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Chapter 535

Chapter 535
The sound of snow rolling from the mountain became louder and louder, and the endless white snow turned into white demons among all the Tubo soldiers.

This is still in the Xiqing Mountains. If it were replaced with those snow mountains in the core area of ​​Tubo, or placed in some icebergs and snow valleys of Jishi Mountain and Zishan Mountain, none of the Tubo people would even think about running out this time.

The ravine is now full of chaos, some are running back, some are running forward.Others have small ideas and squeeze into the middle.After all, it is the beginning of summer, and there is only snow on the mountainside. Although the snow and ice on the top of the mountain are very thick, it may be solid ice that has not melted for millions of years. This time it also rolled down, but the spread In this relatively wide valley, even if there will be snow rolling in the middle, it will not be very thick.

In the confusion of the crowd, white snowflakes rushed to the foot of the mountain fiercely, and many shrubs that grew firmly on the rocks were uprooted by the ice and snow, and even the crisp frozen stones were taken away by the snow. Get up, then roll down.

This ferocity made the soldiers feel even more frightened.

Xinuoluo was running desperately on his horse, and while running, he was shouting: "Run, run."

Now he can only yell out these two sentences. In the eyes of the Tibetans, they know about the avalanche, but they just think it is the God of Da Nian (the fierce god in Bon religion, some are on rocks, some are on mountains, The Great Mountain God is the Great Nian God, and the opposite is the Twelve Danmas, who are twelve gentle female earth mothers) who are angry.

When encountering this kind of situation before, the common people fell to the ground and prayed.

But now Xueying used explosives to trigger this Tianwei.

What is this, if Wang Hua was attacked with water and fire, it would be fine, but even Tianwei was triggered.

As he shouted, his mind was in chaos.There is no way to fight this battle, how to fight?When you go to a place with lush vegetation, you are afraid of fire, when you go to a place with rivers, you are afraid of floods, and when you go to a place with dense forests, you are afraid of ambushes.Now that they are in the snowy land, they are once again afraid of the blood battalion triggering the might of the sky. Can they only go to the Gobi desert and desert to fight against the blood battalion in the future?But that's it, will Wang Hua cause sandstorms in the desert?

Thinking of this, Xin Nuoluo was at a loss.

But under his shouting, many soldiers were gradually brought out of the avalanche.It's not that the blood camp is short of explosives. If it's winter or early spring, if it's detonated all the way, there will be no Tubo soldiers left.It is the beginning of summer after all, and there is either no snow or very little snow in other areas, and the danger of avalanches is not great.If another two months pass, this effect will be less severe.That's it, there is only one terrain in the entire Xiqing Mountain that is suitable for avalanches. There are snow mountains in other places that don't melt all year round, but they can't be connected. Hundreds of thousands of people are submerged, which is of no help to the entire battle.

But more soldiers behind Xinuoluo were screaming and watching the heavy snow coming in front of them, and then they were instantly engulfed by the snow, followed by waves of snowflakes rolling in, increasing the submerged height.

The sky began to light up, Gongsun Yun got up from the bed, he glanced at the south, if possible, the elaborate plan of Xiqingshan started to happen, right?
The skylark's beautiful chirping came out of the window. This is Longshan Pass, a famous dangerous pass in Yuanzhou. It stands like a moat on Liupan Mountain, and not far in front is the beautiful Danzheng Gorge.The vegetation is green and the ditch is gurgling.

But Gongsun Yun didn't stop for half a minute for this beautiful scenery, he still had to rush to Yanzhou.

This time, he had no choice but to show up in Diezhou.

If we say that Xin Nuo Luo and Mo Chuo are both cunning foxes, but Xin Nuo Luo is a little immature because of his age.But Mo Chuai is an out-and-out fox, old and delicate.

When Wang Hua led a part of the main force out of the desert from the northwest of Helan Mountain, took a detour through an extremely difficult road, and copied to the back of Yinshan Mountain, Zhu Dian received a message.

Silently bribed some families and asked them to listen to the blood camp's information.

Zhu Ting frowned, this is also where Mo Chuai is cunning.Even now, he did not relax his vigilance against the blood camp like Xin Nuoluo, which would be a troublesome thing.

