Chapter 453
Although it is ten acres, strawberry planting is no less important than other medicinal herbs because it was specially approved by the township head Li Bingyao.

This ten-acre strawberry base is actually an experimental base.If the planting is successful, the planting will be further expanded, just like ginseng, ganoderma, ironwort, and mushrooms.

Wang Xiaochuan just arrived at the strawberry base, Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu waited early.They looked anxious, and it could be seen that the strawberry pests and diseases were worrying.

"Qingqing, Shanhu, please tell me in detail, what kind of pests and diseases encountered in strawberries?" Wang Xiaochuan asked straight to the point.

Xu Qingqing was the first to answer: "Xiao Chuan, follow me into the shed to have a look."

Wang Xiaochuan nodded, and soon followed Xu Qingqing into a strawberry steel structure greenhouse, and Zheng Shanhu also followed.

At this moment, Xu Qingqing had turned on the lights of the steel structure greenhouse, and the whole steel structure greenhouse was like daytime.Wang Xiaochuan is in the greenhouse and can clearly see the growth of strawberries.

Xu Qingqing pointed to a leaf on a strawberry vine and said, "Xiao Chuan, look at this leaf."

Following Xu Qingqing's reminder, Wang Xiaochuan looked over and quickly saw the problem.

But I saw many small dark purple spots on the strawberry leaves, which expanded to form nearly round or oval lesions.The edge is purplish-red-brown, the center is off-white, and there are slightly thin rounds, making the whole lesion look like a snake's eye, and no small black grains are formed on the lesion.

Wang Xiaochuan made an accurate judgment: "Qingqing, this is leaf spot disease. If it is damaged for a long time, the strawberry leaves will rot and deteriorate, affecting photosynthesis. At that time, the strawberries will also grow poorly, affecting the edible effect."

When Xu Qingqing heard this, she asked even more anxiously: "Xiao Chuan, since it's so serious, what should we do?"

Now Wang Xiaochuan turned to ask Xu Qingqing: "Qingqing, didn't you use various methods with Shanhu? Let me ask how you came up with a solution first?"

Xu Qingqing was about to answer when Zheng Shanhu interrupted: "Boss, to tell you the truth, I went to the township agricultural technology station today and called an agricultural technician to come over to check the situation. They also saw that it was leaf spot disease at a glance, and they suggested In the early stage of the disease, use 70.00% chlorothalonil wettable powder [-] to [-] times liquid, and spray it again after ten days."

"Shanhu, did you spray it?" Wang Xiaochuan asked Zheng Shanhu seriously.

Zheng Shanhu nodded and said: "I asked the agricultural technician to spray one or two strawberry plants for experimentation, and if it works, it will be promoted. But the strange thing is that after spraying, not only has no effect, but the leaf spot disease has become more and more serious."

Just after Zheng Shanhu finished speaking, Xu Qingqing said: "Xiao Chuan, look at the two strawberries over there, they were sprayed according to the method of the township agricultural technology station."

Wang Xiaochuan immediately rushed over to have a look, and found that the two strawberry plants had more serious leaf spot disease, and the leaves were withered and yellow.Strawberry fruit is also festering, especially with tiny aphids wriggling on some strawberry fruit.

This is a more serious problem than the problem of not spraying chemicals, which shows that the method of the township agricultural technology station cannot eliminate leaf spot disease at all, let alone aphids.

Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu were helpless, so they could only call Wang Xiaochuan late at night to truthfully report the situation, hoping that it could be resolved smoothly.

After Wang Xiaochuan learned the facts, he was not in a hurry.He leaned down and carefully observed the two strawberries that had been sprayed with chemical pesticides, and discovered the real cause of the leaf spot disease.

It's the tiny aphids on the strawberries that are smaller than the ones in the apple orchard.If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all, and it has great concealment.

"This is the culprit. As long as the little aphid is killed, the leaf spot disease will be cured." Wang Xiaochuan said in front of Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu, pointing to the little aphid on the strawberry leaves and fruit.

Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu's eyesight was not as good as Wang Xiaochuan's, but they brought a high-powered magnifying glass and a strong flashlight to see the tiny aphids clearly.

"Boss, how do you get rid of the aphids? Do you have to go to the township agricultural technology station to buy pesticides for aphids?" Zheng Shanhu asked.

Xu Qingqing also said: "Xiaochuan, I wonder if I should call the person in charge of the township agricultural technology station right now and ask them to send some pesticides for aphid control late at night."

At this moment, Wang Xiaochuan looked at the small plastic bucket in his hand. It was the Huangdi aphid control agent prepared in the apple orchard.

Wang Xiaochuan thought to himself: Although this is to get rid of the yellow aphids on apples, apples and strawberries are both fruits. Strawberries are covered with tiny aphids, while apples are covered with thick aphids.These large and small aphids are essentially a family, but they are different in size.

According to the "Yellow Emperor's Secret Classic", the Yellow Emperor's aphid-removing agent can get rid of various aphids in fruits.

Since this is the case, why don't I try the effect of this yellow emperor aphid control agent on strawberries.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaochuan shook his head and said to Zheng Shanhu and Xu Qingqing: "Don't worry, you don't need to go to the township agricultural technology station anymore. Besides, even if they can use chemical pesticides to get rid of aphids, they still don't meet our ecological planting standards. .I have homemade aphid repellent here, you can try it.”

Wang Xiaochuan opened the lid of the small plastic bucket while talking, and Zheng Shanhu and Xu Qingqing saw through the light that it was a small bucket of emerald green potion.

"Will it work?" Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu asked in unison.

Wang Xiaochuan smiled calmly and said, "It doesn't matter whether it works or not, just try it and you'll know."

Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu didn't say anything anymore. Now, according to Wang Xiaochuan's arrangement, Zheng Shanhu sprayed the Yellow Emperor aphid-removing agent on the other two strawberries.

In just 5 minutes, something unbelievable happened to Zheng Shanhu and Xu Qingqing.

However, the spots on the leaves of the strawberries suffering from serious leaf spot disease gradually faded, and the withered yellow gradually turned into a normal emerald green.What surprised them even more was that the tiny aphids on the leaves and fruits fell off the ground one by one, motionless.The two looked at the past with a high-power magnifying glass and found that the aphids were all dead.

Xu Qingqing and Zheng Shanhu were impressed by such a miraculous effect of removing aphids.

"Boss, you are so awesome! The homemade medicine is more effective than the so-called high technology of the agricultural technology station!" Zheng Shanhu boasted with a thumbs up.

Xu Qingqing also cast an envious look at Wang Xiaochuan, Wang Xiaochuan also inadvertently looked at Xu Qingqing, their eyes intertwined, Xu Qingqing's face turned red instantly.

Wang Xiaochuan felt refreshed when he saw that Xu Qingqing's face was as red as a freshly grafted high-quality apple in an apple orchard.This sunny day, I haven't seen her for a few days, has become more and more beautiful.

Because of the miraculous effect of the Yellow Emperor's aphid-removing agent, Wang Xiaochuan arranged for Zheng Shanhu and other brothers to act immediately, and quickly sprayed the Yellow Emperor's aphid-removing agent to ten mu of greenhouses.

It is worth mentioning that although it is a small plastic bucket of Huangdi aphid control agent, after dilution, Wang Xiaochuan used [-]:[-] diluted with water this time, which is just enough to spray ten acres of strawberry fields.

In order to ensure that the spraying effect does not leave any dead ends, Wang Xiaochuan arranged for Zheng Shanhu and other brothers to use machine sprayers to spray.

(End of this chapter)

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