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Chapter 518 Poor Child

Chapter 518 Poor Child
The reason for silently sending troops was because of Zong Chuke's strong demands and dissatisfaction.

But his whereabouts are really unknown, even the cronies around him don't know what Mo Chuai's plan is.

Mochuo came to the city of Yinzhou and began to attack the city, which was not considered a real attack. He sent soldiers to the city wall, shot an arrow and left immediately, without even giving the blood battalion a chance to fight back.

Then they sent troops to plunder everywhere.

In this battle, neither Shanzhou nor Kuozhou suffered the most. Although these two states traded space for time in order to win, more than half of the people in the prefecture and county were transferred, and the delayed production could not be calculated.

However, compared with Yinzhou, these two states are still drizzle.

The capital of Yinzhou is still Huaiyuan City, which is later the famous Xingqing Mansion, Yinchuan.However, the four counties under its jurisdiction, Rulin, Funing, Zhenxiang, and Kaiguang, were later from Jiaxian County in Shaanxi to Mizhi and a few areas in Hengshan.Its actual area borders Liuhuzhou and Suizhou. When Wang Hua was in Fengzhou, he often led soldiers to conduct training in four counties, and he had a good mass foundation.

This is a very peculiar establishment, but it is not a geographical relationship, but a military factor. It defends the frontier of the Tang Dynasty, so Huaiyuan City is regarded as the seat of Yinzhou.

In order to reduce losses and make space, Wang Hua moved almost all the people in the four counties to the rear of Lingzhou, Yanzhou and Huaiyuan City in advance.This is different from Lanzhou. Lanzhou is an army led by Zong Chuke, representing the royal army of the imperial court.In order to influence, they dare not kill the people casually.

But Chang Yuankai's men were almost all Hu soldiers, and they were very far away from the capital. The sky was high and the emperor was far away, so there was no distinction between discipline and country.Once attacked, if the people do not retreat, the consequences will be very serious.

With this withdrawal, the four counties almost became empty counties. Because Yinzhou has a vast area, this area originally had a population of more than 4 registered in the Ministry of Households, making it the second largest prefecture among the eight prefectures.Later, some people were relocated, resulting in a population of more than 7.

With this evacuation, the loss can be imagined.

Because of this evacuation, many people have been squeezed from Yanzhou to Lingzhou, including the rear of Yinzhou City.

The silent plundering brought great harm to the people of Bazhou.

Kong Heizi wanted to lead troops out of Yinzhou City to attack several times, and was very afraid of this. Zhu Dian wrote several letters in succession and sent them to Yinzhou City on fast horses, warning Kong Heizi not to act rashly.

The loss was heavy.But no matter how heavy the loss is, it has to be endured. The opponent Mo Chuai is a very cunning fox. If Kong Heizi is defeated by an army, then Huaiyuan City may fall immediately. Thousands of soldiers are undoubtedly like a beautiful woman who has taken off all her clothes, and Lingzhou has hoarded a lot of supplies. Once Lingzhou is lost, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even Zhu Dian thought that the reason why Mochuo did this was to anger Kong Heizi and lead Kong Heizi's army outside the city to annihilate him.Then attack Lingzhou.

Therefore, in Yinzhou, Xueying showed a rare weakness.

But this consequence led to Xueying's resentment towards the imperial court.

If it wasn't for the fact that the imperial court had not sent out so many troops, coming in aggressively and overwhelming the city, how would Mochuo dare to be so rampant in Yinzhou?

Because of the distance, Zong Chuke didn't know that Mochuu had actually dispatched troops.Only Chang Yuankai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news.

But he didn't expect that the silent invasion would only hurt some people. Of course, Turks and Tubo are a nation that feeds war by war, and they plundered people for logistical supplies.But this result made the blood battalion soldiers transfer their hatred to him.

The weird fortification battle at Muke Ridge is still going on.

Chang Yuankai began to let the soldiers dig the tunnel. He had one of the biggest advantages in his hands, that is, there were many people. He got tools from the rear and started digging immediately.It wasn't very difficult, the tunnel progressed smoothly, and after a night of hard work, it soon approached the underground of the bunker cluster.

