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Chapter 519 Silent Cunning

Chapter 519 Silent Cunning

After Zhu Tian finished writing the letter, he called the captives together.

During this period of time, although Bazhou seemed to be in critical condition, many prisoners were captured. Shan County captured more than 2 prisoners, and it was these prisoners who made people feel very headache.

Killing is not killing. If you kill once, the next time the enemy would rather die and resist than surrender.If it is installed improperly, it will also be an explosive package, which is not useless, and it is also good for road repairs.But now Yashu is still talking about building roads, and even production cannot continue.

In the battle of Pingningchuan in front of Kuizi Mountain, there will be many prisoners. These prisoners can't go back to the Ministry and be imprisoned, so let's keep feeding them.

Zhu Dian summoned them and selected some warriors among them. Some of them came from outside Fengzhou City and Liuhu Prefecture. Because Wang Hua had been stationed here for a long time, everyone still had some feelings.Knowing the truth, everyone will be wronged for a period of time, and after a few dozen days, you will be released.After all, you were forcibly recruited by the imperial court, but there is no life-and-death enmity with the Blood Camp.

In this way, these people all thanked each other with zero tears. This battle frightened them.

But when Zhu Tong said this, his voice changed, but our eight states are short of supplies, and you are not unaware that we captured the city of Sanzhou last year for food to get back the food.With your destruction now, at least the four counties of Yinzhou cannot keep up with the grain production, what should we do?
The prisoners were too anxious to answer.

Only then did Zhu Ting say, there is a way to survive, now you can work for the Blood Camp and make up for the losses of the Eight States.Second, we have the ability to prevent our own people from going to war, and we have the ability to deal with the silent army.

Looking up and raising, which of these soldiers is Zhu Dian's opponent, so [-] warriors were transferred among them, [-] were stationed in Lingzhou City, and [-] were stationed in Yinzhou City to further strengthen the ability to defend against the Turks.Regardless of the combat effectiveness, at least it is slightly stronger than the militiamen of the three militia divisions.

As for the remaining soldiers, they were all imprisoned and given millet porridge twice a day, regardless of whether they were full or not.But it has to be supported, and it will be kept as capital for negotiations with the imperial court in the future.

The seven thousand captives were scattered in two places, which gave Zhu Tong more confidence. At least they were much more proficient in holding weapons than ordinary people.In fact, in order to prevent the second city from falling, whether it is Yinzhou City or Lingzhou City, many people have been summoned, distributed weapons, and let them take the initiative to participate in the defense of the city.

There is no way, there are many Turkic people in the first place, and they are led by Mochuo himself.

That's the end of the [-] soldiers. There are too many people. If they are half-hearted and mutiny or something, why don't they take the initiative to hand over Erzhou to Mochuo.

But on the other side, Feng Changqing felt tremendous pressure.

To the south of Yanzhou is the tall Hengshan Mountains, which are full of hills and gullies, making it difficult to pass through.There is the ancient Great Wall in the north. Li Shimin used soldiers as the Great Wall. He never repaired the Great Wall, and now it has become ruins. Wang Hua appreciates Li Shimin's inclusive and enterprising attitude.The construction of a Great Wall, not to mention the cost of people's resources and material resources, also strengthens the progressive spirit of a nation.

But further north is the Gobi Desert and some small deserts, which are also not good places for marching.

There are only two ways to attack Yanzhou. The first is to attack from the east of Chang Yuankai, and the second is to attack from the direction of Xingning County, which is the direction of Cao Cen's attack, along the route along the edge of the Yellow River in Nanhetao. .

It seems easier to defend, but it is not.

The city of Yanzhou was built on a tidal flat, with some small rivers passing by outside the city. In this way, even if it only defended the east of the city, it lost the condescending geographical advantage of the small hill at Mukeling.

Moreover, in the face of an attack of [-] to [-] troops, it is very difficult to hold on for five days.

