The peak acting skills of the actor

Chapter 263 The Buried Diamond

Chapter 263 The Buried Diamond

Los Angeles Chinatown, outside the door of an ordinary Chinese restaurant...

"Tang Ren, this! This! This!"

A Chinese young man kept waving his arms and motioned.

Tang Ren saw at a glance that this man was obese, with a big belly, and looked overfed, standing on the side of the street waiting for him.

After parking the car nearby, Tang Ren hurriedly came to this person, and then led by this person into the restaurant, and the two chose a seat by the window to sit down.

The fat man warmly greeted: "It's open to eat today, don't save me money, just order!" He said and handed the menu to Tang Ren.

Tang Ren took the menu, looked at the dazzling array of dishes, and was curious: "Dude, what's wrong with you today, how did you become so generous?"

"What are you talking about? Dude, I've always been so generous, okay?" The fat man curled his lips in dissatisfaction. His name is Tang Long, and they have the same surname. The difference is that Tang Ren is a native Chinese, and he immigrated to the United States with his family in his teens. .

Since they were young, they had extraordinary talents in painting and computers. The two met in university, and with the same skin color and enthusiasm for special effects production, they became very good friends.

After ordering in a moment, the delicious food was brought up by the waiter after a while, and the two of them chatted about their respective situations during this time while tasting the food.

After a while, the fat man was the first to say, "What do you plan to do after you resign?"

"I didn't think about it, anyway, I don't plan to work in special effects in the future."

"Don't! Don't say that!" Tang Long was relieved immediately, and then said: "I'm looking for you this time just to let you join us!"

"You guys?" Tang Ren couldn't react for a while, and then asked in confusion: "Dude, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, a group of us set up a special effects studio by ourselves!"

"You have your own special effects studio?"

"It's not me, it's a partnership!"

"Who is there?"

"Do you remember the special effects production team we formed when we were in school?"

When Tang Long said this, Tang Ren, who heard the words, immediately remembered that when they were in college, they did set up a special effects production team for a period of time.

Moreover, the works produced caused a boom in the school for a period of time.

Members are either native American Chinese or Chinese students studying abroad.

But it is undeniable that a large number of very talented people have gathered in this group, and some people can not call it genius too much.

Tang Ren was a little puzzled and said, "Didn't our guys all go our separate ways after graduation? How did you find them back?"

Hearing this, Tang Long's originally smiling face gradually subsided, but he became more lonely, and then slowly said: "When you were in school, you also saw the energy gathered by our group of people!
I'm not bragging, among us, the professional ability and creative talent mastered by a large number of people is no joke.

To be honest, Hollywood's special effects are nothing short of a bird. As long as the funds are sufficient and the time is sufficient, these high-nosed things can kill in seconds! "

Speaking of this, Tang Long shook his head helplessly, and continued: "It's a pity, no matter how good you are, any special effects company, film and television company, or advertising company, all important departments are controlled by white people.

In recent years, the black ethnic group has grown stronger and stronger, and they have played political correctness one by one, but we Chinese, ha ha!

After you come out, you will always only be able to run errands for others. "

Tang Ren nodded. He was one of the witnesses. Don't say anything, as long as you are capable and work hard enough, you will get fair treatment and opportunities.

Let’s not talk about it, let’s just say that now, instead of talking about Chinese Americans in the United States, we only talk about the entire Asian ethnic group. How many first-line Asian stars in Hollywood in the United States over the years?

Think about it carefully, how many local Asian stars are there who can be named?

This is the naked status quo. Although Bruce Lee was an American citizen, when he was working hard in Hollywood, he also encountered obstacles everywhere.

And where is his real fame?It was after quitting Hollywood that he came to Huaguo Xiangjiang to become famous all over the world.

As for other Asian stars, who can be called by name, which one is from the United States?

Want to say that the ability is not enough?Is Bruce Lee not capable enough?
Do you want to say that you don't work hard?Bruce Lee not working hard enough?If he didn't work hard on his superb skills, did he fall from the sky?

Want to say no talent?Bruce Lee's filmmaking techniques, especially his talent in the field of action movies, were revolutionary.

But at that time, Bruce Lee was also a fringe figure in Hollywood. Even though many people admired him, he could only play some dispensable roles. If he didn’t charge tuition for teaching Kung Fu, he would have starved to death by filming.

When Bruce Lee played Kato in The Green Hornet, he did have a relatively heavy role, but since then, he can only get a few corner roles.

So much so that I finally left the United States and arrived in Xiangjiang, where my career took off.

But since Bruce Lee's death, in the decades since Bruce Lee's death, how many real first-line Asian stars are there in the United States?
This is the reality. Although we are only talking about the American film and television industry, the taste revealed in it is self-evident.

"Then you asked me to meet this time because you wanted me to join you?" Tang Ren didn't intend to beat around the bush and asked straightforwardly.

"Yes!" Fatty nodded, and then said: "I'm not going to hide it from you, our current studio is built with everyone's own money, come here, let's work together, your talent in special effects production is obvious to all.

Let's work harder, are you so willing to be shut out and waste all your talent? "

"I'm not reconciled!" Tang Ren narrowed his eyes, eyes full of resentment, and murmured in a low voice: "I have suffered a lot these years, watching those who are far inferior to me, arrogantly standing in front of me Looks like I've had enough!
dude!I join you, not for anything else, just for myself! "

With a snap, Tang Long applauded: "Okay! That's it! We will make a name for ourselves!"

Tang Ren continued to be full of ambition, and asked with hope on his face: "Then where do we work?"

"Uh... I can only feel wronged for the time being. We rented a cheap garage, and I will take you there tomorrow!"

"Garage?" Tang Ren was in disbelief, his originally hopeful expression became dull.

Seeing Tang Ren like this, Tang Long was a little embarrassed, and then hurriedly said: "You promised me just now, you can't go back on it!"

"Alas..." With a long sigh, Tang Ren felt that he was a little reckless, as if he had just accidentally boarded a pirate ship.

Tang Long was afraid that he would go back on his word, and then said: "Don't worry, brother, our ancestors have a good saying!
Thousands of tall buildings rise from the ground!
The future will be fine, there will be bread!There will be milk too!
Do things one by one, and eat food one bite at a time. Believe me, tomorrow will be beautiful! "

"As you said!" Tang Ren actually felt a little unreliable in his heart, unless he encountered a miracle, but he still planned to try his best, not for anything else, just because he didn't want to let himself down, and he didn't want to quit his beloved career in such a embarrassing situation. industry.

"I hope a miracle will happen!" These were the only words in Tang Ren's mind at the moment.

On the other hand, with the continuous progress of pre-shooting preparations, this movie, directed by Jonathan, with Jennifer as the heroine and Cheng Feng as Hannibal, has entered the stage of official shooting amidst people's controversy.

(End of this chapter)

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