Lovely Wife from Heaven: Husband, it's amazing

Chapter 105 Ancient Cesarean Section

Chapter 105 Ancient Cesarean Section

Xi Daomao's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the day of giving birth is getting closer and closer.Wang Xianzhi guarded Xi Daomao every day, for fear that his daughter-in-law might make a mistake.

Because it was the first delivery, both Xi Daomao and Wang Xianzhi were very nervous. In ancient times, because the medical equipment was not complete, and modern hospitals could not perform operations and blood transfusions immediately, childbirth was really dangerous for women.

In order to relieve Xi Daomao's nervousness, Jing Ran once again abandoned his family and moved to Wang's house.She chats and walks with Xi Daomao every day, trying to relieve her prenatal anxiety.

Although the Wang family had hired an experienced midwife, Jing Ran still felt uneasy. She found some catgut and mulberry thread for preparation, and carefully read Hua Tuo's anesthesia recorded in medical books many times.

In modern society, cesarean section is very common.However, in ancient times, almost no one performed cesarean section.It would be best if Xi Daomao could give birth naturally, but if it was difficult, Jing Ran planned to perform a cesarean section on her to save her life.

When Jing Ran told Cao Rui this idea, Cao Rui strongly objected, saying: "The body, hair and skin are the parents' property, and they cannot be damaged. You can't even cut their hair, but you have to cut open their stomachs? Besides, you have never Having undergone such an operation, if they did not ruin the lives of their mother and child, they would have made a big mistake."

Jing Ran said: "But, if they have a difficult delivery and the situation is dangerous, I have to find a way to save her!"

Cao Rui was unmoved, and said seriously: "In any case, this is not your business, there are midwives and imperial doctors from the palace, they will think of a way, you don't want to make decisions. "

Jing Ran didn't respond at all.

Cao Rui continued: "If you simply want to accompany Xi Daomao, then you can stay there for a while, but if you have such an adventurous idea again, please go home immediately!"

Cesarean section is not as simple as imagined. It needs to solve pain, bleeding, infection and other problems.Pain can be solved with Hua Tuo’s Mafeisan or Bian Que’s medicinal wine. Infection can be treated by finding a few anti-inflammatory herbs from the herbs. Bleeding can only be treated with various blood-enriching supplements and medicinal materials.

The most difficult thing is that the surgical equipment is not perfect, there is no oxygen cylinder, blood transfusion equipment, sanitation facilities are not up to standard, and there is no scalpel.Although Jing Ran had this idea and tried her best to prepare these things, she also knew that it was unrealistic.

On this day, Jing Ran and Xi Daomao were playing chess in the garden, when suddenly Xi Daomao complained that his stomach hurts.Although Jing Ran has a son, it was not born by her soul after all, and she has no memory of it at all.

Jing Ran hurriedly supported Xi Daomao and asked, "Is it going to give birth? Shall I call Wang Xianzhi? Shall I ask the midwife to come and see?"

Because some days before giving birth, there will be uterine contractions, and occasionally there will be false labor pains. Xi Daomao often has stomach pains like this. He has found a midwife several times, but in the end it was a false alarm.

Even so, every time Xi Daomao had a stomachache, Jing Ran was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, not to mention Wang Xianzhi, who was so frightened that he lost his soul every time.

Xi Daomao endured the pain and said: "Wait a little longer, don't be the same as before, frightening my husband, and making the whole house busy around."

However, the labor pains continued, and became more and more regular, with shorter and shorter intervals, and more and more painful.Jing Ran and Ya Tou supported Xi Daomao back to the room.

Suddenly, a warm current flowed down Xi Daomao's thigh, and Xi Daomao's skirt was instantly wet.After all, Jing Ran had never experienced this scene before, and he didn't know what it was like, so he was at a loss for what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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