chunqiu's words, Shen Yangguang, who was still struggling at first, immediately felt relieved as if he had taken a reassurance. He asked about some specific customized cultivation methods for avocados, and began to contact Nanfang Fruit Seedling Company about purchasing.

The Southern Fruit Seedling Company is worthy of being the top fruit seedling cultivation base in China. Basically, they have fruit trees that can be named, and their company can even find fruit trees that cannot be named.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that each fruit of their company has fruit trees of different seedling ages, which gives customers a lot of choice.

Normal avocados need to be planted for about four years before they bear fruit. In order not to waste time, and with the golden air current in his body, he does not have to worry about the survival rate of fruit tree seedlings, so he bought [-] of the most expensive three-year-old avocados. sapling.

This batch of fruit saplings, together with the transportation costs across almost the entire country, cost another 10 yuan, but this small amount of money is nothing to Shen Yangguang. When the avocados are on the market, they will soon earn back a hundred times .

Within a few days, a new greenhouse was built, avocado saplings were delivered to the orchard, and Shen Yangguang began to bring dozens of employees to start planting non-stop.

The process of digging pits and planting to transmit golden airflow is no different from other fruit trees, but avocado is special, that is, it is a fruit tree that grows in the tropical rainforest and competes for sunlight. Only a high temperature and high humidity environment can promote the growth of fruit trees. Rapid growth, if you do not have such environmental conditions, it will cause slow growth of fruit trees, and even affect consequences such as flowering and fruiting.

The high temperature condition can be achieved for this kind of high-tech greenhouse, but the high humidity is somewhat difficult.

So after all the [-] avocado trees were planted, Shen Yangguang took his staff to plant a lot of grass or green manure near the fruit trees, and covered the roots of the trees a lot.

Through this covering method, the organic matter content of the surface soil at the root of the tree is increased to form a high-humidity environment similar to the tropical rainforest in the origin of the avocado, which stabilizes the ecological conditions of the fruit tree and promotes the ability to inhibit the activity of root rot. Microbial reproduction.

Rhizosphere mulching can also reduce the evaporation of soil moisture and reduce the damage of dry heat to avocado trees. It can reduce the soil temperature in summer and increase the temperature of soil in winter. It can increase soil organic matter and reduce waste. Grass is a good way to kill multiple birds with one stone.

In addition, avocado trees have another characteristic, that is, they need to keep the rhizosphere soil moist throughout the year, and are very sensitive to soil drought. Once the rhizosphere lacks water, the physiological functions of the fruit tree will be handicapped, weakening the fruit tree. It leads to serious consequences such as leaf drop and reduced resistance, so it is very important to maintain the soil moisture of avocado trees.

But there is another difficulty, that is, due to the characteristics of the root system of the avocado tree, it needs water very much, but it cannot allow too much water. If the soil is too wet, it will cause root rot and reduce the content of soluble solids in the fruit.

Therefore, the best irrigation method for growing avocados is sprinkler irrigation or drip irrigation. Golden Spring Orchard is fully satisfied, so Shen Yangguang is not too worried. He only needs to water regularly and quantitatively according to the planting manual every day.

(End of this chapter)

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