Chapter 264
Hollywood, USA, is located in the northwest suburb of Los Angeles, California, USA. It is a neighboring area of ​​Los Angeles, with about 30 residents.

But due to the well-developed entertainment industry in the area, the word "Hollywood" nowadays does not only represent an acre of land within the jurisdiction of Los Angeles.

Today Hollywood is often used directly to refer to the film industry in southern California.

The distribution of film studios is no longer limited to a corner of Hollywood. Hollywood and its surrounding cities such as Burbank constitute the center of the American film and television industry.

There are many old movie theaters with a history of ten years in Hollywood, which are usually used as the venue for film premieres or Oscar awards ceremonies, and are now also popular tourist spots.

In addition, the development time of Hollywood in the United States has a history of [-] years, and it is highly industrialized, so that each performs its own duties, and the division of labor is clear to the point of nitpicking.

The laws of film-related industries are also very sound, especially the protection of actors is very good.

First of all, the Actors Union in the United States protects actors very well, unlike the unspoken rules in the country. Although it cannot completely prevent such things from happening, after all, this involves the inferiority of human beings, but it should be controlled to a normal level. Things like this are rampant, and Hollywood does.

This is also where Cheng Feng came to Los Angeles as an actor. After carefully observing and understanding the overall situation, he felt that it was the most serious lack of the domestic entertainment industry.

And other film practitioners also have their own guilds. If there is any behavior that infringes on the interests of others during the production process, then the guild supervisors will sue without hesitation, like a dog skin plaster.

The reason why the guild is keen to supervise certain organizations or individuals is that in addition to their own responsibilities, they are also motivated by profit, such as working overtime at will. After the guild sues, not only the employees themselves will get corresponding compensation, but the guild will also Get a very high fine, which is real money.

In the United States, apart from film and television practitioners enjoying such a legal system, the same is true for most other industries.

After Cheng Feng understood it, he felt that this was very good, at least it was a good guarantee that ordinary people would not be so isolated and helpless when facing powerful interest groups.

Not talking about other industries, just talking about the film industry, Cheng Feng sighed from the bottom of his heart, the United States is much ahead of China in terms of legal system protection.

This is not worshiping foreigners, but seeking truth from facts. For others, no matter how dissatisfied you are with them in your heart, you must learn to accept and absorb what they do well. Only in this way will someone or a certain field , and even a country continues to progress.

Dare to admit your shortcomings and face your own shortcomings is the real great wisdom!
At least in the United States, if anyone licks his face and says that 996 is a blessing for young people, then the guild organization will definitely let this person eat and walk around.

Don't treat young people as human beings. How the previous generation treats young people now will treat the previous generation as young people grow up.

And in the past few days, although Cheng Feng has arrived in Hollywood, Los Angeles, except for reporting when the filming first started, he has been visiting major guilds and related professionals to learn from them in the past few days.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to the filming crew, but it's because it's not Cheng Feng's turn yet. Even if you go to the filming crew to stay, you may be targeted by the guild, and the guild may collect evidence by itself, and sue the filming crew for compensation.

Filming here is different from that in China. If you don’t have a job today, you’ll get out of here. Don’t bother me if you have nothing to do.

The same is true for other people, eight hours a day, even if some shots are only a few minutes away from reshoots, as soon as the time is up, everyone will leave immediately without hesitation, and save it for tomorrow.

Even if you want to work overtime for free, the crew will send someone to drive you away, because once the guild finds out, it will be a huge fine.

In a word, do as the Romans do when you enter the country, and follow other people's rules when you come to other people's territory.

On this day, under the recommendation of director Jonathan, Cheng Feng came to a villa in the suburbs of Hollywood.

Pushing open the courtyard door, Cheng Feng stood at the door of the villa.

The person Cheng Feng wants to meet is a professor from American University, who was recommended by him through Jonathan.

This person especially has a very deep research on the legal system of American films, and has also participated in the customization of related systems.

His name is Phillips, he is over 70 years old, and he is now unemployed and retired at home.

The reason why Cheng Feng found this person was not for any other reason. He thought that one day he could lead China Entertainment Films to a new development.

It is not just talking about nurturing China Entertainment's film and television industry by first building up its own popularity on a global scale.

The reason why he specially visited this person is because Cheng Feng clearly understands that for any industry to have a good development, apart from very advanced science and technology, the most important and fundamental point is that it needs a relatively perfect system.

All feasible development models are based on the protection of relevant laws and systems.

Ignore this "fundamental" and only pursue the pinnacle of skill, then people will have no constraints.

The greed of human nature will only magnify infinitely, and the consequences will often make your surroundings become chaotic, and demons dance wildly!
From the moment Cheng Feng became famous, he felt that he had a certain sense of mission on his shoulders. He didn't believe that he had traveled to another dimension, was pregnant with a cheat, and was just acting in a good show to become famous and make money.

Even so, Cheng Feng didn't intend to do just that, he wanted to try to change the status quo.

In fact, everyone has thought in their hearts that one day the world will be different because of themselves. Of course, most of them have gradually lost their previous ambitions due to the tempering of life over the years.

Cheng Feng used to be the same, but the favor of fate turned him into a miracle, and he was getting closer and closer to hope, and the thought that had been silent for a long time came alive again.

For nothing else, Cheng Feng thought it was for himself, he didn't want to just walk around the world for nothing.

We must leave something for future generations!
Cheng Feng came outside Phillips' villa and rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" An old but masculine voice came from inside the door.

Cheng Feng straightened his clothes, and then said: "Mr. Phillips, hello, I am Cheng Feng, and Mr. Jonathan introduced me to visit you."

"Oh! I remembered, you are the actor Jonathan introduced on the phone a few days ago." Phillips opened the door after speaking.

What Cheng Feng saw was an old man with silver hair. His hair was meticulously combed, especially his exquisite beard, which was extremely neatly trimmed. The most eye-catching thing was the beard on his upper lip, which was obviously shaped. The sides of the beard were high raised up.

The old man held the door with one hand, turned his body sideways in an inviting posture, and warmly greeted: "Come in, young man."

"Thank you." After saying that, Cheng Feng stepped into the house, and at the same time took out the gift he had prepared in advance, a tie with a panda pattern on it.

(End of this chapter)

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