On the fourth day, when the sun came out, Chang Yuankai continued to let the soldiers dig, his attitude was very arrogant, and he had the capital to be arrogant. The number of bullies was small, and on the ground, no matter whether the blood camp used fire to attack, it still had great abilities. , using water attack, there is no way to reach the ground.

As the sun rose higher and higher, everyone turned their attention to the ground, where an invisible battle would unfold fiercely.

At this time, Shi Jinle was lying under the tunnel of the bunker, listening to the movements on the surface with his ears.As time passed, he finally heard the sound of mud being dug up.

The enemy was coming, he waved his hand, and more than 300 soldiers scattered along this long tunnel, and then all listened with their ears attached to the soil.After listening for a while, they also picked up the shovels in their hands and started digging.It may be a little different from what Chang Yuankai imagined above, but they dug the soil in the direction of the tunnel dug by the enemy.

Finally, the two tunnels were connected together. Unprepared, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty uttered a scream, and then several bows and arrows shot at them, blocking the tunnel.

Prepared for this situation, the engineering soldiers of the Tang Dynasty withdrew to the back, crawled over to the archers, and the two sides shot at each other.

When the two sides were at war, the second, third, and fourth tunnels were broken through.

Then Shi Jinle waved his hand, and more than 300 people immediately retreated into the vertical tunnel at the back, but they ignited all kinds of cotton, rotten grass and oil piled up in this horizontal tunnel.Then the iron gate of the tunnel was pulled up, and the tunnel was sealed with mud, because there were still several ambushes behind, and there were also burning objects inside, so the fire could not be forced back.

These burning materials were very dry, and they caught fire all of a sudden, spreading into a sea of ​​flames inside the tunnel.

Chang Yuankai was still watching eagerly, but when he saw puffs of thick smoke rising from the cracks in the ground, he realized that something bad was going on.Just as he was thinking, more thick smoke came out from the entrance of the tunnel, along with many soldiers in a panic.

In fact, not many people were burned to death. Only a few soldiers who were close to the tunnel entrance were caught by the fire and did not escape. Most of the soldiers escaped.Smoked, stuffy.After all, the oxygen under the ground is not very good, and a lot of combustion has taken away a lot of oxygen.The lack of oxygen caused the fire to burn slowly from the initial rapid combustion, and produced a lot of carbon monoxide.The fire in the tunnel was not severe, but there was a lot of smoke.

Chang Yuankai was a little bit annoyed, but it didn't hinder his plan much, just burn it, and send soldiers in after the burning is over.Is it possible that there are all burning objects under the ground?It's just that the burning will end, and the depth will get farther and farther. Could it be that the soldiers in the bunker were suffocated to death in the bunker?
The smoke dissipated very slowly, and it was not completely dissipated until the afternoon.

Chang Yuankai sent soldiers in again, but the opponent's old tricks were repeated, and this toss, until midnight.

Feng Changqing curled up on the ground, thinking about something on his mind.After a few days, because of his perfect performance in this offensive and defensive battle, he really won the respect of the soldiers.

However, he knew that was not the case, but luckily the fourth day passed.And good news came from the city of Yanzhou, all the fortifications were completed today.

This made him close his eyes in relief.

At this time, Chang Yuankai and the generals did not rest. They received the battle report from Cao Cen and asked Chang Yuankai to send troops to support immediately.At this time, Cao Cen hadn't seen the ambush of the blood battalion, but he subconsciously thought that the blood battalion deliberately tormented his soldiers, so that the soldiers could not get rest, and they would not be able to recover their physical strength without rest. No morale either.It's possible to do it next.

Chang Yuankai was as puzzled as Jiang Zhui, the troops from the Blood Camp?

Now the Blood Battalion is at war with all five locations.Guo Yuanzhen doesn't work hard, but at least part of the blood battalion will be allocated, right?
Mo Chuo is extremely cunning, and he also worked very hard, using three parts of his strength.But he definitely didn't come to make soy sauce.Once the defense of the blood camp is relaxed, Mo Chuai will not be cold to Lingzhou City.

The hatred between Tubo and Xueying is as deep as the sea, which also requires the blood camp to deal with it with heavy troops.Plus Zong Chuke's army.Now in the northwest direction, how many troops can there be in the eight states? In addition to the army that is attacking him in front of him, the army is left to ambush Cao Cen.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he said to his personal guard, "Bring the map."

