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Chapter 577 Cannon and Cannon

Chapter 577 Cannon and Cannon

The expression on Wang Hua's face was indeed unpredictable, happy for a while and worried for a while.

After a while, he finally said: "Wei Xianggong, the queen will marry the princess."

The implication is that Webster's reputation is very bad, and I don't believe it.

"That's, that's," Wei Juyuan wasn't angry either, now that Wang Hua was strong, he had to suffer.But he got what he wanted from Wang Hua's expression and tone, so he cupped his hands and said, "Wang Shilang, come back."

"Wei Xianggong, go slowly," Wang Hua also cupped his hands before turning around and walking back.

But at this moment, the expression of surprise and surprise on his face disappeared immediately, and turned into a mockery.Because he already knew what Webster's plan was.

The next day, Wei Juyuan came to Cengfan again. Cengfan was fake, and he got closer to Wang Hua.How can we go out if we don't?

Wang Hua still treated them politely.

At this moment, a soldier came over and whispered something in Wang Hua's ear. Wang Hua showed surprise on his face, and he said to Wei Juyuan, "There is a good thing, Mr. Wei, do you want to see it?"

"Oh, Wang Shilang please take it out."

"I can't carry this thing, Mr. Wei, please follow me."

Wang Hua took Wei Juyuan out, and after walking for a while, a group of people pushed dozens of vehicles with some strange copper and iron pipes on them.There are also some smaller iron pipes, shining with a cold metallic luster under the sunlight.

Wei Juyuan is well-informed, but he doesn't know what they are.

Wang Hua walked over and fondled it with his hands affectionately.

These are artillery in the true sense of the word.

Cannons appeared very early in Chinese history, but they were not cannons, but cannons, that is, trebuchets that fired stones.This kind of trebuchet reached its peak until Hui people Yisima invented the trebuchet by integrating Western trebuchet technology, and it reached its peak, which is the trebuchet used by the blood camp now.

But it was quickly eliminated and replaced by real artillery.

Cannons were changed to cannons at the end of the Tang Dynasty. Because of the appearance of gunpowder, Zheng Fan, a subordinate of Yang Xingmi, attacked Yuzhang and fired Feihuo (arson objects dipped in gunpowder fired by catapults), and changed shooting stones to shooting fires, so it became a cannon. .

But the real development of firearms was still in the Song Dynasty. The most tragic thing was that after the Song general Lou Qianzhi retreated through Yuecheng, he could not hold on to the food, so he carried out a cannon. After it was ignited, it sounded like thunder, and the city collapsed. People and cities perish together.This kind of cannon is a kind of firearm such as bombs and mines.

But in the Northern Song Dynasty, trebuchets were still the main ones. Zeng Gongliang’s "Wu Jing Zongyao" contained [-] kinds of trebuchets, including Xixia’s whirlwind cannon, but there were still stone side cannons inside.

It was not until the later years of the Northern Song Dynasty that various crude firearms gradually appeared, including the defense of Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty, when large-scale firearms began to be used to defend against the enemy.

In the second year of Song Gaozong Jianhuo, the Southern Song Dynasty invented firearms similar to hand-grenades and hand grenades. In the second year of Shaoxing, Chen Gui invented a firearm, which may be the first real tubular firearm in human history.In the first year of Kaiqing, the soldiers and civilians of Shouchun Prefecture invented a kind of firearm, and Zike appeared, which is also the earliest bullet in China.

Later, on the basis of the gunpowder, a giant bamboo tube was used to hold gunpowder, and the gas pressure generated by the burning of the gunpowder in the tube was used to launch the nest to kill the enemy.This is the prototype of the real gun.Those who made pipes out of bamboo and wood were known as the invincible bamboo generals at that time.

After the Yuan and Meng invaded the south, they got the technology of the Southern Song Dynasty and further developed it, and the original copper artillery appeared.It is very similar to the bamboo cannon, except that there are two square hole hollow iron bolts at the tail of the cannon, instead of the trunnion, there is a wooden frame launching device.But there is no sight, and the hit rate is extremely low. In order to dissipate heat, the barrel is made into a trumpet-shaped opening.It looks like a large horn.