Especially this move is very clever, if Mo Chuai sends scouts by himself, it may not be able to get first-hand information because of the unfamiliar terrain, and even if he gets it, there is no way to send it to him in time.But some families in Guanzhong are different.Not every family has a good relationship with Wang Hua. Apart from the Wei family, there are also some families who do not have much interest in Wang Hua because they are in the northwest. Instead, they resent Wang Hua because they have not gained anything.

Besides, what they betrayed was only the news of the blood camp, not the news of the imperial court, and there was no conflict in their hearts.

These families themselves are local snakes from Guanzhong to Longyou. Even if they send people to spy, no one will pay attention to them. On the contrary, they send news channels conveniently and quickly.

For Mo Chuo himself, his wisdom doesn't need all the information, as long as he gets some of it, he can use his wisdom to judge the truth of the matter.

Even though the Blood Battalion has disrupted the flags of the various military brigades, it is still very difficult to deceive Mo Chuai.Therefore, Zhu Dian had to make Gongsun Yun, who was still on defense in Yanzhou, suffer a little, and rush to Diezhou to meet Xin Nuoluo.This is a big event, and the Qinglong Brigade is the head of the four brigades, which further convinces Mo Chuan that the Blood Camp has placed all the main forces in the south in order to deal with Xinuoluo.

But after the meeting, Gongsun Yun had to rush back.

This is caused by the organization. In order to avoid the situation in the Song Dynasty that the generals did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals, the soldiers of the various armies trained and cooperated together for a long time.Only one's own general can exert the greatest power of his subordinates.

But silently sipping this kind of cunning made Zhu Tong faintly feel that it would be very difficult to achieve the great victory like before.

The battle in the south really started.
In the war, a large number of soldiers died in the avalanche. It is not the first time for Xinuoluo. 500 years ago, Carthage led 8000 infantry, 8000 cavalry, and 37 elephants in the Alps because of an avalanche. Eighteen thousand soldiers were killed, and a large number of horses and elephants were lost.By the time of World War I, Italy and Austria fought in the Alps, often using cannons to officially create artificial avalanches. As a result, not many soldiers died under the artillery fire, but [-] soldiers died under the avalanche!
Now the snow in this section of Xiqing Mountain is definitely thicker than that in the Alps, and once formed, it is the most dangerous wet avalanche.Because the snow on the mountainside has started to melt, it is water snow, this kind of water snow slides down in lumps, heavy and dense, so the speed of the slide is slow, Xin Nuoluo heard it for a while before seeing to the cause of danger.It is because the speed of the decline is not fast.But its destructive power is stronger, and once it stops, some water and snow will soon melt and solidify when encountering the warm air of the valley.Not only was it a wet avalanche, but also because of the loud noise of the explosives, some millions of years old ice fell from the ice body, which intensified the damage.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, if it is possible, and a lot of explosives are placed on each mountain, the avalanche produced by this kind of air sound is more violent than the man-made avalanche made by cannons in Austria and Italy.Then it may lead to the annihilation of the entire army of Xinuoluo.

Of course this is theory, and this tactic has many inherent limitations.Otherwise, why does it only appear a few times in the history of human wars?

First of all, the enemy must be counted, or the enemy can be introduced into this special area.

But what kind of areas are these areas? They are all absolute areas in the world. Just like when the Red Army crossed the Snow Mountain, the Kuomintang thought it was a joke. Some people thought of using avalanche, but some people really believed that the Red Army really crossed the Snow Mountain. Also aware of the power of the avalanche, I set up an ambush more than ten days in advance. Although the time is still half a month later than now, and the heights of the two mountain ranges are almost the same, the thickness of snow on Daxue Mountain is thicker than that here. thick.That would be a disaster.

But that was a miracle in human history. They were not a group of cold-resistant Tubo people, and they didn't even prepare thick leather clothes like the Tubo people.The Songfan grassland is even more desperate in the world. It's not that Wang Hua and Xin Nuoluo can't endure hardships. Their fighters are also elites, but they never considered the Songfan swamp when they were practicing tactics.

So when Wang Hua knew about this road, he specially came over to check it out quietly.This is also where Xinuoluo was negligent. What is a road, the ancients still have a very weak understanding. Even the Songfan grassland can become a road, let alone the Xiqing Mountain.Therefore, Wang Hua is more cautious than anyone else in the detection of terrain.

But how can we make Xinuoluo follow this path?

