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Chapter 536 Mistress

Chapter 536 Mistress
Li Chiying took her maid to the outside of Lingzhou City.

Although spring passed, the outside of Lingzhou city looked like a big garden.

The hillsides are full of bamboo and various flowers, and even some Gobi deserts are planted with sugar beet, among the boundless green, and then red, white, yellow, purple, bright colors are mixed in the boundless The green spreads to the horizon.

Actually it's mostly green.Food is the most important thing for the people, and one by one they have changed from a nomadic life to a farming life. The most important thing for them is food.Although Wang Hua sent batches of food, even a fool knew that this was just a stopgap measure.It is impossible for Wang Hua to support them for a lifetime.

This is Wang Hua's golden finger, and he did a lot of publicity afterwards.Otherwise, there is still no way to promote these sideline businesses.

However, the hillsides where crops cannot be grown are heavily utilized.Pieces of small bamboo grow extremely slender, and the smooth and tender bamboo poles sway beautifully in the wind, beautiful and moving.But it will be several months before they are harvested and retched for pulp.

The same is true for beets, which are just green seedlings now, and ordinary people can't tell the difference between them and radishes anyway.In fact it can also be used as a vegetable.Not only that, it is impossible to change the living habits of the nomads all at once. Every household still keeps large livestock such as cattle, horses and sheep, but after the sugar beet matures, the dregs and vegetable leaves after sugar extraction are the best feed.Another effect is that some beet species have beautiful leaves.

Especially with such a large-scale planting, the endless green and red leaves, and the breeze blowing, the entire Hirakawa of Yashu becomes green seas and yellow seas, adding a beautiful scenery to Yashu.It is still several months before these two things are harvested, but there are two things that are already being harvested.

Although the porcelain is not as good as the porcelain produced in several porcelain kilns of Painter Wang in the south of the Yangtze River, it can still make do with the research and development of dozens of craftsmen in Painter Wang.If it hadn't been for the invasion of Xinuoluo, many large orders had already been placed.

In addition, there are flowers. Many places have been ruined because of the Three Kingdoms' dispatch of troops, but there are still many grasses that have been cut down and bloomed.Now someone picked the flowers and sold them to Wang Hua's men by the pound.

But this harvest is still very limited. After all, the flowers have not grown much, and even wild flowers continue to occupy a large share in the middle.But this gave the people hope.

In short, this vitality is extremely moving, and the scenery is even more beautiful.

So Li Chiying had nothing to do, and often went outside the city to watch the beautiful scenery outside the city.

Que'er lay on a piece of beet, looked at Nenbi's leaves and asked, "Princess, can this thing produce sucrose?"

"Yes, it can't be changed. Erlang won't let the common people plant so many."

"But it looks very different from sugarcane." She has never been to Lingnan, and neither has Li Chiying.Therefore, she has never eaten fresh longan and litchi, but sugarcane has been stored for a long time, even in Jiangnan, and she has eaten it in Luoyang, Chang'an.

How do these two things look different.

Li Chiying thought for a while and said: "The appearance is different, but the effect is the same. Maybe it is like an inkstone. You can make an inkstone with clear mud, you can make an inkstone with a tile, and you can also make an inkstone with a stone."

This answer made Que'er feel dissatisfied, but wait and see, there are still a few months left, whether it is a male or a female, it will come out.

At this moment, a soldier ran over on a horse, came to Li Chiying's side, gave a respectful military salute, and said, "Mr. Zhu has invited the little princess."

In fact, there are dozens of guards not far away, scattered in various directions and vigilant.

Many puzzling koans are now understood.Only the case of Li Chiying's disappearance in Fengzhou was not found out.Although it is said that Bazhou is not Fengzhou now, to put it bluntly, even if someone captures Li Chiying, it will be difficult to bring him out of Bazhou.However, Wang Hua still sent a large number of guards to guard her.

It's not Li Chiying, it's mainly because of her complicated background, involving Li Dan and herself, anything can happen.

"Understood, Que'er, let's go back." After finishing speaking, she walked to Lingzhou City. She came out to relax, and she didn't take a sedan or car, and walked all the way.Also go all the way back.

This kind of low-key and simplicity makes the common people like her very much and thinks she is a good princess.

When he was about to reach Zhu's gate, Zhang Yue came over and stopped Li Chiying. He asked, "Little Princess, have you heard the news from Wang Shilang?"

He has been in Lingzhou for several days, but there is still no progress.Zhu Tian was unable to pour water in. Although he asked Li Chiying to help him, he never saw Wang Hua himself, so he was still worried.The main reason is that they don't know the whereabouts of Wang Hua. If they know, even if Wang Hua is killing the enemy in front of the two armies, he will rush over and talk to him.