However, the technology of firearms was further developed. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the peasant army revolted and began to fight with firearms on a large scale.Therefore, firearms developed the fastest in the Ming Dynasty.There are hundreds of varieties of big general guns, second general guns, cannons, zhankou guns, magic guns, Flang machine guns, mielu guns, divine power cannons, and flying saucer guns.Materials are further divided into iron cannons, copper cannons, wooden cannons, and bamboo cannons.The functions include city wall offensive and defensive guns, field guns, water ship guns and so on.

If it hadn't been for the entry of the Qing army and the corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty, it is possible that China's hot weapons would continue to be far ahead of other countries in the world in the future.

After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Nurhachi suffered a lot from artillery, and still attached great importance to artillery.However, due to self-defense and corruption since the late Qianlong period, technology has stalled again.This stop finally ushered in a hundred years of shame.

In fact, the technical requirements of the artillery were lower than those of the rifle that Wang Hua wanted.

However, for technicians nowadays, it is undoubtedly very difficult to ask primary school students to do math problems in college.

The first is the gun barrel, which is divided into forging and forging. Forging is the best, that is, it is artificially forged. It is very convenient to play and carry.Of course, the cost of this kind of refining is also higher.However, for more powerful artillery, it is still necessary to use casting technology.Professor Wang Hua taught the later iron mold casting method, which is also the most advanced casting method under the current conditions. Compression casting time saves cost.

But the forging and casting techniques are still very advanced for the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty.

The next step is to look at the bore, if there is a slight leak, it is a waste product.It must be extremely smooth. With such a long barrel, the current primitive method is not very easy to observe.It is this point that has stumped Oceania Technology for a long time.

Then Qi mouth, this is easier to handle, just use an extremely cumbersome method to forcibly smooth the mouth.Next is the lathe, and Wang Hua drew a simple lathe bed diagram, that is, a wheel is mounted on the lathe, fastened with cross iron bars, and a ladle is installed outside the wheel.But pictures are pictures, objects are objects, and it takes a long time.This is what makes the barrel smoother.The last is to drill the fire gate, the position of the fire gate is extremely important.Again let the mechanic grope for a long time.

But it doesn't end there. The ratio of the size and length of the gun body must be appropriate.It is impossible for Wang Hua to know this ratio, which requires repeated experiments.The location of the installation of the gun ear should also be appropriate. If the ear is tilted forward, the gun will be tilted back when the cannon is fired, and if the ear is tilted back, the gun head will be covered.The method of setting up the Yinmen is necessary. The Yinmen are straight and big, and the anger will be vented, and it will be late to get angry.If you lean forward, you will sit back, if the door is small, you will not be angry enough.The medicine receiving part of the gun bore must be thick and smooth, so another raw iron gun chamber is cast, and its lead door is made of wrought iron that penetrates into the bottom of the bore, and then it is wrapped in hemp, rolled in mud, sun-dried, mortared, whitened, and wooden square boards. , Turn the circle to close the diameter, fire it up, wipe the black smoke outside, and finally use mud strips to withstand it, so that the gun core will not move in the center, install mud templates layer by layer, use mud covers to protect the seams, and then tie iron hoops, When it is reddened with fire, the work is considered complete.
The outer circumference of the gun barrel is still adding joints and hoops, which also need to be added reasonably. Although in order to be strong and not explode the chamber, where to add and how much to add must be adjusted.

Then there is the material, the best copper and iron must be used. For example, in ancient China, Fujian iron was specifically mentioned as the first, followed by Jin iron, and iron from other regions did not work.Of course, when it is implemented, it is not the same thing.However, the iron-rich quality in Oceania is very good, and the copper in Luzon is also high-quality copper.The material is not a big problem.

Then there are cannonballs, there are sound bombs, refining bombs, also called mandarin duck bombs, which are the most advanced bullets under the current technology, and the damage is also the largest. Drilling bombs when pulling out villages, gouging bombs when attacking cities, as well as split and broad bombs , shotgun, Gongsun bullet, honeycomb bomb and so on.There are also various shapes, such as long round, circular, hat-shaped, scissor-shaped, leaf-shaped, etc.