A Homo sapiens like Yixinuoluo will definitely notice this path, and even Didayan may know this path.However, it is very difficult to get them to withdraw from this road to Jishi Mountain.

Therefore, many arrangements were made.The first victory in this battle was Wang Hua, without his knowledge, there would be no achievements in this battle.Then the credit is not the soldiers of the armies who are about to join the battle, nor is it Xue Song, but Xiao Song.

Xiao Song controlled this speed very well, and the fierce attack made the defenders of Jishi Mountain feel in danger, forcing them to seek help from Xin Nuoluo.And it gave them the feeling that they would lose the base camp of Jishi Mountain at any time, so that Xin Nuoluo could lead the army back immediately.

Otherwise, Xin Nuoluo thought that Jishi Mountain was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and after a few more days of walking, the war would evolve into another direction.For example, Qinzhou City will be destroyed.Of course, the destruction of Qinzhou City has no major impact on the campaign plan, but tens of thousands of people in Qinzhou City will be killed.This made Wang Huahui feel guilty and uneasy. After all, no matter what the reason was, if it wasn't for him, there were still many defenders in Qinzhou, and Xin Nuoluo wouldn't be so rampant.

This is secondary, the main one is Xue Song, who really made Xin Nuoluo think that Jishi Mountain was safe and sound, and he kept the army safe and cut off the water source of Duanshan. It only took a few days, and there was no drinking water on Duanshan. I had no choice but to forcibly break through, and the result is needless to say.

Then there is Jiangli County. If Xinuoluo didn't rush back and attacked slowly, Jiangli County would also fall.If Xin Nuoluo broke through Jiangli County, any arrangement would be meaningless.It was precisely because he was in a hurry to go back, coupled with falsehoods, and Xue Song's deliberate detour to Fuzhou, that Xin Nuoluo decided to take the Diezhou line.

It was not Gongsun Yun who took Taozhou, but Zhang Xiaosong who took Taozhou.This was superficially false and real, which made Xin Nuoluo puzzled.In fact, in addition to the role of fiction and reality, it also further forced Xin Nuoluo to the west and south of the mountain.

Of course, Xinuoluo is not a fool, mainly in this world, now who can think that an avalanche can also be artificially created?Needless to say, an avalanche is a simple thing like a telescope. To put it bluntly, as long as there are tools, later junior high school students can make it, but in this world, who can remember without opening it?Even if it can be made, how many people understand its principle?
And Xinuo Luo's idea is really good, there is a place to ambush at the beginning, but when entering the southern end of Xiqing Mountain, there is really no complicated terrain for ambush except for the snow-capped mountains and frozen soil and some short shrubs.

That's why step by step the Tubo army was sent to the point of no return.

But the attack was fierce, but it could not be broken.Once the various checkpoints of Jishi Mountain are broken through, it will be meaningless for Xinuoluo to rush back.This difficulty is even higher.Since the left-behind general sent by the other party is not a weak man.If it is too obvious, let the other party set up a break, just let us know.Shinolo would also change his mind.

Not only was it not conquered a few days ago, but it is not conquered now.Only after this battle is over, if the Tubo army is captured and piled up in front of Jishi Mountain, the defenders of Jishi Mountain will collapse without a fight.Why sacrifice the lives of soldiers?Of course, Xin Nuoluo forced his way into Jiangli County, and the Blood Camp had no choice but to storm Jishi Mountain.

Many other people also contributed, such as Song Yi'an who persuaded Sun Renxian, and Sun Renxian.Wang Hua will not thank Tao Hanming, but will thank Sun Renxian.It wasn't his tenacious fighting that made Xinuoluo feel that it was difficult to conquer the two cities. He might have captured Jiangli County and Fujin County with a fierce army and marched towards Fuzhou.

There is also the Tubo court situation. It is said that the Tang Dynasty is ugly, and the Tubo dynasty is even uglier. Since the death of the Gar brothers, the Tubo political situation has never stopped serious internal strife.Until Tubo collapsed.

Xinuoluo had many political enemies in Luoxie City, so Wang Hua was betting whether he would force Xinuoluo to keep the people by killing prisoners.As a result, Xin Nuoluo felt that the people were burdensome, so he took the initiative to hand over the people.This made Xueying no longer have any scruples.There are also a few dozens of women who are valued by the senior generals of Tubo and the nobles accompanying the army because of their beauty, and they continue to be escorted to Jishi Mountain. Wang Hua can't do anything about them.

