Chapter 733 Relax
Get on the brand new sports car bought by the car steward and get ready to go.

As soon as the engine was started, Chu Qing received a call from a friend, saying that he was going to the B-blue bar to have fun.

It is said that the B-blue bar has invited a world-class DJ tonight, and admission tickets are hard to come by.They specially reserved a seat for Chu Qing.

Chu Qing didn't want to go at first, but at the moment she was in a slightly depressed mood, coupled with the repeated warm invitations from her friends, she wanted to have fun, and it was good to let off steam.

Chu Qing went directly to a booth on the second floor of the bar.A few friends who often play together are already in place, waiting for Chu Qing's arrival.

With the help of the world's top DJ, everyone had a great time.

Chu Qing had already forgotten about meeting her fiancée tomorrow.I had a great time playing, and drank a bottle of wine.The alcohol gradually made Chu Qing lose consciousness.

The next day, the sun shines on Chu Qing's face through the gap in the curtains.

Chu Qing gradually opened his eyes, his head hurt badly, he did drink a little too much last night, he didn't even know how he came to the hotel room.

Glancing at the watch on his wrist, it was already past 9 am.Chu Qing walked into the bathroom and took a simple shower, then left the room.

Walking out of the hotel gate, Chu Qing stretched her limbs.Then he took out the phone and found that it was turned off.It should be because I didn't know when I turned it off after I was drunk.

Chu Qing turned on the phone, and the hotel attendant brought the car over, and handed the key to Chu Qing.

As soon as the phone was turned on, there were rapid ringtones, and the vibration of the phone even made Chu Qing's hands a little numb.There are more than 50 messages and text messages.

But before Chu Qing could read these voicemails and messages, a phone call came in first.It is a friend of Chu Qing.

"Brother, I know everything. Are you okay? What happened to uncle is really regrettable. Are you going to mourn?"

"Sorry, shit, is there a club in your head?"

"Ah? Could it be that the news reports are fake? No! All major TV stations are broadcasting here."

"What report, roll?, I think you should roll."

"Is the palace family playing in such a foreign style? It was announced that the male master was dead, but it was actually a prank?"

"You kid, don't look for trouble for nothing! Hurry up and get out of here."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing felt a little baffled, could it be a joke made by her friend?But the tone doesn't sound like it either.

With doubts, Chu Qing began to check the massive messages in the phone.What happened, there are so many left.And mostly from family.

Chu Qing's stepmother, sister, servants, driver, etc.The content confirmed that the friend who just called was not kidding himself.

Even my own family members said that my father was dead, and told me to go home quickly.

Then, Chu Qing opened the news app on her phone.As soon as the interface was displayed, the content on it made him stunned.

"Today's headlines, Qi Jin, chairman of Zhongsheng Technology Group, was kidnapped and died at the hands of the kidnappers due to resistance. After five hours of police pursuit and search, the kidnappers have been brought to justice"

Chu Qing didn't continue to scroll down.Thumb plucking at his index finger fiercely, he thought he must be dreaming.It can't be true.

But calls from friends, more than 50 messages, headlines.All are denying Chu Qing's idea.

Whether it is true or not, I should rush home now.

(End of this chapter)

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