Chapter 732 Products
Chu Qing kept looking at this new product, and suddenly an idea popped up in his mind, wouldn't it be cool to use this thing to make small movies, and it can also be used for sex, I'm so awesome!

Seeing that Chu Qing was very interested in this thing, Qi Jin taught Chu Qing how to use it and said proudly, "In the future, this kind of virtual reality technology may update the entire market, and we are already at the forefront of the times."

"Interesting and interesting, Dad, how about lending me this to play for a few days?"

"You kid, do you mean to think?" Qi Jin understood after seeing the obscene smile on his son's face. "You kid must be thinking of something not serious."

"Dad, don't be so stingy. Good things should be shared. You must know the joy of sharing."

"Share the fart, you kid is concerned about this kind of indecent thing. This is just a trial product, it has not been put into production yet. This is the only one in the world. You! Just wait"

Seeing that her adoptive father disagreed, Chu Qing wanted to secretly take it away when he was not paying attention, but her father discovered Chu Qing's hand just as soon as it touched the pen.
"Huh? Huh? Huh? What are you doing, did you steal it?" After speaking, Qi Jin took the pen and put it in the breast pocket of his suit.

"Didn't you just call me here because you wanted to show off to me?"

Qi Jin patted Chu Qing's head again, "What is showing off, it's strength."

"Okay, strength, strength. But what are you calling me for?"

"What's the matter? What else can it be? Of course it's your marriage." After speaking, Qi Jin took out a sample of the wedding invitation from the drawer. "This is the list of banquets for your wedding, take a look."

"What's there to see? The wedding has long been known all over the world. Why ask me about the banquet list?"

"What? Marrying into the Gong family makes you dissatisfied?"

"It's a pity that the bride is not Gong Yue."

"Hey, you brat. Although I'm not my biological father, can I still cheat you? Everyone can see your aptitude. When did our family ever do a loss-making business?"

"A lot of this is for your own benefit, right? It's not a question of whether to lose or lose at all."

"So you have another favorite?"

"That's not there."

"I didn't expect you to be quite innocent? Haha! Your life is still long. Since you don't have a favorite candidate yet, you should marry her first. If you think this wife is not bad, then live with her. I believe you will soon get to know each other."

Chu Qing was noncommittal to Qi Jin's words, because in his eyes, marriage and love are completely different. Since he wants to choose marriage, the other party must be someone he really likes.

He didn't refute anymore, because he knew that he couldn't convince Qi Jin at all.

"Okay, don't think about it so much. Don't go out to fool around tonight. Go home early. I have an appointment with the woman's house to meet at home tomorrow and discuss the details of the wedding in detail. You have to pack up and stand at attention. Don't give Our family is ashamed. I still have important things to do, so I will leave first." After speaking, Qi Jin left the office.

Chu Qing was the only one left in the empty office. At this moment, Chu Qing had an indescribable feeling in his mind.In the past, he always believed in Qi Jin's decision.But this time, I couldn't agree with it anyway.

After leaving his office, Chu Qing looked at the watch on his wrist, it was already past six in the afternoon, and he had nothing to do, so he was ready to go home and rest.Since it is unavoidable, then face it calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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