Chapter 32
As long as you want to smile in your heart, you will smile sincerely on your face.

Be a hostess who loves life
Some women come in and out happily all day long, and there are no traces of trouble on their faces.The small home she runs is also full of vitality and sunshine.For her family members, if she is not there, the family will lose its vitality, and they simply don't know how to live; some women don't give their family members a smile all the year round, and occasionally have a happy thing, they just reluctantly touch the corners of their mouths.Although she is also cooking, doing housework, taking care of the elderly, and educating children every day, the whole family is lifeless.With her and without her, at least in terms of mood, there is not much difference between the family members.

On the surface, these two types of women seem to be caused by personality reasons, but in fact they are not, they are the reflection of two different life attitudes.A woman who loves life, knows how to cherish every day in life, and does her best for every little thing in life.A woman who smiles at life will make life more beautiful because of her.

Since ancient times, life has favored those who are positive.As a woman, you need to love life more.We've all found that when a home has an upbeat and positive hostess, it immediately becomes human.Conversely, a family that is too deserted is often not because there is a serious and dull master, but because there is a negative and boring mistress.

A boring life is the number one enemy of happiness.People often complain that life is too boring and dull.In fact, the beauty in life is to be discovered by women themselves.Most housewives in the United States think that taking photos is the best way to record and witness every warm moment. They often set aside a place on the wall and hang all kinds of warm family photos, so that they can see the growth of their children and the warmth of the family at any time.

Canadian women would put a radio on the console, and when they heard good music, they would sing and dance in the kitchen.

Other families believe that they are happiest when they are together as a family.Every week or even every day, they arrange a reading time after dinner or breakfast time in the morning to sit down and talk about the current situation, interesting things, new ideals and goals, etc., ask each other "what are you worried about? What are you afraid of", and share each other's worries. , to gain spiritual strength and a sense of fulfilled well-being.

In short, no matter the country or race, women who love life can find the beauty and joy of life.Not only that, but also inadvertently warmed the family and everyone who was with them.With a woman who loves life and a warm and harmonious family, everything is beautiful and happy.

Interest makes women bloom like flowers
A woman who regards fun as a necessity of life is so exciting.Enjoy flowers, watch the moon, read books, listen to music, watch the sea, climb mountains, take a walk, play ball... life is full of fun, the key is whether you will do it, and whether you will do it with a happy and enjoyable attitude.

If you are in a bad mood, you can listen to your favorite music to relieve stress, or you can stay at home and read a book when the weather is bad, enjoying the time passing quietly.

A woman who is good at creating romance is also a woman who understands life.Smart women should understand the true meaning of romance and seek beauty in ordinary life.Therefore, some people say: "Women, it is better to live beautifully than to be beautiful." In the interest, we can gain something called happiness.

If the style needs to be learned, the taste lies in the elegant bits and pieces in life.Money can't create fun, and artificiality and hypocrisy are also the enemies of fun.

Elegant taste is cultivated by lifestyle, reading every day, even for 15 minutes.There are always a few minutes each day that you can spend reading, even when you're sitting on the toilet.Reading is fun and can simply grace you.

Women only have one taste.This kind of smell is not necessarily the smell of the best perfume that you want, but the simple days that smell full of down-to-earth joy.You can bury your head in the laundry, take a deep breath, and smell the obsessive sun.It's a beautiful detail, full of fun.

Do you still like to sit quietly in the room, condense your secret mind in the dense stitches, and secretly enjoy the incomparable joy and elegance?I hope you are.Not all the time, but once in a while is fine.Don't think that you have so much money, you can buy any sweater, scarf, or gloves in any store directly; don't think that you are a fashionable person, so you don't bother to do things that such a mother-level talent will do.

Someone once said that when a woman loves a man, and the man loves the woman, an angel will come down from heaven, sit in that family's house, and sing joyful songs.A woman who pays attention to the taste of life will try her best to make the home decoration full of artistic charm and warm feeling.An orange hanging low lamp, a string of blue wind chimes ringing in the wind, a pink shutter that is warm and pleasant, a few pillows embroidered with classical patterns randomly placed...every detail, All of them exude the elegance of leisurely life.This kind of home makes people have the mood of excellence, and can also make the interior full of vitality.

There are no rules and conclusions. The scenery in the eyes of every woman is different. The key is to integrate your own feelings into it.Every woman is born an artist.

Taste life, be an artist in life

A woman who knows how to taste life is an artist of life.They are not demanding on life, but they know how to color life and taste the sweetness in the ordinary.Life is a cup of tea in the hands of a woman. Only a woman who knows how to taste can get the essence of it, and let the fragrance of life linger in the body endlessly.

