ocean hunter

Chapter 644 No Title

Chapter 644 No Title

After a long period of practice, Lu Xiaolu's sailing skills have been significantly improved. When the hull tilted and the sea water stirred at the propeller, the Golden Sailfish slowly fell out, and then his mood reversed. towards the pier.

Passing by the beach, no one is sunbathing in this weather. They are all wearing thick clothes and playing in the sand, mostly children.

There are also many people taking wedding photos here. This beach has supported many wedding photography shops, and it has almost become a must-have place for them to take pictures.

There are still a lot of people standing on those reefs and fishing. It is not easy to catch when the weather is colder. Fish don’t like to eat hooks. If there were more people in the past, the reefs are full, and it is too late to go there. Location not found.

In fact, Xiamen City is not bad. Some coastal cities are so cold in winter that you can't even catch a hair.



The siren sounded again and again, not only the Golden Sailfish, but also many ships were slowly entering the port.

In order to prevent confusion and random parking, there is a special waterway for boats to enter and exit when there is still a long distance from the pier. It is a bit like a high-speed toll booth, one boat per pole, because this is a toll pier.

Temporary docked boats also have their own parking area. There is no charge there, and the limit is a little chaotic. Usually, when you drive a boat back to sell fish, you go ashore here.

Lu Xiaolu's Golden Sailfish has paid for it, so it uses the toll channel, and no one else will berth at his berth, because all those who come here have paid and have their own berths.

Most of the fishing boats are tattered, all kinds of tarpaulins are nailed on like patches, and there are a lot of cables, antennas, garbage, etc. on them.

There are also some small boats, the wood is obviously rotten and rotten.

Those boats are not expensive, and they are used more frequently. Even if the fishermen clean them up at the beginning, they will get tired after a long time.

If it is more expensive, the owner of the ship will take care of it, and the Golden Swordfish has been well cleaned up by Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li, and it is as clean as new.

There are even better ones. The sea fishing boats are rented by the rich sea fishing enthusiasts in the city from the steamship company. They are smaller than yachts and enough for fishing. There are two fishing holes in the stern. Fits well, is powerful, runs fast, and is nimble.

Most of the people standing above are dressed in the same way, with jackets, sunglasses, baseball caps, and watches on their wrists, as if these rich people like fishing like this.

So far, Lu Xiaolu has seen at least three sea fishing boats, which made him very greedy. There is also a yacht, I don't know if it is from the TV station.

In fact, yachts are not out of reach. He checked the Internet and found that there are also cheap small yachts, ranging from 10,000+ to 200 million.

Of course, it is incomparable with those medium-sized and large yachts, which have tens of millions or hundreds of millions. I heard that there are housekeepers and captains and boatmen on board at any time.

Those Lu donkeys don't think about it, it's better to be pragmatic. Although they have a house and a car now, they still need to save some money. In the future, they will have to spend money to get married and raise children, so they should also save more money for the children.

It's only my sophomore year, so I thought about leaving property for my children. This is also something that is engraved in the bones of the Chinese people.

The boat was driven into the port, and there was a lively scene on the pier, just like last year, and the workers were building the stage to prepare for the opening ceremony on Friday.

It’s just a scaffolding covered with wooden boards and red cloth, and then a few big speakers are put in. It’s not a concert, and lighting and so on are needed.

Those street vendors are firmly occupying their positions, for fear that they will disappear as soon as they leave.

Surprisingly, his uncle was able to grab a seat. I really underestimated him before, but now if I want to grab a booth, I have to come here before dawn, at three or four in the morning, even Qiu Wei came this morning Then I turned around at the pier, but there was no place, and I went back in despair.

Although the competition has not yet started, the publicity has already been done. There are advertisements on bus stops, subway stations, FM taxi broadcasts, and local radio and TV stations.

Tourists coming to Xiamen City are flocking to the pier, the scene is quite hot, and extra police are specially dispatched to maintain order, and there is also a riot vehicle on standby. Opportunities and various frictions are prone to arise.

I caught a few street vendors who were fighting yesterday, and today the pier is peaceful. Sometimes it is like this. Reasoning is useless, and you have to fine him. Only by making him afraid can we solve the problem fundamentally.

As soon as he got off the boat, Lu Xiaolu saw two small tank trucks refueling, and the fish boss, ice boss and their staff were taking notes on the pier with pens and paper.

Judging by their faces, they are obviously haggard, with sallow complexions, heavy bags under the eyes, unshaven beards, and hair like chicken coops. It is obvious that they have been busy for a long time.

The oil boss is okay, fuel can be added in advance, the more you sell, the better. Both the ice boss and the fish boss can get it on the day of the game. Now they come to count the orders, and they have to calculate the inventory when they go back. It's not good anymore.

Lu Xiaolu first went to find Boss Oil, and handed him a cigarette: "Boss Oil, Boss Oil."

Boss Oil looked up and smiled: "Hey, isn't this Boss Lu? Why, do you want to buy oil again?"

Different from buying bait, fuel consumption is huge, and Lu Xiaolu can't avoid it. Not only that, he uses more oil than other fishermen.

It's the same as coming and going. Those fishermen come back once a week, which is no different from him returning to Hong Kong once every two days. In order to save money, those fishermen in BJ float on the sea and generally don't move around.

Moreover, Lu Xiaolu ran a little farther than other domain names, and this round trip consumed more fuel. He is also a big customer of Oil Boss and is quite popular.

He took the cigarette from Lu Xiaolu and stuck it to his ear, and said with a smile: "It's better not to smoke next to the oil tanker."

Although it's diesel, it's less dangerous, but it's better if you don't smoke it. Safety comes first.

Lu Xiaolu nodded: "Are you free today? I need to add 6000 yuan of gas."

"Hehe, okay, I'll get someone to pull a cart over later, don't worry, it will take half an hour."

"Okay, call me later, and I'll go talk to Boss Fish and Boss Bing."

"Okay, go ahead."

Lu Xiaolu went to Boss Yu and Boss Bing again, and each registered the shares he needed.

The ice cubes are okay, 2000 yuan a time, almost unshakable.

He still ordered four boxes of bait this time, and the live bait cost 100 yuan for mackerel, which is easier to feed than sardines, and they won’t die if left in the live water tank for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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