Then there is gunpowder, and the nitrate must be pure nitrate, which is refined with gray water at a ratio of [-] to [-] in an underwater pot.Pure sulfur refining is [-]:[-]:[-] ratio of sulfur plus butter and sesame oil for frying.This also has strict regulations on the temperature of the fire under the furnace. It must be a coal fire, and the temperature cannot be high or low.Then there is charcoal powder, which must be made of woody and frivolous materials, preferably Maqian eggplant stalks, then Yingchun Wuliu, or if it is not good, it is Chinese fir.Peel the skin and remove the knots, otherwise there will be more smoke if the skin is on, and the knots will be easy to fry.

The last thing is the loading ratio. How much ammunition is loaded in each artillery piece must also be carefully measured.

In addition, although Wang Hua did not give the modern artillery, it was a relatively mature artillery in the early Qing Dynasty, which required higher technology. This class has passed for several years.

Recently, several kinds have been researched. Although they are immature, considering the current situation in the blood camp, they were immediately transported along with various data. It happened that Wang Hua was under the city of Chang'an and transported ashore from the Weishui River.

There are not many types, two giant cannons weighing more than 2000 kilograms. This model comes from the Shenwei Invincible General Cannon.Four medium-sized cannons similar to General Shenwei, weighing nearly 800 kilograms, three with short barrels and thick barrels, imitating the medium-sized cannons of General Weiyuan, and two nine-section and ten-tenth cannons weighing more than [-] kilograms.Next came more than a dozen more advanced small cannons, all of which were forged by hand, and seven sub-cannons weighing more than [-] kilograms, which were more advanced in loading, opening, and firing than the sub-cannon.In fact, the latter is still a mother-child artillery, but it is not an enhanced version of the mother-child artillery.Regardless of these two types of artillery, they are only five feet long and weigh only more than thirty kilograms. A strong man carried them away, but they were very lethal. And down, the pieces shattered, unstoppable."

Of course, regardless of flexibility, cost, and practicality, the first type of artillery is the most powerful, with a length of two and a half meters, a load of gunpowder that can reach two kilograms each time, and a shell that weighs three to four kilograms.

Looking at the 25 artillery pieces, seven large, eight small, and boxes of shells, Wang Hua had mixed feelings in his heart.

Over the years, more than 900 million yuan has been invested in the research and development of firearms, more than 200 artisans have been invested, more than 600 related artisans, almost 2000 people and people have participated, and more than a dozen people have been paid to blow up. More than two dozen people were injured, and it took several years to finally see the first batch of real thermal weapons.

If it is replaced with gold, these 25 cannons will also be covered.However, it cannot be said that technology is priceless.

Wei Juyuan looked at Wang Hua's strange expression and asked, "Wang Shilang, what are you doing?"

"Wei Xianggong, a few years ago, some people in the court pressed me for explosive technology. In fact, they valued the profit of firecrackers and fireworks. But they are just playthings. As I said, the role of explosives is not only for civilian use, but also for military use. .”

Wei Juyuan nodded. Explosives played a big role in Wang Hua's several-month battle, but what is the connection with these large and small copper and iron pipes?
Wang Hua said again: "These cannons really play the role of explosives."

"Can you give it a try?" Wei Juyuan asked worriedly.Originally, the Blood Battalion was already very strong, and new weapons came out. What should I do?

"Wei Xianggong, don't worry, I'll let you see it tomorrow night, let's go back and drink."

Why until tomorrow night?Thinking of Wang Hua's time, Wei Juyuan lost his mood. He immediately returned to Chang'an and wrote to the court again. He didn't rush to spend eight hundred miles, and the time was too late. People immediately sent a letter to Chang'an.

But he was too worried. When Li Xian received Wei Juyuan's first letter, he immediately summoned the ministers to discuss again.
Wang Hua's other conditions were acceptable, even if he killed Zong Chuke, no one objected. In fact, many ministers still hoped that Wang Hua would force Li Xian to kill Zong Chuke, thinking that Wang Hua's requirements were low. Zong Jinqing and other ministers beheaded together.

But four 1000 million, there is really no way to agree.The three states also cannot give it.

So after a discussion, two people were sent again. The first was Zhang Jiazhen, the new servant of the Huangmen, and the second was Su Xuan, who served as the servant of the household department the winter before last. Since Wang Hua thought he was a good minister, he served as Wang Hua for several days. His superior, so he sent him over to persuade Wang Hua.

