The mighty lord of online games

Chapter 560 There is a feeling of falling into the enemy's trap

Chapter 560 There is a feeling of falling into the enemy's trap
Nimega Village is at the foot of the mountain, on a river beach beside a jungle. It is very close to Hallangosberg, but only a few miles away.

At this moment, just like the scene after being looted by the lord of the enemy country, the flames were soaring into the sky, the walls were ruined, and the corpses were all over the ground. Those villagers who resisted with bare hands or with spears and kitchen knives became corpses or prisoners.

Earl Dilinard led his men around the area within a radius of [-] miles around Harlancosburg, expelled the rescue of the little lord who was left alone by the enemy, and isolated Harlancosburg from the enemy. Gray Earl Enward has followed and surrounded Harlengosberg, waiting for Zhang Qiang to go up and beat up those lords of the Harlengos family who dared to betray the king.

Stationed in Nimega Village, Zhang Qiang's army built siege equipment while assembling heavy weapons such as trebuchets, bed crossbows, and crossbow carts.

The village of Nimega has been turned into a steaming military camp.

"Tick, tick," Zhang Qiang turned his head amidst the rapid sound of horseshoes, and the scout cavalry shouted loudly: "On the eastern stone bridge of Harlengosberg, the enemy lord's army was found. The flag is unknown. Earl Dilinard has led people forward to expel .”

Fatis next to him said excitedly: "I knew that old fellow Harengos would not watch his castle being captured by us, and would definitely come back to rescue him."

On the other side, Chen Faqiao, who was riding a war horse, said: "I haven't fought for a long time, and I just want to exercise my body that is about to rust."

Zhang Qiang shrugged his shoulders with a smile. Ever since Wei Wuji told himself that Chen Faqiao and Tang Dianfeng resold the knight rings he handed over offline, Zhang Qiang sincerely wished them a prosperous, rich and happy life in the real world. Unexpectedly Chen Faqiao stayed in the real world for a few months, but he still couldn't help but want to go online. According to his words, the real world felt so boring and boring.

Even Tang Bianfeng thought about coming up to see what the game world looks like now, but because he died once in the game world, he can no longer enter the game world, and Zhang Qiang has no way to get him into the game world again.

This time there are several people online with Chen Faqiao, who are his solid partners in the real world, Da Jinye, Ding Ding, Wild Wind, and Wind of Blood. . .Several people are guys who are still at the level of computer games, or who are used to referring to themselves by nicknames.

In the past few days, Zhang Qiang has also recruited some players from the real world in Palavin, as well as a few traversers. One of them is Jinqi, a pretty good guy, who has reached the level of hired sentry, and has become like a sentinel. An Jianhui and the others had gloriously become a mercenary of the type they had when they met them. Zhang Qiang also hired him this time. In the above-mentioned fierce battles, their ranks were too low. Zhang Qiang just put them in the logistics force to guard his own food and supplies, and did not dare to put them in the front line, or even in the auxiliary combat force.

There was a scout cavalry running towards Zhang Qiang, "Marshal, Marshal, it's not good, Earl Dilinnard was flanked by Earl Rutgers and Earl Lafarge, and he was in danger. Earl Grainward has withdrawn the opponent The siege of Harlangosberg, went to reinforce Earl Dilinard. He asked us to report to you."

Zhang Qiang felt a little bad, did the enemy already have enough troops?

Why didn't you just hit and run, but dared to pester Earl Dillinard to start a war? Suno's Lady Isona and Earl Crags just announced their rebellion, and they still have a lot to do, and as Harlan Shouldn't the important figures of the Goss family, Earl Harlan Goss and Count Rogers, be in Suno City or Uxhall City?How come there is time to appear here? This place is not close to Su Nuo. If it is a single horse, or even a small group of cavalry, it may come here from Sun Nuo when he came out of Palavin. If I am a large army, I will not be able to come without leaving for a few days, unless Earl Harlengos and Earl Rogers did not leave in the first place.

There was no time to get entangled, Zhang Qiang just hesitated for a moment and took his troops towards the stone bridge east of Harlengosberg. In his heart, even Earl Harlengos and his son were here, They have three earls, and I have three earls. The strength is almost the same, and in terms of total strength and overall strength, I must have an advantage over them, because I bring all elite soldiers, and the other party must be based on the general count. The way of leading troops, with a small number of elites, most of the conscripted farmers cannon fodder, otherwise, without so much money, they can't afford to support soldiers.

Looking from a distance, it is more majestic than other castles, with endless towers, taupe stone walls, and high suspension bridges that are pulled up by black arms and thick iron chains and hung on a thick ten-meter-high wall decorated with huge copper rivets. On the gate of the city, one can vaguely see that the heavy iron gate in the passage of the city gate has been lowered.

The city wall was full of soldiers of the Swadian Kingdom in strong and sharp clothes, each of them silently looked at Zhang Qiang's army passing through the crossbow arrows under their castle.

Perhaps this was the enemy, the invaders, for them, and they didn't care what they were before, Swadians, and now they were Harrengosbergs.

Leaving Hallengosberg, the army passed through a sky-high forest, tall red pine and oak, giving people a feeling of oppression and coercion. In the hazy fog, it seemed that there were hidden behind every tree at the end of sight. An enemy, nocking an arrow with a bent bow, aimed at them, only waiting for them to come within effective range before shooting the arrow that pierced the temple.

Without Zhang Qiang's instructions, the heroes under him had already ordered the soldiers to stand guard on both sides. Shields were erected to build a shield wall. The crossbowmen squatted on both sides, moving their bodies alternately, staring at the depths of the woods with wide eyes.

The cavalry on the horse looked around nervously, holding the rein in one hand and pressing the hilt of the sword with the other, or took off the shield on their backs and stood in front of them.

Bolcha carefully scouted the traces ahead, and led the troops gradually to the deep woods. The woods were not very big, but there was only a winding path trampled by merchants or farmers to pass through.

There is no attack from the enemy, and there are attacks from criminals, so prevention must still be done.

This scene reminded Zhang Qiang of a blockbuster movie, "The Ninth Legion". The expeditionary force of the Roman Ninth Legion was wiped out in the depths of the virgin forest by the enemy in the battle with the Celts, and was ambushed under such circumstances.

From the footprints trampled on in front, it can be seen that the troops of Earl Crags who passed by more than an hour ago were not attacked, because no traces of battle were found here, even if the enemy quickly wiped out the troops of Earl Crags, they would not In just one hour, the battlefield was cleaned without leaving any traces. Under the eyes of the top scouts with eighth-level reconnaissance skills, the top guide skills, and the top thief Bolcha, there is no Who can completely hide the traces.

"Report—the enemy on the stone bridge battlefield has increased their troops again. The Earls of Montville and Reyes have arrived on the battlefield and are preventing Earl Glenward's troops from the west of the stone bridge from rescuing Earl Dilinard's troops on the east side of the stone bridge. Troops." This is the scout cavalry sent by Zhang Qiang. They have rushed out of the forest and brought back the news of Earl Glenward's troops from the battlefield.

"Five earls," Zhang Qiang was taken aback for a moment. Was this planned by the enemy?
(End of this chapter)

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