Super Orchard

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
Unconsciously, Jinquan Village ushered in midsummer, and the temperature soared to over 30 degrees at noon!
During this period of time, unless something happened in the orchard, Shen Yangguang usually only went to see it in the morning and evening, and hid at home for the rest of the time.

At the end of July, the wild grapes in the orchard were ripe again. Same as last year, except for the [-] catties of wild grapes that were sent to the winery to make wine, some of them were kept for their own consumption, and most of the rest were sold to Zhou Jianguo.

This batch of wild grapes sold a little over 13 catties in total, with a total value of 400 million yuan. The account of Jinquan Orchard also changed again, increasing to 500 million yuan.

At this time, Shen Yangguang was lying on the mat at home, watching TV, eating homemade wild grape ice cream and drinking iced wild grape juice. His small life was very leisurely.

Dumb and Agua couldn't be shirtless like Shen Yangguang, they both had down jackets on their bodies, it was really miserable in this scorching summer, they were also like Shen Yangguang, basically stayed in the house except in the morning and evening.

Shen Yangguang remembered that when he was a child, whenever midsummer came, he would go to the small river east of the village with a group of friends in the village, and jump into the river with his bare buttocks to take a bath. It was not only refreshing, but also fun.

With the development of the times, today's villages have electric fans or air conditioners, and the river water is not as clear as when he was a child. In recent years, Shen Yangguang has never seen any children running to the river to take a bath.

Thinking of the scenes in his childhood, Shen Yangguang suddenly had a whim, when he would dig a swimming pool in the orchard, surrounded by green trees, and the spring water in the pool was clear, wouldn't it be beautiful?
Although hot spring water is dug out of the valley, the temperature is not high, only over 20 degrees, which is considered warm water in winter, but in summer when the outside world is over 30 degrees, it can only be regarded as cold water.

The sun gradually moved to the west, and after an unknown period of time, it was completely blocked by the mountains in the west, leaving only the colorful sunset glow between the sky and the earth.

At this time, the outdoor temperature had dropped a lot, so Shen Yangguang got up and went to the orchard.

Due to the hot day at noon and the short night and day, Jinquan Orchard adopts a summer schedule during this period, that is, it does not go to work at noon, but extends to both sides, that is, it comes one hour earlier in the morning, and goes home one hour earlier at noon for lunch or lunch break. .

In the afternoon, I come to work one hour late, and walk one hour late in the evening. Because the day is getting longer, the sky has not yet turned dark after one hour. At this time, the employees in the orchard have not yet left work.

In the past few days, Shen Yangguang is most concerned about the durian tree, and the employees of the business department are basically busy in the durian garden, because the durian will soon ripen!
This is the first time that Jinquan Orchard has planted durians, and it is also the first time that durians have produced fruit. Therefore, the employees basically have no experience. They can only carry out daily management by comparing the planting manuals and asking the fruit seedling company every day.

As soon as he walked into the durian garden, Shen Yangguang could smell the strong fruity fragrance. During this period of time, as the durians grew bigger and bigger, the fruity fragrance in the greenhouse became more and more intense. This may be due to the golden airflow. Shen Yangguang He felt that the durian smell here was much stronger than the durian he had come into contact with before.

In the greenhouse, although these durian trees are only five years old, they still grow to a height of several meters. More than 5000 durian trees are neatly arranged in rows, which is very spectacular.

Seeing several employees working with masks on, Shen Yangguang asked suspiciously: "It's a hot day, isn't it hot wearing masks?"

"Can it not be hot? But the smell of these durians is getting stronger and stronger. I can't stand it without a mask!"

"Yeah, it smells really bad. If you stay here for a while, you will feel dizzy."

The other employees who didn't wear masks showed a completely different scene. Some people even took exaggerated deep breaths, and said with an intoxicated look: "It smells so good, I'm drooling!"

"I said Erya, you can't smell the durian smell when you wear a mask? Are you lying to yourself?"

Then there was a bit of controversy.

Looking at the two camps that are clearly divided, Shen Yangguang doesn't know what to say. The taste of durian is really special. Those who love durian think it is an attractive fruity aroma, while those who don't like durian think it is a foul smell. , only a few people will feel indifferent.

Specifically, whether this taste is fragrant or stinky, it is tantamount to a dispute between sweet tofu nao and salty tofu nao.

Wang Chunmei saw that the employees in her department were arguing non-stop, so she said loudly: "It doesn't matter whether it is fragrant or smelly, those who like it should eat it, and those who don't like it should not eat it, that's all."

Seeing the frowning faces of several employees wearing masks, Shen Yangguang said with a smile: "When I was in school, I also felt that durian was extremely smelly, and I couldn't accept that smell at all."

An employee on the side of durian stink immediately said: "Listen to you, the boss also said that durian is stinky!"

The employee who stood by and thought that Durianxiang was on the side took the conversation and said, "The boss is talking about the past, how do you know how the boss is doing now?"

Shen Yangguang continued to laugh and said, "After contacting it a few times, I found that the durian tasted delicious besides smelling bad. Later, I suddenly found that the durian didn't smell bad anymore."

Before anyone else could speak, Shen Yangguang continued: "So I want to wait a few days until the durians are fully ripe, and let everyone taste them. If you think the durians are smelly, try them too. Eat less each time, and eat a little bit more. After a few days, if you still feel that the durian smells bad, then I won’t let you be in charge of the durian garden in the future, what do you think?”

After hearing this, everyone cheered and jumped for joy. The one who didn't wear a mask was because he could eat durians, and the one who wore a mask finally had a chance to get out of this smelly place.

As one of the few centrists, Wang Chunmei didn't care whether durians are fragrant or stinky, but asked: "Boss, when durians are ripe this year, we can pick them by stepping on a small ladder, but I'm afraid we won't be able to pick them next year." gone."

Shen Yangguang also knew that these durian trees were growing so fast that they looked different every day. The key was that they were growing all year round, and they would definitely grow taller next year, so he said, "It's true, next year these durian trees will grow taller. The small ladder can't reach the durians on the tree, do you have any good ideas?"

Wang Chunmei shook her head and said, "Not yet."

Shen Guangguang thought for a while. In the durian plantations in Southeast Asia, because the fruit trees can reach more than 20 meters high, and the branches and leaves are intricate, it is impossible to completely pick the fruits by ladders alone. Therefore, many people climb directly on the trees to pick them.

When using this method, the people on the tree throw the picked durians directly to the ground, and there are people on the ground holding cloth bags or small net bags to respond, and the durians fall directly into the cloth bags or net bags to ensure that the durians will not be destroyed. break.

However, the disadvantage of this method is also obvious, that is, working at a height of more than 20 meters will have certain safety risks, and colleagues cannot throw durians into the bag to catch them [-]% accurately, and they often throw them crookedly.

If the durian is thrown on the ground and it breaks, that's okay, at most it will lose a little income, but if it hits someone, the thing that weighs several kilograms and covered with spikes falls from such a high place, and I'm afraid it can smash people death or injury!
If it happens to hit the head of the person on the ground, it is very likely that the scoop will be opened on the spot! This kind of scene is scary to think about.

Considering that this method is really dangerous, Shen Yangguang thought about it for a while and then gave up, but he couldn't think of any better method for a while, so he said: "Let's talk about this matter next year. If you have any good ideas, you can tell them at any time." I."

(End of this chapter)

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