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Chapter 576

Chapter 576
Wei Juyuan's originally cloudy eyes suddenly lit up.

Jiang is old and hot. He is not afraid of Wang Hua's conditions, but he is worried that Wang Hua has ambitions in his heart now.When he came here, the delicious hospitality made him realize that Wang Hua didn't want to rebel, at least not now.

This gave him confidence, and he asked calmly: "Then what does Wang Shilang think?"

"The first is the pension. In the past few years, how much money I have given to the emperor and the queen, Wei Pushe, you should know. In addition, the income Qinzhou brought to the court. I hope that Mr. Wei will not think that these incomes are contrived I said 1000 million coins, 1000 million shi grains, 1000 million cotton cloths, and vegetable oil, not a penny less." Wang Hua said firmly.

It was still negotiable, but is it still possible to bargain now?

Wei Wen frowned.

Wang Hua's request, since it was decided to negotiate a peace, has been discussed repeatedly by the ministers of the DPRK and China.It is the real power of the eight states, and finally decided to let it go. Even Xia Shengfeng, who came to the seven states and Lanchi Dufu, agreed to let go.Not for anything else, because this is the gateway to eight states, even if the imperial court does not let go, Wang Hua will not agree.

In this case, it is better to let him toss with the Turkic Hu and the Tubo people.

In fact, they have all come to their senses now. At the beginning, they were afraid that Wang Hua would break out with the people and destroy the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. Coupled with Oceania, the reaction was slow.If the troops were sent to Bazhou at that time, Wang Hua might be forced to leave. Jiaomin, the flower bloomed once, and everyone couldn't remember it.Is it still that easy to open afterwards?True believers are not afraid of death, but in fact many believers don't know what Taoism they believe in.

Of course, it's too late to regret.Raw rice and cooked rice, now I have to compromise.Even if Wang Hua is not satisfied, he can be named Wang with a different surname.Even if it is the real prince of the country.

Then there are other conditions, that is, these four 1000 million.

Food and cotton cloth are the best, although it will make the imperial court heartbroken, but the economic situation of the imperial court has not been too bad in the past few years. Seeing the benefits of Guangzhou and Qinzhou, they have set up shipping departments in Suzhou and Quanzhou. With money, in view of that In the past few years, not only in Luoyang, but also in Chang'an, Bianzhou, and Youzhou, some granaries have been set up one after another to store grain.

And it had an immediate effect. Last year, Wang Hua scrambled for grain in Weizhou in the winter, coupled with the reduction in grain production in Guanzhong, the price of grain rose sharply.If it weren't for these stored grains, there would be a serious crisis in Guanzhong grains.Among them, Wang Hua is also credited. Because of his promotion, water transportation is now developed. From the sea to Lingnan Yushui, Fuzhou Jianyang River, Hangzhou Zhejiang (Qiantang River), the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, Jishui, and the Grand Canal, the number of ships is all the same. is increasing violently.

It is precisely because of these large and small river boats that the grain was quickly transferred from the Weishui River to Chang'an again.

In fact, when the Blood Battalion captured Chang'an City, there were more than 1000 million shi of grain in the warehouses in the city.Including freight, the cost is only 400 million yuan.Of course, it's not a small sum, and it would hurt anyone to change it.

The second is cloth. The price of cotton cloth is not high, only six Wen per foot, that is, three hundred Wen per piece.

The least costly vegetable oil is rapeseed oil, and now vegetable oil is nothing more than rapeseed oil, soybean oil, and the peanut oil pressed from South American peanuts introduced by Wang Hua (Peanuts have existed in China for a long time, but it is recorded that "the taste is pungent, bitter, sweet, cold in nature, and looks like a bean pod. , the seeds are like lotus meat, eaten together with cucumbers and duck eggs, often killing people, and eating too much will make the sperm cold and impotent", that is, the variety is not good. It is estimated that South American peanuts were introduced after the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and this variety was widely promoted in China. ) and corn oil.

And southern olive oil.

Later, Wang Hua's subordinates found a plant called sunflower seeds from North America, which was said to be able to extract oil.But after this thing was planted by Shibajia, it has not risen yet, it is expensive, and it will not be used for oil extraction.

Either it is cottonseed oil, but Wang Hua has repeatedly said that this oil can be used, such as wiping weapons, tightening axles, and so on.But it must not be eaten, it will make people infertile.But it's cheap, and some poor people still eat it, and they can't support themselves, so they talk about infertility.

Of course, the cheapest thing is cottonseed oil, and the imperial court didn't dare to give it to the blood camp, so it would be better not to agree.

