Chapter 732 The Grand Finale (5)
Boa nodded. "Go together! Bao'er, and mother, go together!"

"Then Bao'er has to promise mother that she won't cry when she wakes up."

"Bao'er don't cry! Bao'er is, good boy!" What Bao'er heard most was his mother's praise and encouragement to him.An Ran often said that Bao'er is a good boy, that Bao'er is the smartest, and that her mother likes Bao'er the most.He also learned these few words.

"Alright then! If Mother is going out tonight, she can take Bao'er with her!" Tonight, it has not yet been decided whether she will enter the palace or not.It depends on the results of the emperor's meeting with the ministers today, Mr. Yue's research on the antidote and the progress of Ling Yun.

Shen Yi disagreed and said: "Mother, you can't spoil the little prince like this. Even you, it's best not to go. Leave the rest of the matter to Ling Yun and General Dugu."

An Ran smiled and shook her head, "Don't worry, Aunt Biao, I won't be reckless, I'll talk about it when Ling Yun returns."

Up to now, An Ran has finally figured things out.

It turned out that King An and Queen An were very dissatisfied after the Emperor's New Year's Eve banquet.Concubine Li was pregnant again, and it was still a boy. The Li family thought of the rift with the prince and decided to fight to the death.

As a result, the dose of chronic poison originally given to the emperor was suddenly increased, and then the emperor was poisoned to death after being induced with the medicine.

But at this time, King An used the reason that the emperor was seriously injured by an assassin to restrict the courtiers from visiting, and secondly charged the Forbidden Army and the Xiaoguo Battalion guarding the palace city with a charge of ineffective guards, and replaced both their chief and deputy commanders. , Even the captains of the mid-level generals below were all put into the dungeon, waiting to be executed.

In addition, it is also known that King An replaced the chief and deputy commanders of the Imperial City Guard Army in the name of the emperor, as well as some ministers in the court.Of course, King An is not too courageous, and he didn't dare to abolish all the prince's people directly.He had just acquired the military power in the capital and had not yet fully controlled it, so he could only plan it slowly, otherwise, once the officials of the Prince and the Crown Prince of the DPRK were aroused to riot, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Of course, these are all things on the surface, but the most fundamental reason why the emperor was so passive, not only poisoned, but even controlled by King An, was that there was something wrong with the emperor's dark forces.

It turned out that Manager Hua En saw that the emperor had already appointed the crown prince, and that he was already old, so he set about cultivating dark forces for the crown prince.Naturally, this matter will be handed over to his chosen heir.

The problem lies with the heir.

Royal dark guards are generally selected orphans, who have been trained since childhood to prevent others from planting spies.The successor chosen by Chief Hua En is named Xuan Twelve, and his martial arts and strategy are the most outstanding in Anbu. In addition to the comprehensive consideration of his body, appearance and personality, he was finally selected.

Who knows, the problem started to erupt from here.

Xuan Twelve is 30 years old this year, not much different from the crown prince's age. Director Hua En thought that in this way he would be able to accompany the crown prince for the rest of his life.

Possession and desire for women are inherent in a man.The hidden guards are also human, and most of them are men.Therefore, there is also a brothel exclusively for them in the Anbu base.

When Xuan 12 was young, his qualifications were low, and he could only find old and decrepit women to solve his needs.Now that he has qualifications and high authority, he can naturally find those young and beautiful women.Of course, the hidden guards knew who they were, and they never cared about the women in the brothel, they were just playthings.

However, Xuan Twelve happened to meet a special woman the year before last, which made his original loyal heart fluctuate and a gap appeared.

It was a beautiful woman, but that's not the most important thing.The most important thing is that this woman's first time was given to Xuan Twelve.Xuan Twelve has been in Anbu for so many years, naturally he has found many women, but this is the first time he has a woman.

Women in Anbu brothels have always had very few virgins. Generally, newcomers are assigned to people with high qualifications. This is to take care of power.

But Xuan Twelve was lucky enough to meet him a virgin.Of course, although Xuan Twelve was excited at first, he didn't pay much attention to it.But he didn't expect that when he came back from a mission and saw this woman again, this woman actually told him that she was pregnant and was his child!

The brothels in Anbu naturally forbid these prostitutes to become pregnant, and they would be given a bowl of sterilization soup when they came.But this woman is smart and has some medical skills. Not long after she drank the sterilization soup, she vomited herself in the latrine.Therefore, she had such a chance.

Xuan Twelve, a man in his late thirties, had an heir for the first time, and that feeling was absolutely incomprehensible to outsiders.You must know that people in their Anbu can apply for retirement only after they are over 35.

As a member of the Anbu, after retiring from the army, he is not completely free. Either he returns home with a large pension and buys hundreds of acres of land to become a land rich man; A small official in the army.Only at this time, they can marry a wife and have children like ordinary people.

Therefore, Xuan Twelve got excited for a moment, thinking about how to keep this child.Unexpectedly, before he could figure out a way, the news that the woman was pregnant was discovered.After that, the child naturally failed to stay.

This happened the year before last, and no one knew that it was Xuan Twelve's child.A whore's child, who can tell whose?But Xuan Twelve himself believed that it was his own flesh and blood, so he planted a trace of resentment and unwillingness in his heart.

Afterwards, he was officially elected as the heir to the leader of the Anbu, and gradually took over the affairs of the Anbu.

If it were someone else, who wouldn't want to sit in this position?But Xuan Twelve was different.Who doesn't love rights?But Xuan Twelve wants to be an upright man!

Although there is no rule that all the leaders of the Anbu must be eunuchs and serve the emperor personally, the leaders of these generations of Anbu all entered the palace clean.When Xuan Twelve thought of this, he was naturally reluctant.However, he didn't dare to say this to anyone. If people knew that he was a hidden guard of the royal family and refused to sacrifice for the royal family, his only fate would be to be exterminated, so as to serve as an example to others!
(End of this chapter)

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