ocean hunter

Chapter 599

Chapter 599

At this time, Shirley came over and said, "You can take them back, Cheng Min and I drove here, and I will go back by myself later."

She and Cheng Min thought of this problem just now, if they want Lu Xiaolu to go eat braised stew with the two of them, then they have to leave his classmates behind, wouldn't that put Lu Xiaolu in an embarrassing situation.

Since you brought people here, you must send them back.

In order not to embarrass him, Shirley took the initiative to talk to him, not to let him lose face in front of his classmates.

Lu Xiaolu nodded gratefully: "Well, then I'll send them back."

"Well, drive slowly, go home directly later, I will take it back for you."

"it is good."

It's definitely not that Lu Xiaolu is stingy, he doesn't want to invite people from the band to eat together, it's just not suitable, after all, they and Xueli Chengmin are not familiar, so it's awkward to have a table together, so it's uncomfortable to have a meal with everyone, it's better Do not eat it.

I sent them to school. When I got home, Shirley and Cheng Min had already returned and were washing the car at the door. When they saw him come back, they said, "The stew is on the table. Park the car here. Don't get the muddy water on it." In the yard."


There is a large bowl of stewed food on the living room, it is still warm, Xueli and the others have not been back for long.

There are also plenty of ingredients, such as fire roast, large intestine, pork lung, pork liver, and blood tofu, all of which are meaty, heavy in oil, and are a famous snack in the capital.

The old capital people on TV always sit on a small stool when they go to eat stewed food. After ordering, the boss cuts it with scissors in the hot soup pot, sprinkles some coriander on it, and a bowl of stewed soup comes out. , the taste is so authentic and fragrant.

Lu Xiaolu has never been to the capital, so he doesn't know if this is the authentic taste, but it's quite delicious, a bit heavy, but completely different from Sichuan cuisine.

There is no need to add anything, just eating like this is delicious, Xiao Hei is so greedy, he looks at him straight.

Lu Xiaolu was quite happy with the performance today, and I gave him two pieces of large intestines. A small amount of large intestines is okay, but if you eat too much, the taste will change easily, unless you add more spicy peppers to cover up the taste.

On Sunday, the rain was a little lighter. Lu Xiaolu thought that he hadn't played the net for a long time, and that the Meili hadn't been driven for a long time, and the machine would break down if he didn't turn it on again, so he put on his raincoat and rode a tricycle to the beach alone.

Shirley washes clothes and brushes shoes at home, and it's the weekend again, so there's no need to let her come out together if you're not in a hurry, Lu Xiaolu can do it by herself.

Before reaching the beach, I heard the sound of waves crashing against the reef and beach. When I got out of the forest, my vision immediately became wider. The boundless sea and gray sky added a bit of mystery.

It was a cloudy and rainy day, and no one came to the sea area in front of his house. Only the Meili stopped here quietly, half on the beach and half in the water. Under the natural cloudy sky filter, it was lonely and desolate.

Lu Xiaolu didn't have so much mental activity in his mind, he waded into the water wearing a raincoat and water shoes, took off the cable, and uncovered the plastic sheeting.

"Quack!" Suddenly, a head popped out of the plastic cloth, scaring Lu Xiaolu back several steps in a row, and almost sat down in the water.

"What the hell are you doing here?"


That's right, it turned out to be Xiaohong, a warship bird. The plastic sheet covering the boat wasn't tied too tightly, and this guy got in through the gap on one side.

Strange to say, it is true that it knows Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li, although they are not very close, but it is very rare for wild animals, and it can be said that everything has an anim.

It's just that this guy has never been on the Meili, so why does he make a nest here? Generally speaking, don't they all live in tall trees, bushes, or even islands?

However, it is quite smart to make a nest in the cabin. There is no need to build a nest, and there are plastic sheets to keep out the wind and rain, which is quite warm.

There are also many small fish in the shallow water, some fish are washed to the shore in the morning, and there are few people who come here to catch the sea. They can even open their mouths when they are hungry, just wait on the shore.

There are still two small fish in the cabin, probably picked up in the morning and not finished eating.

It's okay, very smart, but Lu Xiaolu's boat suffered a disaster, the cabin was full of feces, and the birds were straight intestines, and they couldn't control it, and they would pull it anytime and anywhere.

"Hey, the boat still has to be open frequently, otherwise I think it will be regarded as a nest by you."

Muttering to herself, Lu Xiaolu took a bucket of seawater to scrub the cabin, and then scooped out the seawater full of bird feces before giving up.

Arriving at the bow, Lu Xiaolu rolled up his sleeves, gritted his teeth, and with a "hey" sound, he pushed the Mei Li a little further in.

It was too late to catch up with the high tide with the highest water level, so it was difficult to push the boat.

Fortunately, the heavy stern is in the sea, and the prow is exposed on the beach. It is relatively light, and Lu Xiaolu still can't push it.

The sand under the feet was left with several long marks by the water shoes. Lu Xiaolu finally pushed the Meili into the sea, but it was still a little shallow, and the ground was full of sand. There was no way to turn around, so he had to turn the boat again. Pushed it in a little bit.

The water level was half a meter deep. Seeing that the time was right, Lu Xiaolu gave a final push, took the opportunity to grab the side of the boat, and resorted to a trick of rubbing the book, turning over and directly flipping into the cabin.

Wearing a raincoat, you don't have to worry about getting bird droppings or sea water.

The frigatebirds flew away the moment they saw him. They flew into the woods. It is not easy for them to go out to hunt on rainy days, because there is no oil on their feathers, and they will soon be wet by the rain.

Lu Xiaolu didn't bother about its affairs either. A raptor won't do anything because of the light rain. Besides, it still protects animals. Apart from competing for mating rights and fighting with its own kind, it has no natural enemies at all, and life is simply unnecessary. It's so beautiful, it's superfluous to worry about it, it's better to worry about how to catch more fish.

Open the cabin cover and take out the gillnets inside. Those eel cages and crab cages are basically not placed in the inland sea. They are picked up the next day, and they are easy to be stolen. Anyone who comes to lower the nets will not be polite if they see the marks.

The eyes of those old fishermen are particularly sharp. Although they may be a little presbyopic at ordinary times, they are better than pilots' eyes for picking up fish and nets, and they can see even hidden floats.

Coupled with the fact that there are few people here, basically not many people come here, and I will be sorry for myself if I don’t steal.

According to Xiaobei, the most common thing they do here is to steal nets from each other. You steal his, and he steals yours. After a while, the net at home is no longer his own. In my hands, it's the same as Lu Xiaolu's old family stealing the eel cage.

I didn't want to steal other people's, but my own was stolen, so I couldn't swallow this breath, so I got up early the next day to steal other people's, otherwise my mind would be unbalanced.

Lu Xiaolu had to go to school tomorrow, and he didn't want to get up early to pick it up, so he lowered the gill net.

(End of this chapter)

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