In the final analysis, it is still a question of military strength.Otherwise, as long as there are enough troops, we can hold Muke Ridge without retreating. At the same time, there are heavy troops defending outside Yanzhou City. Chang Yuankai's army cannot fight for a long time because of food. When retreating, the two armies attack at the same time. Of.It is possible to defeat Chang Yuankai's army at once.

But without troops, what should we do?
Feng Changqing had no choice but to take all the soldiers back to the city of Yanzhou, leaving only a dozen soldiers who appeared among the bunkers during the daytime on the sixth day, which made Chang Yuankai suspicious and did not dare to attack rashly.Apart from this, there is one more important arrangement.

Chang Yuan's Kai soldiers were divided into three groups. The first group was a 6000-strong army led by general Li Wei, the second group was a 6000-man left army led by Lun Gongren, and the third group was a [-]-man right army led by Gu Yu.At this point, Chang Yuankai still did not give the military power to Lun Gongren.

They really didn't dare to let go, just like almost all the soldiers in the blood camp this time knew that Wang Hua was plotting against him, but they fell into Wang Hua's arms one by one, as if Wang Hua had cast a spell.Wang Hua chatted happily with this group of old Tubo relatives on Shazhou, God knows what Lun Gongren was thinking?
Therefore, after the three armies gathered outside Yanzhou City, the military power was once again under Li Wei's management.

In the afternoon, the three armies joined together and set up camp at the east gate of Yanzhou.Li Wei rode his horse around, seeing the densely packed bunkers, he felt a little headache.However, he looked at the terrain, and at the shiny moats behind the bunkers, he suddenly burst out laughing.

After laughing, I started to make arrangements and ordered the soldiers to go to the mountain to chop small bamboos and find rattan.

I was busy with this matter all afternoon, the soldiers were a little puzzled, and some generals asked Li Wei.

Li Wei pointed to the blockhouse of the blood camp opposite and said, "If it was in Muke Ridge, my method would be useless, but here I have a way to break through their defensive method. Tomorrow, wait and see the good show."

After finishing speaking, let the soldiers tie up the small bamboos with rattan, and tie them into small rafts with a length of more than ten meters, leaving holes in the middle.

In fact, Feng Changqing had already seen the other party's actions. Although another day had passed, Feng Changqing was frowning.After thinking for a long time, I couldn't come up with a solution.

The next day, Li Wei ordered the soldiers to hold countless small bamboo rafts and start moving forward, pushing them a few meters in front of the bunker before stopping.Facing this kind of bamboo array, the soldiers of the blood battalion did not shoot arrows, and they shot in vain. They shot on the bamboo and nailed them one by one, which had no lethality to the soldiers behind.

If it is in Muke Ridge, taking advantage of the terrain and sparing no expense, the oil is dumped and then set on fire, these bamboo rafts will become hot potatoes instead.But here, on a flat terrain, how much oil must be poured to flow to the opposite side?Even if there is so much oil, if it burns the enemy, it also burns our own people.

And Li Wei asked the soldiers to use the holes in the bamboo rafts to shoot at the holes in the bunker with bows and arrows.In order to reduce the loss, Feng Changqing had to close the windows under the bunker with iron plates.

But it’s not an attack. If you get close, the enemy can use the small pipe to blow smoke. When the soldiers choke in the back and the bamboo rafts loosen, a rain of arrows will fly from behind, and a large number of soldiers may fall down.The role of this bamboo raft is not to kill the opponent, but for the last purpose.The bamboo rafts relieved the pressure on the earthen mountain and the construction work, so the soldiers were asked to pick the square at the back, not too high, about ten meters high, to overwhelm the bunker in height, and then build three trenches to cover the soldiers.

Seeing this situation, Feng Changqing was a little anxious, and asked the soldiers to stand on the second floor of the bunker and throw arrows at the soldiers behind them.However, this method is obviously not very effective. There are soldiers shooting at the hole in front, and Li Wei's army behind is also hiding in the bamboo raft, throwing upwards, sealing the hole.

