Chapter 22

The question of what to wear on a first date is always troubling to women.Experts believe that women should wear more lavender or lilac and other lavender clothes, and it is best to wear more of these colors at ordinary times.Lavender or lilac and other lavender can promote the secretion of female hormones, making women more beautiful and gentle.In addition, most women fall in love with pink when they fall in love.Pink not only has the same effect as lavender, but also makes women more gentle.However, if you use too much pink, it will look childish, so pay special attention to the proportion of pink used.Women had better not wear white clothes.It is also best not to wear navy blue clothes, otherwise it will give people a stubborn impression.In fact, dating partners have various color preferences, so it is impossible to generalize which color is good and which color is not good.Of course, compared with the beauty of the appearance, it is more important to strengthen the inner cultivation.If a woman has a kind, gentle heart and is very understanding, she will be more attractive.In addition, after a woman falls in love, she should also pay attention to the color of her underwear.Because underwear in direct contact with the skin will have a great impact on the health of women's skin.It is better to choose pink or lavender underwear for women, but the best for skin health is white underwear.White can block the light that is bad for the skin and pass the light that is good for the skin.On the contrary, if you only want to be sexy and often wear black underwear, it will cause great damage to the skin.Black can absorb light, which will accelerate skin aging in the long run.Therefore, regardless of whether you are in love or not, as long as women want to stay healthy and beautiful, they must pay attention to the color of their underwear.

Wearing clothes is particularly skillful.Appropriate dressing should be in harmony with the person's figure, age, and personality, as well as with the occasion, and on the basis of not making mistakes, pay attention to matching skills.Due to the needs of life and work, dressing yourself skillfully in clothing can make you stand out.Of course, the clothing mentioned here includes clothes, pants, skirts, hats, socks, shoes, gloves and various accessories.They are a silent language that conveys a lot of information about a person's personality, identity, self-cultivation and psychological state. As Shakespeare said: "Clothing can often express personality." What kind of clothing a person wears directly affects To other people's evaluation of his personal image.

Since clothing plays the role of disseminating information and interpersonal communication, we must pay attention to our clothing when we meet people after striking up a conversation.Dressing should follow the following basic principles:

One is the principle of body-measured dressing.Dressing to fit, this is the most basic requirement.Choose the most suitable clothing according to each person's own conditions. You can't be too fat or short, and you should dress according to your body shape.

You can't dress indiscriminately regardless of your body shape in pursuit of fashion.The choice of clothing should be coordinated with the wearer's own conditions.People's pursuit of the beauty of clothing is to use the beauty of clothing to dress themselves up, that is, changes in the texture, color, pattern, shape and craftsmanship of clothing cause various illusions of others, thereby beautifying themselves.While we understand the various factors of clothing, we must fully understand our own characteristics.Only in this way can we achieve the goal of highlighting our strengths and avoiding our weaknesses, and promoting our beauty and avoiding our ugliness.For example, people with short stature are suitable to wear clothes with simple shapes, bright colors and small flower patterns. It is best not to choose clothes that are similar to the skin color or darker, such as brown, earthy yellow, dark gray, blue purple, etc., which are easy to make people feel uncomfortable. Appears lifeless.

The second is the principle of suiting the role.In social life, each of us plays a different role.Social psychologists believe that different social roles must have different social behavior norms, and there are naturally no rules in terms of clothing.That is to say, the choice of clothing should be coordinated with the social role of the wearer.In short, no matter where you appear, no matter what you do, it is best to figure out what role you are playing, and then consider choosing a suit of clothing suitable for this role to dress yourself, which will increase your self-confidence and make you more confident. Make others feel good about you.

The third is the principle of decent harmony.Appropriate and harmonious dress requires you to choose clothing according to your own conditions, such as body shape, skin color, age, identity, etc., and at the same time take into account the matching of clothing itself and the specific needs of activities.Also, consider hair and makeup.When our clothing can meet the conditions and requirements of the above aspects, it is appropriate.Wearing such clothing to participate in social activities and communicate with people can leave a good impression on people.

In fact, the beauty of clothing depends to a large extent on "proportion".An old lady wearing a boy's clothes can hardly make people feel beautiful; a man wearing a woman's dress can only make people laugh.The so-called beauty means being good at highlighting one's own advantages and overcoming one's own shortcomings on the basis of being commensurate with one's identity, gender, and age.