There are also a group of heroes. It is a difficult technical job to dig a tunnel on these snow-capped mountains to bury explosives. It is not necessary to scrape the snow surface, but also to put the explosives in the rocks, so that the explosives will be blasted by the rock when they explode. Resistance, resulting in greater sound and vibration.

But these snow-capped mountains cannot be smashed hard with a big iron hammer.I had to use the method of fire and ice immersion to split the stone and gently make a stone eye.And tunnels.

But it was not as hard as the hundreds of soldiers behind. In order to prevent the scouts from the other side from seeing it, they came here more than a day in advance and lay down in the snow pit prepared in advance.Not only stay in the pit, but also close the iron plate above the head and cover it with white snow, leaving only a small hole for ventilation.These iron plates are not only concealed, but also protect themselves when an avalanche comes.Of course, these tunnels are all on the top of the snow peak, and after the avalanche, there is not much residual snow on the iron plate.As long as the iron plate is pushed away, the soldiers are safe.

Staying in this tunnel, although I brought thick warm items, but the temperature on the top of the mountain is minus ten degrees, and I can only eat cold and hard food. It is not a big problem to be thirsty, and there is snow outside. , the purest mineral water.The main thing is that they cannot move. In this cold weather, soldiers are physically demanding.

In fact, when Xinuoluo's army arrived, many soldiers felt numb from the cold, and the whole body did not belong to them.

In this way, Wang Dayou, the leader of the team, also used a hidden semaphore, which was actually not a semaphore, but a bush language.If you use a small flag to command on the top of a mountain other than white snow, are the Tubo people blind?These are six small shrubs, which are controlled by remote control through the slow up, down, left, and right movements of the small shrubs and their placement.

Wang Dayou saw the Tubo people camping, and ordered to attack at five o'clock tomorrow morning, because that was when the Tubo people fell asleep.Even when he was awakened by the explosives, his movements were slow because he was not so sleepy.And it is also the darkest time before dawn.

With the occurrence of the avalanche, the army in the distance just arrived at dawn.

Not only was it notifying the soldiers on the mountain, but it was also sending a signal to the scouts in the distance to inform the troops of Ge Shuhan, Xue Song, and Guo Qianguan on both sides.Not now, but at dawn tomorrow morning.This is reassuring for them.In fact, there is no need to notify, the huge explosion will be the best horn in this silent mountain range.

This night, the soldiers worked even harder. After the battle, many soldiers were numb from the cold and didn't even have the strength to walk out of the tunnel.It was the search team who found them one by one, carried them down the mountain, soaked them in hot water, and boiled ginger soup, so that their bodies gradually recovered.Even so, dozens of soldiers had to go back to recuperate for a long time because their feet were severely injured.

But this hard work was worth it. At five o'clock, Wang Dayou finally ordered to do it.

The soldiers ignited the fuses in the iron pipes, and these iron pipes extended to the middle of the mountain below, but in order to prevent snow water, several iron pipes were buried under the snow surface.

With a bang of explosions, the army lurking in the distance came from both sides.To the east is Guo Qianguan's army, which came around along the southern slope of Xiqing Mountain.There is also part of Xue Song's team, who heard that Xin Nuoluo had entered Xiqing Mountain, and hurriedly marched from Fuzhou.

To the west was Ge Shuhan's army and some of Xue Song's men, flanking them from both sides.

In fact, at the beginning of summer, there was less snow after all, so only half of the Tubo soldiers died directly under the avalanche.Of course, this is already a miracle. If these 4 people were placed on the battlefield, how many soldiers' lives would it take to get them back.

Some soldiers were clever and fled to the middle of the ravine.Not every section works in the middle, the snow-capped mountains on both sides are tall, even if you escape to the middle, it will not work.But not every section has tall snow-capped mountains, some are in the middle of two mountains, but here has become a safe vacuum zone, and some are short snow-capped mountains, just hiding in the past.Some of them have good mountains, and there is not much snow on the sunny mountain, so they also avoided it.Others are stuck in snow pits, but the snow is not deep, and they are struggling.

The largest group was Xinuoluo who kept shouting, and 8000 people followed him and fled westward.It happened to meet Goshuhan's army.