After sacrificing dozens of soldiers, Feng Changqing voluntarily gave up.

The other party was willing to use soldiers to kill them, but Feng Changqing was reluctant. With just 5000 people, the strength would be weakened if one fell.

In the afternoon, the earth mountain was finally completed under the cover of bamboo rafts.Li Wei ordered the soldiers to go behind the mound. Now the wind has the upper hand, and the terrain is higher than the opponent.A bunch of bows and arrows densely sealed all the holes in the bunker, and then the soldiers carried hammers and bumped wood to hit the bunker.

It's a pity that it is only now that some damage has been done to this kind of building.

But an injury is a real injury.

The reason why Feng Changqing did not hesitate to ignite the explosives was because this kind of building was not invulnerable.

It was built with cement, but what is the quality of the cement now?It can only be said that it is better than lime as a building coagulant.And it is impossible to use reinforced concrete, just two bricks plus cement mortar.

Strong is still very strong, but it will definitely not stand like a golden soup.

Dozens of blows won't work, hundreds of blows, hundreds of blows, thousands of blows, and the row of bunkers in front of them will be knocked down one by one.

Feng Chang saw something was wrong early in the morning, and ordered the soldiers to immediately retreat to the second row using the tunnel.

Moreover, Li Wei was afraid that the blood camp would use the tunnel to fight back, so he specially diverted the water from the moat and poured it under the bunker tunnel.Feng Changqing reacted a little quickly, and immediately sealed the tunnel with mud, otherwise the tunnel would become flooded with gold, and even the soldiers in the second row might be trapped to death in the bunker.

We conquered the first row of bunkers, took a break, had lunch, and the same trick was repeated, and this time there were more building materials, and the fallen bricks were just used to make the earth hill.

In the afternoon, the second row of bunkers was knocked down again, but at night, Li Wei asked the soldiers to light up the lights again and continue working.

Feng Changqing was sullen inside the bunker. There were only six floors of the bunker. Going down at this speed, tomorrow evening, this bunker that took countless painstaking efforts will be destroyed one by one by the enemy.At that time, the enemy will approach the city, and fierce offensive and defensive battles will also be launched.

On the other side, Chang Yuankai finally received the news from Li Wei. In the morning, he faintly saw figures shaking in the bunkers on Muke Ridge. How many are wiped out.Thousands of people have been lost in the past few days, and he can't bear the loss.

But after receiving the news from Li Wei, Chang Yuankai was very suspicious, where did the blood camp produce so many troops?Did they abandon Lanzhou?Even thinking about it is unlikely.

So he suspected that the Blood Battalion soldiers in the bunker had withdrawn.After thinking about it, he let the soldiers go in through the tunnel again, and thick smoke came out after a while.The soldiers were also choked out.He hesitated again, could it be that the other party hadn't withdrawn, and another army was lying in ambush in Yanzhou City?
But his intuition told him that the truth might not be the case.

The soldiers who would break into the tunnel shouted one by one to ask questions, and at the end of the question, their eyes began to brighten.The opponent is still setting fire, but it is different from before. In the past, in order to burn his subordinates, he directly dug the tunnel and then started setting fire.But this time, only one tunnel was opened, and the fire ignited.What does this mean? There are no more soldiers digging tunnels.

But he is very afraid of his opponent, even though he still doesn't know who the opponent's general is?But this general's adaptability is very clever, and the falsehood may be a trap deliberately set.Therefore, until night, he quietly sent soldiers to check it out.

Dozens of soldiers touched it, not daring to stick their heads into the hole, and listened with their ears attached to the wall.After listening for a while, I heard that there was no movement inside, so I threw the torch in my hand into the hole, but there was still no movement inside.

Only then did the soldiers become bolder, because there was a fire inside, and with sideways eyes, they approached the hole cautiously, and looked inside, but it was empty and there was no one there.From the first row to the second row, look at the past row by row.Finally confirmed.

