Play treasure master

Chapter 724 Dragon Gate

Chapter 724 Dragon Gate
"Not bad, right?" Zhang, who was diagonally behind, lit a cigarette, "There is a place in my hometown, which is also by the Lancang River, which is more interesting than here."

"What's so interesting?" Yu Yao asked casually.

"How should I put it..." Ah Zhang touched his chin.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's go down first."

"Okay, then follow me!"

Ah Zhang led them to the stone ditch where the gentle slope meets the cliff.This stone ditch gradually slopes and deepens from the foothold to the riverside.But when we got to the riverside, it suddenly seemed to be cut open, and the bottom of the fracture became a straight wall. Two or three meters below the straight wall, a wild tree grew obliquely. .

Ah Zhang took out the climbing rope, fastened one end to a boulder on the edge of the ditch, and then dragged it down, stepping on the trunk of the wild tree. The trunk was wobbly, but it seemed to be quite resilient.After Ah Zhang stood firm, he immediately extended the rope, grabbed it and jumped to a rock with a slightly flat top about three meters obliquely below.

Slanting down from this mountain rock, there are several big rocks that are not small, and the heights are gradually decreasing, and the drop is not too big.The last piece is close to the river, the largest one, measuring more than ten square meters, and it is also very flat, just like a small pier.

"That's it!" When Ah Zhang jumped onto the first rock, he could let go of the rope, then jumped all the way, and finally stood on the "small pier" and waved to Yu Yao and Xiao Ying.

Yu Yao nodded, followed the same pattern, and finally reached Ah Zhang's side.

"It's your turn!" Ah Zhang watched Yu Yao stand still, and then wanted to greet Xiao Ying who was still above the wild tree, but found that the person was gone, "Hey? Where did he go? Where is the person?"

"Don't shout." Xiao Ying came forward from behind Ah Zhang.

"Ah?" Ah Zhang trembled for a while, "How did you get down?"

Xiao Ying didn't answer, but looked at the river under his feet, and then compared the "small pier", showing a very satisfied expression.If it wasn't for the cooperative method when detecting the water vapor, and Yu Yao's supervision, with Xiao Ying's skill, he could find any cliff and go down to the riverside.

Yu Yao smiled at Zhang, "He jumped off after me, you just paid attention to me, you didn't notice it."

"Oh." Ah Zhang nodded although he still looked suspicious.

"Okay, just stay here for a while." Xiao Ying began to check the trend of the river.

"How long will it be?" Ah Zhang couldn't help asking.

"Let's wait until the afternoon!" Xiao Ying replied casually.

Ah Zhang said "Ah?" again, then patted his head, "I knew I should bring something to eat, and I have a picnic here for lunch."

Yu Yao smiled, "That's it, you do your work first, I'll call you in the afternoon, just come and pick us up."

"I agreed to accompany you all the way, and you guys added more money, so I'm so embarrassed." Ah Zhang laughed.

"It's okay, let's go, we just have some private matters that need to be discussed openly." Xiao Ying waved her hand.

Ah Zhang still had to listen to Yu Yao and Xiao Ying in the end, so he left after a few words of advice.

"This stone is different from the others." After Ah Zhang left, Xiao Ying did not immediately take out the jade token, but knelt down and said to Yu Yao.

Yu Yao followed suit and squatted down, "The whole is flat, but there are many ups and downs. It looks like... waves! However, it may be due to the long-term erosion of the river, and some marks are too round. "

"Not only this, look at this stone shape, does it look like a concave character? It's just that the gap is not obvious, and most of it is not in the water."

Yu Yao looked at it again, "Well, and the notch seems to be oblique. The concave notch on the surface of this stone is a bit rounded, but it seems to be more and more concave under the water, and the edges and corners become straighter."

Xiao Ying got up, pointed to a few big rocks scattered scattered, and then extended to the high stone ditch, "Do these few big rocks look like steps? Does that rocky ditch look like long nests?"

Yu Yao couldn't help being taken aback, "Huh?"

"This structure reminds me of Longmen."

"Dragon Gate?"

"Yes. After Jackie Chan, the stone ditch is the dragon's nest!"

"Then this place...can't be such a coincidence?"

"Coincidentally, I'll know if I try it." After Xiao Ying finished speaking, she took out the array talisman jade tablet, pinched it with one hand and dipped it into the water, and burned a piece of talisman paper with the other hand. When the talisman paper was burned out, a black light was drawn into the water .

After half a stick of incense, a small wave suddenly sprang up at the place where the whole boulder was attached to the river. Although the wave was small in size, it went straight for more than ten meters. After reaching the top, it did not fall vertically, but rushed towards Shigou.

"Great!" Xiao Ying was overjoyed, "The formation is really here!"

"Shigou?" Yu Yao asked.

"Yes." Xiao Ying replied, "It's been more than 1000 years. It is expected that the river water back then should be able to cover the stone ditch."

The two immediately turned around, went to the stone ditch above the wild trees again, and walked slowly in from the side of the river. When Xiao Ying was walking, he held the jade tablet and pressed close to the wall of the ditch.

Walking to the widest part of the stone ditch, Xiao Ying's expression suddenly changed, and then he disappeared!

Yu Yao turned pale with shock, but before he could recover, Xiao Ying reappeared and grabbed Yu Yao's wrist, "Come on!"

Only then did Yu Yao see that a stone cave appeared on one side of the ditch wall, about two meters high and one meter wide.Xiao Ying held the jade tablet array talisman in front of him, and pulled Yu Yao into the cave.

After entering the cave, Xiao Ying let go.Yu Yao immediately took out the flashlight and found that he was in a passage.And looking outside the entrance, you can still see the scene in the stone ditch.But when he was in the stone ditch, he couldn't see the cave, that is, the entrance.

"It is indeed the most appropriate to use jade stones with water-based spiritual power to make the array talisman." Xiao Ying said, "The stone ditch should be hidden under the water, so the array talisman must be filled with water; but even if it is put into the water, the stone can't be found At the entrance of the cave, because the barrier of the formation is actually an extension of the rusticity of the rocks, the inherent attribute of the formation must also be earthy."

"It seems that the air is not dirty." Yu Yao nodded.

"The formation can only block the entity, but not the air. The air inside and outside the formation is connected." Xiao Ying raised his hand, "Go forward!"

Judging from the direction of this passage, it should be leading to the mountain inside the cliff.

After walking for about 20 meters, a domed stone house without a door appeared. It was very short, about the height of a person; the bottom was also round, with a diameter of only about three meters.On one side of the stone house, there is a double stone door.

The stone gate is closed.The total width of the stone gate is less than two meters, and there are no carvings on it.

Xiao Ying looked at it for a while, then stretched out his hand and tried to push it. After a push, it was slightly loose, and he increased his strength. In the end, the stone door was slowly pushed open.

After pushing open the stone door, Xiao Ying stepped back slightly.Seeing that Xiao Ying didn't have any other instructions, Yu Yao took a flashlight to search inside.

At this moment, there was a hissing sound inside the stone gate, and then, the inside lit up!
(End of this chapter)

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