The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 561 It really is a trap

Chapter 561 It really is a trap
Zhang Qiang turned his head and shouted loudly to the passing team: "Hurry up, let's go to the battlefield to support."

After shouting, Zhang Qiang beckoned the messenger to call Yatiman over, and when he ran over on his horse, Zhang Qiang said to him: "Immediately let all the chariots and crossbow carts be assembled on the spot and deployed on the spot, follow the team Advance, and as soon as you reach level and open ground hide in the center of the army in battle formation and await my orders."

Yatiman didn't have time to answer. Hearing Zhang Qiang's words, he immediately ran towards the heavy weapons.

Zhang Qiang looked back at the lush forest behind him, and began to worry about the enemy's attack on the way, so he summoned Bolza and his scouts to reconnaissance in the woods on both sides to prevent the enemy from ambushing him in front.

The imaginary encounter of the Ninth Army in the movie did not appear. Zhang Qiang led all the people through the forest and entered the wide beach by the river. The enemies of Earl de Earl wear the same equipment as them, hold similar weapons as them, ride similar horses as them, have the same types of troops as them, but their number is several times theirs, only the armor and shields on their bodies In addition, the family crest on the clothing is different, and the red lion flag that used to be has now been replaced by a black lion on a white background.

It is quite eye-catching, but Zhang Qiang is a little uncomfortable with this change, and always feels that something is missing.

On the other side of the river, Earl Dillinard was besieged on the river beach, feeling as if he had been driven into the river. On the other side, Earl Glenward was about to be pushed into the river, struggling to support himself.

With the input of Zhang Qiang's cavalry, it was like a pool of boiling water, making a loud "wave--" sound, and then, after a bigger wave was churned up, the waves expanded and expanded on both sides, and the battlefield was not so crowded. .

As the infantry commanded by Zhang Qiang formed a powerful and somewhat mighty formation and moved forward, the enemy's team became flustered and showed signs of collapse for a while.

But Zhang Qiang saw that there were always some knights maintaining order quietly.

Zhang Qiang was beyond his reach, and Zhang Qiang was unable to decapitate the opponent. He could only lead the team to slowly suppress the opponent step by step, squeezing some enemies from the stone bridge to the other side of the stone bridge, and relieved the pressure on Earl Glenward. Added pressure to Earl Dillinard across the river.

Five earls, even if each earl only has a basic force of 200 people, there are still 6000 people.

What's more, which of these earls is not a prestige, powerful, and charismatic earl, and each earl has reached [-] troops.

In this way, the opponent has more than 9000 people, and there are many elite soldiers. It seems that there are at least more than 4000 elite soldiers above the third and fourth ranks, and more than 2000 elite soldiers of the fifth rank. They are all knights, and the rest are guards and cavalry. , even Zhang Qiang saw the Swadian royal cavalry.

This made Zhang Qiang guess that Mrs. Aisona might also have arrived. Sure enough, after a loud noise, countless royal guards in gorgeous royal costumes poured out from the woods behind him, surrounded by a man in armor, A woman who looked like a lady in her thirties surrounded her army in reverse.

Now even Zhang Qiang fell into the siege of the opponent.

He turned his head to look at Earl Dilinard who was still fighting hard, looked sideways at Earl Glenward who was forced to face danger, and then looked at the elites brought out by Mrs. Isona, all of them were fifth-level Swadi Royal guards, royal knights, no matter how you look at it, it seems that you are doomed.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Qiang raised the heavy-duty handguard sword in his hand, and swung it vigorously in the direction of Earl Glenward's troops, "Assault with all our strength, join Earl Glenward."

For a moment, the general guards around Zhang Qiang rushed forward like a locomotive full of steam. Wherever they passed, people were turned on their backs, and stumps and broken arms were scattered everywhere.

Due to the powerful performance of Zhang Qiang's general guard, the soldiers of Earl Harlengoth who faced his impact had to fight and retreat, leaving the field connected with Earl Glenward's army, and were constantly being attacked by both sides. Squeezing against the advancing troops, they retreated more and more to the wider grassy areas on both sides of the river bank.

The stone bridge has been occupied by the enemy, and Earl Dilinard's army is separated on the other side of the river, unable to join the troops of Zhang Qiang and Earl Glenward.

Seeing that the number of Earl Dilinard's troops was dwindling under the siege of the third earl, Zhang Qiang's troops joined with Earl Glenward's unswervingly attacked in the direction of the stone bridge, trying to get through with Dilinnad. The road of the Earl's troops.

Losses were inevitable, and the fighting between the two sides became even more tragic.

Since the troops of both sides were in a melee, the heavy weapons troops brought by Zhang Qiang could not launch an attack. They could only follow the Chinese troops protecting them and move slowly. The moving direction was getting closer and closer to the river bank. The space behind them was also blocked by Ai. Lady Sona's troops and the enemy's with them compressed, compressed, and soon they would find themselves in the same last-ditch situation as Dilinard's forces.

