The beauty bible used by beauties all over the world

Chapter 34 Belgian women's beauty experience

Chapter 34 Belgian women's beauty experience
Selenium supplement anti-oxidation, skin rejuvenation

Oxidation is the biggest threat to skin aging. Sun exposure, stress, environmental pollution, etc. can cause free radicals to flood the skin, resulting in dull complexion, dehydration and other oxidation phenomena.Therefore, no matter from the level of health or skin care, we need to pay attention to anti-oxidation in our daily life.Here are the tips on how to resist oxidation provided by Belgian women.

1.Antioxidant, selenium supplement is essential

Selenium is an indispensable trace element in the human body.Scientists have confirmed that selenium is an important component of antioxidants in red blood cells, and proper selenium supplementation can improve the body's antioxidant capacity.White mushrooms are a good selenium supplement food. In addition, sesame, spinach, garlic, asparagus, mushrooms, prawns, tuna, sardines, etc. are also rich in selenium. Female friends can eat according to their own preferences.

2.Stay away from all the factors that make us old
As mentioned above, sun exposure, stress, and adverse environment are all factors that cause the skin to be oxidized. If female friends want to have delicate, smooth and elastic skin, they must pay attention to sun protection, learn to relieve stress, and create a good living and working environment for themselves. , away from all kinds of radiation, etc.

3.Facial skin also needs to carry out anti-oxidation work
Anti-oxidation not only refers to the environmental protection in the body, the skin of the face also needs to carry out anti-oxidation work.To put it simply, the anti-oxidation of the face is to keep the youth on the face, and to exclude the damage to the skin from the external environment, such as ultraviolet rays, dirty air, etc., coupled with the natural aging of age, so that the years will not be on the face Leaves visible marks.

In daily life, there are too many terrible "killers" that can accelerate the oxidation of skin cells, such as mobile phones, electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet rays, air pollution, fried food and stress.A truly healthy concept of maintenance must include repairing factors, that is, anti-oxidation factors; adding anti-oxidation products to daily skin care products will enhance the skin maintenance effect.Generally speaking, in addition to diet, skin care products are also helpful for the anti-oxidation of the face. In addition to regular cleaning, use moisturizing products, or perform skin care on key areas, such as around the eyes. Prevent skin sagging and aging, and then achieve the effect of anti-oxidation.

Learn beautiful neck from Audrey Hepburn

The neck is an important part that is most likely to reveal a woman's age. Looking at the number of wrinkles on a woman's neck, her age can be deduced.Belgian Hollywood top movie star Audrey Hepburn pays great attention to neck maintenance. She likes to add 6-8 drops of sandalwood essential oil and geranium essential oil to 10 ml of sweet almond oil. Massage into the neck to keep it moisturized and elastic, reducing wrinkles.Olive oil has anti-wrinkle effect and is suitable for body application. When taking a bath, apply a little olive oil to the neck, then massage gently, and rinse with water after 5 minutes.Do you desire to have Audrey Hepburn's angelic face, tall figure, and elegant demeanor of the royal family?Learn her beauty and skin care methods!

1.Exfoliate your neck regularly
You may say: "Hey, I also pay attention to neck maintenance, but why is the skin on the neck still so rough?" Yes, why is the skin on the neck still so poor after maintenance, and the difference from the face is so big? ?Horny!The neck also needs exfoliation.Grind oatmeal into powder, add honey and water to make a paste, apply it on the neck, massage from bottom to top in a spiral way, wash off with water after 10 minutes, once a week, you will find dull neck The skin gradually becomes radiant!
2.A great way to delay sagging neck skin

According to Chinese medicine, the neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body and should be well maintained.Here are a few ways to not only nourish the neck, but also delay the relaxation of the neck skin:

1) Rotate the head from left to right 50 times, the movements should be gentle to avoid spraining the neck.

2) Get up early or before going to bed at night, do 36 times of lateral head flexion and front and back pitching.

3) Fold small towels into four layers, dip in cold water, and gently squeeze out the water.Grab the corner of the small towel with your right hand, pat the right chin and the lower part of the right face vigorously, pat 10 to 15 times, then switch to the left hand and hold the small towel to pat the lower part of the left face and left chin.

4) Neck massage method: Every time you wash your face, you should wash to the root of your neck.After a daily face massage, the neck should also be massaged.You definitely don't want to see a picture of a smooth and beautiful face and a rough and loose neck that are not coordinated. Therefore, while maintaining the skin of the face, don't neglect the neck.

3.Patients with cervical spondylosis should learn from animals

Now, the number of people suffering from cervical spondylosis is increasing substantially, and they are getting younger and younger. To treat cervical spondylosis, we must learn from animals.

1) Practice bird skills.Birds will not get cervical spondylosis, which is not only related to their body structure, but also inseparable from their flight.The bird exercise is derived from imitating the movement of a bird spreading its wings and flying. It is repeated 10 times each time, 1-2 times a day, which is very beneficial for the treatment of cervical spondylosis.

①Lifting pose: Relax physically and mentally, place your arms naturally on your sides, keep your feet together, and maintain an upright posture.Step your left (right) foot forward according to your personal habits, the front heel is about half a foot away from the back toe, and the distance between the two feet is one and a half feet wide to keep the body stable.

②Wings spread: Slowly raise both arms upwards to shoulder height and width, then spread them backwards and outwards. At the same time, slowly extend the head forward to the maximum bearable limit, and stay for 2 to 3 seconds.You can imagine yourself as a leisurely seagull flying in the blue sky and blue sea, breathing the fresh air and feeling the warm sunshine.