Zhang Jiazhen is in her forties, so there is no big problem. Su Xuan is also in her 70s, and she is a Confucian scholar with a thin body. Li Xian was a little anxious, so he took out the imperial carriage from his palace and asked him to sit with Zhang Jiazhen. On the carriage, pulled by four horses, they rushed to Chang'an day and night.

When they came to Chang'an City, they met with Wei Juyuan and explained the situation.

Of course, the role of artillery is still underestimated. In the past few months, there have been many new things, but the final decisive role is still manpower.Even the gophers, whom the Turks hate, dug tunnels with manpower.

So no one paid attention, but it was the tens of thousands of troops that gave the three people a headache.It was almost evening now, the three of them put aside their prejudices and immediately came to the front of Wang Hua's camp.

Wang Hua welcomed them in very politely. The wine and dishes were being prepared in that room, and the smell of various spices penetrated into the noses of the three of them from time to time.

But now that he didn't care about eating, Zhang Jiazhen said straight to the point: "Wang Shilang, accept it as soon as you see it."

In any case, this time the imperial court came up with a big deal, and even though it was the general manager, it gave him all the civil and military affairs in more than a dozen states, and he became a veritable king of the Northwest.

"Zhang Shilang, congratulations to Gao Sheng." Wang Hua didn't answer, but congratulated him in advance.

Zhang Jiazhen didn't answer.

If Wang Hua hadn't talked with Zhang Shuo about his talent as a future prime minister, it would have been impossible for him to be promoted to Huangmen servant.But now I don't know if it's a friend or an enemy, so I can't say it. I want to thank you for your kind words when I get promoted.

Wang Huacai said: "This is my bottom line. One year I was bitten by a snake, and ten years I was frightened by a snake. I'm scared."

"No, His Majesty regrets it very much now, and decides to reform himself and become a wise king," Zhang Jiazhen glanced at Wei Juyuan at this point.

Wei Juyuan twirled his beard, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Since these two people came, he directly shirked responsibility.This errand was thankless, if it wasn't for the Wei family or the queen, he wouldn't have come to Chang'an.If it is not done well, it will be unlucky, and if it is done well, it will also be scolded.So don't speak directly.

Wang Hua took out another account book and said, "Zhang Shilang, look at how much I spent."

Part of it was dedicated to Li Xian for food last year, and Wang Hua, which was given to the people of Luoyang, was not included.There are also rewards and pensions for various soldiers and prisoners of war who participated in the war, and the purchase of weapons and supplies.There are more than 500 million yuan in money, and the notes are very clear.It does not include the cost of relief to the common people, and the pensions for the families of the martyrs in the future.If these expenses are added together, 2000 million yuan is far from enough.

But Zhang Jiazhen knows that this is a clear account, and there are not so many facts.Several victories, just the spoils of war captured, is an astonishing number.Of course, because Dafeichuan had to be governed, these spoils could not make up for his losses.

But these costs have to be cut in half at least.

Zhang Jiazhen looked at Su Xuan, Su Xuan understood, and he also took out an account book from his arms.

Handed it to Wang Hua and said: "You were still in the household department on New Year's Day last year, and you know the income and expenditure of the imperial court. This is a big account of the income and expenditure from last year to the present one and a half years."

The current economic situation of the Tang Dynasty is a little better than that of the Tang Dynasty in history, but it is not what people think.

The best economy was the Song Dynasty, not the Tang Dynasty. The population of the Song Dynasty was less than twice that of the Tang Dynasty, but its income was eight times that of the Tang Dynasty.This is not bad for the Tang Dynasty. The population of the late Ming Dynasty was similar to that of the Song Dynasty, but only one tenth of that of the Song Dynasty.It is three times that of Qianlong, and only half of the population of Qianlong.The Tang Dynasty had the most taxes when the two tax laws were implemented, and it collected 3000 million yuan. In the Song Dynasty, it was Wang Anshi's reform, which cost 6000 million yuan.The most annual income currency is the 14th year of Zong Dali in the Tang Dynasty, 1000 two million coins, and the Song Dynasty is the second year of Song Ningzong Kaixi, 8000 million coins.The highest amount of silk was 500 million pieces, and in the Song Dynasty it was nearly 32 million pieces, and it was finer and thinner high-quality silk.The highest coinage in the Tang Dynasty was 500 guan, while that in the Song Dynasty was more than [-] million guan. At the same time, the circulation of gold and silver in the market was dozens of times more than that in the Tang Dynasty.