However, the whereabouts of Guan Jianwang's paintings are unknown.

Li Chiying shook his head.

"Then can you hear where he is?"

"Zhang Shilang, this time the blood battalion fought, and there were heavy casualties," Li Chiying said here, a little annoyed, and was still confused, but a large number of dead soldiers were brought back, some were buried in the martyrs cemetery, and some were returned to the original Tribes, let them be buried according to national customs.

But a coffin worth tens of thousands is still shocking.

If it weren't for the queen and a group of ministers in the imperial court, could so many soldiers have died in the blood camp, or had so many soldiers died in the imperial court?This sacrifice is completely unnecessary.As an important official in the court, instead of persuading the emperor, you came to force Wang Hua, which made her somewhat dissatisfied.

She added: "Under this heavy sacrifice, Erlang still has to divide his troops to deal with the Tubo people and the Turkic people. I don't know about the war, but I have heard that Mo Chuo and Tubo's Xinuoluo are not easy to deal with. Besides, they have ten men There are [-] to [-] troops, all of whom are elite fighters. Not only must they defeat them, but they must also rescue the people they captured. This is not easy! Zhang Shilang, don't worry about Erlang at this time."

I didn't know at first, but when I found Zhu Dian later, Zhu Dian also told her some related things.The Tubo people are not scary. In fact, after arriving in Taozhou, Xinuoluo captured thousands of people and transferred them to Jishi Mountain.However, there are a large number of Tubo captives in the eight states. These are regular soldiers, and they are exchanged for the captured people.I believe the Tibetans are still very happy.But what kind of ratio can Tubo accept?

It is impossible to exchange one to one, and one to two is not cost-effective, but one to three or one to four, or one to five to exchange people, everyone is discussing.

In addition, there are nearly a million Han Chinese living in Tubo for various reasons. Except for a very small number of people, the lives of other people are very low.Wang Hua also wanted to exchange part of it back.But this is a bit difficult.After all, most of the people in the eight states are Hu people, even the soldiers. If this exchange is made, the common people and soldiers will think that Wang Hua is discriminatory.

The exchange must be exchanged, but how can the common people and the soldiers not have misunderstandings?This is also under discussion.

But what about the Turks?

The Turks did not have any prisoners, even Wang Hua followed suit, but in the face of a powerful enemy, he had to focus on safety. During this period of time, nearly seven or eight thousand people had already let Mo Sip moved to the north side of Yinshan Mountain.

So it's hard.

But from different perspectives, we look at problems differently.Zhang said he knew it would be difficult, but he was also afraid of this.After driving away the Tubo people, the Tubo people are now attacking Qinzhou.Then Xueying took Qinzhou by the way. Once Qinzhou was lost, it followed Yuanzhou in a straight line, Weizhou above, Minzhou, Chengzhou, Wuzhou, Dangzhou, Fuzhou, Diezhou, Taozhou below, and more Needless to say, Linzhou has already fallen into the hands of Xueying.All will be occupied by the blood camp.

When the time comes, the soldiers of the blood battalion will make serious sacrifices, but Wang Hua wants to hand it over, but his subordinates are unwilling. At least most of the state capitals are not obtained from the imperial court, but from the Tubo people.Wang Hua had to rely on them to fight, and in the end he would only listen to their opinions.

Then to the north, Wang Hua stationed his army in Xiazhou, which shows that he has also become interested in several northern states.

Therefore, if you want to stop it, you have to stop it now. After the blood camp defeats Tubo, it will be too late.

Just as he was about to speak, Zhu Dian had already greeted him from afar. He came over and said, "Little Princess, I have something to ask. Zhang Shilang, you are also here. Just in time, let me tell you a piece of news."

what news?Zhang said he was guessing in his heart, and entered Zhu Dian's residence together with Li Chiying.

Several people sat down, and Zhu Tong first said to Zhang: "Zhang Shilang, just right, there is a good news ahead. First, Tao Hanming, the governor of Qinzhou, did not let the Tubo people succeed in attacking the city in Qinzhou. General Xue Song fought back at Jieting Another Tubo army killed [-] enemies, and forced Xinuoluo to retreat. Then Xinuoluo went south to Wuzhou, and was attacked by Sun Renxian, the governor of Songzhou who came to support him. In addition, he was worried about Jishi Mountain, so he led his troops Withdrew from West Dipping Mountain."

It's very simple, and it may be as simple as it will be recorded in history books in the future, but Zhang said that he knew that the process was not that simple.

When he came, the Tubo army had already approached Minzhou, and Minzhou was in danger.So it will be a matter of time before Tubo attacks Qinzhou.But under the training of Xueying, the son of the old Xue family who likes to fight has grown rapidly in the past few years, and he also believes in his achievements.However, Tao Hanming, the governor of Qinzhou, can still defend Qinzhou City when he has no soldiers and no generals in the city.He didn't quite believe it.There must be blood battalion involved in this.It was Sun Renxian who came from Songzhou, who also had the shadow of the blood camp.

