ocean hunter

Chapter 643 Come on

Chapter 643 Come on
This competition is very important. In order to welcome the arrival of a large number of tourists, relevant units, TV stations and sea fishing associations have made complete preparations.

It can be said that this is no longer the business of the Guangguang Sub-district Office. The leaders want to strive to make Xiamen City a key tourist city that is not inferior to Little Hawaii.

In addition to scenery and delicious food, sea fishing competitions are also capable of doing this.

It can be seen from the luxury fishing boats that are coming one after another and the fishing boats with many people.

Many sea fishing enthusiasts are boss-level figures, and they don’t have to go to work. They invite a few friends and rent a sea fishing boat to participate in the competition. They don’t come here for the bonus, they just want the atmosphere and honor.

The staff of this competition are still mainly volunteers and members of the Sea Fishing Association, as well as the staff of the sub-district office. The participating members arrived one after another on the pier.

President Li of the Sea Fishing Association and Director Wang of the Subdistrict Office are also here.

No preference is given to one person, whether rich or not, they are warmly welcomed, help register information, and introduce residence.

Of course, they have to spend their own money for accommodation. B&Bs, hotels, hotels, restaurants and even fast food restaurants that are not fully occupied have found part-time jobs to distribute business cards to the docks.

Lu Xiaolu’s school has many students who work part-time here to hand out leaflets, including their class. There are 50 a day, 60 a day, and they are not tired. The money is very easy to earn, so they rush to come here. Many, basically can find a job.

If Xueli hadn't met Lu Xiaolu back then, she should be here to distribute leaflets now.

The grades of these hotels range from high to low. There are high-end hotels with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and small hotels with 100 yuan a day. If you rent for a long time, you can get a discount. Seven-day packages and half-moon and full-moon packages are launched.

The same goes for restaurants, there are expensive ones and cheap ones. After all, some people are not so rich. How can they bear to eat those expensive ones here every day? Even the snacks on the pedestrian street are quite expensive, and they still can’t get enough.

At this time, fast food is needed, ten or fifteen servings, rice can be eaten casually, and two bowls can be eaten with a little broth. The soup is also free, which is quite affordable.

The boat has been overhauled and maintained. Lu Xiaolu went to bring the boat over today. It happened that there were a few part-timers in the class. He thought he would go to the pier anyway, so why not take them with him, earning some money is not easy. Can save a little is a little.

Among them is Xiaoyan. She never seems to have a break. She goes out to find a job whenever she has time. She still sells computers at school during the summer vacation, and sells phone cards after school starts. She also works part-time in cafes outside on weekends. Find a job handing out flyers.

Then there are two other people, a man and a woman, both are students who have established a file in the class to receive subsidies.

Maybe it's because of the family. I don't dare to cause trouble, which created this kind of personality. This kind of situation has good and bad, easy to get along with, but easy to be bullied.

Fortunately, the general quality of people is not bad now, and they will not make fun of others with their family situations at will.

Hearing that Lu Xiaolu said that he would take them to the pier together, both of them were a little panicked, and waved their hands repeatedly: "No, no, thank you."

Lu Xiaolu didn't force it either, how could he not know what they were thinking, one was a little low self-esteem, and the other was that he didn't want to bother others or owe them favors.

Lu Xiaolu could understand, so he didn't insist, but just nodded.

Xiaoyan originally wanted to take a ride, but she and those two went to work together, they didn't want to take a ride, and she was too embarrassed to take a ride, so she declined.

This incident was so troublesome that no one wanted to go if they were looking for a ride.

Zang Huazhuang has found a girlfriend now, and he is very sweet riding an electric car every day, so he doesn't want Lu Xiaolu to show off in front of Wang Tong, and he doesn't like to ride in his car.

In fact, Lu Xiaolu is driving a Wuling today, and he has no intention of showing off at all, because he has to go to collect goods later, get ready, and there is no time on Friday, Xueli will participate in the opening ceremony, and will go directly to the sea after the end .

Originally, the time is tighter than others, and there are only two days to go to sea in a week. If you don't work harder, you won't be able to win the championship.

For example, last year, with the help of that giant swordfish, the gap between them and No.2 was not too big, and it was a narrow victory.

Although a bonus of 10 yuan is not difficult for Lu Xiaolu to earn, no one would dislike money as a hot hand.

And there is also the issue of honor. It’s okay to put friendship first and compete second, but the goal is to go to the championship. If you don’t want the championship, then it’s meaningless to participate in this competition.

As for the phrase "participation is the most important thing", it should be said after the game is over. Don't say such things before the game has started. It is called disturbing the morale of the army in wartime, and it will lose your head.

Because the game is a team battle, if someone does not have this kind of fighting spirit, they will be disgusted by others, and they definitely don't want to take him to play.

There is a saying that says, we are about to fight to the death, why should you surrender first.

At noon, I ate with Shirley in the school cafeteria. Shirley stuffed the note to him while gnawing on the flesh and blood. It was full of supplies that needed to be bought.

"By the way, the oil needs to be refueled. I have already put the money into the public account." Xue Li said as she shared a grilled sausage with Lu Xiaolu.

Lu Xiaolu looked at the list of supplies while eating the rice, nodded and agreed: "Yes, I see."

The things on the list are still the same, nothing more than fuel, ice, bait, fishing tackle and food and fresh water.

Shirley also told the details while eating.

"You can't buy bait and ice cubes yet, but you have to go to the boss to make an agreement and order it first, otherwise you will have to line up again on that day, and you don't know when you will have to wait."

"Is the phone not connected?"

"Isn't it? It's full of noise as soon as you hit it, either at the pier or on the way to the pier."

"Then they should be quite busy. I'll just go and look for them in person in the afternoon."

"Well, there's nothing else, you can see for yourself and buy whatever you want."

"I know."

After lunch, Lu Xiaolu drove to the pier, and then took a shared bicycle to the shipyard, otherwise he would not be able to bring the boat back later.

It's okay, it's not too far away, there is a small road closer, you can directly pass through the small road, it's only about ten minutes away.

I checked the hull and looked at the traces of maintenance. The engine oil and butter have all been applied, and it’s okay. It’s really good. If you don’t look closely at the trace at the stern, you can’t see it.

Lu Xiaolu settled the final payment, then directly climbed onto the boat, started the Golden Sailfish, and slowly drove it out of the dock.

(End of this chapter)

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