Chapter 454
A dozen or so brothers distributed the tasks evenly, and it happened that each of them sprayed an acre of strawberry fields.Wang Xiaochuan asked every strawberry to be carefully sprayed to kill all the aphids on the leaves and fruits.

Wang Xiaochuan's high standards are strict, and Zheng Shanhu and other brothers strictly implement them.After an hour of meticulous spraying, Zheng Shanhu and his brothers sprayed all the strawberries in the ten-acre base.

Wang Xiaochuan did not ask the brothers to call it a day, but mobilized everyone to self-check to see if there were any missed strawberries that had not been sprayed.

Xu Qingqing also participated in the inspection work. After nearly an hour of investigation, some dead spots were also found.Then, supplementary spraying was carried out on the places that had not been sprayed in place, ensuring that the entire ten acres of strawberry fields were sprayed with Huangdi aphidicide.

It was already midnight at this time, Wang Xiaochuan saw that all the tasks were completed, so he signaled Zheng Shanhu and Xu Qingqing to go back to the dormitory building of the herb base at the southern foot of Wolong Mountain to rest, while he stayed at the strawberry base.

After Xu Qingqing, Zheng Shanhu and other brothers left, the night got deeper and deeper, but Wang Xiaochuan didn't feel sleepy at all.

He wanted to carefully observe the changes in the strawberries after they were sprayed with the aphidicide.

To Wang Xiaochuan's surprise, all the leaf spots on strawberries disappeared one hour after applying the aphidicide.At first glance, nothing unusual can be seen at all.

There are also spots on the fruit, which have all disappeared, and it is not obvious that they have been damaged by aphids.

"It took only one hour to solve the aphid damage of leaf spot disease. This speed of pest control is really amazing!" Wang Xiaochuan was amazed, and even possessed the Yellow Emperor's planting method in "The Secret of the Yellow Emperor" for himself. We are proud of the preparation of Huangdi Aphid Repellent.

Two hours after applying the Yellow Emperor Aphid Repellent, Wang Xiaochuan discovered another surprising change.That is, the growth of this strawberry is very vigorous, as if it has been fattened.The branches and leaves are luxuriant, the fruit is full, and the color is bright.I tasted a strawberry, which is fragrant and sweet, with endless aftertaste.

"It's great. The Yellow Emperor's aphid removal agent not only eliminates the damage of aphids, but also accelerates the growth of strawberries, and even improves the taste." Wang Xiaochuan was even more amazed by the Yellow Emperor's aphid removal agent this time. .

Seeing this gratifying change, Wang Xiaochuan felt sleepy and fell asleep in the strawberry field.A flower-like smile appeared on his face, and he dreamed that Li Bingyao, the township head, came to inspect the strawberry base in person.

Looking at the vigorously growing strawberries, Li Bingyao ate sweet and delicious strawberries and kept praising her extraordinary strawberry growing skills.He also supported himself in expanding the cultivation of strawberries, and introduced himself to a big merchant to purchase strawberries.

Growing strawberries by yourself, like growing medicinal herbs, has become another pillar industry, driving villagers out of poverty and becoming rich.

When Wang Xiaochuan woke up from his dream, it happened to be dawn, and the east was pale.

I heard larks singing loudly, and bugs chirping in the strawberry field.A gust of wind blew and caressed Wang Xiaochuan's hair, refreshing Wang Xiaochuan's mind.

After Wang Xiaochuan woke up, he was very energetic.

Looking at the strawberries in the ten-acre greenhouse again, I found an amazing change.

But I saw that the strawberries were all juicy and sparkling in the morning sun, like bright pearls, which were so lovable.

The ten-acre strawberry garden is full of scenery.

Growing strawberries makes me feel refreshed. Wang Xiaochuan thinks that growing strawberries has a lot to do.

When Wang Xiaochuan was intoxicated with the fun of growing strawberries, the mobile phone in his pocket rang hastily.Wang Xiaochuan looked at the caller ID and found that it was the village head Guo Danqian.

Wang Xiaochuan pressed the answer button, and immediately Guo Danqian's voice came: "Xiaochuan, I have called all the villagers to the apple orchard, but I saw that you used a homemade potion. Let me ask you, your method can eliminate the apple orchard. Yellow aphid?"

Wang Xiaochuan said confidently: "Let Lin Song demonstrate, and you will know."

Guo Danqian said dubiously, "Xiao Chuan, I'll let Lin Song try it. If it doesn't work, I'd still recommend going to the township agricultural technology station to purchase some pesticides for removing yellow aphids."

But Wang Xiaochuan said: "There is no need for this, use my self-made medicine, and it will be effective soon."

When Guo Danqian heard Wang Xiaochuan's confidence, she stopped asking.She hung up the phone and asked Lin Song to demonstrate.

Lin Song quickly sprayed the Yellow Emperor aphidicide on an apple tree full of yellow aphids, and soon something happened that surprised Guo Danqian.

But I saw the yellow aphids on the apple leaves detached one by one and fell to the ground.And the yellow aphids on the fruit also fell one by one, and soon the ground was covered with layers of yellow aphids.

Guo Danqian squatted down to take a closer look, and found that all the yellow aphids were dead.

"It's amazing, it's even more effective than the aphid-removing pesticides from the Township Agricultural Technology Station!" Guo Danqian was dubious just now, but now seeing the facts, she couldn't help but marvel.

This Xiaochuan, the technique of removing aphids is really superb.

Guo Danqian has confidence in the removal of aphids in Wang Xiaochuan's apple orchard, so she calls on the villagers to actively participate.

Five hundred new-generation grafted apple trees were all sprayed with Huangdi aphidicide, which was a lot of work.

Guo Danqian is very capable. She just saw Lin Song's spraying process.At this moment, I also carried a machine sprayer on my back, and began to spray the yellow emperor aphidicide on the apple trees.

The example of the village head is very powerful. The villagers saw it and followed suit one by one.Soon, the whole apple orchard was in full swing of spraying the yellow emperor aphidicide.

Because the village chief led the villagers to spray the Yellow Emperor aphidicide, Lin Song was only responsible for the spraying quality inspection.As long as the spraying is not in place, Lin Song will make up the spraying to ensure the quality of the spraying operation.

At noon, the [-] new-generation grafted apple trees were all sprayed with Huangdi aphidicide.

Guo Danqian breathed a sigh of relief, and inadvertently turned her head to look at the five hundred apple trees, and found a more gratifying change.

But seeing these apple trees are verdant, with luxuriant branches and leaves.The fruit on the apple tree is all over the branches, which is eye-catching.

When I got closer, I couldn't see any spots on the fruit, which is amazing!The medicine made by Wang Xiaochuan not only killed all the yellow aphids, but also repaired the spots on the apple fruit, making the fruit grow smoother and more colorful.

It looks really good. If Yang Yao, secretary to the beautiful president of Huamao Agricultural and Sideline Products Company in Nanhua City, came to inspect it, she would definitely be full of praise for this new generation of grafted apples, and they would be able to buy them at a high price.Wang Xiaochuan was able to grow apples and sell them for a sum of money, driving the villagers out of poverty and becoming rich!
Guo Danqian led the villagers back to the village after finishing the work of spraying the Yellow Emperor aphidicide.

What made all the villagers smile was that this time Guo Danqian paid the villagers wages under Wang Xiaochuan's instruction.

Of course, this salary was paid by Wang Xiaochuan, but Guo Danqian paid it on his behalf.

The villagers only worked for half a day from morning to noon, and Wang Xiaochuan still settled according to one day's wages.It is equivalent to sending half a day's salary to the villagers, so that the villagers get benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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