The personal guard brought over the map, he looked at it carefully, and then said to the generals: "Look, the blood camp will be removed from the north and the army will be left to defend silently. Maybe some troops will be sent to the south. Hetao. Now that this army is blocking our advance, are there any soldiers in Yanzhou City now?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

When arriving in Yanzhou, you have to go to Muke Ridge because you have a lot of luggage, but if you leave the luggage, it is not that there are no roads. There are many mountain trails that can go straight to the city of Yanzhou.But there is a premise that if Yanzhou City cannot be captured in a short period of time, it will be a disaster in four or five days because of the lack of supplies.

But if there are no defensive soldiers in Yanzhou City, it will be easier to conquer Yanzhou.Now Wang Hua has evacuated all the people from the four counties of Yinzhou and the east of Yanzhou to the two prefectures of Yanling. There are many supplies in the two prefectures.As long as Yanzhou is conquered, the defense of Muke Ridge will become useless.

It is completely possible to ignore it, continue to send troops to the northwest, attack Lingzhou, and cooperate with Mo Chuo, and the three states of Lingyan and Yin will be lost at once.

At that time, we will use the army to press south, and Zong Chuke's army and Guo Yuanzhen's army will attack Yuanzhou and Huizhou from west to south and from north to north.The loss of the original two prefectures, plus Tubo's northward movement, and the four prefectures of Shan, He, Kuo, and Lan, also became very easy.

Thinking of this, he immediately said excitedly: "Send scouts immediately."

Because these roads are all trails, most of them are not marked on the map, and even if they are marked, they are not very detailed, so scouts must be sent to inquire.

On the fifth day, Chang Yuankai still sent soldiers to drill the tunnel, but now it has changed its nature.

But he was just deceiving.Early in the morning, Feng Changqing received information from his subordinates that there were many scouts from the other party on the mountain roads on both sides of Muke Ridge. Wang Hua was worried about this, and Feng Changqing was also worried about this.

Therefore, although the troops were weak, some scouts were sent to keep an eye on these trails.Seeing Chang Yuankai's scouts coming, some scouts launched an ambush to fight back.It's just because the other party sent too many scouts, so they had to escape one by one in the end.

Chang Yuankai on the other side also got the news, this time he didn't put on airs, he simply opened up and stopped to attack.Then began to divide the troops, and in the afternoon, each of them took weapons and simple dry food, divided into three groups of troops, and set off for three relatively easy to pass trails.

There was still no movement in the blood camp, but when it was dark, Feng Changqing gathered all the soldiers together and returned.Because of the detour, Chang Yuankai's soldiers will be delayed for some time.But if you don't go back, just as Chang Yuankai thought, Yanzhou is an empty city, and the banner may be changed tomorrow morning.

A dozen or so soldiers were left behind, and the others quietly used the slope to block their sight, and returned to the city of Yanzhou, where they would use the second line of defense to block Chang Yuankai's army.

But he sighed in his heart, five days.

What a long five days!
But in Nanhetao, the Blood Camp once again achieved a great victory.

Looking at the [-] troops on the opposite side, Zhang Shougui said: "Poor boy, you must be in trouble now."

Cao Cen is not a child, but now he is really in trouble. He knows what effect this fire will have.

But what now?If you retreat, the opponents are all cavalry, and you can only withdraw the cavalry, and the infantry will be wiped out.Even the cavalry may not escape. After a day and a night of harassment, all the soldiers lost their morale and physical strength.They will also be chased by the enemy and wipe out most of the army.

If you don't escape, garrison where you are, and quickly set up a fortification.If you can still fight under normal circumstances, but the other party burns these wolf smoke, it is not a pile of wolf smoke, what kind of consequences will there be?
Just when he was hesitating, the fire started.

If it was a big fire, Cao Cen would not care. Even if Wang Hua brought all the food and grass from Lingzhou, it would not be able to burn his soldiers from such a long distance.

It is mainly smoke, which will spread over by the wind and heat, blocking the sight of your own soldiers.And the other party's back is against the wind direction, which has little effect on the line of sight.At least one of his subordinates was blinded in one and a half eyes, while the other was only half blinded.And without these smokes, with the current morale, it is impossible to be the opponent of the opponent.

A long fire dragon quickly spread for six or seven miles, and rose into the air with a large cloud of smoke.