Then there are rapeseed oil and soybean oil. Of course, sesame oil and olive oil are better, but they are more expensive and very few.This Wang Hua did not make excessive demands either.

However, vegetable oil is basically self-sufficient, and a small amount is sold to the market.

A normal family of six consumes only 1000 liters of vegetable oil a year.Therefore, despite the fact that 500 million liters of vegetable oil is only worth 1000 yuan, it is not easy to buy.The court's [-] million liters of vegetable oil may be a limit.Unless Wang Hua can afford to wait and pay in full within two years, for [-] million liters, the imperial court will send thousands of people to buy vegetable oil all over the country.

It is impossible to agree to all of the first three items. Adding them together, but nearly 700 million yuan, even if the economic situation of the imperial court is a little better, it is impossible to take out so much money for "pensions" all at once.At most half of the figure, a little bit higher, this is also the range that the court tolerates.

But before he came, Webster sent someone to quietly send him a letter, which wrote some things, including a sentence: Suppression is ineffective, so we should win him over immediately.

After thinking about it quickly in his mind, he immediately said: "Wang Shilang, I can speak good words to the court for you, but forgive me for saying a piece of honest advice, if it is all implemented, it will be very difficult."

To his surprise, despite Wang Hua's hospitality, he is now extremely tough. Wang Hua almost didn't think about it, and said again: "This is the bottom line, otherwise there is no need to talk about it. Anyway, I am very disappointed in the court."

He stood up while speaking.

Seeing that he was about to leave angrily, Wei Juyuan immediately dragged Wang Hua down again.

Only now did he understand how embarrassing Zhang said it was at the beginning.

You have to bear it, and you can't let Wang Hua leave. In just a few days, Ziwu Pass, Luogu Pass, and Kugu Pass are all lost.Wei Juyuan doubted very much that if Wang Hua got angry, it would mean that the city of Chang'an was tall and heavily guarded, how many days would it last.Especially the kind of thing he invented that can make people fly in the sky, the city wall also lost its effect.

He sat Wang Hua down and said, "But I can't make the decision on this matter. I can only write a letter and send someone back to the Eastern Capital, so that the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty can discuss it together."

"Okay, I'll wait for a reply the day after tomorrow evening."

"The day after tomorrow is too short. From Chang'an to Luoyang, eight hundred miles away, running back and forth, time is too late."

"At that time, I told Zhang Shilang that the limit was five days, and now I have let it go for one day. This is also my limit."

Wang's painting was extremely tough, which was in stark contrast to the sumptuous banquet just now, which was beyond Wei Juyuan's expectation.

He thought for a while, then asked again: "Then what's not satisfactory?"

Simply say it all at once to save time and trouble.

"I don't care about the taxation of the Silk Road in the Linzhou section of Lanzhou, but the imperial court is not allowed to collect taxes on the goods needed in the eight states."

This happens to be stuck in the middle of the blood camp forces, and there will be a lot of goods from the north and the south, as well as the goods imported and exported by the blood camp, and some of its own industries will be transported to the Tang Dynasty or Dashi through this road.The imperial court did not dare to levy, but the ugly words are ahead.It has nothing to do with fear, the main thing is numbness. It's time to watch a movie soon, so we should be quieter when watching a movie.

Wei Juyuan agreed immediately.

In fact, it is not a tax collection. If a tax is collected, the tax can be collected in advance in Weizhou and Liangzhou.

The imperial court is fighting for the Western Regions. If this right is not held in hand, if the blood camp uses tariffs to mess around, it will undoubtedly tie the neck of the imperial court and the Western Regions.

"The horse farm can also be handed over, but the original imperial court used two methods of breeding by the common people and free-ranging by the imperial court. This method needs to be changed. Now I am running this place and gradually replacing nomadic herding with farming. Of course, I may provide two thousand The common people graze horses for the imperial court, but they must graze at designated places. The second is the number of horses. I will return the original court horses in Lingzhou. Most of the war horses are still there, and the imperial court can send officials to check the marks. Some worn out horses, I will also make up for it. But the horses in Liuhu Prefecture and Fengsheng Prefecture were all captured by the Turks. This has nothing to do with me."

It must also be made clear that there are a huge number of horses in the blood camp, some of which were taken from Dafeichuan and brought over by the party member Tuyuhun. , captured by the Turkic army, and raised by the blood camp itself.

This should not be confused.

In fact, there are still some court horses in Liuhu Prefecture that have not been taken away. Even the Turkic horses captured by Wang Hua also belong to the court, but the court was unreasonable, so Wei Juyuan agreed again.

Wang Hua took out a booklet from his pocket and handed it to Wei Juyuan.

