Chapter 723
Xiao Ying was thoughtful, but he didn't speak up immediately, but waited for a while before saying, "The ancestor Xiao Gong didn't have any confidantes. The so-called hidden words, in fact, he is the only one who knows about Ghost Eyes. Back then, his public The identity is the vice president of the Chinese Metaphysics Research Association. If the Shiguhui is related to the Ghost Eye Gate, there are only two possibilities."

Yu Yao nodded, "Firstly, Zhang Yan forgot to explain to future generations, and there are other important insiders. This person or these people later went overseas. Second, that is Big Zhangyan private arrangements."

"Well, if it is the second situation, it will be extremely beneficial to us. I believe that the arrangement of the big palm eyes can not be wrong." Xiao Ying said, "But if it is the first situation... then it is hard to say. "

"Because, their descendants may not still focus on the Ghost Eye Gate."

"Therefore, we must have made comprehensive arrangements for the secret treasury."

That night, the two stayed up all night and discussed until dawn.

Even so, the two did not delay too much, and immediately left Hong Kong Island and rushed to Yunnan Province.After arriving in Chuncheng, I didn't leave the airport, and then flew to Shangri-La.

This time they went to the Three Parallel Rivers area to investigate where the Lancang River Xifeng Clan formation is located. There is no specific reference now, and Diqing Prefecture, where Shangri-La County is located, overlaps part of the Three Parallel Rivers area, and has many well-known scenic spots. Traffic and visits are relatively easy.

In the evening of that day, Yu Yao and Xiao Ying did not stay in Shangri-La County, but stayed in a hotel in a small town.This hotel is relatively quiet, and it is on the main road.

After checking in, Yu Yao searched and compared several travel apps, and chose a travel guide.Talking to this guide that night, I felt that it was more reliable, so I agreed to meet tomorrow morning and agreed to have breakfast together.

Have a good night's sleep.Yu Yao and Xiao Ying first found a breakfast restaurant that looked quite distinctive, and the guide arrived later.While eating and chatting, Yu Yao told the guide that the two of them were lovers of travel and adventure, and they liked the Three Parallel Rivers area very much. This time, the focus was on finding a good place to play by the Lancang River.

This guide looks older, but in fact he is only 29 years old, so he is considered a young man.He is a Han, his surname is Zhang, so Yu Yao and Xiao Ying call him Ah Zhang.

Ah Zhang’s hometown is not local, but in Fengqing, Lincang; being a tourist guide is not his main job, he and a local partner opened a tea shop in Shangri-La, which mainly sells Yunnan black tea.Fengqing is the hometown of Dianhong. Ah Zhang’s parents, wife and children are still in Fengqing, and there are wild tea trees in the mountain area contracted by the family.

Ah Zhang also likes to play in an adventurous way. When he is not busy, he will post information on the Internet as a guide, killing two birds with one stone.

Ah Zhang has a simple and honest face, loves to smile, and has three upper "front teeth", with a small canine-like tooth protruding from the middle of the two upper front teeth, so he is very happy; he speaks clearly, and it is easier to communicate.

"The closer to the river, the better? Do you want to be quiet with fewer people?" After Ah Zhang understood the meaning, "Shangri-La is not suitable, so let's go to Deqin!"

"Isn't Deqin County right in the Lancang River Deep Valley Fault Zone? The whole area has high mountains and deep valleys, and there are many tourists. There is also the Grand Canyon scenic spot, which has to buy tickets." Yu Yao also checked a lot before.

"You're right. It's basically high mountains and deep valleys. But I know a place where there is a relatively gentle slope. The slope becomes steeper when it reaches the river."

"The steep part of the river you mentioned, how high is it from the river?" Xiao Ying asked.

"It's more than ten meters! I have a climbing rope, and it's very exciting to hang down." Ah Zhang really regarded the two as adventure-loving donkey friends.

Xiao Ying couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He had to directly contact the river water, and sense the water vapor through the jade tablet formation talisman to know where the formation was, which was quite uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, if you don't want to hang the rope to go down so exciting, this place is also very suitable." Ah Zhang observed his words, "On the side of this gentle slope, there is a relatively steep mountain wall. It is between this mountain wall and the gentle slope. In the middle, there is a stone ditch facing the river, the width is not uniform, the widest is five or six meters, but the narrowest is one meter, passing people is no problem.

The place where this stone ditch is close to the river is a vertical fracture, but there is a wild tree on the straight wall below the fracture. Through this tree, one can jump to the top of a big rock obliquely below. Next, there are a few stones, the one closest to the river, the largest and the flattest!
Now, before the water is at its maximum, the river is just less than ten centimeters below the largest and flattest stone.So, you come at the right time; come early, the water level is too low; but if the water rises in summer, the river will not pass the big rock! "

Ah Zhang finished speaking in one breath this time, Xiao Ying frowned as she listened.

Yu Yao smiled and said, "It seems that you have brought many people to this place?"

"To tell you the truth, I've been there by myself, but I've been there more than once, because I like this place very much. It's also fate. It's the first time I've met you two with such a request."

"Okay, you came here by car, right?" Xiao Ying asked.

"Yes, I have already filled up the gas, but since the place is secluded, I have to walk for another half an hour after parking."

"This place is good, I am very satisfied, I will give you another five hundred." Xiao Ying said.

"Thank you boss." Ah Zhang smiled happily, "You two take it easy, I'll go and pack up the car, I came in a hurry, there are piles of things in the back seat."

Ah Zhang walked out of the breakfast shop, Yu Yao called the waiter to pay the bill, but the waiter came over with the bill, asking more than 500 for a simple breakfast.

"That's right?" Yu Yao frowned.

The waiter was a young girl with a smile on her face all the time, "No, the special buns you eat are filled with matsutake mushrooms. This stuff is really expensive."

Yu Yao thought to himself, this fool is quite particular.

Xiao Ying raised her hand, "Where's your boss?"

"Wait a minute." The girl was still smiling, and then left.

"What's the matter, do you want to eat free food?" Two burly men appeared at the table.

Xiao Ying sneered, picked up the thick porcelain teacup, changed the shape of his hand slightly, and then slowly sprinkled a handful of porcelain powder on the table, "Sorry, I broke a cup, let's settle the score together."

"How did you calculate it?" A burly man reacted extremely quickly after his face changed drastically, and then he turned his head and shouted at the cashier, "This is obviously a wrong calculation!"

Then he looked at Xiao Ying with a smile on his face, "It's our fault for miscalculating the accounts. In this way, if there is a mistake, we can correct it, and this order will be avoided. What do you think?"

Xiao Ying got up expressionlessly and walked towards the door.

Yu Yao then got up and patted the burly man on the shoulder lightly, "You are lucky, he is in a good mood today."

The burly man wiped the sweat from his brow, smiled awkwardly and nodded with lingering fear.He is not stupid, at least he understands that a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

An hour and a half later, Xiao Ying and Yu Yao stood on the gentle slope by the river, looking at the rolling water of the Lancang River, they couldn't help feeling like their eyes were wandering.

(End of this chapter)

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