The fourth is the principle of neat clothing.Needless to say, clean and tidy clothes are a must.Pay attention to neatness, sanitation, cleanliness, and neatness, giving people a capable and civilized impression.For some people, the clothes are fine, but they don't wash or iron them, making people feel untidy, unhealthy, and useless.This kind of image makes people unwilling to get close to him, and it will not have a good effect on communication.

Of course, in addition to paying attention to clothing, you must also pay attention to your appearance and demeanor from all aspects.For example, with a smile on your face, contact and interact with people generously, which may give people an impression of enthusiasm, kindness, friendliness, and sincerity; you must also make yourself appear cute, respectable, humorous, and eloquent in terms of speech, manners, and etiquette. And talk, neither humble nor overbearing, elegant manner.

In short, to make a good first impression when we meet for the first time, we should try our best to use your ingenuity, make full use of the opportunity of the first meeting to help us complete beautiful self-promotion, and leave a good impression on the other party's heart. A deep first impression, this impression will affect the other party's judgment of you for a long time in the future.

Further reading: How women who are approached can protect themselves

Many girls think that it is very dangerous to strike up a conversation with a stranger, and they should reject all attempts to strike up a conversation from unknown people.In fact, the problem is not that serious, as long as you pay attention to protecting yourself and not putting yourself in danger.

People who come to strike up a conversation, if they have a good demeanor, they can make an appointment to meet him again, but the place and time of the meeting are very important. It should be during the day or at noon, especially in public places.If someone you met through chatting up a conversation chooses you for the first time at night or in a sparsely populated place, that is a warning sign. Be careful not to go to the appointment. This is the most basic way to protect yourself.There's nothing wrong with striking up a conversation, but it's not advisable if you don't take the time to get to know the other person and trust them easily.You know you should pay attention to this point when making friends, and you should pay more attention to it when interacting with friends you have met.

If you still think it’s not good to strike up a conversation and think that the boys who come to strike up a conversation are not good things, then it’s okay, please reject all the people who come to strike up a conversation, but you still have to be brave enough to strike up a conversation with the boys you want to know, because you have the right to choose In your own life, you should take the initiative to meet the people you want to know!

09.SMS chat, extra points for strike up
The emotional world is always the active world.In the process of chatting with the opposite sex, it is undoubtedly correct to be able to actively show your true self to establish a positive image.But I have to admit that in the various stages of meeting, inviting and getting along with the opposite sex, you must use some skills and pay attention to improving your image in the other party's mind, so that you can successfully enter the palace of marriage. The issue of "image" is very important, because the overall image of the other party will determine the success or failure of the marriage.For example, if a man and a woman chat by text message, if they can take the initiative to contact the other party, first talk to the other party in terms of study and life, care about the other party, be more careful with the woman, and understand the man. Over time, you will deepen your impression, improve your image, and maintain The continuation of the relationship definitely has a positive effect.

Since the sense of security established at the beginning of striking up a conversation is not very high, it is not appropriate to immediately enter the pursuit process.Chatting up with someone you don't know, leaving phone numbers in a hurry, and knowing each other is limited, how to use text messages to chat in this situation?Here are some wrong SMS chat methods.For example, the unprepared one-handed type will say: "Are you free to eat together today?" The computer-based household registration management type will say: "Hello, my name is ×××, I work at ××××××××, It’s nice to meet you.” The self-proclaimed affectionate type will say: “Tomorrow’s minimum temperature will be 1 degree, and the maximum temperature will be 13 degrees. If you care about the weather, you care about yourself. Don’t forget to add an extra piece of clothing.” A low-level performance joke Xing said: "The chimpanzee accidentally stepped on the gibbon's stool, the gibbon cleaned it gently and carefully, and they fell in love. When someone asked how they got together, the chimpanzee said with emotion, ape dung (fate), It's all ape dung (fate)," the neurotic self-absorbed type will say: "If one day, you feel tired, just turn around, my blessing is by your side, no matter how far away, no matter how many years, This blessing turns into dots of stars, shining in the morning light, shining in the sunset, shining in every inch of your life." There are also those who ask endlessly and say: "What are you doing?" The lady said watching TV. "What program are you watching?" The lady said "If You Are the One". "Interesting?" said the lady. "What do you do after reading?" The lady finally stopped texting.

So, how to correctly chat with the other party who hastily met by text message?The first thing to understand is the difference in thinking between the sexes.For most of the millions of years, the men quietly waited for their prey in the grass, and the women chatted with their children in the cave.Men and men cooperate with each other because of clear goals, and they start to act silently after discussing; women and women get together because of a common situation, and it is their normal state to talk about each other's status and feelings.Therefore, males are projective thinking, and females are reflective thinking.To this day, we also see that when two men go fishing, they can spend a whole afternoon squatting by the pond without saying a word; when two women go shopping, even if they don’t buy a single item, they will chatter about one day.