Only then did Chang Yuankai wave his hand, and the army pressed up.

When they arrived at the bunker, they ordered the soldiers to smash it all down, not to vent their anger.The main underground tunnels are intertwined. If the enemy arrives with a support army, it is very likely that these bunkers will be used again to prevent the army from retreating.Moreover, long-term operations also require logistical supplies.This nail must be removed.

The soldiers began to sweat profusely, and at this moment, countless bangs sounded.

This is the last procedure.

If the bunker falls into the hands of the enemy, it is better to destroy it completely and use the last remaining heat.

Of course, this trick cannot be copied outside Yanzhou City. The biggest feature of black powder is that it is loud and powerful.If it exploded outside Yanzhou City, the soldiers in the bunker behind would also not be able to bear the noise, and because Li Wei poured water into the tunnel, even though it was sealed with mud, the tunnel was still damp.

Also, there was no more explosives, and basically all the prepared explosives were put into the defense line of Muke Ridge, and some were prepared later, the quantity was not large, and it would not be effective.

Although Wang Hua always looked down on the power of black powder, it was better than nothing, just like this sharp weapon was used many times in this battle.Without it, many great victories would not be able to achieve the perfect results they are now.

Moreover, there are huge numbers below. This time, the serial explosions killed and injured many soldiers, especially now that there are bricks and cement blocks everywhere. Under the impact of the explosions, they were thrown into the air and then fell down again.

Even Chang Yuankai was standing in front of the slope watching the terrain, and the horse was frightened and jumped up all of a sudden, throwing him to the ground and hurting him.

The explosion stopped, and I came back to check it. There was a mess everywhere. The number of soldiers killed in the explosion was not as large as imagined. There were only a few hundred people, but thousands of people were injured in this explosion, and some were seriously injured.One by one, they groaned in pain in the ruins.

Chang Yuankai was so angry that he hummed again.In desperation, they had no choice but to set up camp on the spot, bandage the wounded soldiers, and send the seriously injured to the rear to rest.But this time the stationing finally caused him to add heavy losses again.

Zhang Shougui knew that the situation in Yanzhou was tight, so he didn't even take a break, so he led the Yuheng army back all night.Arriving at Xingning County, Xiao Xiao rested for a while, and once again seized Yanzhou.At the same time, scouts were constantly sent to investigate the situation in Yanzhou.

Wang Hua said that the ten-day deadline for Feng Changqing was either to withdraw troops from Lanzhou, or he hoped that Zhang Shougui, a large army, would send troops to garrison Yanzhou after a great victory. 5000 people can't do it, what about 1 people?Is it true that the city wall is for dry food?And after Zhang Shougui drew his troops, it also proved the time when Cao Cen's army was destroyed.The opponent's strength is weakening, and its own strength is increasing. Yanzhou does not seek meritorious service, but it is still possible to seek no faults.

However, he was not sure about the itinerary of Cao Cen's army, so he allowed more time and gave Feng Changqing a ten-day deadline, which is the same as Kuizishan Tuobatao's nature, and the time should be longer, otherwise the reinforcements will not arrive by then, which is very dangerous. Perhaps because of slack, the soldiers lost confidence, leading to a big defeat, which may affect the entire strategic plan.

Zhang Shougui's arrival was very timely, and the information came back piece by piece. Zhang Shougui calmed down and let the soldiers set up camp again to rest.Just sent a large number of scouts to block all the roads.It's not that they are afraid of reports from the people in the jurisdiction.Mainly because of the Battle of Hetao, a small number of soldiers escaped because they were afraid that these soldiers would flee to Yanzhou City, although this may not be possible.Be careful.

In the evening, after a meal, all the soldiers set out on the road again.When it was nearly three o'clock, they came to the rear of Li Wei's army.

