Super Orchard

Chapter 164 Another one

Chapter 164 Another one

In the commercial center of the county seat, in the Jinquan Orchard fruit shop, the subtitles on the display screen above the door have been replaced with words such as "Jinquan mango is new".

Although the fruit shop was newly opened last year, this kind of mango has been on the market for several years, so people immediately buy it when they see "Jinquan Mango".

Before that, mangoes were wholesaled to Zhou Jianguo, who then resold them to various sales terminals. Although there was no shadow of Jinquan Orchard, each mango had a small label of "Jinquan Brand" on it, and everyone knew that it was The specialty fruit of Jinquan Orchard.

A middle-aged woman walked into the store, and immediately saw Jinquan mangoes placed in the most conspicuous position at the entrance of the store.

Walking to the cashier, the middle-aged woman put the bag on the electronic scale and began to weigh it.

After skilled operation, the clerk said: "Hello, Jinquan mango is 860 yuan a catty, and the weight is [-] catties and [-] taels. The total is [-] yuan."

The middle-aged woman asked while she was paying: "Is this the mango produced by Jinquan Orchard? Is it the Jinquan mango that was sold in the market a few years ago?"

After hearing the clerk's affirmative answer, the middle-aged woman paid happily and left with a big bag of mangoes.

This situation and this scene were simultaneously staged in fifty fruit shops.

In some counties and cities far away from Jinquan Village, Jinquan mangoes are not well-known enough, because the price is very high, so the sales are not fast.

Even so, due to the limited quantity of mangoes, only [-] catties in total, and the amount allocated to each store ranges from a few hundred catties to three to four thousand catties, so it only took a week for all Jinquan mangoes to be sold complete.

Seeing that another 1000 million yuan had been added to the company's accounts, Shen Yangguang was very satisfied, but he did not get carried away. Instead, he arranged for Wang Chunmei and others to purchase custard apple saplings according to the plan.

Obviously, this kind of tropical fruit tree seedlings were not available in the research institute in the provincial capital, so Shen Yangguang contacted the Southern Fruit Seedling Company to discuss purchasing matters, and then Wang Chunmei and others went to pick up the goods in person.

Because the fruit trees of custard apple are not considered tall, the planting density is much closer than that of durian and jackfruit. Each fruit tree only needs to be three meters wide and four meters long, that is, twelve square meters is enough.

The area of ​​this newly-built greenhouse is 50 meters wide and 400 meters long, with a total area of ​​10 square meters. One thousand six hundred fruit trees can be planted, and the price of this kind of fruit tree seedlings is not too expensive. It only cost less than [-] A million dollars is enough.

When the greenhouse is about to be completed, the [-] fruit tree seedlings will also be transported to the orchard.

Shen Yangguang saw another 1000 million yuan in the company's account, and felt that it would be a waste to let the money lie there all the time. Under the itching, he found Weilong again and wanted to build another greenhouse.

Wei Long was so happy that he almost flew up. In the past few years, he has received an order from Shen Yangguang every spring and autumn, but he has never received two orders at the same time.

At this time, Wei Long looked at Shen Yangguang as if he was looking at a gold mine, and said with golden eyes: "Mr. Shen, what kind of fruit do you want to plant this time? What is the size of the greenhouse?"

"This time I want to grow avocados, because this kind of fruit tree is relatively tall, so I want to build that kind of giant greenhouse."

Weilong knows the fruit of avocado, which is called avocado in the market, but he doesn't know the height of this kind of fruit tree. He asked, "What is the height of this fruit tree?"

For this matter, Shen Yangguang has long been aware of it, and said: "The height of an adult avocado tree is about ten meters."

Wei Long thought for a while and said: "According to this height, it would be too wasteful to build a shed with a height of 20 meters on the outermost periphery. I reckon it can be built with a height of 40 meters on the outermost periphery and [-] meters in the central area." What do you think of Mr. Shen?"

It just so happened that Shen Yangguang thought the same way, nodded and said, "It is built according to this height, the width is also 200 meters, and the length is 400 meters. How much is the cost of this kind of greenhouse?"

The cross-section of this kind of greenhouse is the same as the previous giants, but the overall height is ten meters shorter, so the cost will be much cheaper. Weilong called the technicians to write and draw on the paper together. Soon after A result was obtained: "Forty-five million yuan."

At this price, Shen Yangguang can fully afford it. Originally, he still had more than 700 million yuan in his hand. After buying a batch of custard apple saplings and paying a large amount of shipping costs, plus the 1000 million yuan he sold for mangoes , a total of more than 700 million yuan, this small 500 million yuan is not a problem at all.

In Wei Long's Xiyi's eyes, Shen Yangguang said coquettishly again: "It's the same this time, just pay in one lump sum instead of installment payment."

When Wei Long heard this, he almost jumped up, hugged Shen Yangguang and kissed him vigorously. From what he saw, if he didn't use the installment payment, even if the money was deposited in the bank, he could earn a lot of interest. This is not a small sum.

But in Shen Yangguang's view, these are nothing, and he doesn't plan to invest in other industries, and the bank interest alone is nothing.

After signing another construction contract, Jinquan Orchard still had more than 3000 yuan in its account, and Weilong was so excited that he got such a large sum of money for the project. Hurry up to finish this custard apple greenhouse so that we can start building an avocado greenhouse.

During the overtime work of Weilong Company, the custard apple greenhouse was quickly completed, and they didn't have to go back and started building another greenhouse directly.

At the same time, [-] custard apple saplings were also transported to the orchard, and Shen Yangguang led a group of employees to start planting them.

Like planting other fruit trees, the first thing is to dig the planting hole. Since the area of ​​the greenhouse is not too large, and the fruit trees of custard apple are much shorter than mangosteen, the area and depth of the planting hole are much smaller. There are only [-] of them, and they will all be dug up soon.

The next step is to start planting in groups of two. The custard apple likes light and tolerates shade, and it can grow better with sufficient light, but it is not resistant to waterlogging. Water several times to prevent the fruit trees from being drowned.

The whole greenhouse was full of excitement. Some people were carrying saplings, some were helping fruit trees to put into the planting holes, and some were responsible for backfilling the soil. At the same time, the drip irrigation system needs to be installed after the fruit trees are planted. Someone is watering fruit trees one by one with the hose of a water pump.

Shen Yangguang was also very tired, because he had to deliver golden airflow to each fruit tree, and he was afraid that someone would find out that his behavior was abnormal, so he joined the ranks of carrying fruit tree saplings, just touching the fruit trees while carrying the saplings, silently The incoming golden airflow.

In the process of planting fruit trees, carrying saplings is not the most tedious job, but it is the most energy-intensive, so after a few days of busy work, even though Shen Yangguang's physical fitness strengthened by the golden air flow is far beyond ordinary people, he still suffers from backache. Back pain, only missing leg cramps.

(End of this chapter)

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