In life, what kind of woman exudes a seductive feminine fragrance?It is those women who know how to taste life.They have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering and a grateful heart. Even in the busy and boring days, they can still discover the beauty of the moments frozen in the living space.

For example, the intoxicating smiles on the faces of the intimate couples on the bus; the young mother holding the babbling child on the side of the road and toddler; the elderly couple walking hand in hand in the sunset.For another example, the colleague in the company who had a little feud with him helped you one day regardless of past suspicions; one day your husband suddenly sent you a bouquet of roses and said to you, "Honey, today is the fifth anniversary of our acquaintance." day"; after a day of work, you fell on the sofa with a sore waist and back, and your son ran over sensiblely and said, "Mom, let me beat your back"; Greetings... These are real fragments of life, very plain, but very beautiful, so beautiful that people are moved.

Life is to be tasted, just like some people like to taste tea, wine, and coffee.When you savor it carefully, you will find that besides the ordinary and trivial, there are actually so many beautiful fragments in life.Only women who know how to taste life can maintain their unique charm in life.Life is a bottle of all kinds of flavors, sweet, sour, bitter and hot. The same thing, different people taste different tastes, what kind of state of mind to feel and appreciate, and from what angle to look at it.Treat life with an optimistic and beautiful attitude, and life will reward you with beauty.

A woman who knows how to taste life is considerate.She understands that her husband is busy outside to make a living, he has to endure humiliation, he has to be strong and persistent, and he has too many responsibilities on his body.Therefore, she never complained that he didn't have much time to accompany her, and she never made some rude or unrealistic demands on him.When he was tired, she would serve a cup of tea, talk to him about interesting things outside of work, and plan his future life.Such a woman is lovely, she makes everything return to simplicity and simplicity.

A woman who knows how to taste life is independent. She has her own independent living space and her own group of friends.But she will go shopping with one or two close friends on weekends, go to the gym in her spare time, and don't forget to recharge in time.There is a kind of calmness and calmness in such women. Their lives may be uneventful, but they are beautiful.They exude a charming atmosphere, which is femininity.

A woman who knows how to taste life is confident. Confidence is a beautiful mirror for a woman, which can reflect the brilliance of a woman; a woman who knows how to taste life is calm, and treat gains and losses, success and failure with a normal heart, and they live a more real and natural life; Women who know how to taste life are wise. They know how to treat themselves well, try to keep themselves in the best condition, and enjoy the beauty of life...

Develop hobbies to make your life more fulfilling

Whenever you do something you love, you feel genuinely inspired.

Jones owns a large sailboat, and every weekend she takes daily supplies to the beach to practice sailing skills.She scrimped to buy a new boat or gauges for surveying.In order to obtain a driver's license, she practiced very hard.Her girlfriends celebrated her birthday by ordering a year's worth of sailing magazines.Her boyfriend jokingly called her "Miss Stubborn".Her enthusiasm infected her boyfriend.In the sailing competition, the two of them finally achieved a good result of No.4.

Beverly, 55, takes a class in lace weaving techniques at an amateur college.She finds it especially enjoyable when she knits patterns with colored yarn.She soon learned the art of guipure weaving.Now, she can weave tapestries and similar kinds of weaving.She is very proud of being able to express her creativity with this technique, forgetting to sleep and eat as soon as she knits something, so her husband often reminds her to pay attention to rest.

You must have discovered that what really fascinates us is a hobby we have deep in our hearts.We should develop the kind of hobbies that come from our hearts and fuel our passions.

This completely personal hobby is often buried.If you don't know what your hobbies are, just think back to something you liked to do when you were about 9 years old.It will remind you what makes you happy.Back then, you might be voraciously reading thrillers late into the night, sewing fantasy costumes for your dolls, or putting on your own makeup for a play.Of course, you don't have to read Carl May's novels today, but what would it be like to take a vacation off the tourist trail without reading thrillers?In the past, you were very happy when you watched a puppet show. Today, sewing puppets with a needle and thread may give you new fun.The plays you performed yourself as a child may also have good attendance in today's theaters.

If you find a new hobby, no matter what obstacles, such as lack of time, because of partners, family or the opinions of people around you, etc., don't give up.There may be a thousand reasons for our passion.Don't listen to arguments like flying a kite is dangerous, following fashion is sloppy, reading romance novels is escapism, you should only paint if you have the talent of Picasso.The important thing is to have something in your own life that really sparks your passion, it is the source of your happiness, it is also the source of your charm.

