Chapter 682

The testimonies of Li Zhenwen and others, coupled with He Xiaoxi's handling method, directly put Li Shehuo in the position of a villain without any trace.

All present are human beings.Everyone can understand the effect of He Xiaoxi's doing so.It seems that Shuidong Village has to pay some money, but it has won word of mouth.

County Magistrate Lin still has some impressions of He Xiaoxi.He asked: "This is Comrade He Xiaoxi, right? Human relations should also be respected in revolutionary work. Brother villages should be allowed to help each other."

Township head Gu has been promoted to be the director of the county office, and he also echoed: "Mayor Lin is right. You can't hurt everyone's enthusiasm. If you don't want to ask for wages, as long as it is voluntary, you should support it."

The new head of the township was transferred from a neighboring township, and he was the brother-in-law Chen Fengnian who was found to have a lot of money when he tried to steal gasoline.The new mayor also came out to express his opinion.

Lijiazhuang Village is really upset that Shuidong Village has acquired the ownership of this swamp, and Gu Yi wants to embarrass Shuidong Village in public.

Before, they wanted to compete with Shuidong Village for the ownership of this land.

However, the old and new mayors both have a close relationship with Shuidong Village.In addition, regardless of geographical location or historical origin, Shuidong Village has all the more reasons to get this land.

No matter where the lawsuit goes, there is no way to change the established facts.

They couldn't even fight for the reed beach before.After Shuidong Village has spent money and efforts to rectify it, they will be even more invincible.

In Liwo Village, which has the same origin as them, they did not maintain a good relationship.When they got into the sedan chair, their ears were piercing, and their plot to join forces with Liwo Village to find trouble in Shuidong Village failed.

Liwo Village not only refused to advance and retreat with them, but instead united with Shuidong Village.He also got a lot of benefits from Shuidong Village.

This made Li Shehuo very annoyed.He didn't think that Liwo Village and Shuidong Village had a good relationship, and Shuidong Village took them with them.The narrow-minded person thought that Liwo Village had betrayed them for profit.

Hearing that Li Zhenwen prevented the villagers from asking for wages and fawning over Shuidong Village, he took the opportunity to sue both villages in public.

Unexpectedly, the final result was far from what he had imagined.Not only did he fail to achieve the expected goal, but he also made himself a despicable villain.

This incident was just a small episode in the inspection process, and it did not affect everyone's mood.Although the land is still bare now, no crops have been planted.

But everyone can imagine the situation of rice fragrance.This is a field that everyone places high hopes on.

As long as the test is successful, it is a great achievement.If it can be promoted smoothly, the future achievements of everyone present will not be lost.

Even if it is not for upholding justice and upholding justice, but only for this merit, no one will make trouble for Shuidong Village.

Gui Province is a major rice producing area. Knowing that Shuidong Village improved the swampland into paddy fields, Lu Yongjun took advantage of his vacation to ask the local villagers for their experience in rice planting.

"Our village is also preparing to grow rice, but our side is in the north, and we have never grown rice before, and everyone can't grow it. I just want to sort out a document and send it back." Lu Yongjun spoke slowly.

This is the method that He Xiaoxi found for him after consulting many people.Slow down the pace of your speech, preferring to pause more in the middle than repeating words and sentences.

After practicing slowly, now Lu Yongjun rarely stutters.

While talking to everyone, Lu Yongjun made notes in his notebook.There are a lot of words written in the notebook densely, and there are already more than half of the notebook.

The experience and lessons he has asked for advice these days are all sorted out and recorded here.

In the package that He Xiaoxi received, there was a notebook.He Xiaoxi looked through the fruits of Lu Yongjun's labor these days, and felt that these were very helpful to them.

"The literacy class in our village can start the second phase of teaching." He Xiaoxi handed the notebook to Lu Aiguo.

He Xiaoxi is going to open a new literacy class.Combined with the notebook here, while teaching everyone literacy, let everyone learn to remember this notebook at the same time.

Lu Aiguo flipped through the notebook, looking at the familiar handwriting on it. "Okay, the village will distribute kerosene to you, but the venue is difficult to handle, why not set up two rooms in our old house?"

Sister Jin borrowed one of the two classrooms of the night shift school.The other room was given to Lao Wu's family members.Both classrooms are now occupied.If there is a night school again, the venue is indeed a big problem.

He Xiaoxi thought about it, and didn't want everyone to enter other houses in the old Lu's house.

"I'll take care of the site. It's not in our old house. Let's borrow He Ya's house for a while. When our village builds a house, build it bigger.
In the future, if there are teaching classes or the like, or a meeting, it will be there. "He Xiaoxi said.

After the He Ya brothers' house was built, He Ya stayed there and did not move here in order to make his other brothers feel uncomfortable.His brothers were looking forward to his moving, almost blinded.

Only if they moved out and gave up the house, his brothers could live in more space.

"He Ya, I'd like to borrow your house over there. Is it okay to hold a literacy class for a few days?" He Xiaoxi discussed with He Ya at the ferry.

"I'm sure it's fine. I'm planning to spend the holidays at my hometown, but not at Datou's. He will marry a wife in a few days, and the new house must be at the new house." He Ya said with a playful smile.

The festival he said refers to the Spring Festival, not the [-]th day of the eighth lunar month.

When they separated, the house they live in now was allocated to them.Now that they have pulled out the new house, it is okay to give up the old house.

But the family has something to say, and they can't take up his two rooms for nothing.

He Ya is not a fuel-efficient lamp.No one can take advantage of him.Not to mention his brothers who didn't agree with him.

Now that He Xiaoxi came to borrow the house, it fell into his arms.There is even more reason not to move out.

He Xiaoxi shook his head, and said to himself: If you don't take hard and soft things, there is really nothing you can do about them.

He Ya's gang of brothers is not a good thing in itself.He Xiaoxi didn't bother to deal with the grievances between their brothers, and he didn't do anything to help persuade them.

And with He Ya here, other people would not be able to take advantage of He Bin.As long as it is used well, everyone has a use for everyone.

After borrowing the house, He Xiaoxi sent someone to clean it up.I found some tables, chairs and benches and put them in, and erected a blackboard on the wall.I got a few oil lamps in the warehouse in the village and filled them with kerosene.

That night, the second literacy class started.

Lu Aiguo personally acted as the teacher of this literacy class.He Xiaoxi also sat down and acted as a student.

Lu Aiguo was willing to be the teacher of this literacy class because his brother made the teaching materials himself.

Standing on the podium, I proudly told everyone about the origin of this notebook.Introduce the credit of his brother.A look of pride.

He Xiaoxi covered her face: I really don't see it.

 He Xiaoxi covered his face: Voldemort is really a disease, which can be cured.

(End of this chapter)

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