The past two years have been slightly better, and the national tax revenue is only 3000 million yuan, which is already the peak of the Tang Dynasty.

But money is earned more and used more. The country needs money, officials need money, soldiers need money, everything needs money, and local affairs need money. Several princesses spend more money than one. Powerful, coupled with the mobilization of the army around this year, it cost a huge expense again, in fact, agreeing to half of Wang Hua's conditions is the maximum limit of the court.

If it weren't for the continuous flow of commercial taxes from the sea to the capital, even this figure, the court would not agree.

Wang Hua flipped through the ledger, pointed at the expenditures of the princesses mockingly, and said, "You can really spend money."

Su Xuan put together the account books and said: "This time they want to spend money, but they can't spend it. Not only them, but even the soldiers' pensions can't be paid."

Su Xuan even suspected that if Wang Hua increased the price, even the salaries of officials would become a problem.

Wang Hua shook his head and said, "No way, a gentleman can't chase after a horse. If the court has no money, they can take the grain as collateral."

Zhang Jiazhen couldn't help but said: "Wang Shilang, what do you need so much food for, and cotton cloth? What do you need so much vegetable oil for?"

Over there, they started to prepare for release, that is, 800 million shi of grain, plus the grain prepared by the imperial court, more than 1000 million. How many people can there be in Bazhou, more than 100 million, counting as 200 million, plus the refined grain for livestock, 1000 million shi enough.What's more, there is still a large amount of autumn grain in Yashu, which can be harvested after autumn. Now that they have switched from grazing to farming, the situation will be even better next year.So Zhang Jiazhen was very angry.

What is even more infuriating is that the common people are very economical in cooking oil now. With the addition of oil lamps in each household, the average per person is only four to five liters of oil a year. According to the current population of Wang Hua's jurisdiction, 500 million liters is enough.Besides, there are oil plants themselves, and these oils are not like grains that can be stored.Is it possible to dump them all after a year, or use them as weapons to burn the enemy?Even burning people can't burn so many people.Of course, now because of the lack of oil itself, and the fact that they used boiling oil to pour people on when defending the city, the Ministry of Household Affairs has calculated that Wang Hua will not be short of 300 million liters of oil, which is at most. 500 million liters are released and released again and again, and they will definitely not be used up.

Speaking of which, relationship is relationship. This time, Wang Hua opened his mouth too much. Zhang Jiazhen said displeasedly again: "Also, now the area under your jurisdiction has reached [-] prefectures, and the population may be a little less. In terms of area, ten The post-Qin Kingdom in the Six Kingdoms period was not as large as your jurisdiction, so what else? You keep saying that you are for the people of the world, and the eight states are the people of the world, but the people of the world are even more the people of the world. Do you want the people of the eight states to have a happy life? How can you think about it, if all the money and materials of the imperial court are exploited to you, what will the people of the world do?"

"Zhang Shilang, what you say is really weird. With such a little thing, the people in the world can't do anything? How many people in the world are there? How much is this material? If it is only half a coin per person, the people in the world will starve to death immediately? It’s not what the people in the world should do, but what about some high-ranking officials and nobles in the court, who drink the blood of the people. Also, don’t ask me why I do this, power grows out of the barrel of a gun!”

Power grows out of the barrel of a gun?
Everyone froze for a moment, Wang Hua ignored them, stood up and said, "Since the two imperial envoys disagree, I have no choice but to attack the city."

Zhang Jiazhen wanted to pull, but this time he couldn't pull, two soldiers held him up.Zhang Jiazhen scolded anxiously from behind.

Wang Hua looked at him and said, "Don't scold, just come and have a look."

As he spoke, he ordered people to drag out the twenty or so cannons.

Zhang Jiazhen was also surprised, so she shut up and watched what Wang Hua did.

Wang Hua ordered people to drag the twenty or so cannons to the moat of Chang'an City and aim them at the top of the city.Then he asked dozens of artillerymen who came over to fill the shells, and he shouted: "Let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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