ocean hunter

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

The free meals are delicious, although the taste is a bit bland, but it doesn't cost money, the teppanyaki is still good.

Of course, the best is the plate of bluefin tuna sashimi with big belly. It is expensive for a reason. Problem, too expensive.

Counting Lu Xiaolu, there are four people in total, exactly five slices per person, just try it out, and no one expects to be full after eating this, no matter how rich a person is, they can't afford to be so prodigal.

It's a pity that tuna fishermen have fished all their lives and have never tasted sashimi.

After tossing around for a long time, Lu Xiaolu finally put warm cloths on the chicken pens, duck pens, and sheep pens at home, including Xiao Hei's house, making it look like a small western-style building, very beautiful, and now they are not afraid of winter.

"I'll try your new home to see if it's warm."

Lu Xiaolu got into the sheep pen and stayed for a while, um, it's not bad, when the wooden house was built, the problem of ventilation was considered, so that the sheep would not be smothered to death.

Moreover, the forage, sheep feces and so on inside will be cleaned regularly, and it is still clean, but the smell of sheep is inevitable, that is called a smell.

Just as Lu Xiaolu poked his head out of the sheepfold and was about to go out, he bumped into Xueli head-on and looked at him curiously.

"Donkey Oppa, what are you doing in the sheep pen?"

"... "

"Come here, see what I brought you."

Xue Li led the way to the house, and Lu Xiaolu followed behind. Seeing her carrying bags one after another, she said with a smile on her face, "You can just go and eat, and I brought them back."

Shirley ignored him, and unpacked the packing box on her own, good guy six or seven dishes.

Shirley pointed to five pieces of bluefin tuna belly sashimi and said, "Try it, 3888 servings of sashimi, and you still say I lied to you."

Looking at the snow-white sashimi, Lu Xiaolu's eyes popped out: "I'll go, it's true, you are really willing."

Shirley smiled and said, "How about you try it quickly, here is wasabi and light soy sauce, you have to dip it in and eat."

Just as Lu Xiaolu sat down, she stood up holding her chopsticks.

Shirley: "What are you doing?"

Lu Xiaolu: "Didn't you say you want to eat standing up?"


Cheng Min next to him almost died laughing, and said to Shirley in Korean: "Didn't you say it was for Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai? They are watching."

"Wang Wang."


Xiaoheixiaobai looked at Lu Xiaolu pitifully, but Lu Xiaolu ignored them, there was nothing they could do, these dishes had no bones, not even fishbone.

Xueli became angry from embarrassment, her face turned red instantly, and she also spoke to Cheng Min in Korean, pinching her while talking, the two of them were fighting, very lively.

Lu Xiaolu was puzzled at the side: "What are you talking about?"

"Eat yours."

"... "

The taste of the Japanese food is mild, and it can be eaten without rice. In the end, all these dishes went into his stomach, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai each got two pieces of corn, because these Lu Xiaolus don't like it very much.

It started to rain the next day. Fortunately, they all had cars. It didn't matter whether it was windy or rainy. This is the benefit of having a car.

According to scientific data research, after having a car, the happiness of the family will soar.

It's just that the path was a little muddy, and the Beetle was covered with mud, which made Shirley very distressed. When she got off the car, she still stopped by the car and watched, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Lu Xiaolu held up the umbrella: "Let's go, let's just wash the car when we get home."

"Hey,,^,, life is not easy, Maomao sighs."

Lu Xiaolu's face was filled with black lines: "Where did you learn these words?"

Back in the class, Xuexue, the lead singer of the pectoralis major band, came to him: "Little donkey, are you going to sea tomorrow?"

"Not going to sea, are you going to perform?"

"Yes, are you going?"

Lu Xiaolu thought for a while, nodded and said, "I'm going, where is it? It seems to be raining tomorrow."

He didn't have time to go to the band's performances before, all because he wanted to go fishing, and it happened that the band's performances were also on weekends, so he couldn't make up the time.

This time because of the rain, he didn't have to go out, but it's impossible to perform in the open air, not to mention whether there are people watching, and the musical instrument can't withstand the rain, and it needs to be plugged in, otherwise it will die.

Xuexue smiled: "You don't have to worry about this, can we still think about it, public welfare, there is an exclusive sponsorship from the sub-district office committee, and the venue is provided."

Lu Xiaolu was surprised: "I'll go, when did you develop to this point?"

Hey, the street office is a public office.

At this time, Yuyu and Xingxing also came over, sat at his table, bragging a little proudly.

After listening to it for a while, Lu Xiaolu probably understood, because the last few performances they performed were all public welfare performances about protecting the marine environment, and they were still at the pier.

In addition to carrying out local tourism projects, the most troublesome thing for the sub-district office over there every day is about marine garbage.

It's a good thing to have a lot of tourists, but it's always hard to see when there are too many people. You can't do anything about them littering.

Sanitation workers are organized to pick up rubbish along the coastline every day, but they can't pick it up. They will also sail out to scoop up rubbish in the sea, but it is not a cure for the symptoms.

In many places, the seawater is hard to get down on. After a while, there are plastic bags floating on the feet, and more seriously, there are diapers, sanitary napkins, etc., which is disgusting.

In this way, many tourists will never come again next time, and they have a very bad impression of the city. This makes the sub-district office a headache, and several meetings have been held, but it has no effect.

In fact, no matter which coastal city you are in, you will face this kind of problem. Whether it is fines, sanitation workers, or volunteers, and a series of measures, you can think of everything you can think of.

There is a trash can every 50 meters, just like this, there are still many people who are unwilling to take those two steps and throw the trash on the ground at will.

Fortunately, there are sanitation workers and volunteers who can pick it up on the street. Some people just throw it into the sea in order to avoid fines or not to be seen by others about their quality problems.

Then all the garbage that can float up is gathered in the bay, and the staff can sail to fish it early in the morning.

Some of them didn't rush to this side, either they stayed in the sea, or they didn't know where they were washed by the waves, and then when the tourists went into the water, they were covered all over, and they were disgusting.

There is also the famous Pacific Garbage Patch in the deep sea, also known as the Eighth Continent, which is 6 times the size of the United Kingdom and is completely made of garbage.

Now is the Internet age again, news spreads fast, if you post something on Moments, or something, people will have a particularly bad impression of this city, and the impact on the tourism eco-environment here is also extremely bad.

(End of this chapter)

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