Wei Juyuan opened it and saw that it was the list of sacrificed and injured soldiers in this blood camp.

He looked at Wang Hua suspiciously.

Wang Hua said: "I told Zhang Shilang, and you probably know that when the treacherous officials of the court are in power, I will double the amount for every additional loss to the blood camp."

A traitor is in power?Wei Juyuan couldn't say anything.

Wang Hua continued: "In addition to the above-mentioned states, I also request the imperial court to divide Dangwu into three states and give them my jurisdiction."

"This won't work," Wei Juyuan replied immediately.

In fact, the geographical conditions of the blood camp states are not very good. Apart from commercial roads, Lanzhou has many mountains and canyons, and so does Yuanzhou, but Linzhou is a little better.Yanzhou also has many mountains and few fields. The north of the Yellow River has been threatened by the Turks for years. Although it is a good place for farming and grazing, it is sparsely populated.The same is true for the three states of Taodie River.On the contrary, the Hequ land in the south of Shankuo Erzhou is a good place, and the best place is the Lingzhou area.Then to the recently recovered watering river area.

The terrain in Dangwucheng Sanzhou is also not good, but Wei Juyuan can't agree.

Regardless of the economy, the three state courts do not count on much tax revenue.Mainly because of the geographical location, these three prefectures were stuck, which cut off the connection between the imperial court and the Western Regions, and now cut off the connection between Bashu and Longyou again.That's not to mention, if the blood camp makes trouble again, Hanzhong will be in the east, and Bashu will be in the south.

"This is the price of sacrificing soldiers, and it is also the price of the court. And in the future, some treacherous officials will block Guanzhong again. I can import supplies from Yunshuo, Hedong, Hanzhong and Bashu. I must have these three places."

Wei Juyuan rubbed his head, now Wang Hua's attitude is becoming more and more tough, completely different from the whole attitude during the banquet, which gave him a headache.He said: "But I can't decide on this condition. I guess I won't agree to it even if I tell the court."

"That doesn't matter. I don't even want any conditions. I will capture Chang'an immediately. The north and the west will be united. At that time, it will not be these three states, even Qinzhou, Weizhou, Fengzhou, Qizhou, Qingzhou, Jingzhou, and Longzhou. Zhouzhou, Binzhou, Fuzhou, Fangzhou, Yanzhou, Suizhou, Danzhou, Ningzhou, Minzhou, and Tongzhou are all in my hands. Even Huazhou and Shangzhou in the east can temporarily manage for the imperial court .”

That's not management, it's really treason.

Wang Hua’s dozen or so prefectures were border prefectures, and these eighteen prefectures were the core areas of the Tang Dynasty. Not counting the more than 200 million people in Chang’an, these eighteen prefectures except for the three prefectures of Min, Wei and Sui with a small population, the rest are all Populous states, such as Tongzhou with more than 40 people, Qizhou with more than 30 people, and others with more than 20 to 10,000 people, even if they are less than 8, there are still 6, [-] people, or Shangzhou mountainous area , also approaching [-] people.

If Wang Hua wins these ten states, it will be equivalent to 500 million more people out of thin air, and the Tang Dynasty will fight to the end even if the net is broken.

Wei Juyuan couldn't argue anymore, he said, "Let me explain it for you."

I have no confidence in saying this.

"There are still three small requests. Our blood battalion is working hard for the court, but the soldiers are very dissatisfied with the court's doing so. Therefore, I want the court to deal with one or two masterminds. Otherwise, I will not be able to explain to my subordinates."

Wang Hua bit one or two very hard.

Wei Juyuan scolded in his heart: "It's not up to you to tell me about your size."

This was clearly because he was narrow-minded and took the opportunity to retaliate, just like beheading Zhou Yong back then.

But fortunately, he knows the general situation, and only asks to deal with one or two people. Is it Zong Chuke, or Xue Sijian?Liu Jingren definitely can't, he is not the leader, and the only way to deal with it is to choose one of these two people.Let's talk about this later,
Although unwilling, but after the defeat of these three people, they lost their use value, and Wei Juyuan agreed again.

"It's fine if the imperial court doesn't want us to transfer the grain to the northwest, and it's fine to seize the grain. Why kill my subordinates? Burn the innocent merchant ships that were transported?"

"I can make the decision. The food will be released every day, and the ship will compensate for the loss, and the relevant personnel will deal with it." Wei Juyuan agreed without hesitation. The food was undoubtedly returned. Those ships paid some money to fool them. The relevant personnel found A few scapegoats.

"In the end, our army is waiting here for news from the imperial court for several days. Will the imperial court reward them with some logistics from Chang'an City?"