From a psychological point of view, men speak to solve problems, and women speak to describe themselves in problems.Men don't know how to chat with unfamiliar girls because they are influenced by rational thinking.

There is such a phenomenon in a smooth relationship between the sexes: the active party will adapt to the passive party's way of thinking.For example, a man, if a woman throws himself into your arms, then of course you can act according to your own thinking, otherwise, you have to learn to talk to women in women's language.

The basic principle of chatting is to understand the status of the other party. The common opening words are "what are you doing" or "are you busy", "how are you recently", etc., and then judge whether the other party is busy based on the speed, content and tone of the other party's answer. Are you in the mood to chat.

If you feel that the other party is out of state, then don't continue to send text messages, so as to ensure that you will not make mistakes or be annoying, and you will have a chance in the future.If you are not sure whether the other party is in the state, for example, the other party replied: "I am at work." You can answer like this: "Me too, I am not busy at the moment, and I suddenly think of you, so I will send a text message." That is to say, you are introducing yourself state, add a little feeling, and find your connection.This answer is both communication and probing.It's okay if the other person just doesn't respond, you didn't make any mistakes.But as long as the other person is not busy and doesn't hate you, it's usually easy to follow up.Women usually talk about their own situation or ask you some questions, such as describing the status: "We are always busy and have a business trip next week." You can answer with status and feelings: "Envy, I haven't been on a business trip for a long time. , Staying in one place all the time, I feel bored." Maybe she also joined in the feeling, and she would continue to reply: "Why are you envious, we travel very hard, and we don't have time to play at all." This is a good sign of increased communication.

In short, it's just like this, you talk to me, trivial, and the parents are short-sighted. If you talk a lot, you will feel familiar, and then you will invite people, and your image will gradually improve, and it will come naturally.What needs to be remembered is to always grasp the "state" plus "feeling", and look for the connection between you and her, which can be the same or different, and can be used as an interesting topic for text message chat.

Asking questions is a highly technical issue in text chat, so there are a few things you should be aware of.One is not to ask consecutive questions, but to space them out, to avoid giving the other party an aggressive feeling.When the other party asks you questions, ask and answer them carefully. For example, if she asks: "Is your work always very leisurely?" You take the opportunity to introduce yourself, and it is still the situation plus the feeling.Don't forget to add another sentence at the end: "What about you?" It looks friendly and easy to keep the chat going.The second is the time to send text messages or chat online, preferably around 04:30 in the afternoon.Generally speaking, whether it is going to work or school, this time is the least busy.

In addition, the way of ending is also particular.Take text messages as an example. The characteristic of text messages is that they can be answered or not, so there is no need to worry about why the other party suddenly left without saying goodbye.Of course, we have to be polite and thoughtful, who told us to be the active side.If the other party does not reply to the text message, it is considered that today's communication has come to an end, and we will contact you again at another day. At that time, there is no need to ask why the other party did not reply to the text message last time, just restart the topic.Try not to text a girl you don't know twice in a day, including calling, otherwise people will think you are difficult.

The characteristic of SMS chatting is nagging and unpretentious, which fully targets women's psychology, don't deliberately pursue wonderful routines, don't seek merit, but seek no faults, be nagging but not long-winded, this fire must be grasped .

In short, the self-image of the person who strikes up a conversation needs to continue to maintain and strive to improve during the whole process of striking up a conversation.As the saying goes, water drops through stone, rope saws wood, slow work produces meticulous work, and iron pestles are ground into needles!When harvesting, you can fully enjoy the love fruit borne by the flower of striking up a conversation!
Further reading: self-image

Self-image refers to a person's relatively stable personality traits, style, and bearing.It is expressed through a person's attitude towards life, personality traits, words and deeds, etc.

Many people are not beautiful women and handsome men, but they are full of brilliance: seriousness, persistence, intelligence, and sensitivity.This is the true self-image, the inner beauty of harmony and unity.Pursue beauty without misunderstanding or desecrating beauty. This requires every one of us who loves and pursues beauty to comprehend the true meaning of beauty from life, combine beautiful appearance with beautiful temperament, beautiful virtue and beautiful language, and show personality, A complete and beautiful image of temperament and appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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