Beautify your home and decorate your mood with sentiment
Doing manual work has become a leisure way for many people.Doing manual work requires not only achievement, but also mood.Enjoy the joy of doing manual work, and you will have many good memories.Isn't it a kind of enjoyment when you can see small objects made by yourself everywhere in your home?
Weaving is the most common handwork.Hand-knitting is originally a kind of arts and crafts that rely on wisdom and endurance to complete stitch by stitch.Only through repeated conception, design and construction can a weaver dedicate exquisite and authentic products to every beneficiary.A fine hand-knitted sweater, like a cardigan or designer suit, will bring you confidence, success and joy.

In addition to weaving, there are cloth art, pottery and so on.In short, find your favorite handicrafts, make a few more pieces of accessories you like, bring surprises to your home, and make your leisure time more comfortable, why not do it?

In addition, fabric art is indispensable in every girl's bedroom dream.Those hazy and elegant curtains, those romantic and gorgeous bed curtains, those lovely and intimate pillows... Home is the place where we set sail and the harbor where we live. The warm fabrics in the home can give us a simple and pure dream.

The color of the fabric can be freely selected according to the style of the room and personal preferences, usually light colors, such as pink blue, pink green, beige, etc., all bring a refreshing, elegant and natural feeling.

In terms of fabrics, gray tulle, jacquard and lace fabrics are very elegant and romantic, and are very popular among young ladies.The gorgeousness of velvet and satin can add a mature flavor to the living room, but it needs more care to take care of it.

In addition to being used for curtains, sofa covers and bedding, fabrics have other uses:
[-]. High-quality furniture is expensive and durable, but it will soon become "outdated" if you are not careful.By making new clothes for old furniture, you can make them "rejuvenate".

[-]. Cover the sofa or table with a large piece of decorative cloth freely, which is much more casual and romantic than tailoring them as covers.Pull it off when you don't want to use it, and it is still a complete piece of fabric, which can be used for other purposes.

Growing flowers is a kind of leisure for women
No one doesn't like flowers, they can bring people beautiful enjoyment.Growing flowers can enrich and adjust people's cultural life, add fun, cultivate temperament, improve health, and add a strong ink to the boring colors in the building.

What kind of soil is good for growing flowers?Potted flowers, because their root system can only move within a small range of soil, have stricter requirements on soil than outdoor flowers.

On the one hand, the nutrients in the soil are required to be as comprehensive as possible, and the limited potting soil contains the nutrients needed for flower growth; on the other hand, the soil is required to have good physical and chemical properties, that is, the structure should be loose, the water holding capacity should be strong, the pH should be appropriate, Fat retention is better.Because of this, when growing flowers, you should try to choose neutral or slightly acidic soil with good aggregate structure, loose and fertile, good water retention and drainage performance, and rich in humus.This kind of soil is light in weight, large in pores, airy and rich in nutrients, which is conducive to the development of flower roots and strong growth of plants.If the flowers are planted in clay-heavy soil with poor ventilation and water permeability, or in pure sandy soil lacking in nutrients and poor in water and fertilizer retention, or in alkaline soil, for most flowers, it is easy to cause Weakness in growth and even death.But the soil conditions mentioned above are not available in any kind of natural soil.

Therefore, the soil for potted flowers needs to be artificially prepared.This culture soil is made by mixing more than two kinds of soil or other matrix materials in a certain proportion according to the different growth habits of flower plants, so as to meet the needs of different flower growth.

When growing flowers in flowerpots, the amount of watering is also a key link.Too much or too little watering is not conducive to the growth of flowers.

What kind of water should I use to water the flowers?Water can be divided into hard water and soft water according to the state of salt.Hard water contains more salts, and using it to water flowers often causes brown spots on the leaves of flowers, which affects the ornamental effect.Therefore, it is advisable to use soft water for watering flowers.In soft water, rainwater (or snow water) is the most ideal, because rainwater is a kind of water that is close to neutral, does not contain minerals, and has more air, which is very suitable for watering flowers.If rainwater can be collected and stored for watering flowers in rainy days, the assimilation of flowers can be promoted, the cultivation life can be extended, and the ornamental value can be improved.Especially flowers that like acidic soil prefer rain.Therefore, during the rainy season, more rainwater should be stored for future use.The effect of watering flowers with snow water is also very good, but it should be noted that the ice and snow need to be melted and left until the water temperature is close to room temperature before use.If there is no rainwater or snowwater, river water or pond water can be used.If you use tap water, you need to store it in a bucket (tank) for 1 to 2 days, and it is safer to use it after the chlorine gas in the water evaporates.Watering flowers cannot use laundry detergent containing soap or detergent, nor can it use oily dishwashing water.

(End of this chapter)

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