Earl Grainward and Zhang Qiang, who had been fighting for several hours and their armor was stained red with blood, stopped together to watch the quick-death struggle between the Swadia Kingdom's rebellion and the suppressing troops, and said to Zhang Qiang in a trembling tone. : "Maybe we have managed to talk to the enemy. If we continue to fight, all our soldiers will be wiped out and we will be captured. In King Harlaus's situation, we can't get Lady Aisona." Goddamn, maybe when the war is over, we will be deprived of our noble titles and then sent to the execution ground. We may become the first and second noble lord to be killed in the Swadia Kingdom in a century. "

Zhang Qiang was also a little flustered at this time, even more flustered than the moment when he was surrounded by the [-] army of Salander. At that time, he was not afraid of tigers when he was a newborn calf. The earl lord, seeing his army retreating steadily, did not know why there was a decadent sense of failure in his heart. Under the persuasion of Earl Glenward, this feeling, like fear, firmly grasped him His head was tightly strangled by his throat, and there was a feeling that he couldn't breathe.

He took a deep breath, and glanced at the ring that Harolds gave him in his hand. This is his precious sword, but at this moment, he is as helpless as his master. If Harolds has a way, he can He won't hide in Palavin City, but just gave himself a ring and handed him the marshal's scepter, so he didn't care about fighting the rebels represented by Mrs. Aisona.

Maybe he also lost the confidence to win.

Look at Earl Dillinard's troops on the other side of the river who are still struggling desperately. Their strength is rapidly decreasing. There were more than 300 people at the beginning, but now there are less than 700 people, and all of them are wounded. Compressed on a small riverbank by the river, ordinary soldiers either died or were captured. The soldiers of the second and third tiers were defeated and fought on their own. It was only a matter of time before they were killed and captured, leaving only the fourth tier The above-mentioned elite soldiers still have fighting power. They drive the morale of other soldiers who are still fighting, and they clenched their teeth and persisted. Perhaps because they saw the reinforcements looking at them across the river, they still had a little hope of being rescued in their hearts.

Turning around in a daze, Zhang Qiang shouted loudly: "We can't let them lose hope, Earl Glenward, lead your soldiers, cover my rear, let my soldiers line up in front, I need to give the enemy a little bit of strength."

Earl Glenward looked at Zhang Qiang in surprise, and said helplessly after a long time, "Since you still want to try, then we will trust you again."

Zhang Qiang said to Chen Faqiao beside him: "Let the messenger blow the trumpet, call back my cavalry troops, let the infantry line up to block the enemy, and then build a steel Great Wall for me in front, and all other troops retreat back to regroup. Let the crossbowmen The archers and archers keep suppressing behind the infantry, and let the heavy weapons quickly retreat to the river bank, where they will be deployed."

Not knowing what Zhang Qiang was going to do, Wei Wuji and others rushed to Chen Faqiao with the general's guard just now, as if they were listening to Zhang Qiang's order when Yanyun was eighteen, and quickly ran to carry out Zhang Qiang's order.

Seeing the changes in Zhang Qiang's troops, the enemy attacked Zhang Qiang's troops even more frantically.

The troops of more than 800 people have lost more than 800 people after this period of fierce fighting, and the enemy is not much better. The loss of thousands of cannon fodder soldiers and more than 500 elite soldiers. He didn't feel distressed and put the soldiers he got from King Harlaus into the front-line combat, and put his low-level soldiers into the strangulation with the enemy like adding fuel.

Zhang Qiang even sent some of his own knight lords to the front to attack the enemy's troops guarding the stone bridge and give Earl Dilinard's troops on the other side a glimmer of hope. Under one's own strength, in front of a powerful combat force with half of the enemy's elite soldiers, these people are like moths to the flame. No matter how many there are, they are only slightly weakening the enemy's strength and adding a stroke to the enemy's meritorious service. .

He needs to buy time for the deployment of his heavy weapons troops, and buy a chance to strike the enemy.

On the other side, the Earls of La Faczi, Rogers, and Montville had pressed the troops of the Earl of Dilinard together, and all the skirmishers were wiped out, leaving only the elite of more than 300 people struggling to support them.

On the stone bridge, the troops of Earl Reyes blocked the attack of Zhang Qiang's troops and guarded the stone bridge tightly, so that Zhang Qiang and Earl Glenward could not rescue the troops on the other side. The troops besieged Zhang Qiang and Earl Glenward's troops in the tall grass on both sides of the river, mainly fighting against Earl Glenward's troops. Lady Isona's troops and Earl Crags's troops were part of the front Attack Zhang Qiang's troops.

Even standing in the river with crossbow arrows flying all over the sky is not very safe.

(End of this chapter)

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