Chapter 681

Li Zhenwen asked about the situation in Shuidong Village in detail. "Their village can process and sell mustard mustard, and the radishes grown will certainly not worry about selling. The remaining cabbage and other vegetables,

They have their own outlets to sell some of them, and there is not much left. They can still make money by contacting some buyers and lowering the price. "Li Zhenwen analyzed.

Li Zhenwen envied Shuidong Village.Shuidong Village is unique in everything it does.In the past, they occupied the convenience of the road than Shuidong Village.He was richer than others, but now it seems that he is not as good as others.

"Didn't you say they also built vegetable greenhouses?" Li Zhenwen asked his brother.

Li Zhenzhang nodded, and replied: "Yes, their vegetable greenhouses are still under construction, and they are located in a large area on the north bank of the river. You don't have to cross the river and stand on the other side of the river to see them."

Ask his brother: "Brother, what should we do? Do we want to learn from Shuidong Village?"

Li Zhenwen didn't answer him, but asked, "Where is Da Quan? They didn't come back with you?"

"No, he's busy over there, so he doesn't have time to come back." Li Zhenzhang replied.

Li Daquan is ingenious and can do some simple carpentry.To build vegetable greenhouses in Shuidong Village, carpenters are needed to make some window lattices and inlay glass.Li Daquan and several people from his village went to Shuidong Village to help.

"Go to Daquan and tell them to help them not to ask for wages from Shuidong Village. Their wages will be paid from our village account. Let them watch carefully and see how their greenhouses are built." Li Zhenwen explained.

After pondering for a while, Li Zhenzhang couldn't help reminding him that he was still waiting by the side. "Brother, is there anything else? I'll go back first."

Li Zhenwen gritted his teeth: "You go and inform the people who go to Shuidong Village to help, and don't ask them for wages. All wages will be paid back to the village account."

This time, I am ready to spend my money.Pull all the people over to do white work for Shuidong Village.

Li Zhenzhang questioned: "Is this possible?"

Li Zhenzhang knew what his brother meant: to work for Shuidong Village for free, hoping to impress the people in Shuidong Village, and don't forget to give them a hand if it is beneficial.

But it was too risky to do this.It's okay for Shuidong Village to accept this favor, but if they don't accept it, they have no way to explain it to the villagers.After all, the money and food in the account of the village belong to everyone.

Li Zhenwen seemed determined, and raised his hand to stop his younger brother's persuasion. "Do as I say, and I will be responsible for any accidents." I was reluctant to let the child not be able to trap the wolf.It is impossible to gain without first paying.

Li Zhenzhang wanted to say something else.But looking at his elder brother's determined expression, he knew that it would be useless to say more.Can't change his elder brother's decision.He had to go out and do what his brother told him to do.

When He Xiaoxi found out about this, it was when all the work was about to be completed and the final payment was made.

He Xiaoxi and others are accompanying the superiors to inspect the improved canals and irrigation systems.These facilities are the most important and necessary part of improving paddy fields.

"The canal has been basically repaired, and the only thing that needs to be jointed. When the cement comes, it can be put into use after the joints are hooked." Lu Aiguo reported to the superiors.

In order to save cement, the canals in Shuidong Village are built with stones.Except for a small part of the stones pulled from the river construction site, which were used to build the house, the rest were used to build the canal.

Moreover, the canals built with stones are not willing to smear the surface with cement.Smooth out the gaps between the stones with cement only.

County Magistrate Lin told Director Yu: "Follow up on the cement matter, and send them the priority when it arrives." In fact, County Magistrate Lin didn't need to explain.

Regarding the friendship between Director Yu and Shuidong Village, if County Mayor Lin doesn't explain, Director Yu will stick to them first.

However, the county magistrate Lin explained, which represented the county's emphasis on improving paddy fields.

He Xiaoxi was mixed in the team of escorts, not conspicuous.People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, so she has no intention of showing off on this occasion.

But the people who heard the news came here to catch the heat and pretend to be familiar, it seemed that they didn't want to see her get away with it.

The village head of Lijiazhuang Village was standing next to her.Originally, he wanted to find a chance to make Lu Aiguo unable to step down.But Lu Aiguo is the host today, and he has to explain at the front of the team.

The village head of Lijiazhuang couldn't stand far enough, so he had to settle for the next best thing, finding fault with He Xiaoxi who was standing next to him.

"Your village is too fussy, and you are bullying neighboring villages by changing the paddy fields." Seeing someone looking towards them, the village head of Lijiazhuang raised his voice like a maniac.

"Using this time to improve the paddy fields, you invited people from neighboring villages to come and help your village with work. You didn't pay everyone for the work, and let everyone work for you for nothing. No one in Liwo Village got paid.

If you don’t give people wages, tell them early, if you say you are willing to do it, you will do it, and if you don’t want to work for nothing, you will not come. Don't give money, cheat the people. "

In one word, the county leaders at the front all turned their heads to look in this direction.

This era still pays attention to debt repayment, which is justified.Lao Lai hasn't run amok yet.IOUs are not yet popular for working for the government.This kind of deceitful behavior is extremely bad.

Everyone looked at the people of Shuidong Village with suspicion, and some even showed contempt.

He Xiaoxi frowned, and asked Lu Jinpeng next to him, "Isn't Liwo Village paid?" Lu Jinpeng is the accountant of the village, so he should know these things.All the money and food in the village are in his hands.

He Xiaoxi did not suspect that he was enriching himself.He had embezzled public funds before because he was lured by He Laoliu and others to gamble.Lu Aiguo gave him a chance to reform himself.He will not know how to cherish.

There are lessons learned from the past, and a person will not fall twice in the same pit.

In order to facilitate the settlement of accounts, the money and food for this work are all settled with each village.Each village takes it back and distributes it to its own villagers.

He Xiaoxi thought it was for their village, Liwo Village, but Liwo Village didn't get married for the people in their village.

He Xiaoxi asked Lu Jinpeng, but Lu Jinpeng looked at Li Zhenwen, the head of Liwo Village.Li Zhenwen hurriedly stood up and spoke: "Shuidong Village didn't lie to us,
At the beginning, it was indeed said that we would be paid for work, and Shuidong Village would find us to settle the bill after finishing the work. It was the villagers in our village who said no, and they should support the brother villages. "

"Li Shehuo, don't sow discord here. It's a matter between us and Shuidong Village whether you give it or not. What does it have to do with you? We are willing to help Shuidong Village.
Can you manage it? Li Daquan stood behind and cheered loudly among the crowd watching the excitement. He was doing carpentry work in Shuidong Village, so he also came to watch the excitement.

Although He Xiaoxi didn't fully understand what was going on.She received this favor from Liwo Village.But human feelings belong to human feelings, and things that compete with the people for profit cannot be done.

"Shuidong Village has accepted the kindness of Brother Village, but our original intention is to create a job opportunity for everyone to earn some money and improve their living standards," He Xiaoxi said.

Tell Lu Jinpeng: "Brother Jinpeng, you are responsible for this matter, do a good job in everyone's ideological work, let everyone get the money back, and one who doesn't want to get it is for you."

 The master is among the people.The demolition party compiled five-character quatrains.Then the residents also made up seven-character quatrains to reply.After you sing, I will appear on the stage, which is very lively.

  I'll post it tomorrow for everyone to enjoy. (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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