Chapter 104
True to her word, Jing Ran tinkered with her bottles and jars all day long to make ointments.The principle of her ointment is very simple. There are many things that are prone to allergies in this world. She finds some common allergens to make an ointment.

As long as you touch this ointment, you will be allergic and itchy.What she wants to do is to develop anti-allergic drugs.

Jing Ran's plan was as follows: if the emperor summoned Cao Rui, she would give Cao Rui anti-allergic medicine, and then apply allergy ointment on his hands and arms.

In this way, whenever the emperor gets close to Cao Rui, his whole body will itch. After a few contacts like this, he will know that he and Cao Rui are not in harmony, cut off his thoughts, and let him know that Cao Rui can only watch from a distance and not play around.

Easier said than done.The source of inspiration for this thing is the anti-wolf spray that modern girls like to carry, but it can't be really obvious to guard against the emperor, because it will anger the emperor and cause death.

Although you want to guard against him, you have to guard against him very covertly.Hey, tired.

Jing Ran kept experimenting back and forth, and the object of her experiment was Caiyun. This was a pain for Caiyun. Before the anti-allergy medicine was developed, she kept scratching beside her. It was unspeakably miserable!
Caiyun said: "What did I do wrong? Madame, you want to punish me like this? You sell your medicine to those jailers. It's better than whips and heart-gougers!"

Jing Ran said: "Don't exaggerate, I used a very small dose of this medicine, I dare not harm your body, it just makes you feel less itchy."

Caiyun snorted and said, "Slightly itchy? Madam, try it yourself, and see if I'm exaggerating."

With Caiyun's dedication, Jing Ran developed anti-allergic drugs based on the pharmacology of mutual generation and restraint between drugs.She first tested it successfully on her Caiyun before giving it to Cao Rui.

Caiyun said: "Sure enough, the young master's life is his life, but mine is not. What if I take your medicine and die?"

Jing Ran said: "I am the apprentice of a medical sage, okay? How could it possibly poison you to death? Even if this medicine can't fight allergies, it won't kill you! I wanted to use kittens and puppies, but I think they After all, the physique is somewhat different from that of other people, and I am afraid that there may be errors in the dosage."

Caiyun still looked at Caiyun and Cao Rui with resentment.

Cao Rui said apologetically, "I made you suffer. This is a reward for you. You don't have to wait on us for these two days. You will have two days off. You can go wherever you want, buy something you like and eat. Items you need."

After all, Caiyun is a child, and went happily with the silver reward.

After that, the emperor summoned Cao Rui and went there frankly. After several visits, the emperor never summoned him again.

Cao Rui said to Jing Ran: "Inadvertently planting willows and willows into shades, your medical skills are really good, and you use them very skillfully. Every time the emperor touches my hand, his whole body itches. Now, when he sees me, he walks around. "

Jing Ran thought: It's so sad, the first love rival I killed was a man!Still an emperor!

The situation in the court is changing, but the years in the house are quiet.

Xi Daomao became pregnant soon, and Jing Ran often visited her, chatting and taking walks with her.Recalling that in modern times, her aunt was pregnant and had to teach the child early, so Jing Ran often took Xi Daomao to the band to listen to music.

When he has nothing to do, Jing Ran sings popular songs and tells stories to Xi Daomao's belly. These strange songs and stories often make Xi Daomao dumbfounded.

Day by day, Xi Daomao's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and he is about to give birth.

(End of this chapter)

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