However, in terms of the interests of the country and the people, it is a good thing for Xueying to do so.

So he listened quietly.

"Yesterday in Xiqing Mountain, the Tubo people fought with our blood camp. Almost all of Xinuoluo's [-] or [-] troops were killed. Early this morning, he led his troops to flee from Jishi Mountain to Zishan. Enter our Datang territory."

"Xinuoluo was defeated? Jishi Mountain was recovered?" Zhang said with his mouth wide open.

"That's right, let me tell you that Director Guo sent troops from Liangzhou and is heading towards Dafeichuan. If there is no accident, Dafeichuan will also become the territory of Datang in the near future." Zhu Dian sent a message from the front. information delivered.

But there is one piece of news that Zhu Tie didn't say.Xueying and Guo Yuanzhen take Chiling as the dividing line, from the east of Chiling to the south of Jishi Mountain, which belongs to the territory occupied by Xueying. interest, but it is impossible for Taozhou and Diezhou to be handed over to the Tang court.

Zhang said that looking through the information, although the movement of the blood camp was unknown, it was good news that made people excited after hearing it.

But he was even more worried about the imperial court. With such a fighting force and such brilliant plans, if the imperial court didn't want to come up with a good idea, it might follow Webster's plan and end up being bruised.

As for Guo Yuanzhen, he was obviously following Wang Hua to polish his shoes, but this was a good thing. If Wang Hua was allowed to occupy Dafeichuan, countless Tuyuhun people would be captured by Wang Hua soon, and the blood camp would be even more troublesome.However, Guo Yuanzhen's move is also a headache. It is easy to occupy but difficult to hold.Think about the consequences of Tubo hearing this news in the future, right?

These two places will become a field of life and death.But because Guo Yuanzhen got involved, even the imperial court couldn't avoid it and wanted to get involved.

Rubbing his temples, there was only one piece of really good news, the blood camp was better than he expected, and he didn't take the opportunity to expand eastward.

He said distastefully, "Congratulations to the Blood Camp. This way, the Blood Camp can concentrate its main force and fight the Turks."

"Zhang Shilang, it's not that simple. In this battle, our Blood Battalion sacrificed another five or six thousand soldiers."

Some soldiers were sacrificed in the first battle of Xue Song Jieting and the subsequent harassment tactics, and the dangerous road on the west slope of the mountain caused a small number of non-combat attrition. Immediately after arriving at Jishi Mountain, the army was led to Zishan, but there were still some checkpoints that had not been heard, and there were casualties again when they conquered.

Zhu Dian said five to six thousand people, plus the militia, is only high but not low.

Of course, in the face of this battle result, even these casualties are also a miracle.

"And to stop Mo Chuai, and to keep the property of the people he captured, he must cut off his retreat. Therefore, the camp governor made some arrangements, and it is not yet time to make it public. Therefore, in order to confuse the enemy, Jishishan's The army has to stop and rest. Even when the time comes, there are not many troops available. Jishishan must leave the army to prevent the Tubo people from counterattacking. And the imperial court, we must also send troops to prevent them from killing us behind the eight states. Zhang Sergeant, don't you think so?"

Zhang said with a wry smile, unable to answer.

"In this way, we still won't be able to draw many troops. But you can write a memorial to the court. After the two battles, our blood camp suffered heavy losses. It's a good time to hand over the blood camp. Miss it After this time, the blood camp will expand again, and there will be no such opportunity. But remember! Every time the imperial court tries to attack our blood camp, our blood camp will give the imperial court a hard time. This will happen next time If it happens, we will not refrain from defending Chang'an City for the imperial court. Once again, we will not refrain from defending Luoyang City for the imperial court."

The last sentence was murderous.

Then Zhu Dian turned to Li Chiying.

Wang Hua's plan is good, but execution is difficult.To have a miraculous effect, there must be nearly a thousand warriors disguised as ethnic groups, coupled with old people, children, and women. This tribe must have at least 2000 people.This is a large tribe, and Mo Chuo is planning to plunder Hu people or Fan people to enrich the people of Monan.This large tribe will immediately come into Silent Sip's view.

The hard part is the back.

If you want to drink silently without harming women, old and young, it is best to be Turkic. There are indeed Turkic people in the eight states, of course there are more in Liuhu and Fengsheng.But this kind of more refers to the number compared with the eight states. In fact, the number is still not very large. They were all oppressed by the Turks and fled to the Tang Dynasty and settled in the northwest.

