Chapter 404
Sitting in the living room, Wang Meng looked at the people in the large living room, old and young, from several generations under the same roof.Most of the boys and girls of his great-great-grandchildren, he can't name them. At his age, there are too many descendants, and he can't take care of them at all.

If it wasn't because he was still alive, it would be impossible for these juniors to still get together every year, and when they die in a few more years, what should be parted will be parted.

Maybe it won't take a few years. Now he already feels that his body is getting worse day by day, and the deadline is probably not far away. Fortunately, this year should still pass.

The young children, playing and playing, only dare to stay far away, for fear of disturbing the old ancestor in the hall.

Wang Kewang ran over to add some tea to Grandpa, "Grandpa, Huizhen asked if you would like to eat dumplings or rice tonight?"

Huizhen is the wife of Wang Kewang, and now she is also the "head chef" of the palace.

"I will eat whatever you eat." Wang Kewang said.

"With so many of us, we must be different. We have both dumplings and rice."

"Then eat dumplings, where's your dad?"

"He went to Uncle Liu's house. Uncle Liu is not in good health recently. He has been lying in bed for the past two days and has not gotten out of bed."

Wang Meng nodded, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Of course he knew that Uncle Liu was the youngest son of Liu Yan's family. Liu Yan was Wang Meng's political commissar when he was the brigade commander. Wang Meng watched that kid grow up.

He had seen too many such things, and he was the only one left in the early morning like him, and there were not many people who were younger than him. Basically, one or two acquaintances passed away every year.

Wang Kewang's generation had also begun to reduce staff.

"Then your father won't come back for dinner?" Wang Meng asked again.

"Should come back, I just called to ask about it, and told me to leave later." Wang Kewang replied.

Wang Meng hummed, "Have you been in touch with Zhang Zhong these days?"

"He should be quite busy recently. We haven't been in touch since the last time he came to Yanjing to sign the sale."

"Next time he comes again, tell me in advance."

"okay, I get it."

"Go get busy."

In fact, Wang Kewang had nothing to do. There were many people in the family, so there were naturally many busy people, so he was not needed.But the old man looks like strangers don't get close, and he feels a little uncomfortable staying by the side.

After his grandson left, Wang Meng took a look at the yard outside. The moonlight tonight was pretty good, and the shadows were faint, not at all what Yanjing should look like on New Year's Eve.

He finally finished reading Zhang Zhong's new book "The Ordinary World" this morning. He is getting older, and his reading speed obviously cannot keep up with others.

Next time when Zhang Zhong comes again, he must praise Zhang Zhong.This young man gave himself too many surprises and surprises. Unlike others, he has stepped on China's 100 years one by one. For other readers, the background of Zhang's rewriting is called history, but for him, Just call past.

Whether it is "The Ordinary World" he read this time, or the previous "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", he has personally experienced the background of the times written in the book.

Talent is indeed a wonderful thing. After so many years of abandoning the army and pursuing literature, relying on the accumulation of experience that others don't have, I still can't write a work like "Ordinary World".

Wang Meng was thinking about the "Ordinary World" he just watched, and his grandson Wang Ke looked back and said, "Grandpa, Zhang Zhong has released a new work."

"Oh?" Wang Meng raised his eyebrows, it's only been a few days?Another new work?

"It's a short story, it was posted on Weiyu, and I saw it online just now." Wang Kewang said.

"Where's the phone, show it to me."

Wang Kewang handed over the phone, but Wang Meng frowned while holding the phone, "Your phone is too small, you can't read clearly."

"Then I'm going to get the computer?"

"No, just read it to me. It's a short story anyway, and it won't take long." Wang Meng said.

The corners of Wang Kewang's mouth twitched. He hadn't read Zhang Zhong's new work himself, and he probably stumbled while reading it to the old man. If he encountered a few unfamiliar words, he would be ashamed.

"What are you thinking? Don't want to?"

"No, no, I'll read it to you."

Wang Kewang took the phone, got up all energy, and began to read to Wang Meng, "Soul-breaking gun—this is the title of the book."

Wang Meng raised his eyebrows and didn't speak. Wang Kewang continued to read, "Life is a joke, and everything seems to be like this. I thought about it before, but now I understand. Er, this sentence seems to be an inscription?"

Zhang Zhong just put this sentence in front of his head without marking it. Wang Kewang guessed it after studying it. He guessed right, this sentence is indeed an inscription.

"Sand Dragon's bodyguard has been converted into an inn."

"There is no way not to wake up from the great dream of the East. The sound of the cannons is suppressed..."

Because it was the first time I read it, Wang Kewang did not read it fluently, but this did not affect Wang Meng.

On the contrary, Wang Kewang, because his attention was focused on the words and sentences, although he read it once, he didn't think about it, and he read it ignorantly.

Wang Meng was a little dazed, staring at the teacup on the coffee table with both eyes, as if he had been tapped on acupuncture points.

Wang Kewang stretched his head to look, the water in the teacup was still full, it was still steaming after refilling it not long ago.


Wang Meng came back to his senses, "Is it gone?"

"It's gone." Wang Kewang pulled down to make sure it was gone. He looked at Wang Meng, not sure if the old man listened carefully just now.

"There is no way not to wake up from the great dream of the East." Wang Meng sighed, and suddenly laughed again, "Yes, the great dream has woken up, it's good to wake up."

Wang Kewang didn't understand what the old man said, and looked down at the phone again, trying to find the answer from the article.

But I heard Wang Meng continue to say, "In that era, how many sand dragons are there?"

There are always a few people who are awake, and most people are still sleeping.

But when most people are sleeping, those who are awake can only bear the pain of waking up, but they can't change anything.

Shazilong was forced to wake up. In front of the foreign guns and cannons of the imperialists, the spear in his hand had only the fate of failure. Therefore, he put away the gun and didn't even pass it on anymore, because he knew that even if his No matter how exquisite the set of soul-breaking guns is, they can't save Dongfang. They need other things, things that can resist foreign guns and cannons.

Therefore, he changed the bodyguard bureau into an inn.

From this novel of thousands of words, Wang Meng can feel the internal and external causes of the suffering and humiliation that the country and people of China have suffered in modern times. Although there is no description of these things in the book, the great charm of implicitness makes these words beyond the meaning of words.

In fact, not only in modern times, but even in contemporary times, when the hatred of the country and family is far away, these "implicit meanings" can still enter everyone's life.

China has changed so fast over the years that many people can't keep up with the changing times.

(End of this chapter)

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