At this time, Li Wei also rested.However, the bunkers continued to be destroyed ahead, and countless torches illuminated the city of Yanzhou like daylight.The soldiers were still shouting triumphantly, and the third batch of bunkers was about to be knocked down again.

But horns sounded behind them, and the black army came to kill them.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Shougui chose to attack. Although Li Wei had a large number of people, the total number was only 2000. His soldiers had just won a big victory, and their morale was strong enough to make up for the disadvantage of this number.

Also, because of the unscrupulousness, the enemy only cared about dismantling the blockhouses. Although it was a shift, they were dismantling the blockhouses and repairing the earth hills. The amount of work was huge, and many soldiers were very tired.It is more worthwhile to take the initiative to attack when the enemy eliminates our strengths.

Seeing the arrival of this group of soldiers, the soldiers of Li Wei's camp got up one by one in a hurry, and some of the armors were too late to wear, so the blood camp rushed in.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the soldiers who picked up the earth mountain in front hurriedly retreated one by one. The soldiers who set up the bamboo rafts ignored the consequences and ran away without the bamboo rafts.Can this bamboo raft be thrown away?As soon as the front was lost, the soldiers in the bunker at the back had already held their breath, their bows and arrows in their hands did not stop for a moment, and a large number of people immediately fell in front of the more than half-built earthen hill.

Feng Changqing stood at a high place and looked at it, but told the soldiers to stop and shoot, and ordered them to come out of the bunker and launch a counterattack.

One after the other, the two fierce armies attacked, and Li Wei's army was immediately defeated.

It wasn't until Chang Yuankai was woken up in his sleep, and after hearing the battle report ahead, he immediately woke up the soldiers and started calling, Zhang Shougui and Feng Changqing stopped to pursue.

This battle once again resulted in the death of more than 5000 people, and nearly 7000 people were taken prisoner.

Chang Yuankai arrived at the city of Yanzhou, and when he heard the constant feedback, his face immediately turned pale.Cao Cen's 4 troops were exhausted, and the [-] troops he led, including the wounded, barely made up [-].In the face of enemy reinforcements, capturing Yanzhou City has become a wishful thinking.

But the news is not fatal.

Mo Chuan was not angry when he received Zhu Dian's letter. Even the envoy treated him with cattle and sheep, but he didn't say anything.

The envoy was a very clever person. He didn't know what Mo Chuai's idea was. Seeing that Mo Chuu was entertaining him, he was entertaining him personally, so he tried around the corner during the dinner, but he was obviously still a lot younger in front of Mo Chuu.Had to go back depressed.

After the envoy returned, Mo Chuai still attacked Yinzhou City without pain, and kept capturing the people behind Yinzhou.

But he quietly sent a large number of scouts across the Yellow River to inquire about intelligence.

When he heard the news of Cao Cen's defeat and the news that Zhang Shougui led the army to the south, he suddenly mobilized his army, with the army behind the formation, ten thousand forwards marched in a hurry, and captured Fengzhou and the new city built by Wang Hua in one fell swoop.In this way, all the gates of Fengzhou were opened for the Turks.

After occupying Fengzhou, Mochuo issued an order, and the [-] troops ambushing behind Yinshan Mountain immediately moved across Yinshan Mountain.This is to capture all the people and property in Fengzhou.But his army did not stop, leaving [-] troops to guard Fengzhou, and the rest of the army crossed the Yellow River and came to Liuhu Prefecture.

Now from Fengzhou to Liuhuzhou, Shengzhou, and Linzhou, because of the "alliance" with Mochuo, Chang Yuankai has taken away all the defensive troops, leaving almost empty cities.Moreover, in order to deal with Wang Hua, the Tang Dynasty lured wolves into the house and let Mochuo drive straight into Yinzhou. The several defensive new cities built by Wang Hua and the three new cities built by Zhang Renyuan all lost their effect.

Thus, silently started the smoothest "bumpy harvest" since he came to power.

PS: There is another update tonight, to make up for yesterday's promise, ask for votes, ask for votes! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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