Chapter 733 The Grand Finale (6)
Therefore, when Li's people didn't know how to find him, he hesitated for a while and agreed.Then, step by step, he replaced Chief Hua En and took charge of the Anbu. Once he rebelled, he immediately pushed the emperor into danger.

Manager Hua En guarded against no one would be able to guard against Xuan Twelve, so he fell for the truth and was poisoned by Xuan Twelve.When they first put the emperor under house arrest, they still kept Chief Hua En by his side. After all, everyone knew that Chief Hua En was the Emperor's confidant. If he was not around, it would be even more suspicious.

Unexpectedly, Chief Hua En has been the chief executive for so many years, and he has accumulated a lot of power in the palace. Even if his martial arts are abolished, he can still order the eunuchs and maids of various palaces without relying on Anbu.The eunuch who went to Quanzhou to deliver the secret decree to the crown prince was the one who had been told by Director Hua En to go out from the secret way.

Therefore, King An arrested Manager Hua En and cut off his tendons angrily, in order to avenge the resentment that Manager Hua En refused to submit to him for so many years...

After knowing these things, An Ran secretly sighed.That Xuan Twelve really worried too much!The elder brother has Ling Yun, how can he be used to be in charge of Anbu?Besides, my brother hated using servants the most, so how could he let him enter the palace to accompany him?what a pity!
Fortunately, the only good news now is that Xuan Twelve has not long been in charge of Anbu. Although he rebelled, it is only limited to his cronies, and he dare not let others know.When he took charge of the Anbu for the first time, not only did he have to send his confidantes to serve in various ministries, but also the dark guards who guarded the emperor had to be his confidantes.Therefore, there were not many people guarding the emperor's side, and their skills were not good, which gave Ling Yun a chance.

But he said that King Tian'an finally agreed to let several ministers go to the emperor's palace to visit the injured and sick emperor.King An said to the outside world that the emperor was assassinated and injured, and then caused other illnesses, which made him sick and became more serious.

Now the situation between North Korea and China is actually very clear.Although the officials didn't know the details, it was obvious that King An wanted to use this to take the emperor hostage.Everyone just doesn't know how King An lured the prince into the sea to murder him, and how he held the emperor hostage.

The people in the prince's family didn't want to retreat like this, but the prince's disappearance is tantamount to losing their backbone.Without the prince, who else are they fighting for?The emperor now has only one son left, if something happens to the crown prince, the world will still belong to King An?
Now that Wang An is willing to let his ministers meet with the emperor, could it be that the emperor and Wang An have reached an agreement?
Of course, not everyone can go in and visit the emperor. King An ordered several important ministers in the court.The first one is the Nei Shu Ling Shu King, the Shu King is the emperor's blood brother, and he has been valued by the emperor in the past two years, and King An can't get rid of him even if he wants to.

Of course, King An actually wanted to touch the King of Shu, but he never found the weakness of the King of Shu.A person who has no heirs and no wife, what else can you threaten him with?If you want to use the old trick to poison again, the King of Shu has a lot of guards around him, so he hasn't found a chance.

The second one, of course, is Qian Pengyang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.This is a member of the Li family, but he is quite trusted by the emperor, and has a high position and authority, and the officials are also convinced, so he is really the best candidate.

The third one is the representative of the neutral faction in the court, Mr. Yu, who is deeply trusted by the emperor, and he often drafts imperial edicts for the emperor.

The fourth is Li Shiqian, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials who returned to the capital from his hometown in Longxi, and now the Minister of the Ministry of Households.Li Shiqian is the emperor's brother-in-law and a representative of his relatives.Originally, the emperor sympathized with his "old age" and allowed him to return to his hometown for support. Now that something happened to the emperor, King An "invited" him to come out to help handle the government affairs.

The four came to the emperor's bedroom and saw many unfamiliar faces.

Needless to say, Li Zhengqian, this was all arranged by him.But the doubts in the hearts of the other three became more and more certain.Look, King An even changed the servants around the emperor.To say that they were disadvantaged in guarding the emperor when the assassin assassinated the emperor, isn't it actually to eliminate dissidents?

The emperor was lying on the bed, several layers of bed curtains were hung up, and he could be seen sitting on the head of the bed.Although he had lost a lot of weight, the emperor seemed to be in good spirits, but he was not as dying as everyone imagined.

Everyone knelt down to salute, and the emperor himself called "Pingshen".In order to ensure that the emperor could issue the canonization edict to the ministers in a "sane" manner today, King An sent two antidotes early in the morning.The emperor took half of the pills, and handed over the remaining one and a half pills to Yue Chaocheng for research.

King An first showed his filial piety, and asked about the emperor's situation in detail, such as how well he slept last night?What did you eat this morning?Have you taken any medicine?What did the imperial doctor say, wait a minute.

Except for Li Zhengqian, the other three ministers felt contempt and ridicule when they saw Wang An's pretentiousness.But the King of Shu was not only contemptuous, ridiculed and angry, but also very worried.In fact, Li Zhengqian also despised King An's pretentiousness in his heart. Who doesn't know the truth of this matter?What to wear?

Finally, King An finished his performance, and then he entered the topic: "Father, the third brother and the fifth brother have been away for a long time, but until now the lonely soul is still wandering outside. I think, should I give the third brother a funeral? Is that so?" Only a sorcerer can summon souls, so that the third and fifth younger brothers will not become lonely ghosts outside..."

The emperor hesitated before he could speak, but the King of Shu had already opened his mouth and said, "The death of the Crown Prince and His Royal Highness King Xiang at sea was just a rumor. What mourning?"

Master Yu nodded and said, "His Royal Highness the King of Shu is right. Let's wait until the investigation is clear! Didn't it mean that the Quanzhou Navy has already rushed to Nanyang to meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?"

Li Zhengqian said: "The road to Nanyang is far away. How long do we have to wait for the Quanzhou navy to come back? Now that the emperor is not in good health and the crown prince is not here, I am afraid that the officials and people at home and abroad will panic, which will cause turmoil in the Sui Dynasty. The emperor should resume as soon as possible. The crown prince is registered."

Li Zhengqian thought that the emperor was already under their control, so he spoke very bluntly.

The King of Shu said coldly: "At present, there is no evidence to prove that the prince died. Li Zhengqian, what is your intention to deceive the public and curse the prince? The emperor is in poor health, and the ministers in the court are naturally worried, but this king saw today that the emperor's brother is still healthy Not bad! Maybe it will be over in a few days. If Li Shangshu is worried about panic among the officials, he just needs to let everyone come in to see the emperor from time to time."

(End of this chapter)

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