How about a reward, it seems that you have contributed to your military campaign in Chang'an without any mistakes?Being under the eaves, Wei Juyuan gritted his teeth and agreed again.

Then write a letter immediately, time is tight, and I will receive an accurate answer the night after tomorrow, there is no way.

After writing the letter, send it away immediately.

Wang Hua was training the army, and Wei Juyuan came to see him, but he didn't refuse.However, Wei Juyuan is a layman. If he was given a choice, he would even think that the Habayashi Army in the palace is more powerful, because it looks more majestic and tidy than the Blood Camp.

After watching for a while, I ran into Chang'an City, not wanting to stay any longer.

Wang Hua didn't care about it, and sent out a batch of rewards in the evening, but Wang Hua stayed with Wei Juyuan for dinner again, and he still treated him warmly.

In fact, Wei Juyuan came here on purpose, and there was one thing he didn't say.He was waiting for Wang Hua to speak, but Wang Hua didn't speak, so he had to say when Wang Hua sent him back to Chang'an after dinner, "Wang Shilang, I don't know if I should say something."

"Wei Xianggong, just tell me."

"I remember you said a word when you were young, there are no permanent friends, and there are no permanent enemies."

"Not bad, isn't it?"

"It makes sense. Then let me say one more thing. A series of things have happened in the past two years. First of all, it has nothing to do with your going to Tubo. Later, the queen listened to some villains in the family, and The treacherous ministers in the court provoked, so a series of misunderstandings occurred. Now the queen regrets it in her heart."

Wang Hua didn't say a word, thinking to himself, the meat show is coming.

"Since there are no permanent enemies, it's like you are on good terms with the Taiyuan Wang family now. Later, you made peace with the Shiba family again. Why can't you make peace with the queen as before?"

"That's not reconciliation, it's cooperation. I'm not a gentleman. I'm not a gentleman. I'm not interested in profit. I can't afford it without profit. Wei Xianggong, what can the queen give me? Money? Status? Reputation?"

"You don't need any of these. The only thing the queen can give you is Princess Anle. I wonder if Wang Shilang is thinking about their mother and child?"

Wang Hua knew part of Li Gu'er's affairs, but because she was confined by Webster, he didn't know much.

He replied: "Yes."

Although Webster's words made him a little wary, saying that he didn't want it to be false, but the conditions did not allow him to immediately put Li Bao'er's matter first.

"Originally, the empress wanted you to get married to make up for the regret of last year, but the court ministers were very opposed. So let it go, but the empress is arranging this matter in order to make up for this regret."

Webster's note to Wei Juyuan was very vague.

During the discussion at that time, someone proposed to use the relationship between Wang Hua and Li Gu'er to let Wang Hua withdraw from the army and become the general manager of Lingzhou with peace of mind.

However, many ministers objected, and some of them belonged to the King Xiang and Princess Taiping.Now Wang Hua's attitude is unclear, but Xue Ying, especially Wang Hua's right-hand man, has the heart to regard Li Chiying as his mother.If this marriage is successful, it will lose Wang Hua's support forever.

As long as Wang Hua does not rebel, no one can underestimate this power.It can be said that in the current blood camp, whoever supports them will immediately have the greatest say in the court.

The other ministers of Qingliu also objected. They had discussed this matter before, and this is not the time to discuss it.It may not be helpful, but it seems that the court is humble.If you want to discuss it, wait until the matter is over.

Wechsler heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Baoer's move was Guan Jian's move, and when her little bottle came in handy, in order to prevent anyone from opposing her, she played this move in exchange for Wang Hua's support.In her mind, Li Bao'er is the empress dowager, that is, the future empress. As the husband of the future empress, and her son is the successor of the next emperor, Wang Hua will most likely fall in love with her.

If you marry at this time, there is no way to arrange it.It can't be said that if I want to poison the emperor to death, Li Gu'er will soon become the rightful empress dowager.If not, Wang Hua will report on it.

As long as Wang Hua is tempted, she will support her. Think about the strong support of the blood battalion. Her empress is even more stable than when Wu Zetian ascended the throne.

First let the wind out to warm Wang Hua's heart, but even Wei Juyuan couldn't explain this arrangement clearly.

Of course, let Wei Juyuan see Wang Hua's reaction.If Wang Hua doesn't know how to flatter, change another method.

Generally speaking, Wang Hua's request was too much, but it was a dispute with the court, but for himself, the hospitality of delicacies from mountains and seas was not as he thought, and he wished he could tear up the members of the Wei family.So Wei Juyuan is still very satisfied.

That's when the news was released.

After finishing speaking, I looked at Wang Hua to see how he answered.

(End of this chapter)

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