ocean hunter

Chapter 647

Chapter 647

If you eat dumplings, you have to dip them in vinegar. If you don’t dip them in vinegar, you will be arrested and go to jail.

While eating dumplings, Shirley suddenly remembered something, raised her hand and said, "Little donkey Ouba, baby Cheng Min, I recently saw a little trick for life."

Both Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min were taken aback: "Well, what's a little life trick?"

"Wait a minute."

Xue Li brought a bottle of mineral water and drank it with her head up. Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min were dumbfounded, and she just drank the bottle of mineral water.

"Is this what you call life's little coup?"

Shirley was hiccupped by a bottle of water, her facial expression was so wonderful, it took her a while to suppress it.

"Hurr~ No, you guys wait."

Then she ran to the kitchen, found some garlic, peeled off the skin, put it in a bottle, added some salt, went outside, in front of Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min, smiled triumphantly at them, and put the lid on Once it was covered, it began to shake vigorously.

After a while, the garlic in the bottle turned into mud, Shirley poured it out, and raised her head proudly: "How is it? This little trick for life, isn't it wonderful?"

"Meow~" Xiaobai picked up her trousers, wanting to eat dumplings, but Xiaohei snatched the one just given to him.

Lu Xiaolu and Cheng Min clapped their hands and applauded: "Good!"

"Hey, let's make a deal."

"I'll reward you with a dumpling."

"Thank you."

Soon, the time came to Friday, and the opening ceremony of the annual sea fishing competition finally began.

Lu Xiaolu had a class in the morning, so she couldn't go to it. Only Shirley went, and she set off early in the morning just after dawn, and went to the vegetable market to buy some food.

Qiu Wei also went today, he went earlier, drove over at three o'clock, and slept there, Huangtian paid off, and finally grabbed the booth.

Lu Xiaolu had just arrived at school, and he had nothing to do in the first class in the morning, so he sat in the class, and Xue Li made a video call to him.

As soon as the call was connected, Shirley's smiling face appeared on the screen of the phone. Today she was wearing a cashmere sweater, all in white, very cute.

"Donkey Oppa, are you in class?"

"Not yet. Now, are you here?"

"Well, let me show you, it's very lively."

Shirley turned the camera over. This morning, the pier was extremely crowded.

Crowds of people, red flags fluttering, gongs and drums blare, firecrackers blare.

On both sides of the stage, big balloons were used to drag two red cloths, hanging high in the sky, with ribbons fluttering.

"Hi! Brother donkey!"

Xiaobei's face appeared in the camera.

"Xiao Bei, are you back too?"

"Well, yes, such a lively scene must come back, they are all back."

Turning the camera around, sure enough, there are more boats on the pier today, even more than at this time last year, filling this bay densely like dumplings.

The pier was also full of people, and the planned stall area was also extremely crowded, but no one dared to occupy the main road. There were personnel patrolling back and forth, and those who exceeded it would be pushed back immediately.

Including Qiu Wei also appeared in the camera, and even snatched a good spot, set up a small stall, which was full of things, and several customers were picking things here.

He sells a complete range of things, including snacks that can be eaten now, and souvenirs that can be taken home. The business is still good, and he grinned so hard.

The camera flashed, and Lu Xiaolu suddenly saw an acquaintance. Isn't this Awei Bingran and the others?
It's not that I went to other places, why did I come back, and I was still being interviewed by reporters, with a very bright smile.

In fact, Awei Bingran and the others naturally knew that a sea fishing contest was going to be held here, after discussing it, they came here in a small boat early this morning.

They are not criminals, but they are also positive figures who protect the marine environment.

In the past, it was because of the hatred of those fishermen that they had to hide.

Today's scene is so grand, so many tourists, and JC is present, even those fishermen dare not do anything to them.

More importantly, there are still opportunities for reporters to come to interview and show their faces, so how could they not come.

The identity of the Marine Conservation Association is quite easy to use. After deliberately swaying around in front of the reporter twice, it attracted the attention of the reporter.

"Hello, these handsome men and beauties, I see that the sign on your chest is from the Ocean Conservancy?"

Awei, Bingran and others immediately showed proud expressions and nodded: "Yes."

The reporter sighed in admiration. This association has a great reputation, and its image has always been very positive. The most famous achievement is that they bravely fought against whaling ships and saved many whales.

The Marine Conservation Association is indeed good, but some people are crooked, and it does not mean that everyone is bad.

Of course, Awei Bingran and the others will not say those things that should not be said. They have experience, and what they say is more righteous. It mainly revolves around rectifying marine litter, protecting marine animals, and giving polar bears a home. They have performed quite brilliantly.

There must be a place for them in tomorrow's news screen, and the leaders will definitely praise them when the time comes.

The fishermen who knew them didn't dare to do anything. After all, this was the site of the opening ceremony. With so many foreign tourists coming, whoever dared to destroy the tourists' impression of the local area would be a local sinner, and people would not spare them.

And today's scene is very lively, people's faces are full of joy, children are shuttling back and forth in the street, adults are chasing after them and shouting constantly, couples are touching milk tea sweetly, walking on the street, the crowds are so crowded, it's almost like The New Year is even more lively.

People's mood will be affected. In this kind of scene, no one will easily destroy this harmonious picture. Isn't that adding trouble?

Still the same sentence, let the grievances and grievances at sea stay at sea, and it will not be too late to fight at sea.

After watching for a while, Lu Xiaolu started class.

"Xue Li, please be careful, I'm going to hang up now."

"Well, okay, you go to class. I heard that there will be a lion dance team later. I will make a video. Pay attention to my circle of friends."

"Well, yes, bye."

Zang Huazhuang came over with envy on his face: "Little donkey, is there another competition soon?"

"Well, yes, didn't you participate too?"

"Damn, we're just joining in the fun. After two days of fun, we'll go back and get off the net."

Zang Huazhuang has self-knowledge, what kind of competition they can participate in fishing for that small fish is just to join in the fun, and they can get it after two days of playing.

Unlike Lu Xiaolu and the others, they participated in the competition in a serious manner. Not only that, but they are also the favorites to win the championship. This kind of feeling is like something, like the tablemate next to you is a professional player who plays League of Legends. It feels very different reality.

It's like playing games, how can they be so good, relying on playing games to buy cars and houses, as well as honors, I can only play qualifying games, and I'm so angry when I lose.

(End of this chapter)

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