ocean hunter

Chapter 598

Chapter 598
Although Lu Xiaolu had dressed up today, he still didn't stand out very much in the back row. After all, there are so many handsome guys now, and Lu Xiaolu is not the kind of person who makes people go crazy at a glance.

It’s just that he is well-groomed so that people can notice it a little bit, and he thinks that the keyboard player is okay, so that’s all there is to it.

In contrast, the lead singer Xuexue and the bass player Bei Bei are more eye-catching. Both are girls, one is a lead singer and the other is a bass player. They are both handsome and cool.

Lu Xiaolu still let down Xue Li and Cheng Min's hard work. The only person who noticed him was Mr. Liu. This kind person who just gave him 50 yuan was also a music player.

In this big city, there are always people who make him feel warm, and Lu Xiaolu is one of them.

He, who was in a hurry, couldn't help but stop and listen. This band is really good, and he is envious of any of the instruments.

Whether it is the tone or the performance effect, it is better than him by more than 01:30.

This is also helpless. First, the quality of the musical instrument is incomparable. His own guitar is only a few hundred dollars, and it is still a second-hand one.

Secondly, his music is also self-taught, which is no match for the band in front of him.

He is not jealous of this. Everyone has their own way of life, and it is a day if they have money or not. The greatest meaning of his life is to teach those students well, let them go out of the mountains, and see the outside world.

Lu Xiaolu also saw him, and they looked at each other with a smile, nodded slightly, and did not speak.

Shirley and Cheng Min also came. After the song was over, the two took the lead in applauding. This is Tuo.

There were ten songs in total, and there was a 10-minute break between each song. Lu Xiaolu pressed the keyboard very well, walked down, nodded to Teacher Liu, said nothing more, and went to find Xueli.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, it is good to have a relationship once, and if there is a relationship in the future, we will meet again.

There is no need to say anything more, it would be embarrassing to say it, do you want to go over and ask someone to thank you for giving him 50 yuan?
Seeing him nodding to the man, Shirley asked curiously, "Donkey Oppa, do you know him? I think he also plays a guitar."

Lu Xiaolu smiled and nodded, "A friend I met just now."


Xueli didn't care, and thought they met through music, and began to praise Lu Xiaolu: "You were so handsome when you played the piano just now, I recorded it for you."

"Really? Let me see."

Seeing them talking and laughing, the bassist Bei Bei squinted his eyes.

Yuyu noticed it, and said with a cheap smile: "Why, have you looked at Lu Xiaolu? Don't think about it, his girlfriend is so good-looking, and there are two more."

Beibei looked back and rolled her eyes: "Scumbag." Then he started to play with his own strings.

"Little donkey!" Xuexue waved to this side, signaling him to go back, it's time to perform.

"Then I'm going back."

Shirley smiled gently: "Well, let's go, let's go shopping by ourselves."

"Okay, when it's over, I'll treat you to a stewed meal."


Lu Xiaolu went back to continue the performance, and the crowd gathered more and more. He still liked the feeling of being surrounded by stars. Although the audience didn't come for him, it was good to be able to participate in it.

The level of the pectoralis major band is not professional, but it's not too bad. Experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement. Most tourists can't hear the little flaws. It feels good, and it's still on the spot. Listening to it on the Internet feels different, just like listening to a concert.

Shirley and Cheng Min listened for a while, then took Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai for a walk in the square.

Including those tourists, just listen to something new, there is no one who stops all the time, people come and go constantly, only a few performers on the stage are always there.

Just like in life, some people will only appear by your side for a moment, and then pass by. Some people stop and go, go around and come back, and some people will always be there waiting for you.

Xue Li and Cheng Min didn't go far, they kept walking in the square, waiting for Lu Xiaolu's cooking.

It was still drizzling outside the mushrooms, but it didn't affect the enthusiasm of tourists for shopping.

After two hours, Lu Xiaolu and the others finally sang today's playlist. Although they were a little tired, their faces were full of smiles that could not be concealed, and they promoted positive energy again today.

At the end of today's performance, Lu Xiaolu and others were packing up their musical instruments, when the director of the sub-district office came over to express his thanks in person.

Lu Xiaolu recognizes her, isn't this the person who presented Xue Li with the award that day, the one at the Rocky Fishing Invitational Tournament.

Director Wang smiled and shook hands with each of them: "Hehehe, the children have really worked hard, thank you for your contribution to our environmental public welfare undertakings."

Several people smiled embarrassedly: "Where is it, it should be."

Director Wang was also unambiguous, and sent five cups of hot milk tea: "The weather is a bit cold, drink some milk tea to warm your body, young people like to drink this."

Xuexue and the others accepted it flatteringly. This is a department-level cadre, so approachable, how could they not be moved as students.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Director Wang expressed that he wanted them to come to perform more often in the future. Although the sub-district office can't give any compensation, it's no problem to write an application and judge an advanced individual or progressive youth.

Although it is not a substantive reward, it is also an honor, which will be beneficial for finding a job after graduation and entering a public institution.

Including students who didn't come, but participated in it and completed the posters.

Doing public welfare is not for the sake of fame and fortune, nor can you chill the hearts of good people. The sub-district office will definitely provide assistance within the scope of its ability.

This also made everyone in the pectoralis major band smile. What they did was not a big deal, but it was very meaningful, not to mention the addition of honor, which was enough. This kind of college life was very meaningful.

"Don't worry, the director. As long as we are free, we will definitely come to perform, not only for this theme, but also for other public welfare performances. I hope we will also provide a venue when the time comes. This place is very good."

It had to be the team leader Xuexue, who spoke beautifully. Director Wang immediately agreed upon hearing this: "Absolutely no problem. Is there any reason not to support young people doing public welfare undertakings? If you need help, come to my office to find me. It's over there, just turn the corner and you'll see it."

Director Wang left, and several members of the pectoralis major band excitedly packed up their instruments and carried them to the car.

Looking at Xueli and Cheng Min not far away, Lu Xiaolu slapped his head, it was broken, how could he forget this, Xuexue and the others came in their own car, and the instrument was also brought by themselves, so it must be given to them Send it back.

What about promising Shirley and Cheng Min to eat stewed food together later.

(End of this chapter)

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