Grandpa's great writer

Chapter 403 Broadly speaking, it is considered a martial arts

Chapter 403 Broadly speaking, it is considered a martial arts
After returning home, I thought Hu Huifang would ask about the shop, but my mother didn't even mention the matter that surprised Zhang Zhong.

But she didn't mention it, but Zhang Xingjun couldn't help telling her everything about today.

After listening, she just smiled and said, you two can figure it out, so I didn't ask any more questions.

Thinking about it, Zhang Zhong turned around and set up a shop for his father on Banshan Street.

Originally, he didn't need to ask about this matter. His father wanted to buy a store, so he could just let him buy it. It was only 10 yuan, and if he lost money, he would lose money.

It's just that he thought again, if he was really going to lose money, of course he didn't care, he was afraid that his father would blame himself, so it's better to do things well in the first place.

Dad wanted to do something, and he was understandable and supportive.

As said in "Ordinary World", hard work can only be regarded as the necessity of life.

If a person has nothing to do, the whole person will be empty.

Just like Zhang Zhong, he is not short of money now, and he is relatively indifferent to fame and fortune, but he still knows how to write books. Even if the system does not give him a book, he will write other books based on his own impression.

He doesn't have any great ideas, he wants to cultivate the world, it's just that this is his job, and he has to do it.

When he chatted with Chen Qing a few days ago, he said that he wanted to promote Chinese culture to the world. Although he didn't say it very seriously, it was his inner thoughts.

Walking along this road may not lead to a bright future, but walking on the road is no longer a waste of time.

After eating, Zhang Zhong and his father posted up and down Spring Festival couplets.

The father and son spent more than an hour posting all the couplets.

Zhang Xingjun wiped his steaming forehead, and said with a smile, "There are many houses in this house, and it takes a lot of effort to put the door on. There must be more than 100 doors up and down."

"Actually, there is no need to paste the door inside." Zhang Zhong said.

"No more postings downstairs. The upstairs is only starting to live this year. This is what it means to post a lucky character on each door. Now it is different from before. In the early days, we had to hurry up to post the right door, and we didn't post it in the afternoon. Right."

"It's enough to post it a year ago."

"Our family has always posted on 29, but many of them only post in the morning of the [-]th. Let me tell you, this custom is also set by people, and it has changed a lot now. You drive in the afternoon, let's go out for a while. trip."


"29, go buy wine."

"Isn't there wine at home?"

"I bought something to drink for the New Year, and I bought something better."

"Okay then, let's go out later."

Before Zhang Zhong and the others went to buy wine, Li Zhuo brought over a pack of steamed buns, which were available every year.

Their family will steam steamed buns when they reach 29, and they will also make steamed buns into various kinds, such as some birthday peaches, small animals and so on.

Only then did Zhang Zhong feel a little bit of a new year.

When the wine was bought back, Zhang Zhong had time to sit down and continue working on "Soul Breaking Gun" that hadn't been finished before.

In the evening, he finally changed the novel to his satisfaction.

He didn't remember how many words there were in the original text, but the one he wrote was about [-] words.

After finishing writing, he thought about sending it directly to Liang Han's mailbox and putting it in the next issue of "Zero and One" magazine, but he changed his mind after seeing the word "Fu" on the door.

Isn't it the Chinese New Year, why don't you just put it on Weiyu for everyone to see for free, it can be regarded as a gift for everyone during the Chinese New Year.

Just do what you want, Zhang Zhong pasted the article on Weiyu, wrote the title "Broken Soul Gun" and sent it directly.

"Son, come down to eat."

Just after posting, his mother called him to eat from below.

"Okay, let's go down now." After agreeing, Zhang Zhong got up and went down.


It's only the 29th of the new year, and people outside have already started to set off fireworks.

If it was a child, Li Feng would definitely go out to watch it. At that time, everyone was not rich, and it was more eye-catching to be able to start setting off fireworks at 29.

But now, he would rather stay in the room.

When he came back from the city, he always felt a little uncomfortable. The place where he has lived for more than 20 years has gradually become unfamiliar.

If it wasn't for his mobile phone and internet, his impetuous heart would probably have nowhere to rest.

Well, Diva Yang had a secret private meeting with a man years ago, and her suspected new love affair was exposed?

Heh, it's the first time this year, I guess it will be picked out and clarified in two days.

The big exposure of the Spring Festival Gala?A certain actor surnamed s will attend the Spring Festival Gala for five consecutive years?
It must be Shen Jian, now language programs, he is thriving.

Nanhuai TV New Year's Eve party countdown 15 minutes?
Trash TV... Forget it, let's watch it later, idle is idle.

After brushing the whispers for a while and watching a series of gossip news, Li Feng felt even more bored.

Or lie down and sleep for a while.

But not long after putting down the phone, he picked it up again, alas, sleeping is even more boring.

Ding dong.

As soon as the phone was picked up, a reminder message came.

"The "author Zhang Qianli" you follow published a long article."

Li Feng is a little interested, do you want to post a long article?

In the past two days, he has read a lot of long articles, all of which are stars in the entertainment industry. It's the Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of emotions.

Zhang Zhong was also infected, want a year-end summary?

Oh, there is another question... the soul-breaking gun?

"I'm going, it's a novel!"

Li Feng got up from the bed.

Zhang Chong hasn't published a book for a long time... It's not right, he only published "The Ordinary World" when he was young, but he really couldn't love the genre, and the length of 100 million words also made him daunted, so there are many books on the Internet. Everyone was talking about this book, but he didn't read it.

It would be better to have more and shorter ones, and the current "Soulbreaker Gun" is quite good, and it doesn't seem to be too long.

Looking at this topic, Li Feng was a little surprised. Could it be that Zhang Zhongzhong started writing martial arts?

In fact, it’s not that surprising, because Zhang Zhong’s style has changed too much. Although he has never written martial arts, if he wants to write martial arts, everyone will think it’s no big deal.

After rubbing his hands together, Li Feng began to read the text. This is Zhang Zhong's martial arts Virgo, and he must not miss it.

A few minutes later, Li Feng pulled down the page vigorously with a dazed expression, but there was no hair at the bottom except for the words "There is no more content".

He was a little baffled, because this novel is really endless, and it is difficult to read.

If you say it is a popular novel, it has no plot, if you say it is a traditional novel, you can't see what it wants to express.

With doubts, he turned to the comment area, only to find that many people, like him, were stunned after reading it.

[This should be something like a wedge, it's impossible that there is no content behind it. 】

[I hope so, but it doesn't feel like it. 】

[Why are you so mindless? Someone tell me, is this a martial arts novel? 】

[Ahem, broadly speaking, it should be considered a martial arts novel. 】

[In a narrow sense. 】

[That has nothing to do with martial arts novels. 】

[I have a good feeling after reading it, but I can't explain this feeling clearly. 】

[Similarly, my heart is empty, not because the story is empty, but because the soul-breaking gun is empty. 】

[Wait for the boss to analyze. 】

[I don’t think there’s any need to analyze it, it’s what everyone sees.It's not about doing math problems, but listening to other people's analysis? 】

[It is recommended to read it several times. 】

[I have a little idea, I will take a moment to write a long book review later. 】

Li Feng saw the comments on the Internet, turned to the essay and read it, and he was going to read it again.

 Thank you [Lazy] for your reward,

  Thanks man

(End of this chapter)

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