Chapter 662

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings.Take care of your own generation, earn some money to raise your children well, and you don’t have to worry about their future.The kids will go out of their own way.

He Xiaoxi knew that her nieces and nieces were not old-fashioned people, and they all performed well.

Of course, He Xiaoxi also helped them a lot in his previous life.There is He Xiaoxi, a successful person, pulling.All the relatives are successful in their careers.

He Xiaoxi felt that the big cousin took a different path from his previous life, which would only benefit the children and not harm them.

He Xiaoxi has self-confidence, her path in this life will only be wider and farther than in her previous life.So don't worry about the future of these juniors.

So in the rest of the time, He Xiaoxi encouraged her aunt to let her cousin go to work in the match factory.

When sending people away, He Xiaoxi invited Uncle Zhou: "Grandpa, you can't go back in time to sell fish and shrimp in the city, so come and live at home. Our house is spacious and the bedding is enough."

Going forward, Uncle Zhou's family settled in Shuidong Village when they went to the city.After breaking up with He Zhonghuai over Grandma He Xiaoxi's funeral, she didn't come to sleep.

This is why He Xiaoxi likes Uncle Zhou.A gentleman does something and doesn't.I would rather not enjoy this little convenience, and have to support my sister and sister.

Uncle Zhou said cheerfully, "I'm talking to your cousins ​​to let them come and live if they can't make it in time."

So far, everything related to He Zhonghuai has come to an end.When He Xiaoxi went to the city to inspect the progress of the building, he stopped by the Municipal Bureau.Inquire about Liu's ending.

According to He Xiaoxi's analysis, Mrs. Liu is very likely to be sentenced to execution by shooting.But the matter has not been concluded for a day, and the bullet has not exploded Liu's head, so He Xiaoxi can't be completely relieved.

Compared with human trafficking, Liu has participated in espionage activities in addition to the crime of human trafficking.

According to He Xiaoxi's knowledge, generally this kind of criminal will not hold a public sentencing meeting like criminals like human trafficking.Not even parading.So there will be no public executions.

In the city bureau, He Xiaoxi accidentally met Lao Wu. "Why are you here?" Because he was too surprised, He Xiaoxi, who was always well-spoken, spoke in a particularly unpleasant way today.

I just asked Lao Wu: Shouldn't you live in the hospital?
Lao Wu, who was supposed to live in the hospital, unexpectedly appeared at work.What about Mrs. Wu and the children?Haven't seen them go back to the village?
"You are back to work, where are the sister-in-law and the children?" He Xiaoxi asked.

"Your sister-in-law said to live in Jitou, so don't worry!" Lao Wu replied in a very natural tone.

Do not worry?Can you rest assured?Wu Da Niu and the others seem to grow up every year.The older you are, the greater the psychological pressure to sit in the classroom. Can you study hard?
And in a few years when social unrest arises, schools will also be closed.Start studying engineering and agriculture, where can you study with peace of mind?

The couple reconciled?If after the reconciliation, they pay no attention to the children's education at the same time, it would be better not to reconcile.

He Xiaoxi inquired about Lele's mother and daughter.

Lao Wu took out a piece of paper from the drawer of his desk and handed it to He Xiaoxi: "This is the confession of several people, take a look."

He Xiaoxi read Liu's confession.It was the same as the news she got from Liu Jinzhu earlier.There is no need to look at He Xiaonan's confession, this alone can prove that what Liu Jinzhu said is true.

When they tricked Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao spoke Jincheng dialect.After realizing being robbed, Xiaoxiao and her daughter took advantage of the chaos to escape.Unexpectedly, out of the tiger's mouth, he entered the wolf's den again.Instead, it fell into the hands of human traffickers.

From these two confessions, although it can be confirmed that Xiaoxiao's mother and daughter are from Jincheng, the specific address cannot be known.In the era of underdeveloped information, it is still difficult to find someone in a crowded city.

He Xiaoxi inquired again about how Mrs. Liu would be sentenced.Get Lao Wu's affirmative answer.Mrs. Liu will not escape the death penalty this time.

How Xiaonan and He Xiaonan will be judged, He Xiaoxi basically has a good idea.Two people have one life and one life in their hands, and a sentence of shooting is more than enough.

Since both Mrs. Liu and He Xiaonan will inevitably die, He Xiaoxi can go back and build a house with confidence.Don't worry about making wedding dresses for others, it's a waste of time.

Hurry up and build the house.That homestead also saved He Laosi's family, who couldn't sleep because of thinking about it day and night.

On the way back, he passed by Jitou blacksmith shop, and He Xiaoxi went around.Originally, when He Xiaoxi planned to come back today, he would go to the blacksmith shop.

In the early days, he asked Uncle Song to help him beat the two iron grates, which should have been done long ago.It's just that she's been busy these days and hasn't taken the time to pick it up.

Seeing He Xiaoxi approaching, Cheng Wazi gripped her skirt aggrievedly.Although Chengwazi didn't dare to speak, He Xiaoxi could see what he meant.It is hoped that He Xiaoxi will intercede and let them go back to live in the village.

He Xiaoxi talked about everything, pros and cons, and finally got Mrs. Wu to agree to go back to Shuidong Village with her. "You live with us first, and I will help you to urge Lao Wu,

Hurry up and ask him to apply for a dormitory for you, bring you there, and take advantage of this time to let the teachers in our village give the children extra lessons.
The curriculum of the first grade is simple, so you don't need to follow it step by step. If you learn it well, you can catch up with the second grade at the beginning of this year. It's not too late according to the age of your big girl.
Otherwise, being so tall, sitting in the classroom with a first-grade child would embarrass the child. "

Listen to people's advice to eat enough.Mrs. Wu felt that this was indeed the case.Moreover, He Xiaoxi's warm invitation did not seem like a fake courtesy.She took advantage of the situation and agreed, willing to go back with He Xiaoxi.

What He Xiaoxi did today is a secret.So the driver with him was Lu Zhenbang.There were only two iron grates that I just got in the car, and nothing else was installed.

He directly carried the few cages of the old Wu family into the car.I didn't choose a day to move, so I took it back with a kick.

There are two rooms on the porch of the Lu family's old house.It has been repaired and cleaned before, and it is used for literacy classes in the village.It just happens to be idle now, and it's just right to settle down with the old Wu family.

However, when He Xiaoxi and the others carried the cage and walked over, they found that one of the two rooms was already occupied.

The person who lives here is none other than Sister Jin who borrowed and lived here in her previous life.

There are too many people here, so it's hard for He Xiaoxi to ask.I only took a few glances at Sister Jin's room.

One room cannot accommodate Lao Wu's family.He Xiaoxi had no choice but to take Chengwazi and his brothers back.Let them live in the same house with the foal.

In the evening, when everyone went back to rest, He Xiaoxi turned to Sister Jin.Ask Sister Jin why she moved back.

 When eating in the canteen, only seven meatballs were given out during the Chinese New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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