Ge Shuhan ordered a sniper attack, and this time he suffered a lot. The Tubo people were jealous now, as if they were going crazy. After fighting for a while, two or three thousand soldiers of the Blood Battalion fell.

Ge Shuhan was also in a hurry, when did Xueying suffer such a loss?According to this momentum, it is possible to kill this Tubo army, and he himself became a bare-bones commander, and even Xue Song's thousands of Tianquan soldiers died here.

At this time, he thought of the military books he had read, and suddenly thought of the strategy of encircling three and keeping one, and ordered the army to make way.put!

Once there was a chance to escape, these Tubo horses fled, and then Ge Shuhan sent troops to chase them.This approach was right, and Wang Hua also praised Ge Shuhan afterwards.Given the opportunity to escape, the Tubo people only cared about fleeing for their lives, and lost their viciousness just now.After chasing for more than 7000 miles, there were only [-] hundred people left out of more than [-] people, and they fled back.It's a pity that Xin Nuoluo escaped.

This is also Wang Hua's most regrettable place, first Di Dayan, then Xin Nuoluo, none of them were killed or captured alive.

Ge Shuhan sent [-] elite soldiers to continue to chase and expand the results of the battle.He set off to the avalanche area with the army.

On the other side, both Guo and Xue were very lucky. Although [-] fighters escaped, there was no commander to lead the organization, so the biggest drawback of Tubo was exposed, which was composed of fighters of various races.Seriously diverge.After several rounds of longbow fire, all the soldiers began to surrender.

The two armies came to this ravine, which was wide and deep, no wonder Xinuoluo used it as a place to camp.

They got off the horse together and divided into two parts, one is a powerful warrior composed of longbow soldiers and Mo Dao soldiers, and the other is engineers.That is, digging a snowy road with a shovel.Otherwise, the Tubo soldiers in the middle would have no way to kill or capture them.

In fact, at this time, few Tubo soldiers had the courage to resist.

The battle was basically over within half a day.It will take a long time for the battlefield to be cleaned up. In some places, the snow is too thick. We have to wait for the ice and snow to melt a little before we can take out the supplies, weapons and armor underneath.

Not only is this battlefield over, but it also means that this battle in the south is also over.

As the blood battalion increased its troops to Jishi Mountain again, Xinuoluo saw the appearance of the big camp and knew that it was not the blood battalion's inability to capture the pass city, but deliberately forced him to withdraw his troops and come back to set up an ambush.Of course, at this time, he still doesn't understand the whole process, so even Ke Zangre is not as good.

Hearing that Guo Yuanzhen was attacking Dafeichuan, he immediately withdrew to Zishan with the remaining troops.Jishi Mountain can no longer be kept, it is better to withdraw from Zishan and rebuild the defense line.Also, waiting for punishment, anyway, I wash my neck clean every day, waiting for the Lu family to send someone to behead it.

This battle also pushed Wang Hua to the status of a demigod. If he can once again win more with less and fight against Mo Chuo in a beautiful annihilation battle, then in this age of bleak stars, he is a rising star. There is no bright star close to the god level.It may not be comparable to Sun Wu, Li Jing, Li Shimin, Chen Qingzhi, Han Xin, Liu Xiu, etc., but the comprehensive ability is added together, and it can be compared with generals such as Wei Huo Banchao, Wei Rui, Xiang Yu, and Zhou Yu.

Of course, the war is not over, no one dares to guarantee that, maybe Wang Hua can lose Jingzhou carelessly and make Mo Chuai return to his original shape in a flash.After all, Mo Chuo is a more difficult master to deal with than Xin Nuo Luo.

PS: The longbow is the most powerful weapon in the cold weapon era.This tactic of Yuanmeng is also the most powerful tactic for field warfare in the cold weapon era.Of course, the tactic of siege or tropical rain forest is not suitable.If you are interested, let me give you a shout, and I will introduce the longbow and this tactic, as well as some examples of Yuanmeng's battles in the European battlefield, in the related works.There are also handicrafts that are owed, and they will be made up in a few days.As long as the blood battalion masters this weapon proficiently, coupled with proficiency in tactics, so many brave generals, without other things, everything is possible!Avalanche, what can I say?Hehe, everyone, for example, watched Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms burn Bowangpo.

(End of this chapter)

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