661 show off
People die like lights go out.No matter what He Zhonghuai did before his death, turning into a piece of loess can make people choose to forget.Therefore, the contempt of the He brothers and sisters towards the funeral has attracted some brats to say something.

Especially the fourth daughter-in-law of He Lao.When the funeral was held, He Xiaoxi refused their family to go out and did not let them participate.

Although the cloth Lu Yanming bought was defective, it was more troublesome to make filial piety clothes than good cloth.The women who were helping to work near the He family complained endlessly, but none of them were willing to quit.

While complaining and working in full swing.Their complaints not only did not make the He Laosi family who were excluded from the outside more comfortable, but sounded like they were showing off to them.

At first, He Laosi's wife just talked about it in private.There was nothing she could do about the He Xiaoxi brothers and sisters.

In the area behind the old He's house, the He's family has remained silent, and the fourth He's family can't sit still.

He Laosi's wife discussed with He Laosi: "There is only one son in their family, and they can't use that piece of land, why don't we use it as a family?
What kind of funeral did the elder boy organize for his father, and the coffin boards were as thin as paper, so why should he want that piece of land. "Speaking as if He Xiaodong is not qualified, she is qualified to inherit the homestead of the old He family.

When He Zhonghuai died, He Xiaoxi sent letters to Uncle Zhou and Aunt He.But neither of them came.Both of them have the same idea as He Xiaoxi, and they don't want to give him face.

You don't have to come when the funeral is held, but you have to explain the situation afterwards.So Uncle Zhou and Aunt He met to visit Shuidong Village.

Aunt He grew up in the house of the old He family, which carried her many years of memories.So when you come to Shuidong Village, you have to go there to see it.Even if it has been razed to the ground.

Aunt He came, and Fourth He also received the news.We think it is good opportunity.After all, Aunt He is He Zhonghuai's biological sister.There are conflicts in life, but no one cares about a dead person after death.

The He Xiaoxi brothers and sisters treated He Zhonghuai like this, not to mention the thin paper coffin they bought, they just found a place to bury him.The ancestral graves were not allowed in.

As her own elder sister, Aunt He has somewhat affection for her younger brother.At least better than nephews and nieces.After all, they are siblings of the same mother, so they have to face He Zhonghuai, not He Xiaodong.

"His aunt is here, come and sit at home, come and sit." Wu An kindly dragged Aunt He to their house.

The two families were close relatives who hadn't given out the third service, and Aunt He was dragged enthusiastically, so she couldn't refuse.He was pulled into their main room and sat down.

In the beginning, it was just about family affection.But the more Aunt He listened to it later, the more she felt that what they said was not right. Why were they trying to sow discord?

"This is my own father. People say they won't let you bury it in the ancestral grave, so he honestly dare not bury it in the ancestral grave. I touched the two coffins I bought, and they were as thin as paper.

There is no weight at all when it is lifted. "The fourth daughter-in-law of He's nose wrinkled up to three knots, and her tone was full of disdain. "That's your real brother, you have to take care of it." "

Aunt He also heard the taste.Ask her: "Really? How should I manage it?"

He's fourth daughter-in-law thought that Aunt He had been fooled, and she secretly rejoiced.He happily replied: "That's your real brother, if you don't care about it, no one will care about it, why do you want me to teach you?

Didn't your brother leave a piece of land?Even though the house is gone, the land is still worth two dollars, so you have to take care of it, and you can't give it to your nephew for nothing, he is so unfilial. "

Aunt He said heartily: So the crux is here.Wanting to sow dissension and make money for the fisherman is a beautiful idea.

Aunt He curled her lips: "Just save yourself your troubles. You don't need to worry about whether our nephew is doing well. If my nephew doesn't want that piece of land, it won't be your turn, so don't think about good things."

After saying this, Aunt He stood up, patted her buttocks and left.Walking to the gate, "Bah", he spit at the gate of He Laosi's house.

He's fourth daughter-in-law was stabbed by Aunt He.It exposed her little Jiujiu.Angry and angry, she chased Aunt He and scolded: "You dog bit Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people,
Don't you just want to see if your nephew's family can make some money?For the sake of money, I don't want any conscience, and for the sake of flattering him, I don't care whether your brother lives or dies. "

Aunt He originally didn't want to quarrel with her outside and make people watch, but she couldn't help it seeing her being so stubborn.Turning around, he said, "If you are so kind,
A few years ago, when the poisonous woman surnamed Liu and He Zhonghuai had nothing to do, why didn't you uphold justice and save my two little brothers?

My second and third brothers made He Zhonghuai and his wife suffer so badly, why don't you take care of them?If you think He Zhonghuai is good, you can take out his bones and replace them with a thick coffin, and no one else has any objections to burying them in the middle of your yard. "

If you want to be a good person, no one will stop you.If you want to take advantage of the fire and rob, you are not good enough.

The meal was ready at home, He Xiaoxi and the others came to ask Aunt He to have dinner.Walking to the intersection, I saw a crowd of people.At first glance, it turned out that it was Aunt He and his fourth daughter-in-law who were talking and quarreling.

Fearing that Aunt He would get angry, he quickly stopped her. "Auntie, there's no need to get angry with such an incomprehensible person. Her family dares to do any immoral thing for money, even doing things like picking up children for marriage."

Qi Mazi has been accusing Sang and scolding Huai at the gate of He Laosi's house for this matter, and it has not been a day or two.

All the onlookers knew that He Laosi picked up He Fengying's son and ruined He Fengying's marriage.Everyone gave He Xiaoxi their support.

The fourth daughter-in-law of He Lao didn't eat mutton, which made her feel sick.Be completely honest.It can be regarded as being honest for a few years, with his head lowered into his crotch to be a man.

It wasn't until the establishment of a large canteen during the food shortage period that people ate big pots of rice that they started to move around again.However, He Xiaoxi soon suppressed him again.

It didn't jump too high, nor did it last long.

These are all later stories.

He Xiaoxi took Aunt He back to eat.During the dinner, Aunt He asked Lu Aiguo who came to accompany him: "There is a factory that wants to recruit Cousin Xiaoxi and the others to work, should we go or not?"

He Xiaoxi knew that his eldest cousin in the previous life did not go.I regretted it very much later.

Lu Aiguo put down his chopsticks and replied, "Auntie, many factories are now joint public-private operations. Although the income from working with the public is less, the drought and flood can ensure a bumper harvest."

These views were instilled in Lu Aiguo by He Xiaoxi on a daily basis.Aunt He nodded, thinking that Lu Aiguo's analysis made sense.

He Xiaoxi took the opportunity to interject and asked Aunt He: "Auntie, which factory wants to recruit cousin and them?"

"A match factory." Aunt He replied.

He Xiaoxi thought to himself: Well, everyone here is at odds with the match factory. Zhaodi and his wife are in the match factory, and now the eldest cousin and the others are also going to the match factory.Lu Yongjun also helped a match factory put out fires a few days ago.

The match factory has not been automated yet, and it is still made by hand.The eldest cousin and the others are carpenters, and they can be regarded as professional counterparts if they go there.

He Xiaoxi calculated, according to the age of his eldest cousin, when the match factory closed, they would also catch up with the retirement age.The closure of the match factory had little effect on them.

It means that the children cannot take over the work.

 He Xiaoxi's complaints from Jinfang are a bit similar to parents complaining about their children to others.It's more like showing off than complaining.For example: Our children look everywhere when they can’t see me, and I can’t even go out to do some errands.What Hei Yu Ma Ma used to say before. (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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