In terms of number, the nine surnames of Zhaowu are still the most, and there are also Dangxiang people, and a small number of Shatuo people, Tubo people, Qiang people, Uyghur people, and Shiwei and other ethnic groups.The main task of these Fanzi is to raise horses for the imperial court.This is also the biggest achievement of Mo Chuai. More than 1 war horses were sent back to Turkic.

In this regard, Wang Hua was still helpless.There was not enough time to prepare, so he could only sit back and watch these people and livestock be taken away by the Turks.

But there are not many Turkic people in Bazhou, even if there are, there are not so many Turkic warriors, pretending to be people from other tribes?What should I do if I see through it?Even if there is, don't worry too much.

Party members are a disadvantaged group in Tubo, and Mo Chuo also does not respect them.As long as it enters the field of vision of the Turkic people, it will definitely end badly.The treatment of Tuyuhun people in Tubo is better than that of Dangxiang people, but in the eyes of Mo Chuo they are almost the same as Dangxiang people.Moreover, there are many Tuyuhun people in Bazhou, but there are few Tuyuhun people in Liuhu Prefecture, so it is not a good choice.

So in the end, I still focus on the nine surnames of Zhaowu. Some of the nine surnames of Zhaowu have been flirting with Turkic people. Therefore, they may be the second race in the eyes of Mochuo.But still afraid of accidents, the time of departure should be as late as possible, and when it is almost time to start, let this selected tribe enter the sight of silent soldiers.This will reduce the unnecessary sacrifice of the ethnic group.

But it is also a very risky action. The elderly and children may be tortured and killed by Turkic people, and women may still suffer a bad end.Which tribe is willing to participate in this mission?
During this period of time, Zhu Ting carefully selected. There are many people with the nine surnames of Zhaowu, but they may not be happy.

Finally, I found five or six tribes that I thought were more loyal, and called their chiefs to discuss.This has to be done proactively, and as I said before, after the event is completed, the blood battalion will strongly support them, not only financially, but also to increase their strength with many weapons, and also send them a large number of prisoners of war to fill their population.

But all the chiefs were hesitant, and finally a chief surnamed Shi stood up, and he agreed, but there were a few conditions.

The first condition is that his ethnic group has 5000 people scattered all over the eight states, so he can't draw all the blood from all over the place.And only [-] ethnic groups can be transferred, which is to preserve the blood.Zhu Tong immediately agreed to this condition.

The second condition is that Shi also has more than 200 fighters entering the blood camp, or in the militia, but these are the future of Shi.Since Shi Xing made this sacrifice, the soldiers can no longer take this risk.Therefore, soldiers can only be drawn from the other nine Zhaowu surnames.

Zhu Tong also agreed, but he smiled and said: "Old patriarch, it's not that dangerous. There may be a few ethnic groups who will be abused by the Turkic people, but not many. This is what the battalion governor considers everyone. Feelings, that’s why we treat it with caution. As for soldiers, there are still dangers in battle, even more dangerous than this mission. But if you bring it up, we will agree.”

This matter was finalized, but it was not over. The soldiers and common people were gathered together. They were not from the same tribe, but belonged to the Zhaowu Nine Surnames.Even though the common people all have the surname Shi, they have not lived in the same place these years.Entering Liuhu State like this, they will also be discovered immediately.

Therefore, they were secretly moved to the east of Yanzhou City, where they lived together for a period of time, and even pretended to be father and son couples.Fortunately, people nowadays are open to the concept of chastity, and Hu people are even more open. Some people are not happy with it, but they will not be so angry that they will use a knife to desperately.However, Zhu Dian still issued a strict order that soldiers are not allowed to have sex with women. They sleep together, but they close the tents and sleep separately.

Zhu Tong can only go so far, as for whether there will be a dirty relationship in the middle, it doesn't matter.

When the time came, this mixed tribe began to prepare to set off for Liuhu Prefecture.When Zhu Dian talked about this matter, he didn't send Zhang to leave. Zhu Dian still believed in the minister's character.

But before setting off, Zhu Dian still wanted to warm the hearts of the common people, but it was a pity that Wang Hua was not there, otherwise it would be best.So he prepared to go in person, but the weight was a little lighter, so he found Li Chiying.

Li Chiying was surprised when he heard that, and asked, "Will it work if I go?"

Zhu Ting just smiled.

At this time, Xiao Que'er reacted better than Li Chiying, and she whispered: "Princess, mistress."

"Mistress?" Li Chiying still asked strangely.

Zhang Shuo and Li Longji flirted with each other, and when he heard the news, he couldn't help interjecting, saying, "Young Princess, don't worry about it so much, go ahead."

Li Chiying finally came to her senses, her big and delicate eyes blinked and blinked, and the brighter they blinked, the brighter they became.

(End of this chapter)

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