Some of these substances are intentionally semi-dry, so that they cannot be completely burned. They are the same as those in the tunnel. One is caused by insufficient oxygen, and the other is caused by moisture.And it is mixed with a lot of irritating substances.

This arrangement is not to crush the opponent, but to win the greatest victory at the least cost.Not only to win, but also to maintain the strength of the Yuheng Army.Not only for the safety of the soldiers, but also in Yanzhou and Lingzhou, they all need this reinforcement.

Taking advantage of the wind, the smoke immediately spread to Cao Cen's army. In the blink of an eye, it was like the sun had set, and the sky and the earth were dark.Not only as quoted, but also because of some irritants, the soldiers cried and coughed.

At this time, it was Cao Cen's turn to hesitate.

He immediately issued an order: "Assemble the whole army, drop the baggage, and break through to the north."

Not far to the south is Xingning County, but now Xingning County has 10 taels of gold, and he dare not break out to the south.

With this order, the assembly may not be possible, but the breakout is real. All the cavalry immediately fled northward in a panic. There are still many infantry in the army, and they have become the biggest victims.They also fled to the north with the army, but now the sight is not clear, that is, the sight is clear, and one cares about the other, most of them were trampled to death by their own horses.

Zhang Shougui immediately ordered a thousand soldiers to be dispatched to mop up some lost infantry and a few surviving infantry.The third regiment blocked the front, and the Chinese army of the sixth regiment rushed to the enemy's main force.

Ten thousand fresh troops rushed over like a whirlwind.

Different from the blindness of the enemy, the Yuheng army had a target to kill, and they also used Cao Cen's army to practice the tactics taught by Wang Hua. '

Swarming into the enemy army, it seems to be disorganized, but it is not.Use the bravest soldiers as cone heads to forcefully break through the enemy's formation, then the army catches up, cuts the enemy into small circles, and then keeps swimming, maintaining a situation where the majority annihilates the minority.And leave most of the enemy's troops behind and ignore them.Slices the enemy again after annihilating.

This tactic is also one of the focus of Yuan Meng's wolf bite tactics, and the harassment tactics of the scouts constitute an important part of the wolf bite tactics.This tactic gave Genghis Khan the reputation of being invincible in the world.

But now the cooperation with the blood battalion is very unfamiliar, and the actual combat training this time is not ideal.

The blood battalion soldiers rushed into Cao Cen's army, and they were defeated. Where could the enemy resist?And I heard the soldiers of the blood camp shout: "Surrender without killing, put down your weapons, squat to the side, and you can avoid death."

Even the cavalry saw that soldiers from the Blood Battalion were still blocking them, so they got off their horses, squatted aside with their hands raised, and surrendered.

As for Cao Cen really becoming a poor child, his three guards saw that something was wrong, so they came to him under the guise of covering Cao Cen, cut Cao Cen in half with a knife in his hand, and claimed credit for the blood camp Please reward.

Two hours later, the battle was over.

Cao Cen himself was killed, more than 7000 Cao Cen soldiers were killed in this battle, and more than 1000 Tang soldiers were captured.This was Wang Hua's repeated instructions. To keep his family alive, he should focus on taking prisoners as much as possible.Otherwise, more soldiers would be killed.But in this battle, the blood battalion lost less than 1000 people.

After all, everyone came with anger.

There are nearly a thousand soldiers who have fled to nowhere.Seeing that they had fled far away, Zhang Shougui didn't chase after them, he still wanted to rush to Yanzhou.Otherwise, Feng Changqing might be in danger.
After cleaning the battlefield, he sent a thousand soldiers to take the spoils and prisoners to Lingzhou, and then he led the army to Yanzhou.

Zhu Ting personally came out to greet them. This battle in Hetao not only defeated an important force of the enemy, but also freed up troops to consolidate the defense strength of several states, and may even launch a partial counterattack.

Gaining confidence, he sent someone to write a letter to Mochuo. The letter said that after Wang Hua arrived in Bazhou, he was only seeking justice for Princess Jincheng, and the enemy was only Tubo. enemy.If you come to commit the crime in person today, well, I will commit it to you!In the future, it must be returned to you Turkic people ten times and a hundred times.If Khan just let it go, just pretend it didn't happen.Where to go, Da Khan can do it for himself!

(End of this chapter)

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