③Retracting style: Both arms return according to the original line, and the head slowly returns to its original position.

2) Learn breaststroke.In breaststroke, when breathing, the neck is raised from parallel to the water surface, and the head is exposed to the water surface to breathe.In this way, every time you take a breath, the neck needs to be raised backwards and upwards, which plays the role of reverse therapy.Swim 1-2 times a week, 30 minutes each time.

Insomnia troubles, how can the skin be good

Famous movie star Audrey Hepburn has been accompanied by beauty all her life, sleep beauty is her most respected method of beauty.Women who know how to take care of themselves know the term "beauty sleep". The time for the so-called "beauty sleep" is from 10 o'clock in the evening to 2 o'clock in the morning the next day. Cherish this time and don't stay up late.Only when you have a good rest during this period can you be beautiful.

For women, a good night's sleep is the best tonic for nourishing yin and suppressing yang, and the best cosmetic and beautician.However, for one reason or another, many women suffer from insomnia, which is also an important factor in accelerating their aging.How can we bid farewell to insomnia and have a full sleep and beauty sleep?
1.Take a warm bath before going to bed

The best time is 2 hours before going to bed.Because the body temperature will rise after bathing, and after 2 hours, as the body temperature drops, drowsiness will also come.Remember not to take a hot bath, which will increase the body temperature and delay the release of "sleep hormone" from the brain.

2.drink a small glass of warm milk
Drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed can relax the muscles, and the milk also contains hypnotic substances, which can make the whole body feel comfortable, which is conducive to falling asleep and relieving fatigue.This hypnotic effect is especially obvious for those who are physically weak and have neurasthenia.

3. Sleep in a good environment

Control the room temperature at around 20°C, and the indoor air should be able to circulate.Ventilation is an important condition in the bedroom, because fresh air is more important than anything else, and there must be no particularly loud noise.

4. A comfortable sleeping position

It is generally advocated to lie on the right side, slightly bend the legs, relax the whole body naturally, put one hand on the pillow in front of the elbow, and place the other hand on the thigh naturally.

If you still find it difficult to fall asleep, try taking a walk before bed. "Ziyan Yinshu Yangshu" said: "Walk when you fall asleep, take a thousand steps around the room, and start with a pillow... Covering will make you tired, and you will think about rest when you are tired, and seek tranquility when you move extremely." That is to say, sleep a little before going to bed. Working out can make you mentally fatigued and further arouse your desire for sleep.However, strenuous exercise is not suitable before going to bed, so it is more appropriate to take a walk around the room.

There are also some dietary regimens that can also relieve insomnia.

1. Rock sugar longan drink

Ingredients: 25 grams of longan meat, 10 grams of rock sugar.

Method: Wash the longan meat, then put it into a teacup together with rock sugar, pour boiling water and cover it for a while before drinking.Take 1 dose per day, drink as you drink, and eat longan meat at the end.

Longan is sweet and warm in nature. "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records that longan meat can nourish the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the nerves, and can treat insomnia, forgetfulness, and neurasthenia.Moreover, the prescription "Guipi Pill" of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of heart and spleen deficiency, insomnia and dreaminess has longan meat.

2. Walnut
Walnut is a kind of nourishing and strong product, which can cure neurasthenia, forgetfulness, insomnia, dreaminess and poor diet.Eating some walnuts every morning and evening can help you sleep.

3. Lotus root tea

A bowl of lotus root powder, a bowl of water, stir well in the pot, and then add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, drink it as tea, it has the effect of nourishing the mind and calming the nerves.

4.rose Tea

Rose tea has a very good effect of refreshing fragrance and relieving depression.

Sufficient and efficient sleep is a powerful guarantee of health and beauty. From today, be a sleeping beauty and sleep peacefully with elegance and beauty!

Dutch beauties love sea salt beauty

Long ago, the skin of European sailors was prone to cracking and aging due to long-term exposure to the sun, but the cleansing and healing properties of sea salt kept their skin in top condition, thanks to sea water.It was the cleansing and healing properties of sea salt that allowed the sailors' damaged skin to recover in time.

Inspired by this, Dutch beauties refined the salt from the deep sea into bath salt for skin care. Perhaps, this is the distant revelation that the mermaid wants to convey!Now, the beautiful bath salt in beauty has deduced various bathing cultures. The whirlwind of salty, fragrant and colorful bath salts has blown all over the Netherlands and began to spread all over the world.

Let me introduce to you the different uses of sea salt beauty from head to toe:
1.Bathing: Adding sea salt in the bath can not only sterilize bacteria, but also relax muscles and relieve body joint pain. It also has soothing and moisturizing effects for many skin conditions, and it can refresh people after washing.

2.Exfoliation: When taking a bath, add a little sea salt to the body wash to scrub, which can help remove old skin cells, thoroughly clean dirt, and whiten skin.

3.Wash your hair: Washing your hair with sea salt can help get rid of dandruff and also prevent hair loss.

4.Teeth Cleaning: It can make teeth strong and white.

5.Weight loss: Another effect of natural sea salt is to help lose weight.Applying natural sea salt on the warm body can improve the heat preservation effect of the skin, the body's metabolism will become more vigorous, help sweating, and burn subcutaneous fat, so as to achieve weight loss.One of the functions of sea salt is to remove water from the body, so using sea salt to improve edema in the hands and feet and water accumulation in the knees will also have a good effect.

6.Apply to the face: If you make your own mask, you can add a little sea salt, which can help clean the facial skin thoroughly, make it smoother and more delicate, and also have the effect of lightening spots and whitening.

(End of this chapter)

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